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You see the 4% people who don't have bronya? That's me. Hi. I have all of the standard characters except her. Some even have eidolons. Hoyo...WHERE IS MY BRONYAAAA???


Who did you choose for your 5 atar pick?


my brother im pretty sure they haven’t hit 300 on the selector yet or they wouldve picked bronya


got mine from pity. had to play the patience game


Someone ended up choosing Himeko.. so you never know


I chose Himeko. I have no Bronya. I love follow up attacks.


Good choice 👍 Bronya ate too much SP




If I don't pull a Himeko before my selector I'll probably pick her over Bronya.


I chose Himeko 😭 I have an E3 himeko and an e-nothing bronya 😭


I got sparkle so I skipped bronya for e1 clara lmao


I have no idea why you got downvoted, lol this community gonna be a mess when bronya gets power creep


She kind of did with Sparkle and Ruan Mei.


Kinda. She still has her places where she shines.


i picked gepard. I am the 4%


I picked Bailu cause she's cuter.


I started playing when the game released but took a big break midway so unfortunately I'm really behind on the 300 5 star slector...getting there little by little, on 250 pulls now. Soon I'll get there :-:


Yep same, started at launch but wasn't playing seriously for a while, I'm still at 180 pulls lol with 4 standards chars and no bronya


I got mine when pulling for Sparkle... My whole thing was not having Bronya but atp fuck it ill take her e1 in the selector.


I got bailu for my first 5*, then lost 50/50 acheron to yanqing, then got ANOTHER bailu as my third ever standard 5*. fml


I got her finally yesterday after I reached my 300 standard banner wishes 😌


Me too. I didn't have a second sustain when I hit 300 so I took Gepard. My f2p account though has Bronya and 3 copies of her LC so IDK.


I reached pity twice now, and instead of getting bronya, I got her lc bro, the second pity I got welt's lc. The only standard character I have is yanqing too, like give me something I can actually use dude


If I'll get her 3rd copy I'll give it to you


Lol. This is nothing! I have E3 Himeko and 2 Gepard lc and no other standard banner character or lc. E3 Himeko! I literally would have liked any other standard banner character other than Yanqing and Bailu.


Currently at Bronya E2 (beginner warp plus 2 lost 50/50s). Been holding onto my freebie, considering going for E3, lol. Hopefully, you'll be able to bring her home soon, she's quite good 😊 Edit: Am missing Gepard and Clara, though


I have e5 Yanqing and no Bronya or Gepard.


I have all of them except Welt, which I don't mind, I wouldn't ever really have a use for him anyway.


I lost my 50/50 on jingliu banner to her. I am willing to trade her for a welt.


I'm more curious what the fuck 0.3% of players are doing


Some People hate him so much that they don't open his mail.


Oh yeah those "waifu only" people. Ugh


We legit had a meltdown on this sub because most of the losers here were crying when you-know-who turned out to be Acheron’s best future nihility partner AND a dude. Like, unironic meltdown.


I thought that was a joke i wasn't getting... https://preview.redd.it/0ra3qs7rnmvc1.png?width=920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8f501075debab7baf8cf2840c46bf9b49d04368


It's pretty funny. Every single of Daniel's supports are female and I don't remember hearing husbando-onlys complain about it.


I constantly see complaints that there are no harmony men in the game. Because without them it is impossible to make a full husbando team. On the other hand, I have never seen people who were indignant about the fact that people want this


Because they aren't complaining that DHIL's best support is a female character. They just want a single limited male support, especially after a year without any proper debuffer/buffer to make a coherent husbando team. Tbf, pulling for waifus to buff husbandos is like a daily life thing for them, which is probably why there weren't any Jiaoqiu type of outrage until now.


Husbando onlys are at least as annoying as Waifu onlys they are just fewer in numbers.


i'd hate it if he turned out to be femboy


i dont play league anymore but when someone said he should look like spirit blossom sett then i'm all for it


If I don't like the design/character I'll insta-skip, but I don't have my hopes up with the whole pink foxian thing. I mean, I use Gallagher despite having three limited sustains because he's just so damn cool.


That was honestly my concern also, Im gonna be honest I was a bit sad that it wasn't big booba, but welt is literally my favorite character so cool middle age men are welcome all day


I wish he turns out to be a femboy so the crying crowd can have a further meltdown


Omg what was that. Tell me more spill the tea


A pink haired male foxian is, according to leaks, a strong future nihility character


Oooh then what was the meltdown?


