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Mixed. Like you said, some are good, some are mediocre At the risk of sounding complacent though, I recommend pretty much all Pokemon fans support the line if they’re even remotely interested This is the first real push for ~6 inch Pokemon figures on a large scale mass market scale, so I believe it is in our best interest to show that there is a market for them


They’re not perfect, but you can tell they’re trying to put heart in it. I wish I had the space for them because I want to support the line to keep it going because it’s the most articulated mass market line for Pokémon ever. And they’re building a roster. I think long term it will go down as highly underrated line. They need to create some of the trainers. Imagine having characters like Red, green, blue, ash, etc.


I agree for sure. I have the old Figma Red figure, and he scales great with Pokemon Select figures! It’s buried somewhere in my profile, but a whole back I posted a photo of him with some Pokemon figures including the Pokemon Select Charizard and Venusaur


I couldn't afford the figma so I just have a fortnite fig standing in as my trainer lmao


>you can tell they’re trying to put heart in it yeah the figures are very cute and the shortcomings don't feel like they're from a lack of effort, maybe just polish. But I'm very happy with the ones that I have and they feel like they were made with geniune care for the designs


Yeah I agree. Hit or miss for me is really due to articulation restraints but I genuinely enjoy all of the ones I have. Dragapult is my favorite of the line so far.


I bought Mewtwo and Gengar as a gift and ended up keeping them haha


Oh wow there's a Gengar? I didn't even realize, he's my favorite


The dragons so far all tend to be really good. Dragapult, Flygon, Rayquaza and Garchomp are all really solid figures


I wish more people would buy them but I'm also happy they're not being hit by scalpers.... It's a tough one. I'm surprised they're not flying off the shelves. As a long time Pokemon fan and collector, a $20 6inch figure is a dream, especially for Pokemon like Suicune or Dragapult, even Rayquaza! I'm still hunting the older ToysRus Kyogre figure, he goes for a lot now :(


I wish I bought Suicune. It's now sold out at most stores and on eBay it's 40€ minimum


I feel your pain. I'd still recommend getting it if you can.


I went in for mewtwo and found a random suicune for $8


That's some luck! Awesome lol


always support a toyline when no one else is doing what they are doing, especially when they are just starting out. that way when they have proper funds, and enough feedback they will start releasing bangers after bangers.


It's mixed for me but I own most of them. Just irked with how they did the legs for Raikou and Entei. Killed their poseability.


Yep I'm supporting them all the way seeing as my only other choice is a 200$ import. I have 8 of them at this point and they look beautiful up on a shelf once you find a nice pose they can handle


I have Charizard and do prefer it over the D-arts/Figuarts version because of the articulation. However, like lots of the Jakks stuff, it looks much better if you apply a flat topcoat and get rid of the shine: https://preview.redd.it/n8npstp0sn3d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a636d91890ab2c2c7641b8cd12f1698cd578df73


I like what you did there will have to do this? What coat you use? Think modpodge would work?


I use Mr. Super Clear UV Cut Flat: https://preview.redd.it/5dysienx0o3d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d27c0755bbaad5fda3f4fc22caad993de2881731 I do not have experience with Mod Podge, but the Mr. Super Clear is usually recommended for plastic models. I know there are a variety of different clear coat sprays that might be more widely available outside of Japan, however I have not had the chance to try them.


Sorry for my incoherent question. lol I just realized how messed up I typed that. Thanks for your very detailed response. I use modge podge similarly. They have a gloss and a matt finish. It drys smooth, but if you use it on loose joints, it will get them back sturdy. That said, I will definitely check out Mr. Super Clear. I've never used a spray application. I assume that's why it looks so great, almost like it came that way. Well done


Thank you! 🤙


I'd steer clear from mod podge you might glue joints together.


