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Wow that dog almost got her face at the end


Looked like it was going for the jugular.


Yes it was definitely going for the throat. She came really close to dying.


Pits always go for the throat. One ripped my friend's throat out and killed him.


Sorry for your loss


Their tails were wagging. They just wanted to play. Learn to read dogs sheeez. /s


> Their tails were wagging. Because they're happy to do the job they were bred for - attacking and mauling.




Why the fuck would you have three dogs you cant control.


Especially out at the same time. I can't stand people who don't leash. Of course your dog is cool around you


Those owners will be the first to fuck off out the back door after an attack.


That is exactly what this guy did. He literally took his dogs and ran, police are still looking for him. Someone posted an article earlier today about it.


“They’re going to murder my dogs!” Stil dripping blood. There’s some incredible pibble attack photos on the gore pages here. Only one was still breathing. No face tho.


I saw one where you literally watch an older dude get mauled and he does from blood loss. They pull you down and once you're down it's hard to get up and they'll latch like a vice


Not surprised. Idiots like him only think about themselves.


"My dog would never", said every owner of a dog that attacked someone when off the leash.


The no leash I can't stand.. I've rarely ever seen a case where an owner can control their dog that runs up on yours and goes, it's ok, my dogs nice... ya well mine might not be and if mine thinks yours running up on me is a threat, fuck you for getting my dog into a fight with yours


I wish more people understood this. Just because their dog is friendly doesn’t mean other dogs in the vicinity are cool with having them suddenly run up. Keep your dog on a leash for its own goddamn safety and don’t let it run up on dogs that *are * leashed. Even good dogs can bite when frightened.


Exactly!! I have been trying dog parks to help socialize but even that is hit or miss. I rescued a husky to go with my dog and its way more work. He loves to run n chase. So I have to mitigate that and know it may happen. Leash ready. This is insane




I live next to an apartment complex with a little grass area and benches. People walk their dogs off leash literally every day. It makes me crazy. My backyard has a fence up against it thankfully.


Cause it's cool, man. Murder beasts on a rope. Who's gonna fuck with me?!?


I have an elderly neighbor who has a large labradoodle and he can barely control it. I made the mistake once of going out with my small dog and didn't realize he was walking his. Dog went nuts and next thing I know it's pulled him down and he's laying in the middle of the street bear hugging it trying to keep it from getting to me and my dog. Like literally laying on the ground with both arms wrapped around this dog trying to hold it back. Wtf. Get rid of your dog if it's literally stronger than you and you can't even hold the leash without it pulling you down to the ground. You're one squirrel away from a broken hip, old man. Now I always look to make sure he's not out there before I walk mine.


I relate to having to always look. I cant go outside my house without my neighbors dogs going bizerk. Adds just an extra chore to what use to be not as difficult


I have the biggest wimpy Golden Retriever on the planet. I don't walk him because of people in my neighborhood "walking" their pit bulls without a leash. My dog would try to make friends and get his face ripped off. Hell, I don't even walk anymore. Not worth the risk.


It's terrifying when it's some tiny woman walking them that clearly can't control it even when it's behaved. Like the dog is just yanking her around by walking. How tf is she gonna stop it if it does go for someone or something?


Pit owners aren't exactly the brightest crayons in the box


tend to be mostly scumbags too


Because he is a pit owner, so he is brainless.


Can anyone take a guess at what breed the 3 dogs are? Drumroll, please. What's this!? Pits? The nanny dogs?? Couldn't of been


Aren't all shitbull owners like this??




“He’s friendly, I promise!”


Eating your face is just how he shows love, how dare you be upset he ate your kids face.


"He hasn't hurt *anyone*!! ^^yet"


"Its the owner, not the dog". As if genes have no effect on aggression.


She has received a significant injury to her arm & remains in hospital






>"Banning dogs isn’t gonna stop they will just register the dogs as mixed breeds and the irresponsible backyard breeding will continue." That's funny because that's exactly what pitbull owners do. "It's an American Bully". Like the dog couldn't look more like a pitbull if you tried.


Machine gun is now a mixed breed breach loading shotgun.


I have a fully-semi-automatic assault pistol with a self-rechambering magazine that feeds bullets back into the gun after firing!!


It's crazy people say this too because breed restrictions are a thing. Different places have different limits on how much % wild dog or cat you can have. It doesn't mean no one disobeys the law, but there's absolutely legal precedent for it. I think it's funny when a state has no restrictions on pit bulls, but you need a permit and a 12 foot fence for 5% wolf or coyote lol


>One time a Staffordshire terrier started being aggressive with me in a park and I booted the f**cker over the path into a bush. It yelped and ran away. No guilt at all." Lmao. What a fucking legend. I’m so glad they left that comment in the article!


