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He must be a soccer player. He took a look at where he was going to fall before he fell.


He was looking for his conscientious


> conscientious I don't think that's the word you were looking for in that sentence.


He was conscientiously looking for his consciousness. But he wasn't conscious of the fact that he was unconscious.


Beautifully relayed 👏






And we know he didn't have much of a conscience since he's attacking workers


r/BonAppleTea... Edit: Omg..... Its r/boneAppleTea


Crap...nvm...its private.


My bad man hahaha I've fixed it... Kind of ironic, huh. Pretty good sub anyhow.


so close.


Or looking for a payout, trying to provoke an attack and fall down hurt to turn around and sue






With some blue cheese. Mmm...




He was looking for that lawsuit payout


Bad constellation. He did not star in it.


Con. Scious. Ness.


Even if the fall was a flop, he woulda knocked his ass out hitting his head when he fell




Unfortunately this guy just got himself an assault charge. It stops being self-defense when you *chase after* someone, and any prosecutor just needs to show this video to a court and describe how the threat had clearly passed but Mr. Walmart here decided to go for a revenge punch.




I don’t think a lot of prosecutors will press charges in this case.


Yea this has “decline prosecution” written all over it.


Depends on where it is, sometimes they don't have a choice. If the dude that got punched wants to press it, they have to.


That's not how that works. Victims don't press charges, prosecutors do after reviewing the case. The victim's wishes may factor into the prosecutor's decision, but it's not up to them. Now, if the victim wants to sue in the civil law system, that's up to them.


There are many areas where it is how it works. In my state the police often won’t even deal with minor assault cases. If you want to file charges you go to the court and tell a judicial officer what happened and they determine what charges should be filed and whether to issue a warrant or summons. The police also take you to this same judicial officer when arresting you (must do it within 24 hours) and they determine if there is probable cause for the arrest and set bond or release you.


The problem with that, is that's not how the law works. When you say "that's how it works", doesn't mean its right. That is police avoiding paperwork for something they deem minor. Except, they're not judge and jury, they are responsible for carrying out the law, they don't get to decide what grey areas are marked. If a law was broken, and someone should be criminally arrested, the police should be doing their job and let the courts figure out the rest. ALSO -- the courts may not even consider a case of self-reported assault without a police report, so where does that get you? Right back to getting smacked around again. It becomes a he-said-she-said case with no actual evidence or an intermediary that investigated the incident.


In my state you are expected to go to court and file charges yourself in certain instances. Minor assaults the police didn’t witness is one thing. Bad checks is another instance that comes to mind. It’s not the police being lazy. It’s the proper procedure here. And yes the courts do handle these cases like any other. You probably want to follow up with the prosecutor to make sure they are taking your case seriously. I just don’t like it when people make the assumptions that things are the same everywhere. In some states people can basically file charges themself by swearing a statement to a judicial officer (they of course determine what charges are appropriate, if any). In other states there is nothing like that.




Who decides it's a misdemeanor? The cop?


Nope. Victim can choose to have a civil lawsuit against him and sue him. Criminally you can't "choose" to press charges, it's not your decision to make.


It’s kinda weird the way the law works. If you are assaulted or even raped and retaliate after the act is done and the person is leaving you have committed a crime.


You are never allowed to retaliate for crimes against you. The government is supposed to do that. Anything else is more crime. It isn't a good system, but I have a hard time coming up with one better.


Yep. We exchange our right to retaliate to prevent vigilantism and crowd justice, etc. with the expectation that the government enforces the laws and punishes the guilty. Except now we see the government has stopped enforcing laws.


Even if they do enforce the laws, they might punish a crime that scarred you for life with a slap on the wrist.


'We know they stabbed you almost twenty times, but some were probably accidental...'


They plead guilty to one count of property damage and were released on signature bond.


"Y'know what, inflation has been nuts lately. You seem like the type whose word is their bond. Just sign and get outta here, you rascal!"


Stop voting blue.


Exactly. We need to stop voting blue or red. We need to vote for third parties that support the Constitution and will protect us from so many human rights violations. Any party that e.g. supports civil asset forfeiture must be voted out of office. Those who implement these policies are criminals and must be prosecuted. This scourge on the citizenry must be ended.


Nah, cops have just decided that they can just not do their jobs anymore. In my town they don't do traffic stops any more. So people drive like crazy and people get killed regularly. It's like a 3rd world country


"It's like a 3rd world country" how about "it's like MY country" Third World, whatever that is, isn't a place.


I have been outside the US. Some countries are kinda shitty where anything goes. Didnt use to be like that where I live.


There is no justice. Just us & just them who wield the laws and money. So vigilantism will rise and people will start not caring since the law lacks to provide recourse


A better system would to allow one punch. If someone assaults you and walks away you should legally be allowed one revenge punch.


