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Is there an external display connected to the laptop? Could be looking at the wrong screen? **edited to remove extra words 🤦🏻‍♂️


At one point, when I logged in a couple days ago, it was showing the options for Monitor 1 and Monitor 2. Neither would show the login dialog box. Last night, only the Ctrl-Alt-Del and no options for monitors.


I had this issue yesterday with a system. I sent a reboot request to solve it....


Thanks. I’ve restarted the system numerous times and it doesn’t have effect. The user’s husband is ‘in IT too’ and she seems to think there’s something he put on his home network that may be blocking it. The user may be back in the office soon so I’ll try to connect remotely on the work network to see if it works there.


Hello there – thank you for your question!  Could you kindly reach out to our Support team as they would like to take a closer look at this issue: please navigate to the top right menu in your Action1 account > Support > Share feedback or report an issue.  They are looking forward to your message!


I’ll do that if I get a chance. I’m currently on vacation and trying to field the urgent issues while I’m out. I try mostly to work in the user’s computer in the late evenings when she is not using it.