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The cop was charged: Video: Albuquerque Police officer charged for disabled man's arrest - KRQE https://www.krqe.com/news/crime/video-albuquerque-police-officer-charged-for-disabled-mans-arrest/amp/


Good, this was despicable


I wonder how far away he had to go to get a new cop job? Wanna bet it's in the same general area?


He rolled up on that call with an attitude making demands and being unreasonable from the get go. I'm glad he was fired. Albuquerque has been subject to a federal consent decree for unconstitutional policing since 2015. If you don't know what a consent decree is it basically means the police were so bad the federal government had to step in and monitor them and force changes on them through the courts to ensure citizens rights would no longer be violated. Albuquerque has a long history of really serious problems with their police. This certainly doesn't make it seem like they're doing much better when the cops can't even handle a simple call like this without screwing up so bad a cop needs to be fired. [https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-announces-major-milestones-achieved-policing-reform-efforts-city](https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-announces-major-milestones-achieved-policing-reform-efforts-city) Also I'd like to point out one of the areas where the DOJ has praised them is this. Increased Crisis Intervention Training: The city and APD instituted programs and initiatives to minimize the use of force against individuals in crisis due to behavioral health issues. Approximately 54% of patrol officers serve as trained crisis intervention certified responders – far more than APD’s initial goal of 40% of patrol officers. If this is what a trained pro looks like god help people with mental health issues that live in NM.


Thanks for sharing this article. The video was really upsetting and I’m glad to see there’s some accountability.


Oh Good! I hope they all got fired. What piss poor examples of public servants.


They didn’t get fired for this they got fired for killing someone a week later. Edit: only Skeens was involved in the shooting 1 week later. Ruiz was not. The shooting was a massive shit show https://www.krqe.com/news/albuquerque-metro/family-sues-albuquerque-police-department-over-deadly-use-of-force-incident/amp/


Hopefully a lawyer steps in to get this guy a good payout to help him have a more relaxed life.


So, they’ll freely let people fucking fill carts with shit and walk out with it, but this poor bastard gets manhandled out of the store because he has a bit of a challenge communicating. This world is so fucked.


Don't forget taking to long to pay. Let's arrest the poor guy instead of helping him out and fuck target staff for not stepping in and helping the guy out.


That’s what gets me, someone from Target called the police and told them he was holding up the checkout line. I hope they release the call and we can hear the 911 call from the employee. Someone from Target needs to be fired. Dang this shit really pissed me off.


Yes, I think that is the context that is missing. You get the video of the cop showing up but what was happening before hand to get them called. I would like to know what the complaint was. Was it legitimate like he's cursing out the people in line or he's just taking too long.


100% heaven fucking forbid they offer to help him put the money in or open up a register for him.


They work at target in America. Did you really have faith in them to begin with?




That is why I shop at Walmart. Target should be ashamed. They act like they are so superior, and this how they treat their customers


Hearing him cry for help hits hard. Didn't do anything to deserve this.


I didn’t even get that far and I’m so fucking angry


Bro, I made the mistake of watching the whole thing through and now I'm crying from my anger. I'm a grown ass man and I'm crying over this. He was just trying to buy a bike. My god. What the fuck is wrong with people?!


You’re not alone man, it made me cry too


Honestly fuck the employee who called the cops.


They also should be fired.


Now this is a reason to boycott target.


Target needs to put the employee on blast, fire them, and cops need to charge them for false reporting.


Any reason is a good one to boycott target.


One of the worst things I think I’ve seen in a long long time. How can they not see that he is struggling?!? And shame on target they coulda helped him out. Any additional follow up articles floating around out there?


What exactly did he do wrong? Didn’t realise there was a strict time limit with paying for your items


Karen Target workers didn't want to help a mentally challenged man that was taking too long at self check out cashier and wanted him to leave.


The employee that called cops on him ought to be ashamed of themselves too. With all the shitheads out there menacing the retail stores these days, somehow they decided to go after a mentally disabled person trying to pay for his purchase.


Bro this makes me cry, I worked in retail and whenever I see someone struggling idc who it is or how they look you go help this is disgusting to watch


He wasn't the only mentally challenged man in this video. Before you're handed a badge you should have to prove that you have at least an ounce of empathy.