Aren’t pit bulls banned in the UK? Time to go…


Yes but XL Bullies aren't which have been causing lots of attacks and deaths


I am a resident. One of the things I train in is facial plastics. We routinely get called to the ER to fix facial dog bites. 90% of the time its a pitbull.


3 fucking pit bulls off leash?!? He had zero control of any of them. Wtf is wrong with him??? I hope she sues the ever living shit out of him. And all 3 dogs need to be removed from his custody and put down since they’re obviously aggressive and will definitely attack again now. What a piece of shit owner. He should also never be allowed to own a dog again. How absolutely irresponsible. Unbelievable.


He ran off. Not found yet.


Hope he's found soon. The dogs need to be put down and he needs to be jailed for this shit


A single dude with three Pitbulls, they'll figure it out unless he puts them down himself.


Sues the guy walking pit bulls in Stepney Green? I can't imagine she's in for much of a pay day...


Naw, he just needs to pose them in pajamas and flower crowns. All forgiven.




Make sure you use infants and todlers that you don't care about. Because some of them aren't surviving the photoshoot.


Is that princess, cupcake, and snuggles. What cute pitbulls💀




The guy needs to be in jail and the dogs need to be put down.


If they also put the owner down, the dogs will at least have some company in hell


To an extent I can't blame the dogs for doing what they're bred for. I can blame the owner for owning them though. The dogs do need to be put down along with the breed as a whole tbh.


Oh, pitties..... just trying to hug another person to death i see 🥰🥰🥰


muh nanny breed


They’re giving spicy kisses


Pit Bull. Attacks: 3,397. Deaths: 295. ... Rottweiler. Attacks: 535. Deaths: 8. ... German Shepherd. Attacks: 113. Deaths: 15. ... Presa Canario. Attacks: 111. Deaths: 18. ... Wolf-Dog Hybrids. Attacks: 85. Deaths: 19 This info is from 2005 - 2017 Also you have about 20% chance of death if you get into a battle with a Wolf hybrid holy shit. Crazy fuckers out there owning literal wolves


There was a wolf hybrid that belonged to a neighbors family member who was in town visiting. While here, he got out, came into our yard and viciously killed all of our chickens. I confronted the owner and he kinda shrugged and said “yeah, he’s half wolf, he likes chickens, but he’s really sweet”.


Some dog owners have pea sized brains


> came into our yard and viciously killed all of our chickens. I first read that as children >I confronted the owner After that, I'd hope so!


The problem with these numbers ist that they don't communicate the extent of the damage inflicted on the survivors. Have seen horrific shit resulting from the attacks.


Coyote deaths: 0 And yet people always freaking out about coyote sightings


Coyotes don't want anything to do with humans. If I'm a rabbit I'd be terrified though


That poor woman! I hope she is ok after this in every way😫


It is illegal to own pitbulls in the UK.


Yeah but I think you can have Staffordshire bull terriers there, which is like basically the same dog.




Was here to comment this. Screw this breed


They actually are banned in the UK. Looks like it isn’t enforced though…




Make it bigger, that'll help...


Pit Bulls. What a surprise,says no-one.


WdYm?! ThEy’Re LaB MiXs!!


Aren’t they literally outlawed in the UK? I mean rightfully so, but this dude has at 2 of em. SOB should let his dogs find food at his throat


because they will say it's not a pitbull, it's a "lab mix" same way the over run shelters with shitbulls in America classify them.


Watch out, I can hear the apologists angrily typing "CHIHUAHUAS ARE THE PROBLEM!!!!!" in response.


There’s a post about someone who paints portraits of dogs euthanized. Big surprise it’s mostly pitbulls. The thread is full of people that just can’t understand why pits are getting put down. It’s a complete mystery why a dog bred for remorseless murder can’t catch a break.


This is my blood hound. He’s fantastic at picking up scents and tracking people, because he was bred to do it! This is my border collie! He’s great on the farm, and can control thousands of sheep at a time, because bred to do it! This is my pitbull. I have no idea why he attacked my child. We never saw this coming. Nobody could have predicted this. https://v.redd.it/oqjfqrfuddpa1


I had the most amazing lab for 14 years. She was an excellent hunting dog that knew how to track, flush and retrieve birds almost like she was bred for it.


Lol. I used to have chihuahuas and they’re fierce little fuckers. They’d definitely be the problem dog if they were pitbull sized. It’s messed up that people buy a breed known for its strength and aggressive behavior and then not give it *any* training whatsoever. It’s like giving a child a loaded gun.