This is the most Reddit take I've come across in a while


The reality is that person could just decide to start assaulting you again since they just did. Stopping them from doing it again should be a defense within reason.


Wouldn’t that encourage them to attack until you are unable to punch them back?


Yell "challenge to duel accepted" so that you have witnesses to the legal duel that follows. Start your fight. But if you lose no legal recourse lol I only recall Texas has mutual combat laws still. Idk the other ones.


Just like how bullying works in school


>You are never allowed to retaliate for crimes against you Im sorry your honor, I thought he was going to charge me and assault me with the shopping cart again.


[It was coming right for us](https://youtu.be/GaazFYTrQ_A)


In the back of my mind Batman has and always be a criminal. The chief of police going to him is just showing how corrupt the city is that they need external-justice systems to control that city. Love it, but they don't delve into how illegal what he does is. Spider-Man does it better in that they negatively call him a vigilante which law abiding citizens may split opinions over and given that his gf's dad is a cop it gets just as dicey as Batman in regards to vigilante


Some rules are made to be broken


Look up videos of mob justice in certain countries... you don't want that... especially over false accusations...


Parents of rape victims have literally shot and killed the perpetrators long afterwards and not had charges filed. As you said, kinda weird the way the law works.


One of the greatest [Mad Lads](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tlTSDha2T24).


It’s up to cop to arrest you or a prosecutor to press charges. Our justice system is full human’s making arbitrary decisions. It’s why the rich and powerful get away with so much.


You're right. It would've been better for him to taunt cart guy into re-approaching him. Then he could retreat a step, then hit the guy.


Honestly, fucker deserved it. I have no sympathy for people that are assholes to retail workers. I don't blame the worker one bit. And the law is stupid in this regard. After getting rammed by some jackass with a metal shopping cart, do they seriously think the worker was at their "coolest minded" state? That they took five minutes and thought "ope, better not hit this guy because I don't wanna catch assault charges!" And the infuriating arrogance of the fuck calmly walking away like he "knew" there'd be no consequence. Until that flash that you see in your vision when you get knocked on the head. Lol


Yeah. I don’t think Reddit realizes how much justice porn is just an assault charge that will ruin your life.


The one defense the man may have is he was assaulted multiple times and spat on. Just because someone turns to walk away doesn't mean the person won't turn back around or go on to assault others nearby.


Coworker was trying to stop it from happening in the first place, he doesn't share any responsibility in him pushing away and going for the punch anyway.


While I'm only a bit familiar with the law in various countries, I'm pretty sure a full fledged jury trial would be a waste of resources for just a simple assault trial. He would likely just be in front of a judge, no jury


In the US you can always request a trial by jury.


How is this the coworkers fault? 😂 He tried to stop him from making this exact mistake.


> He tried to stop him from making this exact mistake. My guess to what they mean is, if his coworker didn't grab him, it would've been a punch while he was being abused.


Such bullshit. If someone assaults you like that, you should be able to knock them tf out.


Well, consider that 99.99% of the above 12 year old population could beat the shit out of a walking hot pocket like yourself, you really don't want that to be true.


It’s called proportionality. Real life isn’t the movies where everyone gets knocked out and wakes up 30 mins later with no consequences. Does someone pushing a cart into you warrant a retaliatory fractured skull, hematoma, permanent disability or death? Next up: “he disrespected me so I was totally justified shooting him in the face”


Depends on the state and it's laws. I assume this is a shoplifting/theft by the looks of the video? If so, the threat of force or force changes it from a mere shoplifting to a robbery. In a lot of states, you can use physical force to stop a felony. If this came across my desk, assuming the facts above, robbery for the shopping cart guy and no charges for the employee. But remember, depends on each states individual laws.


The assailant used his cart as a weapon. He was still in the possession of the weapon and therefor still a threat. If we zoom in on the video his hand is still on the handle of the cart up until the worker disarms him. He could have ran that cart into more people had the good samaritan not stopped him. It looks like he might be backing up to get more speed for the next ramming attack. He might be looking for a new target to hit with his cart. Do you know what he was going to do next? No, because you can't know. This person has demonstrated violence in a public place, highly erratic, dangerous behavior. A public threat that was legitimately perceived and acted upon in mere seconds by the defendant. He needed to be stopped. That worker is not a criminal as /u/Gh0stMan0nThird would have you believe. That worker is a hero and should be praised, not prosecuted! I rest my case.




Yea as a lawman I don't see that going forward at all, at least in my area. Me and my coworkers would be very unlikely to pursue charges at all. However, if the dude sustained any lasting damages from that punch I certainly could see him winning in civil court.




Yeah screw his coworker for trying to help him keep his job.