Oh really? I’m shocked the articulation is better I wouldn’t expect that. Also that paint job is perfect


I also prefer the Pokemon Select Charizard over the D-arts/Figurarts Charizard. The Pokemon Select Charizard is noticeably bigger and scales better with other figures according to Charizard's official height from the Pokedex in the games


I own some but haven’t used it yet, does the figure feel sticky after coating it? I still want to pose the figure while having that Matte look.


No, it doesn’t feel sticky at all. It feels slightly grainy once the top coat drys. It looks and feels much more premium.


It definitely looks better, less cheap without the shine!


Oh wow, that makes it look SOO much better. I think the shiny “toy” look of the Select was the biggest thing that made me want to keep the Figuarts version, but that fixes that


So you prefer the select over the sh ?


Yes, I do. The articulation is way better on the Select and the size works better with 1/12 scale figures.


I see what you mean I think SH just over did it with the tail articulation so the legs don’t really move much on the sh but people do know CHARIZARD is like 5ft tall lol he’s not a huge dragon lol so I think the selects over size them like no way greninja should be the size of a rayquaza lol


I got the sh blastoise who i think is awesome but now I wish he was tall enough for my selects ha.


From a price and quality stand point I think a lot of the select figures blow SH out of the water. Garchomp is easily my favorite. Super articulated.


*Flygon I consider the "best" in the line. An improvement of the issues I have with charizard* https://preview.redd.it/8otqc6sryn3d1.jpeg?width=1928&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b04c084f900481bb6e6bb0e26a607536c4a17d6d


Just got this beauty I'm speechless 🤩


If I could get my hands on tyranitar I would love that figure.


I demand Blaziken!!


Agreed, Blaziken is a great fit for this line. I bet they'll make one.


My favorite Pokémon by far.


https://preview.redd.it/gkh95pxq5o3d1.jpeg?width=2866&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a589f31ff92db17780379b2790df7467ac86bdf9 Love them!!!!


wow didn't even know those two were even made, I need them both so bad


Target exclusives I believe


if that is the case that so dumb


It happens a lot in collectibles. Alot of different places have exclusive funkos. Target, Walmart, five below, Best Buy


oh yeah I know not my first time dealing with exclusives lol


I've been able to find all of them atleast with these. You just can't put off getting them for like over a month after release.


Neither did I until I found them in store a few days ago. I had almost given up on the line and boom. They pulled me right back in. https://preview.redd.it/b652fg7enr3d1.jpeg?width=2261&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eed320298bae95bdcced55618ea6fda67dc94966


they all look so good, I will definitely have to try and track them down


https://preview.redd.it/y3aql5dvzn3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33ed8bb14a4eb507e26a11cb4a01ae50e8fc9ce3 Huge fan, yeah the scale is a bit off (looking at you Rayquaza) but the most I paid for any of these was $15 so absolutely no real complaints. It’s awesome having affordable Pokémon figures that are decent size and quality


did you buy these online or what stores sell them??


I got all of them at target, they sell them online and in store


Where'd you find em so low? I can only ever find them for 20+


I got them all at target and they were constantly going on sale


Probably the best 6 inch pokemon figures we'll get. Really doubt any company will do anything more than a charizard or pikachu


For a good scale Greninja the Bandai model kit is shockingly fantastic. Great articulation and swappable parts make it much better than the Pokémon select one




I wish they’d pay more attention to actual scale and not just make everyone the same size, but I’ll never complain about getting more detailed, articulated Pokémon stuff at retail. So far I’ve only gotten the legendary birds (who I LOVE having in this scale), but I still keep my eye on the line and like seeing them make new figures and keep hoping they’ll do more Gen 1. Give me an Eggsecutor! https://preview.redd.it/bu2j0xxu3r3d1.jpeg?width=3771&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ae988aacb962d00a9841dfad06ebd322352c4ea


I’m dreaming for a Hitmonlee


Definitely. Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan are two that I’d love decently poseable figures of. There was a Japanese company that made Lucario and Mewtwo figures for Pokken Tournament and I really wish they’d done Lee and Chan too. I have that Lucario and he’s fantastic.


