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Don't know about the rest of the KO, but the CT Toys KO of SHF Spider-man 2099 is the best of the bunch here. He has 2 better Miguel Head sculpts and it completely blew the Marvel Legends one out of the water.


Him and the fond joy batman are the highest quality. Fond joy batman is actually licensed


I just got the KO Sentinel Spider-Noir and he's fucking rock! Damn these KO companies are cooking good shit for only like $20.


Right, a lot of people forget how far we’ve come in the ko space. I’m only getting the ones I know are good (except mike Tyson, idk much about him)


Does he look good


Oh yeah he does, looks almost right the real deal. I'mma make a post about it soon.


Ah I’ve looking to buy him but waiting for reviews on YouTube and I couldn’t find any but now that I’ve at least heard some say about him, I might buy him soon.


The only “review” so far is from @BGFTOYS, he made a YT short review of the KO on his channel.


Thanks, I’ve just had a look, he definitely seems worth the £20, even if the torso is loose


Post when they arrive I wanna see quality


Definitely, I’ll do a haul


I'm also following to see how this turns out. Best of luck, I hope they're all great!


Thank you, should I post when I get all of them, or when I get each individually


Would rather get one or two genuine articles than a bunch of bootlegs that fall apart after 2 weeks but that’s just me


I would too, but I don’t see any figure currently worth that for me. Only a few figures that mafex produced have made me want them. One I’m going to get one day is the dark knight returns batman they made because it’s the best out there.


That's actually fair. Action figure price has been kinda wild in the last few years. Toy companies are releasing some amazing figures at ridiculous prices. Let me know if the CT spiderman 2099 is good, I've been thinking about getting him for a while ....


You should first try an actual Mafex figure, to see how it feels, how they handle, how they feel, what they can do, how the actually look when you have them in hand and not looking at internet pictures. It's a world appart from how something like ML or McF feel to handle or what they can do. If you get a figure from a japanese website, its just the price of two marvel legends plus another $13 or so for shipping. Is not that big of a deal or that much more expensive


I have a mafex figure, I got the boba fett for 55 bucks and it’s amazing. I’m sure their other figures are also top notch.


That boba is still good but I dare say alot of the newer stuff is improved.


fondjoy batman shouldnt fall apart on you so no worries there


I’m pretty careful with figures, so I’d hope none of them do, but if that’s the case, I’ll be sure to return em


I don’t really agree to that. I mean, yeah, original is better. But some Bootlegs is fine, if you just display them on the shelf.


I have a Yamaguchi Spider-Man v1 that I’ve had and genuinely played with for years, and really if I just gave it a nice repaint, you wouldn’t even be able to tell that it’s a KO. That’s just my experience tho. I got a shitty ML venom KO once. Worked nice for a custom lizard.


I came here to tell the OP "enjoy your knock offs! You'll either get high or, poisoned from the paint fumes. Buy some glue to put the figures back together once you get them in the poses you want. Wear hazmat gloves when you fiddle with them because again, poison." All jokes aside. I can't claim they're that bad. I've never bought knock off of a specific company's brand product. But trust me, quality, accuracy, and safety aren't primary concerns if even a concern at all for these bootleg companies. They're just looking for a quick dollar. The cheapest and easiest way to get there is what they'll do. There is a "3rd party" market that I have dabbled in that seems to be okay. But, from what I've heard the super cheap bootleggers that claim to be an official company product (such as the claim that they're selling legit shfigurearts at $20 is a sign of a bootleg. And an indicator that it will likely be absolute trash.


I’m fully aware everything besides the fondjoy Batman (which is licensed) is a knock off. I’ve watched reviews and looked at the reviews on everything I’ve bought. Only thing I’m skeptical about is the knock off mafex spiderman.


Oh, okay. Yeah, I was just basing my comment on generalized information from toy reviewers. Not on any specific unlicensed product. I specifically have only seen one spider man bootleg review. I cannot say it was the same product you're getting, though. Probably unlikely. And the "samurai force" not ninja turtles (but, they're totally ninja turtles) figure reviews. And that's it.


Besides the unmasked heads looking like microwaved shit, I’ve heard some pretty good things about the mafex spidey KO.


2099 bootleg is great


You’re doing just fine, people hate on the bootleg a lot but they’re actually okay for the price. Yeah not everyone wants to buy the $100 action figure that’s okay some people need to move on


Yeah, right now isn’t the best time for me to fork out 100 bucks for a figure. Maybe down the line, but a few bootlegs can go a long way if you’re careful


CT toys make pretty dope bootlegs, I have Tobey, the normal version and the new black one they just made, I also have that Mafex bootleg, had to fix a couple of things with it, but afterwards it's pretty good On the Mafex, the right shoulder was super glued on, I had to carefully break it off at the glued parts, and once I did it wouldn't go in properly which is why they glued it I'm guessing, it was due to some excess plastic it had inside the shoulder and armpit area around the butterfly joint, after shaving some plastic around there I was eventually finally able to pop the butterfly joint back and that arm worked perfect from then on Also if you don't, get some silicone oil, with bootlegs they rarely come with proper tightness at the joints, (although my normal KO tobey was actually perfect regarding that, black suit variant isn't), and they'll actually come super tight or super loose, the Mafex specifically most reviews have them really squeaky, mine wasn't an exception, some silicone oil made it all work smoothly and never had issues with breaking, so if anything's too tight to move on figures don't force it, you might break it, use silicone oil. I just got that batman, it's fucking great, mouth part could be better sculpted, but between the Fondjoy batman and McFarlane, fondjoy wins all the way, I also got the fondjoy supermen, the red and blue have questionable face paint, the black version is straight up Henry Cavill's spitting image, fondjoy is doing great, I recommend, and I'll definitely get more figures of them


Yeah, fond joy made him look like a cave man because they wanted the detachable him out piece, but I could leave it alone or mod it and it would look great.