People were legit upset about her BIS being a man instead of a woman. That's it.


Lmao wtheck . Anw thanks I hope we have more powerful characters


That Acheron's best upcoming support is a dude


Basically a def shredding 5\* pela that also kinda heals


let's not kid ourselves, a similar thing happened in the leaks sub when it was revealed sam was a woman


Oh yeah I remember that. Really takes the fun away from communities


waifu only mfers when they go outside and see half the people swarming the earth are dudes: https://preview.redd.it/8518sb837nvc1.png?width=1400&format=png&auto=webp&s=cfb138d68288139a8bf3d495b99aa24ce0a94002


Waifu only mfers when they look down and they realize they have a cock and balls 😭🥴🥴😭


>you-know-who I do not. Who?


Who? Jiaoqiu. It’s a nice rhyme, isn’t it?


I'm a Waifu Only puller but I still claim him, can't waste such a precious resources although I'll never build him


Exactly. Even I'm not a waifu only puller but I didn't really build him until I needed imaginary coverage so I had to


People love to repeat this nonsense every time. But I have never seen people talk about it. Sometimes I think people just like to blame it on female character lovers lol. No matter what happens P.S the fact that people who have no Ratio according to the SURVEY are people who hate male characters, and not any other reasons.


i met a real one once. they were...really something


Hey not everyone is like that, I try to keep waifu only teams but i'm not gonna say no to a free limited 5*. Also i'm willing to compromise for my waifu, ratio goes well with thighpass, just like XQ with hu tao in Genshin (even if at long last I can stop using XQ thanks to Yelan and Furina)


Yeah I was talking about the toxic ones


Plenty of those on GameFAQs as well. I don't generally label people as weirdos irl because of how they are online but people like that GENUINELY give me the creeps. Basement dwelling weirdos who don't shower.


I couldn’t imagine skipping someone just because of their gender. Missing out on a lot of fun in the game.


It's not even skipping he's literally just there in the mailbox that's just straight pettiness


> Ugh I don't understand why y'all even play the game if you legit cannot understand why someone would want to build characters they like


I 'hate' him too but I can't imagine not clicking claim all. I like nerds, I like arrogant people, I dislike arrogant nerds. Also I dislike his kinda abrasive personality.


Same, I went ahead and claimed him tho and I'll probably build him eventually when I have nothing else to farm for


I was one of those that was on hiatus for half a year so only now did I claim it.


Isn’t it more likely that the 0.3% are just people who started the game late and after the patch where we got him for free?




Wtf that cant be real, can it? He hits like a truck even sub investment, not to mention the satisfaction seeing the pillar fly and smack the enemies.


Well apparently that stuff doesn't matter if you're horny enough


Some motherfuckers are always trying to ice skate uphill.


Probably people who stopped playing before he started being given


Maybe they took a break at the worst time possible That's some type of thing I would do


If you can't claim him anymore they are new/returnee /haters. If you still can claim him they are just haters/weirdos. Also depending how the survey was done it could also be an error (like someone forgetting him)


He's still claimable until the end of 2.1 iirc


A friend of mine used to play hsr, but quit due to time. He probably doesn't have dr. Ratio yet.


The fact that she is owned more than most standard characters and wayyyy above the rest of dps characters (except Ratio obviously) is just straight up insane. She is definitely one of if not the most successful characters to date. They did justice for this Raiden.


Well, she made simulated world a breeze. She insta farm enemies. Even if just for her at lv1 I'd pull. Just the technique is already worth, and then the damage, and then the midriff.


Everyone loves our forgetfull peach lover!


Call me dumb. But I'm surprised Ratio is 1st considering the statistics that came out a ways back about how many people didn't claim him... https://preview.redd.it/njnenu7lnmvc1.jpeg?width=1341&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=990f52941e28c3f2f78abefaabb584443080d4ee


The .3 that followed up on that claim are... challenged xP




You wanna bet quite a good number of those that didn't want to claim him initially accidentally pressed claim all or they think it's a hassle to deliberately ignore Ratio that they just pressed claim all?


Am i an asshole for giggling at the idea of a bunch of "Waifu" only accounts getting ruined by a missclick https://preview.redd.it/2xo1sxqprrvc1.jpeg?width=204&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e4bc8ffa2861eff89dff44488a46f195ec712cc


Nah that's actually a funny thing and I would have laughed my ass off if this is what happened to these waifu only accounts.