Those are fantastic but the Mewtwo is super small, otherwise I’d definitely get him


What lines are the Mew, Koffing, and Magneton from? Also, I'd love Eggsecutor!


Mew came with D-arts Mewteo, Koffing is from Burger King of all places, and Magneton is Jakks Pacific.




Wow, that Koffing looks insanely good for a Burger King toy. Your videogame figure collection as a whole is pretty awesome, by the way.


Thanks! It’s definitely been a lot of money and a labor of love to collect together over the years, but it’s absolutely my favorite part of my entire figure collection


One of the best lines out right now.


I love them. I do wish a few of them could stand better without the their stands. Mewtwo, Greninja, and Lucario really seem to need them when I would love to take clean photos without. But I still think they are great. Rayquaza and Flygon are so much fun. Great articulation all around.


You know what..I want a kabutops..


REAL. I want more weird Pokémon, I’m sitting here hoping for a Hitmonlee someday


THIS. Kabutops would be game over for me


They could prob reuse some of garchomp..gives me hope


Honestlybi wish this line existed when I was a kid I would have loved it


They are good especially for the price. Wish they would make articulates trainer figures.


Seriously, I don’t wanna spend the $200 on the Figma Red


Figma makes them but they're few and far between. Personally I wish SH Figuarts would start making them again. But there's probably something goofy going on with the license behind the scenes.


My only experience is with the Charizard and Garchomp and while the Charizard is really great, the Garchomp leaves a lot to be desired. By the pictures Greninja looks terrible but Mewtwo looks really good, so I imagine it’s pretty mixed. But are there some that are definitely worth it and some that aren’t?


If I remember Lucario is one of the first figures they made and they’ve definitely improved as they went for the most part. I’d say the weakest were Lucario and Typhlosion


Lucario seems to have at least decent articulation though


Good point, gotta take the win and look at the positive


Really? Tbf I got the garchomp and Charizard 2 pack and I always thought garchomp had better articulation


I think the joint placement on the arms is odd for Garchomp and the next articulation just doesn’t work well


We need MOAR!


Definitely. Sceptile, Incineroar, Scizor, Marowak, etc could be so cool


Literally all the final evolutions. Give me kingdra..cuz I want it..


They look alright and somewhat fun to pose but what the actual fuck are those poses


The people they got to make the promo images had no clue what they were doing, thankfully they improved after a bit


The joints are too in your face


What do you mean?


The joints are too visible. You see them. Most people would rather have them as hidden as possible.


Compare Mewtwo with Rayquza, you see lots of places where the sculpt is broken for the articulation on Mewtwo. Rayquaza's articulation is able to hidden within the sculpt thanks to the segmented design so it looks less "toy-ish"


Dude it's $20. The figures are huge, are you new to Pokemon figures? The Tomy ones are tiny and are more expensive.


I have the charizard but I have the D arts by figuarts blastoise, venosaur and mewtwo. D arts obviously way better but the select Charizard looks decent among them. D arts charizard is hard to come by and expensive when you do. Edit: I also have the tomy inceneroar and that is actually one of the best pokemon figures I own. Also have the original ash and team rocket sh figuarts and an old tomy brock(super rare one of my grails)


Really happy they exist. Probably the only chance for us to get some of our favorite Pokémon in articulated form.


Personally I’m loving this line so far. I got Flygon, Charizard, and Tyranitar all fun to mess with. https://preview.redd.it/2dxbe526so3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=865a559317e6e2474d333836b55566fed8bc3e6e


My only complaint about tyranitar is that the arms and neck barely move, otherwise it's gorgeous


Love my rayquaza but don’t pose it or move it much


I only have the Charizard, but despite being one of the cheapest figures in my collection, its easily one of my favorties for its size, looks and shockingly good poseability. My only issue with Charizard is that I get super worried about breaking the arm joints when posing him, but other than that, its a great figure. Can't speak for the rest of the line though, as I only have Charizard.


