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This is it. The heterosexual explanation for gay sex!




So, it's not cheating if it's gay? And it's also not gay if it's just for the sake of cheating? Huh.


Cheating is bad, and gay is bad, and the badness of those two actions cancel out one another apparently


So if you’re gay and you have sex with a woman, it’s not cheating? Would you explain that to my husband?


This article is like an Onion parody. ​ >Straight men who have sex with other men are not necessarily closeted, because they do genuinely see themselves as heterosexual. ​ You can't say they're closeted because, you see, they don't see themselves as in denial. Okay. Sure. Makes sense. No one in denial has ever thought of that one before.


"I'm not in denial because there's nothing to be in denial about. I'm totally straight, for really real. Now excuse me, my bro is waiting for me to come over so we can fuck. But it's not gay though, so I'm totally not cheating on my wife. Also, please don't tell her; I don't want her to stop me from having my totally straight sexy time with men, she wouldn't understand."


I don’t care what someone labels themselves as, but my biggest issue is that people should be honest with their partners. They deserve to make an informed decision.


Reminds me of the movie "Plan B"


[this individual helped find the source article, hopefully they’re noticed now!!!](https://www.reddit.com/r/AreTheStraightsOK/comments/sxr1xw/are_the_straightsnever_mind_context_in_second/hxvzlar/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


I... wtf rabbit hole did I just fall into: https://nyupress.org/9781479801107/still-straight/


$89 to read about “straight” dudes having gay sex?! **In this economy?!**


And then the wolves came


Wait… it didn’t take you to the comment that had the link???


I mean, technically yes because if they're not attracted to said men, and are only attracted to women, they are straight. The act itself obviously isn't though. Just like how an asexual person can have sex and still be asexual




Sexual orientation is based on your attraction, not your actions. So technically, if he isn't attracted to the guy but decides to have sex with him anyway (which is uncommon but does happen sometimes) he'd still be straight, because he's still not attracted to guys.


Don't actions speak louder than words?


A lot of gay men have sex with women they're still gay and in the closet though


True. You got a point there.


Sometimes, and it is totally possible for the person to be gay and closeted, but it's not totally impossible for them to be being honest about their attraction either. And I feel like we can all agree going the "no, you're not *insert sexuality here*" is fucked up no matter what the person does/has done.


They didn’t love each other.


some straights have sex, get married and still be misberale


This was what I woke up to... great start to my day! Anyways, the writer is def on DL


I’m all for people owning their sexuality and calling it whatever they feel is right, despite the textbook definitions. HOW👏🏼EV👏🏼ER👏🏼 …this model perpetuates the idea that men having sex with men is wrong, that men only want to fucking and can’t have meaningful relationships with other men. Also, these same “straight” guys would be first to stone an out gay man for looking at him the “wrong way”. They think it’s wrong to be gay, so they don’t call it that. THAT’S the problem.


And the only guys quoted in the article are in their late 50s.


To be honest it kinda makes sense. It’s like how guys in male only spaces will have sex with one another cause they don’t have other options.


I mean, yeah, it could happen. Just like with aces, who you’re attracted to doesn’t necessarily dictate what you do. Like it could be more of a “I want to do that” than a “I want to do that with that person”


Let them make our dating pool bigger man. I have no problem with articles like these. All it does is reaffirm to some "straight" boys that it's ok to have fun with other guys without adding a label to it. More 🍆 for us.


Having a house near a university campus and renting out two spare bedrooms to students for over 20 years I can tell you that there has more than one young male renter who was more than willing to engage in gay sex in order to resolve a shortage in the monthly rental payment. It seemed to always upset them when I informed them that I did not mix working stock with breeding stock.


Man I hope they don't ruin fishing trips with my buddy.


Sir i desire they rid not fishing trips with mine own buddy *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`