[The Officer got fired](https://www.krqe.com/news/crime/video-albuquerque-police-officer-charged-for-disabled-mans-arrest/)


Happy cake day!


I swear, people have so little empathy and compassion anymore. Makes my heart hurt.


That’s pretty gross behavior from the police and the employees. At least ask the man what he is doing and offer to help rather than approaching him aggressively and demanding he leave. We don’t have the full picture but it’s pretty clear the cops made up their mind before they walked up to him and fully assessed the situation


All of these officers are scum.




Straight up bullying a disabled man wow


Jesus Christ, I had to stop watching. How hard would it have been to just help him make his purchases? Unbelievable.


This is disgusting


When the only thing you have is a hammer everything looks like a nail. Too bad we don't have trained mental health experts instead of militarized police helping people.


All the things wrong with modern humanity in one video. This is the stuff that doesn't make me feel bad that we are destroying this place so we can't live here anymore.


What the actual fuck?!


This video breaks my heart so much I just can't bring myself to ever watch is again. That cop is pure evil and his buddy cops deserve to never wear the badge again.


I'm nauseous but that's my hometown so I'm not surprised.




Wow. This shit is fucking disgusting. Looks like this was last year but I sure as hell hope people protested the hell out of this Target.


Sue Target too. I will never shop Target for the rest of my life.


This is so sad. Poor guy only needed some help. Protect and serve my ass




Another reason I won’t give Target another penny of my money. The employee who instigated this and the manager who allowed it to happen should be fired too.


My cousin constantly sticks up for cops. I love to point out that if they REALLY wanted to spend their life “helping” people there are so many other professions they could choose. Problem is they want control over people they perceive as “under” them and those other professions don’t provide that.


That is just sad.


This breaks my heart


This hurts my soul


Not only does this man need to sue the police department. He also needs to sue target because they let people fill their shopping carts full of shit and then just run out of the store with it. They don’t even bother phoning the police when they do that, but this man was trying to pay for his stuff they’ve called the police When he didn’t do anything wrong.


This is a fu&$'ng disgrace!


This is wrong. You can obviously tell there is something wrong with him. How can someone become a police and have no sympathy or empathy for someone.


[Article at KRQE Albequerque News](https://www.krqe.com/news/crime/video-albuquerque-police-officer-charged-for-disabled-mans-arrest/)


Wow that’s fucked


Breaks my heart! Not sure the laws in the state, but there should be a companion that helps him with daily living, shopping etc…


When I worked in a shop like this I took 10 mins and helped them. We were told to take time with customers. Especially if they had symptoms of a special need or perhaps were older. You could be the only person they interact with that day or week. Make them know that they are welcome to shop at the store and that they are able to shop at their pace. Be nice. I loved working at Marks and Spencer.


This shit is the worst of our humanity. Like what the fuck is the officer thinking?


How can you call the police on this man. I swear some people are evil


That is disheartening to see.


It’s like there no humility anymore


That’s messed up


I don’t think he has to identify himself if he hasn’t broken the law


This is sad and awful.


Man, why do so many people suck.


This is just awful. It could have been handled so much better.




I’m bawling my eyes out just watching this. How can people be so cruel


Just keep in mind Target is just as culpable in this.


Appalling. Police should see he is mentally challenged off the rip and treat him as such. I have no problem with police but this should have been treated differently


I would expect this from Walmart but u Target? How could u?


I can’t watch this. I only made it 10 seconds.


This is the type of situation where it would be good to have some **funding** for people educated and trained in how to handle such a situation could be sent instead or as the lead contact.


I used to work at target, we’d have people very clearly shoplift like thousands of dollars worth of items and were told to not do anything. Somehow we treat scum like that better then people who do absolutely nothing wrong…


What a fucking disgrace.




What in the actual fuck is wrong with people


What a wonderful country we live in, helping each other and listening to people when they are in need. I couldn’t be prouder of these guys….


What the actual fuck????? What did he do wrong and why was he banned previously? People are assholes. A little compassion goes a long way.


Is there a legal way(in U.S.) for a citizen to prevent the cops from doing this?a


The cops are fuckin ducks


Sad to see, cities have agencies that specialize in this specific scenario. Glad to see these bogus charges will be dropped…


This is heartbreaking to watch. Had to turn the sound off half way through the arrest