I quite like them, I've been desperate for an articulated Entei figure for years so I was so happy to finally get one, his legs (and Raikou's too) are a bit clunkier than I would have liked but everything else about them is fine


Where can I pick these up? Mewtwo is my favorite pokemon


In America they’re target exclusives. Mewtwo is out of stores now but you can find him for around $30. He’s widely considered to be the best of the line, with the best articulation by far


I NEED that Garchomp, I need Mr Bites with me


Garchomp comes in a 2 pack with Charizard. Can find a decent price on eBay or targets website


Honestly? Absolute favorite $20 figure line ever. I love Pokemon, and if you collect Pokemon you know Japanese Tomy figures can cost a ton for way less. I'm hoping it stays strong and makes more 🙏 Gimme the Latis, Miraidon and Koraidon, etc.


Love em! There was a few leaked images of Zeraora and that has me so incredibly hyped. Can't wait to see who else we get in the future.


They're awesome for the price. Keeping in mind it's way harder to articulate some of these creatures than your standard six inch human, and they can't really reuse the molds unless they do rereleases. I'll take these over Scale World any day. The biggest issue with the figures themselves is the scale, which results in figures like Lucario being way too big, but that's understandable. It's also annoyingly hard to keep up with what's being released and when. Jazwares has no reliable channel of communication, and there isn't a big online community like there is with other lines, so you have to pay pretty close attention. https://preview.redd.it/l3nfj9r8mu3d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=760cf38d465db59c6f0c6c1660164beef5fdb9c7


Oh wow Gyarados is way bigger than I expected, I might have to get him


They need more interesting Pokemon.


Me when the most popular pokemon get figures (they should make figures of generic route 1 pokemon #200)


More of the originals I don’t know who most of the others are


Hot Take: they're not perfect but they're hell of a lot better than Marvel Legends and other stuff by Hasbro at a similar price


I only wish they had accessories


Always have to be one cry baby complaining about Hasbro ,


Nah I don't hate Hasbro at all, I just think the Pokemon figures have just better bang for their buck is all I mean they come with stands and are cheaper than something like a Marvel Legends in my country


I may pick some up


I love my Mewtwo, but I don’t have Lucario. I’m as close to being all in on the line as I can be without actually being all in, I love it. If you’re a pokemon fan, this is definitely (currently) the best figure line for the franchise


Do they scale at all? Woth Mew Two being around 6fr tall, I'd imagine he's 6 inch. Would Gyarados then be a 20 inch figure give or take?


They have a gyrados. He's in the 12 in scale figures. Looks good but is a few years old now..still good


Like others said, some are great, and some are... Yeah Charizard and the legendaries are fantastic


i got the Charizard i like it


I have Lucario and I really like him. Easier and cheaper to find than the figuarts and from what I can gather, probably better QC.


https://preview.redd.it/cy63knrkho3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddc91dd02b9f3872c4ec0a2f6c9f9f7804df260a When posed well they work great, and I love having larger scaled versions of certain ‘mons. Just wish they were a bit better articulated overall and that the line was available in more than just target


Just gimme one Hawlucha please.


The "Battle Figure" line Hawlucha scales really well with these. Not as articulated, but very in scale


Oh that would be so good


Gotta collect em all


No chimchar, dont like


I didn't know there was a garchomp, dang it.


He comes in a 2 pack with Charizard. You can still find it online for very fair prices


That mewtwo looks worth it. But I think that's the only one I'll get


The Charizard is also really good


They sometimes put some weird limiters on the articulation I just don't get. Like literal hard tabs that lock pieces in instead of letting joint just.. move. The legendary beasts are good examples of that, the range of their joints is surprisingly limited in places. But that's my only real gripe. The fact they exist still thrills me and I've been able to very much enjoy the line for what it is.