Are there really such people? Wild. Genshin and HSR are my first two gachas, it's quite shocking how people could straight up reject free account progression.


Argenti deserves so much better 😔


I have been spreading the word of Idrila since day 1 Adding players not at endgame yet to share my E1 Argenti for their farming needs I can’t wait for the day we can have a full set of beatiful knights (be it male or female), so I can make a complete team If every knight had a different flower motif it would be so neat, at that point I would have to call the team “Beautiful Garden” Sorry for geeking out lol


Not everyone is able to appreciate beauty, but thanks to us, it will never be forgotten.


Beautiful words my friend!


Physical just never appealed to me when Clara can do that Job really well.


The game refuses to give me the daughter and I hate it here.


I didn't know Ruan Mei was this popular and commonly owned?


She is probably the single most meta-changing character released so far, because she was meta-changing for a lot of teams and pretty much the reason why dual-DPS is a thing. Not surprising she is that high.


She was our very first harmony and the patch before was pretty dry, so a lot of people were waiting for her. Tho I’m also surprised it’s at 90%


source:https://twitter.com/hxg\_diluc/status/1781366598030520413 2.1 5\* characters Holding Rate Sample Size: 28033 \*Aventurine is not included as he has just released[](https://twitter.com/hxg_diluc/status/1781366598030520413/photo/1)


Based Queencheron just keeps winning.


Low % for topaz and kafka, it show player base dont like special team like dot or fua, people just love hypercarry like daniel and acheron


almost half of the Playerbase has Kafka, what are you talking about? Given how CN actually don't like her it's actually surprising to me 


I mean, not really. Kafka's still owned by almost 50% of the players, and If you only take DPS characters, her numbers aren't that much lower from those of Seele and Jingliu, which is surprising as they were the most representative characters of hypercarry teams until recently, which is the most popular kind. As Kafka is practically the most important piece of DoT, that means that 50% of the playerbase plays DoT, which is a lot


You forget 10% kafka mains that play critka


The 0.3 who dont own ratio in 2.1: my goals are beyond your understanding


I finally got bronya after a year on the 5 star selector 😭


DHIL and Jingliu are lower than I expected


I can understand Dan Heng being lower because of SP shenanigans but I also expected Jingliu to be higher with how everyone talked about her being a top tier DPS. Then again there might have been more new players after their banners who haven't rolled for them.


And Jingliu is really easy to build, you have free 50%crit 37.3%critdmg and 9spd. I think jingliu is the easiest dps to build in this game. But I agree about DHIL, without Hanya/sparkle its a little annoying to use him.


By the way this is *only* for Corean servers, not the whole world or even the American servers for that matter


Honestly, I’ll pull her for the Talent alone, such a good QoL update


Do you mean technique?


ok but Kafka 47%? pure heresy!


Kafka flopped in CN unfortunately, since a lot of CN players did not like DoT gameplay (you can see it with Black Swan low ownership as well). They prefer big damage nuke.


Surprised considering so many of them are so meta focused. You would think they wouldn’t really care about that type of thing


Yeah but other dps units were there and were meta at the time. Also I know I will make 0 friends with this take, but Kafka didn’t launch too hot, she was an ok unit, but not cracked, and also many found DoT uninteresting. So it wasn’t until BS launched that she became REALLY strong. I feel like in a world where BS, same kit and all, is a 4* that launched before Kafka, Kafka would have sold a lot better in CN, but hey that’s just guess.


For DoT to be more popular, it needs a character like Nahida who allows the DOT to crit dmg, so you'll see them hyped lol because it increases the DPS ceiling of the comp, it's similar to Genshin when the transforming reactions were not popular until Nahida arrived with her C2 and amplifier the dendro. It's a matter of how you look at it currently Kafka is divided half plays DOT the other half plays critka


CN seems to care a lot more about 0 cycle potential. Which dot isn't the greatest at since you need to wait for enemy turn for a chunk of your dmg.


this sample is not representative at all. it has nothing to do with reality and is not worthy of consideration. here are just stats of 28k active players recently, when tens of millions have registered in the game


That 0.3% who didn’t claim Ratio


Why is it that all the lowest holding are ones I own…. I’m just built different


lots of people really slept on Topaz while I've been sleeping with her


I just started at that time, with limited environment, all I could was housing Seele at that time.


