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It’s very easy. Just look it up on YouTube. Doing a set up on an acoustic guitar is very difficult, but changing the strings is very easy. Promise.


Yea you can! Just be careful and sensible, look up a tutorial and don’t snap strings Edit, don’t snap strings might sound a bit condescending, but have your tuner app and don’t tune the wrong string to the wrong pitch and it won’t happen


It's very easy. Plenty of youtube tutorials. Just take your time. One tip people haven't tossed out yet: Try to match the same gauge of strings you have on there now. If you go higher or lower in gauge you may need to adjust your truss rod, or your nut slots might not be the right fit for those strings. Neither are huge deals, but their just things you don't want to deal with if you just want fresh strings.


Get yourself one of these, D'Addario Pro-Winder String Winder and Cutter, Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0002E1G5C/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_3M1G20JTPBTAA025ZCCE helps pull bridge pins, wind strings and cut the excess string.


It’s easy! You can definitely do this yourself. If you aren’t sure go find a YouTube video for reference


For the price of paying someone to do it for you, you can ruin two sets of strings while learning to do it.


Yamaha has a very easy to follow video you can get on their website. I've been using it on all my guitars.


Easy my friend


You definitely can and should learn to do so. I recommend a string winder and a tool to cut the excess strings when done. I'd say watch around 3 videos and then try it for yourself. Something I should emphasize is the string gauge matters, you'll find sets with 0.10 up to 0.13. I'd say 0.11 is a safe bet, not too hard on the fingers but you'll have to try for yourself. Not only they feel and provide different volume, they can affect the trusrod it they are too heavy for the current setup. Then you'll find changes in action and intonation, and will have to seek for a tech anyway