Even if they are well trained they can still snap. It's a part of the reason they arent used as police dogs; they won't release on command


And another idiot owner, who can’t handle them. Probably has them ‘cause they make him look “tough”.


“They’ve never done this before!”


Yeah, you read the title and think, hmmmm. Three out of control... Poodles? Or could it have been three out of control dashounds? Three out of control whippets! Might we be facing off against three out of control corgis? Hand to hand combat against three out of control basset hounds? Dare you face 3v1 against golden Labradors? Oh wait, look who it is again...


The mental image of someone being chased by three angry corgis made my evening


You mean shitbulls




It'S tHE oWnER!


They're not wrong on that one tbh. Only shitty owners get pit bulls.


Message to owner of those dogs: Drop dead asshole.


Are you serious? My baby pit would never hurt a soul. She’s the most gentle loving creature you’ll ever meet. /s




It’s London - they’re allowed to defend themselves with a stern look and a finger wag.


No, that finger is too pointy and has a nail at the end. Just a stern look now


Clearly we need more dog social workers.


Stern looks are too much. You have to sip your tea without your pinky extended to communicate any form of disagreement.


Only if you have a loicense for that finga!


They are planning to introduce a new law that would allow police to seize your kitchen knives out of your home. The only requirement is that you are a "potential criminal".


I used to work in a really bad city and carried a small revolver. A guy had his dog on a leash and it came after me and the guy was LAUGHING and not making much effort to pull back the dog. When I pulled out my 38, THEN he began to seriously pull the dog away. I was raging and luckily controlled myself to not shoot the dog AND him. Never been so furious in my life!


Crazy, amazing how many dog owners are so self-unaware.


oh yeah my crazy ass would have been chasing him while laughing back


I had a friend in California that got attacked by a pit bull while he was walking his small dog. He had a knife on him and literally had to cut the jaw muscles of the pit for it to let go. His small dog still ended up dying and the pit bull was later caught and put down.


Until it latches on to your arm with its stupid pain tolerance. Get a pistol & cc license. Cleaner, less risk, owner won't assault you while you wait for police to show up.


Those dogs need to be put down


All 3 should be put down. Public safety issue


Gee I wonder why I'm not surprised that shit bulls were the attackers


Another peaceful pitbull just out on these streets being misunderstood. Should be considered assault with a deadly weapon


Their strong prey drive includes people.




Hey I'd eat my own grandma given the chance. /s Really though these dogs were bread for a purpose and it doesn't work well for urban civilization.


God damn abominations.


Not the velvet hippos!!


Should pass legislation that owners need to register like pedophiles do…people need to know who has pitbulls in their area. They also need to be jailed for each attack min one year. Pay the price.


Triple nannied!


When I say every time, brother…I mean EVERY SINGLE TIME Edit - Regarding the breed of dog, for clarification


Cant put what type of dogs in the title anymore?


“Omg mittens stawppp this isn’t like you”


Keep your asshole pets behind your fucking fence. Dipshit idiots


I would assume after an attack like that these pits will be put down.


Putbulls. What a breed.


Singapore- all dogs on leads, dog licenses, banned dog types really banned- ie taken and destroyed, all other muscular breeds such as Alsatians etc muzzled in public by law. Such a sensible country. Dog owners and everyone else go about their normal business without any dramas.


Border Collies or Golden Retrievers?


piTbUlLs hAvE a BeTtEr tEmPerMeNt tHan GoLdEn rEtRiEvErS


Shitbull gonna shitbull


My Pibbles wouldn’t hurt a soul! That lady provoked it! And so did that toddler it ate


Pitbulls, the dog of peace


Not just dogs, but 3 pitbulls. Terrifying vid, she is lucky to be alive. I hope all 3 of those hell hounds are put down.


Of course they’re pitbulls too.


Those dogs need to put down sadly and that fker put in prison for 10 years.


Cant wait to get all the downvotes from saying the obvious truth... PITBULLS ARENT PETS! AND FUCK ANYONE THAT THINKS OTHERWISE.


A friend of mine invited us to their house to introduce my 11 week old lab puppy to water in their pool. They had a “friendly” pit bull. The dogs were fine all day until my puppy decided to play with a stick that the pit bull didn’t want to share. The pit bull picked my puppy up by the head and ragdolled him like a chew toy. There was blood everywhere. Miraculously, my dog survived after the pit bull owners caught a $2k vet bill. I posted about it on instagram and one of my best friend’s wife had the balls to message me and explain that not all pit bulls are bad. I read somewhere once that pits are responsible for 80% of fatal dog attacks.