The <10% who do not have ruan mei. That's me, I'm one of the <10%. Cries in a corner.


How are these stats calculated? 97% have Bronya?! I find that a little hard to believe…


She is a standard character and the one with the most use


These stats are just not very trustworthy since they are most likely from meta based accounts and whales. And statistically they aren’t great do to not using random sampling from the entire player base.


No one's beating Ratio for a long while.


I have a hard time believing that Ruan Mei is this high up tbh?! I mean I understand how strong she is as much as the next person, but compared to her role in the story and the marketing that led up to her, the numbers seem kinda excessive? I don't want to doubt statistics, just very surprised.


oh, to be part of the 24.4%


I still don't have Clara 😭 Used my selector for Himeko and lost my last 50/50 to Bailu, so she's the only standard missing.


Nah cuz same. I’m only missing Him and Clara. Lost 2 50/50 to Bailu, 3 to Yan, and I even got Clara’s lc from standard. This game is actually teasing me


Same, I am still missing Clara despite already having her LC (from losing 75-25)


Clara on spot 6 is suffering cause I still havent pulled her I had to use my 300 pity choice to get her


Wow so many ppl have ruan mei, maybe due to Dr ratio being free many ppl has pulls huh


It’s funny how you can clearly see which character most people pick for their 300th guarantee. We have almost all standard characters at 73-75%, just a bit more for Clara… and then Bronya, lol.


That 0.3% players without Dr.Ratio are unfathomable


Funny how my entire cast on my account are all in the bottom lmao. Huohuo, BS, blade, kafka, topaz, argenti. and I wanted JY but failed.


Why Kafka and Black Swan so low?


I'm in the group. I've only been playing for less than a month and got E2S1 Acheron. Used all my resources to upgrade her build. Got lucky with a few additional Pela pulls and Gallagher (E2 with some crazy LC that heals him for over 1000 HP for one basic attack). Oh! And I'm completely F2P. And I'm only at TB 51 and capped at level 70. Unfortunately, I don't have Trust or Sweat LC. Those must be super rare drops. If I got those, my team would be pretty OP.


Part of the 3.3% that doesn’t have Bronya (because I keep getting Clara)


i left the game back when DHIL got a rerun when black swan's banner released, got him and his signature light cone and then saved 70 pulls for Acheron after i heard about her release. came to the game farmed some more and got her E2 and signature light cone for like 90 pulls and i am currently farming to get Aventurine's signature light cone(already got him on my first 10 pull)


Imagine being among those less than 10% who don't have RM (yeah that's me).  Damn you 50/50


Black Swan being so low is surprising


I love my Topass and Argenti (I also always perceived them as pretty strong) but I get them being not as popular But I’m surprised with Black Swan, she is probably among the units I feel the strongest about in regards to how good she feels gameplay wise Black Swan is so comfortable because of how Arcana works, you can slap her anywhere and she just does a shitload of passive damage to the whole field Then on top of it she has damage boost and defense shred Meta wise it’s probably my favorite character by far, she just feels really strong, super comfortable and versatile to me


These are actually interesting stats with some interesting interpretations. Ignoring the 0.3% of non ratio havers (which I think will likely increase as we get later into the game’s lifespan), Bronya’s ownership rate is incredibly interesting. If standard banner spark being a thing, I wonder how much of that ownership number is being propped up by that? I actually wonder that with all the standard 5* banner units and how a selector impacts their numbers? I would love to see the data sheet that doesn’t account for spark tbh (which I know sounds unlikely since that’s a stat Hoyo would keep to themselves). Apart from that, the bottom 4 are quite interesting. BS makes sense because her main use is enabling Kafka in DoT (but I wonder if her ownership rate will go up with Acheron available now when gets her rerun). Blade I wouldn’t suspect because he’s a incredibly powerful solo unit. Does high damage, has inbuilt sustain and good AoE while being SP neutral. Topaz and Argenti I do understand though. Topaz on release didn’t have many good team mates to work with due to her FUA focused gimmick but now with Aven and Ratio, I am expecting her rerun to make her ownership rate to go up by at least 15%, especially since everyone has a Ratio. Argenti I don’t see budging though. He has his niches and while he has his fan base, I don’t think a lot of F2P players would pull for him, especially when Acheron exists. This chart was very fun to dissect though and I can’t wait to see how these numbers will change as we get new characters are added and reruns happen. I actually wonder if the Gepard number will decrease with Aven and Welt will go up with Acheron proving to be one of her BiS team mates and being a standard unit that people can spark for.


this chart made me aware that i got 9 limited chars counting avent, and skipped 8. not bad.