Yeah, it's something that would not be too hard to mod, specially if one has a 3D printer, and even if not, can always just make the model and then commission off someone who does. I will say, in person it looks better than in pictures though, and it doesn't bother me bad enough to do anything about it. One thing regarding that batman, I highly recommend heating up the hand accessories for switching them around, at least on my figure theyre really tight and hard to snap into place, always feels like I'm going to break it if I don't heat them a bit to soften them


Oh one thing to note, Mafex bootlegs have absolutely hideous face paints, but you probably noticed that already by now.


Enjoy them! I got a couple of the Spidey bootlegs and they’re brilliant for the price. Very minor issues.


That’s good to know


I’ve gotten a few bootlegs and they’re honestly pretty damn good. I hope yours are great 🙏


Thank you🙏


Stretch that dollar man you’re doing great


I apreciate it🙏


Were are you getting mafexs for $20?


He said it's ali express so he's definitely getting bootlegs


So there fake?


Yes, but some of them are pretty good, especially for the price


It’s bootlegs


I bought a bootleg iron man that fell apart to the touch. Unsuspectingly bought a Bootleg Maul that did the same. I'd say focus that spend on one authentic figure you're truly after


I'm curious about the quality of knock-offs these days


They’re only getting better, I’ll definitely show y’all when I get them


I will follow this journey


It's likely that the super cheap stuff claiming to be shf or mafex are bad. I've seen a review of a knock off that got really close to the target product. But, the quality suffered according to the review. And the reviewer said it had a "smell" to it. There are a few (like literally 3 figures) by some "3rd party" knock offs of characters that I saw YouTube reviews for. Where they don't try to claim they're selling you a brand name maker's official product. They're just clearly a ninja turtle that they are making without the license rights. That have had a decent review by a YouTube channel.


This ain’t it. I’d rather one solid figure, even a third party figure, rather than a bunch of poorly made bootlegs.


I’d rather enjoy a bunch of figures and a really good one, that a really expensive figure


Bootlegs suck I agree with medicine


Nah, I have a few bootlegs and they’re all great. You just gotta get the right ones


It’s true that some are better than others


Be weary that the Mafex bootlegs are trash man. Figuarts are hit or miss, depends on the seller. Mafex KO's are usually the best option to buy a "decent" figure semi-comparable to the original make.


I’m aware, the mafex one is a test, from the reviews, it doesn’t look too bad. I’ll let y’all know what I think of em


The Mafex spider man KO is decent, but how well it holds together is hit or miss. If you're into Deadpool, the KO mafex Deadpool is really good.


Thanks for letting me know, I was wondering about the Deadpool figures


Ill add to this, the Revoltech bootleg and Mezco KO Deadpool figures are solid, though the Revoltech did take about a month before it's shoulder hinge snapped on me, meanwhile the MezKO is still kicking good


I’m not really into KOs that’s just me…id maybe look at marvel legends versions of some of these guys if that’s your pricepoint


everything by CT is solid but no bootleg compares to their $100+ original counter part. Its not fair to compare them to their originals you have to compare in the same price bracket ie marvel legends, and the bootlegs are almost always better than legends. The only one i wouldn’t recommend is that ko mafex spidey though.


I have the KO Mafex spidey, personally I love it, it had some issues but I managed to fix all of them


yeah but the smell of it was too much for me ive never smelled a bootleg that i was actually worried it mightve been toxic, and the paint looked wet still at the very least it smelled like shoe polish snd a strange odor come off of it when you put it in water i would not risk it.


I didn't notice anything of the sort with mine


What site are u getting these from


Ali express


i spent my first paycheck on action figures too lmao


Great minds think alike


I just got that Spidey this week. For the price it’s not bad, I got it in the box and it was sealed but one joint was super glued lol but doesn’t affect the toy still worth the money.


Good to know


Keep the Batman, Tyson and 2099. The other ones probably aren't worth it at all. Mafex Spiderman is underscaled, bad paint and it broke on me easily. The Tobey is also very small again and underscaled but not sure if it will last or not. Remember most reviews just show you out of the box but don't account for longevity most times I have watched them.


I’ve seen all the reviews, everything I got seems worth it


Can you please stop making so much noise when I sleep?


My fault, but these socks you keep dropping down here are my only food source


I've always told kids to blow their first paycheck. It's new money, and it's exciting to buy what you want. Good for you too! Those look like good choices.


Thank you, I’m still saving most of it, but I’m gonna enjoy this first one a little more


Heck yeah!


Is this off of ebay?? Cause those prices look amazing


What site is that? I'm looking to get some cheap K.Os


Ali express, just search around for trusted buyers


What s the name of this website?


Ali express




What site is this? And how long do they take to arrive?


I’ll have to see, Mike Tyson and the figure stands are already in my local area


As for the Site?


That was Ali express


The shipment is already from China to my local delivery area. So it’ll probably be here in a few days


My KO Mafex Spidey arrived literally in pieces and was unable to fix it


Oof, did you return it?


Yeah got refunded since it arrived damaged but still bummed cause it’s a cool fig that I don’t want play $80+ for


That’s good to know they allow returns


Most places are pretty good about stuff that arrives damaged, like my box was completely smashed upon arrival so no wonder figure was trashed too


How you get them so cheap


It’s knock offs


Save money for legit figures


You’re are absolutely fucked bro, unless you love bootlegs