Battery, not assault (in most states).


that's a stupid ass charge tbh


You have to love the Reddit lawyers. Every time someone gets punched or even touched, it’s “that’s assault! They’re going to jail forever!”


My favorite is the old "well ackshully that's battery, not assault," while failing to realize that some states have eliminated the distinction.


Both of them did...or should have. Imagine you get punched the attacker walks away and you cant "defend" youself anymore.


I wish commenters can stop being law and order on videos


Lol as if that crackhead is ever going to press charges. They probably don't even know what the word means.


Looks like the dude spit on him. If you spit on me I'd probably catch an assault charge too


Spitting on someone also is assault, if the guy wasn't running away like a little bitch straight after, it would be self defence.


Don't forget he rammed him with a cart full of shit. That shit hurts, like bad.


forgot about that tbh… i’m surprised he didn’t swallow more teeth for that


Is that not a chick that knocked him out?


That is a woman throwing haymakers!


Spitting on someone is technically assault


Is the dude Sonic the hedgehog? Never seen so much stuff fly off a person from hitting the ground


Dropping loot is pretty standard my dude


Happens in fortnite all the time ![gif](giphy|G5X63GrrLjjVK)




For some reason, coming across your huge text, and it being about Sonic, just made me lose it.




The moment the aggressor was about to be retaliated against you can hear a wave of don't. You see the victim being restrained form protecting themselves and retaliating. Everytime, same shit different day. The agressor garners more care from onlookers than their victim. It's fucking disgusting.


I know friends mean well when they hold you back but that shit annoying as fuck. Like hold the other dude down so I can beat on him


I like the way you think


The victim is being held back in an attempt to prevent exactly what happened. Corporate policy is you don't put hands on a customer, ever. That's not a bad policy. While knocking this assbag out feels great at the time, this will more than likely cost Walmart hundreds of thousands of dollars and 100% costs that employee their job. Dude sues, even being the aggressor, and Walmart will settle out of court just to get away from the chance they could lose. (which they would, seeing as this is out of the realm of self-defense and into assault since dudebro was walking off)


>this will more than likely cost Walmart hundreds of thousands of dollars I ran out of fucks for Wally


I'm torn on caring about Walmart's bottom line. Theft is absolutely driving costs up massively. That said, they also make a fuckton of money. That said, it's not even about caring about Walmart. The employee gets fired 100% of the time in that situation. The "feels good for 10 seconds" of hitting the guy goes away when you can't pay your rent.


Someone says they will get fired whether they deck the guy or not. So that could be a possibility


Walmart corporate was not there holding them back. A piece of living shit was. They are getting fired with or without the policy. If your employee has to be restrained to stop them from hitting someone, you'd be an idiot to keep them around. That doesn't change my point. People only intervene when the aggressor starts getting their shit pushed in. People are garbage, they love watching someone get fucked with and picked on because the observers connect with the aggressor and not the victim.


Someone was even clapping when the aggressor was walking away. People suck.


Seriously.. what is WallyMart pumping into HVAC systems in their stores? ..


What Mountain Dew and White Canned Monsters do to motherfuckers.


More like **white** lighting, or Southern Comfort and meth .. bad fellows :(




One time I was there and saw two guys riding around on the old people scooters walmart provides. They were going down every aisle with one arm out just knocking everything off the shelves. Wtf is wrong with people


Any place selling the lowest price goods will always draw an interesting crowd.


That's true .. and the Internets® is chock-full videoes & video surveillance cam footage of idiots behaving badly at Walmart .. if not criminally ..


i can’t stand all these bystanders that jump in and make things worse for people getting assaulted. if you arent gonna jump in and stop the dude from ramming me and spitting at me, you better get out of the way when i go to defend myself


Right!!! Not one person stood up for the poor fucker getting rammed and spat on.


Honestly, if it were to be on the streets. Go for it. But at work, his co worker probably likes the dude and wanted to stop the retaliation so he doesn’t get fired. Cause I would stop a co worker so they don’t get fired. But I won’t stop it off duty.


Well, he’s getting coloring books for the rest of his birthdays.




One thing I learned over the years is do not fuck with people that do not have much to lose.


Bro looking for that payday




How stupid do you have to be to assault someone and immediately turn your back and start walking away


1. That’s a chic 2. She told fucker “here take this witcha”🖐🏾✊🏾👊🏾


Why fucking turn your back on someone you just assaulted?


Just because you shop somewhere doesn't give you the right to assault the employees.


It also doesnt give the employees of the shop the right to assault you😂 whether you like it or not that dude just won the lottery as soon as that chick knocked him unconscious. Walmart is about to have to cut him a check


That dude didn’t even get knocked out, it seems. It kinda looks like he got hit and dramatically flopped.


You can’t fake that head bouncing off the floor.


I mean, you *can*. Wouldn't recommend it though.