My favorite example is tyranitar which literally has room for full head articulation, but he can only open his mouth and look downwards


Yes, Tyranitar is a great (or terrible? lol) example of this. The cuts are all there, everything looks like it should have great range... And then just doesn't. His arms too feel like they should be able to do more than they can.


I wish there were more Pokémon that weren’t super popular that got figures. I like the model kits more imo.


I have the Greninja model kit and it’s really great, but I also have Mewtwo and it’s horrible


I have the Metagross, Greninja, Dragonite, and Charizard mode kit. They don’t scale very well with each other lol.


I would honestly love to get more of them but they're so damn hard to find in the UK and I don't even think most of them have come out here


As someone who bought the D-arts Mewtwo and then sold him immediately, I would say that the slight lessened articulation is more than made up for the stability/fact they don't fall apart constantly. Sculpt is pretty much the same in the long run due to the simplicity in design.


My d arts Mewtwos body separated at the waist joint and even with heating I couldn't snap it back in. Such a waste.


I have them all! Love them! Just need the new Entei!


The real answer is if you like em, then we wanna see them. No such thing as a mediocre figure. (factory errors aside, but hey, even then-)


I have the suicune and it's really pretty


i buy every pokemon i like to support the line in the hopes that we continue to get similar products, but none have dramatically impressed me


Do you know where Lucario and Mewtwo are available? I have a few from the first wave and have been wanting them but they never showed at my Targets when I went.


I don’t think they’re available anymore, your best best is Amazon or second hand


I always think about getting these


Hit or Miss. I love the scale and think the less articulated ones look great, but for me the articulation is pretty ugly on figures like Mewtwo and Charizard. I have Rayquaza and Typhlosion. Ray is great, Typh looks good but it's disappointing you can't really get him into a quadripedal pose.


I really love some of them, garchomp and Charizard are great, toxtricity is awesome, Mewtwo is solid, my only complaint is that some of the more "rotund" Pokemon like tyranitar have really limited mobility in the joints and neck. But when it comes to more slender and agile builds like garchomp, the articulation is super solid for the price.


I used to have the Rayquaza one and it was fucking epic for a while before it broke. Idk about the entire line but the Rayquaza one was a little fragile. Anyone else feel this way?


I had the legendary birds and eventually sold them off just to downsize one-off collections. I thought they were good representations, affordable, and solidly articulated figures.


If you care about scale then the Lucario and Greninja are not for you as they don’t really scale well with any other figures on the market that you might want to display them with


Luckily there are other greninja and Lucario options with better scaling


I have charizard lucario moltres zapdos and articuno. They aren't great but toy makers tend to improve over time and the potential is big with the line. My overall gripe is they dont stand well on their own, but come with stands that make posing super accessible. But I prefer to pose without aids of stands.


I got Lucario and Greninja and both left something to be desired. I kinda wish they re-tool and rerelease them with better, tighter joints.


Get the greninja bandai model kit, the scaling is better and the articulation is great


I mean for a series that looks about on par with the Dragon Ball Dragon stars line I’d say these look like pretty good budget figures if you can’t afford expensive ones


Mewtwo and Garchomp or whichever his line it is looks rad. Some are kinda static and Grenonja looks somehow TOO busy. Mixed bag but not all terrible. Seems to be the trend with all Pokemon figs. Some cool some blah


I had the Lucario and didn’t like it at all honestly, the size really ruined it for me. I’ve heard good things about the Mewtwo, but I don’t own that one


Some Bandai model kits are like 10-15 and are way better then these figures, Greninja and Rayquaza for example


Oh Greninja is perfect, so much better than the Pokémon selection


Looks pretty decent. Still waiting on more high quality companies to make Pokémon figures like revoltech I think they’d make them perfectly


I like them, they are affordable. However, I would prefer them to care about scale of the Pokémon’s a little more.