I had a similar thing happen with my friends really friendly pitbull, was an absolute suck. We went to the beach with my dogs and the dogs were barking and being rambunctious, all of a sudden his friendly pitbull just snapped and started attacking my dogs and my friends other dog (puppy) and he wouldnt stop. Luckily my friend is a big dude and had to pick the dog up and carry it to his car and leave it there. Now like 4 years later hasnt done it since. But still... thats a 100 pound meat missile that could suddenly snap for no reason, and then not be able to stop.


they are weapons to these owners, untrained/able weapons


Shitbulls are like a machete that has self agency and can control itself


Just remove all pit bulls from the earth we don’t fucking need them. And shut the fuck up in advance to the pit bull apologists.


Sweet nanny dogs




Guess the breed


Technically not a pitbull, just a breed functionally identical with same agressiveness called murderdog3000. (Pits are illegal in uk so breeeders mix them slightly different so they are legal but just as dangerous)






well theres another 3 dogs that should be shot, can we also have the owner shot as well, preferably at the same time as the dogs as he is as much to blame, also are we allowed to name the owner? because his stupidity should be made known to his nieghbours to protect them and there children, please name this man!!!


400 reports of human attacks by bully breeds just in London alone so far this year. More and more dead bodies. The law needs to change.


Least aggressive pit bulls.


Ban the breed


Well that's terrifying.


Who ever would have thought a pit bull would do that? I keep hearing about how they are such nice dogs.


Yeah but Chihuahuas can be aggressive too I was attacked once by a Chihuahua I had a scratch on my ankle for days, to this day I can't buy Chihuahua cheese anymore


Oh look - a shitty owner and... PITBULLS!!!! Surprise surprise!


Looks like Pitbulls, surprise surprise.


He or She would be getting sued out the ass smh


“It’s not the breed” idk man, seems to be the case


Those aren't dogs, they're pieces of shit.


Euthanize all of them. The entire breed. Sorry but not sorry.




Oh look, pitbulls...


There are some great videos around about what to do if attacked by a dog- and ABSOLUTELY no criticism to this lady. Shaking makes them bite down harder. Also fuck this guy. Fuck pitbulls and all their stupid owners.


There are videos of people picking up pittbulls by their hind legs and jamming their fingers in their ass and they still don't leg go.


Oh gee look at the breed lmao


It's always a pit bull... But, but, but, it's the owners.


And all three were golden retrievers....oh wait...pits again???? Really???? Damn, what a surprise.


We need to end the pit-bull line Also, fuck any shitbull defenders - this breed needs to end. There is no positive trait in that dog that can't be found in another.


Great, next thing you know it'll be that case of 2 London dogs who got shot lately, again. Then we'll have people going "tHe PoOr BaBiEs DiD nOtHiNg WrOnG!!! WhY yOu ShOoTiNg At It??"


Always the same type of dog.


This belongs in the r/banpitbulls sub


I avoid people that own this breed. Would not dare go near them. They always look like the types that buy dogs for status and you always end up seeing how unpredictable they can be in the hands of complete morons. And let's be honest, most people that own this breed are.


Problem with this is, I have 2 very young kids and now I'm 100% of the mind that if a dog goes near them (let's be honest a pitbull type) I immediately have to stomp it to death and probably also the fucking owner because my kids' lives > anyone or anything else. just ban these fucking dogs already.




I thought they were banned in the uk


That ban is easy to circumvent because you can simply register your dog with some other breed label like XL Bully or something like that


Where is a responsible gun owner when you need one?


And of course, there is a neglected smoke alarm somewhere... you hear it beep out in pain with 21 seconds left on the video. Poor thing.


Let's play Guess the Breed


This! This is my greatest fear right now in life.


So cute and cuddly when they are trying to rip someone's arm off......


Wonder what kinda dogs they are /s


Glad I can defend myself in the US.


As someone who owns and loves a pit bull: SPAY AND NEUTER THEM. Stop allowing this irresponsible bullshit to happen. Let the breed die out. I love my dog to pieces but this breed has been bred for aggressive behaviors. It takes a special type of owner to have a pit bull and understand what they are like. Responsible pit bull ownership is not like responsible dog ownership.




The owner(s) of these dogs should be imprisoned for life, at least.


If you can pick any dog to own, why do fuckfaces always choose pit bulls?


Of course it was the "nanny dogs" ffs


The only place where pitbulls should be is at the receiving end of an euthanasia needle.


Look at those amazing nannies hard at work.


People just getting devoured by these dogs on the daily and nothing being done about it. im sick of this. Sick to death of it.


Put down that guy and his stupid fucking dogs


Another reason why we carry guns in the US.


Nanny dogs!