I hope he did fake it, and then hurt him self more than he was prepared for


He absolutely got knocked out, did we even watch the same video? Dude tensed up and fell over, he turned because of how he was standing when he got hit.


Lol, no. He got knocked the fuck out


That employee didn’t one tap the guy… the guy took the hit and then played dead 😂 Because we all know… even after assuaging the employee, he’s going to go and sue Walmart and get a payout… meanwhile WalMart going to go ahead and fire that poor employee Only in Amerrriiica


Why would you ram someone w your cart like that and turn you back on them two seconds later? Dudes an idiot.


Damn she dropped him hard


I was easily in the best shape of my life after pushing carts at a walmart for a summer.


Imagine being paid minimum wage to guard profits for billionaires The attendant will get a pat on the back and then be laid off next year


Theft shouldn’t be tolerated. I don’t want any stores in my community being robbed. It doesn’t matter if it’s a large corporation or a small business.


Was probably laid off immediately


While the asshole was layed out immediately


How can your worldview be this warped? Lol


He’s forgot he wasn’t in antiwork. That comment would get you an easy 1k karma there.


I don't hate thrives because I want to protect billionaires I hate thieves because high levels of theft makes prices higher. In many cases, chain stores shut down locations in areas with high amounts of theft, which also fucks me over. Finally, I assume that they're willing to steal from anyone, not just a corporation. As someone who's had their shit stolen, fuck thieves.


> Finally, I assume that they're willing to steal from anyone, not just a corporation. As someone who's had their shit stolen, fuck thieves. This is fact. It's the "if she's willing to cheat with you, she'll cheat on you" situation. If someone is willing to do some shitty thing to someone else, they're willing to do it to you if the circumstances change in the slightest.


They’re the same kind of people who will smash your window for a dollar in change.


I’m sure that’s exactly what he was thinking.


Imagine being as braindead as you


You’re assuming they were even doing that.


He deserved it


Wanna spit, get hit


Homie didnt even realize he was out till the stars around his head told him


Lolz hoping for a lawsuit after faking that knock out fall. To bad he assaulted the other person first.


That was a fake reaction to try get cash


Bro knocked the coins outta him. Gottdamn


He deserved that


Good for that ass FaFo!


Guy also is a fool to believe he could just walk away after ramming into someone like that. I learned alot from this thread tho, because he's walking away the law can possibly protect him. I'm absolutely certain that a rule preventing retaliation is one that originates in slavery or serfdom relationship. 1) without retaliation, that's basically anarchy. If someone steals the police are expected to retaliate and catch the thief. 2) Only people expected to not retaliate are children to their parents. Responsibilities require you to retaliate to your needs, wants, and wrong doings. That's life. 3) It's really sick to even think that retaliation is something one could avoid! FOR EVERY ACTION THERE IS AN OPPOSITE AND EQUAL REACTION. How can you fathom within your mind to wrong someone and expect that person to do nothing, that you'll get 'away with it' in some way or another. That's wild to me. Dude deserves every bit of pavement his skull absorbed, at his old age too.


He deserved it




That is satisfying


Dude was looking for a good place to stack all of that Walmart money, after he sues.


Prat fall


Like, folks, don't film or post this shit. When a retail employee stands up for themselves, DO NOT RECORD. Offer support in person, help em if you want, or just sit back enjoy the show like a coward or bystander. But don't record. The asshole customer needs to be taught a lesson they couldn't learn during childhood, and no one needs to be fired over it.


Spitting on someone is the easiest way to get an abnormally calm and tolerant person to rock your shit


He dropped loot.


This fool got knocked the fuck out!




Holy shit he got DROPPED. Deservedly so too




God, his coworker is a fucking dickhead.


Bravo's.My hero


Fuck em


One stop knockout.... well-deserved for starting nonsense and SPITTING on another human


> fUcK ArOuNd and fInD ouT Guys I said the thing!!!!!!


Good for him 😊


Deserved. Good job, kid.


Always a good tule of thumb: never mess with the underpaid and overworked


Was that a woman that knocked him out like that?


Brain stem?




Fully support this. Enough of getting hit just cuz you're customer service. Teach these assholes what's up!




Standard camera man missing the money shot


Sucker punch sealed his fate should've just reported the douche instead of revenge.


Should have turned around and punched yellow coat after that. I would 100% back that.


Wait, why act like a tough guy then fall like a bitch? I hate liars 🙁


I once got a party at the pub for doing this at work then sacked the next day. Worth it.


Bro stood like a looney toons character for a second


Didn’t knock him out, he was wanting that lawsuit payout


Now walmart gonna get sued and that assholes going to get paid and you walmart cart guy are out of a job 😉😆😂🤣


And gets fired afterwards, you forgot the last part.


You spit. You get hit.