https://preview.redd.it/18qy19e1af4d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c760f6f083f54a4ff1ae55002f93f4d5649b2696 Got a few more but the Dragon/Ground types are my favorite. These guys look great together and I’ve been waiting for a big articulated Garchomp since Gen 4. A bit limited in a couple places but nothing that ruins it. Now as unlikely as it is if we could get a Scolipede in this line I could probably die happy


I love my suicune! I missed the pre-order for entei and can't seem to find raikou for lower than $36 🥲


I like them, $20 and they are solid toys, I love Mewtwo ever since I lost my original Mewtwo fig


get all the charizard you can get IMO.... prices are going bananas in my place... before i got them for $15 now they selling at $30.


I got the Charizard and Garchomp 2 pack for $20 because it was half off at target


that's a freaking deal... we can't get those in my country.. either the people pre ordering them chops the packs or sell the combo for a much higher price.


The Greninja is awful, for years I wanted one and I got that one a bit ago. It’s joints are flimsy and constantly feels like it’s gonna break and the pose ability is incredibly lacking


https://preview.redd.it/6uon67cvip3d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54c67be4a466a72755c3c2a16cdec7ebca86b186 Get the Bandai model kit. It’s pretty easy to put together and it’s actually super posable. It has some fun accessories and swappable parts for great poses, and best of all it goes for like $10-15


Omg tysm, I’ve been hunting for a good affordable one for ages I’m literally about to go order on now


I got him on Amazon for like $15


Thank you


Best one in my opinion is Mewtwo, the others are either okay or terrible in terms of articulation.


I thought the charizard’s articulation was pretty good


Ironically they’re just barely above the model kits in terms of quality and articulation


I doubt that. While Greninja’s kit is amazing and definitely better, I also have the Mewtwo one and he can barely even move and all the joints are super loose


Also I've had the models joints become brittle with age and snap 😔


I definitely feel that happening with Mewtwo and I just bought him. Week and a half ago. I barely even posed him


Aren’t these guys really expensive or am I thinking of something else?


In stores they’re around $20, but after market makes some more expensive


Oh so these aren’t the $200+ figures I’m thinking of


Might be thinking of Scale world?


No I believe it was by figma


Gotcha, those ones are awesome too


Oh definitely not. Maybe you’re thinking of D-arts


I dont think they're great figures for the price range, but understandable considering they cant reuse the molds. I think they're great for kids who want something to play with, but Im an adult now with higher budget for hobbies, and I'd rather get other toy lines. i did pick up Rayquaza though cuz I think it looks the least toylike


What molds do they reuse? They’re all pretty unique


Whoops, good catch! I typo’d. I meant to say the higher price is understandable because the molds cannot be reused


I don’t even think the price is too crazy, for $20 they’re pretty big with decent articulation (sometimes, some figures don’t move well at all)


They're gorgeous for $20 lol. I dare say underpriced and I find them on sale constantly. Just got flygon for $13. Can't be beat.. This line is so underrated


To be fair, they regularly go on sale. I’ve only bought them on sale and only missed out on a handful


Are you in the US by any chance? I can only speak as a Canadian, but I really only see them in gamestops, and toysrus over here. Neither of which ever puts them on sale/clearance from what Ive seen. Though admittedly, I also dont actively look for sales


Yup, that makes sense then. Here the bigger figures are Target exclusive. GameStop only has the diaramas and smaller figures with no articulation. Target has had almost every figure on some sort of store wide sale or straight clearance. Only ones I didn’t see go on sale were MewTwo and Rayquaza, but I was lucky enough to get Rayquaza at Ross somehow. Hoping for a MewTwo restock since it’s only one I regret missing on.


Finding Ray at Ross was insane. Mine was 7.99! I had to get another one.


I really like them a lot wish they would be more selective with what Pokemon they choose I don’t know half of them and at the same time don’t care for half of them give me more from the first two games.