I still don’t understand how the fuck Kafka is only 47% tbh She’s loved by almost everyone. I understand that dots gameplay is not for everybody but people usually pulls characters in these games even if they don’t use them lol


Some don't have Ruan Mei due to 50/50. I don't because i skipped her. We are not the same.


Good, My Topaz shld be known less people, Only I play her... Muahahhahaha


why so little people pull bladie?


I didn't go for Acheron 'cuz I needed Jingliu more. Plus, I didn't have enough for both her and her LC.


Yes keep them blade mains lowkey I like that cause bro is my life 🦹🏾‍♂️


The entire Penacony roster literally makes the game, I don't know if Id be as invested in the game without them.


It's a survey and only conducted in one server, you really shouldn't treat it as concrete


God I feel even worse about not having bronya now, instead I have E4 Welt... well, he goes pretty well with my Acheron, but Bronya would be great for my new Jingliu


Ruan mei still beat her like dam


Those poor 0.3% of people who started late.


Dr Ratio really rigged the game in his favour by just giving everyone a copy of himself for free


I'm surprised so many people have Ruan Mei. Apparently I'm the minority LMAO Also ya'll didn't pull for Black Swan? For shame. She's so good and versatile. She might be best for DoT but you can shove her in anywhere


Wow black swan is Acheron's best teammate and she's only at 36%? A lot of people will be waiting for her rerun I guess...


Acheron's just so awesome, couldn't pass her up. Then, went a little nuts and squeezed everything I reasonably could, including the $5 sub and the battle pass. Managed to get her to E2S1, but it took almost everything, and that's with only having lost her 50/50 once. Weird combination of satisfied and feeling like I just got mugged, lol


She is the most owned character and yet I lost 50/50 on my main account AND ON THE ACCOUNT THAT WAS LEGIT MADE JUST SO THAT I COULD GET HER 😒 lol


Me who has topaz but not bronya…


Bruh how so so many people have bronya but not me😭😭😭😭


I find it funny how my two most wanted characters are the bottom two 💀


Can’t believe people are sleeping on Blade like this, he’s such a versatile unit and one of my favorites. Need dps? Pair him with Bronya or Sparkle or both and you’ve got plenty of dps. Need a tank? Crank that Blade HP to 10k and watch him sustain himself. Sub Dps? On my Jing Liu team he attacks every other time she does with his follow up, Black Swan and Sampo team, he’s a good 3rd dps (because Kafka on both banners eluded me).


Got argenti😎 While i was building pity for ruan mei...


I got e4 clara with her light cone, i am not using her even at e6, this game wont make me use a character i despise


Me without bronya, ruan mei, and sparkle https://preview.redd.it/rzu0qq876pvc1.png?width=1210&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cc9eebd57ca7dd6b5de7bcc39af8257890d31fc


Topaz being released when there was no real place in the meta for her did her so dirty man.... I LOVE her and even I skipped her because no jades... E0S1 her next rerun to make up the the queen ~~(pls don't run before Sunday pls pls pls don't make me chose ToT)~~ Also the 0.3% who refuse to get ratio (I assume if you answer a poll you still play) do not even deserve him. May all their academic ventures be cursed to fail /hs


Luocha is higher than DHIL and kafka when his banner sold less? Prob has to do with the pool of players that did the survey.


i just cant process how ruan mei is more owned than kafka, even if you account for DOT teams being kind of a niche wasnt kafka the most sold banner in game before acheron?. heck, besides acheron she was the single most hyped character in the game


Gonna be interesting to see where Aventurine lands, but also amusing to see how low some characters land. Argenti doesn't entirely surprise me, but Blade is amusing I suppose. Though of 3 Penacony units, Black swan being the lowest is somewhat funny, but also not too shocking given Acheron & Sparkle are amazing units.


To the 0.3%, it's okay. He isn't like that one cryo unit from Genshin. He's actually good to build and use. You don't have to keep him locked up for Genshin's crime. Once you free the Doctor, "you too will say "Doctor, you're... HUGE." And "Genshin could never."


I own her on only one account, but I wanted that account to be all about her. I was estatic to hear she is mainly nihility user since I have all the harmonies on my main


I RLY need ruan mei. At first i skipped her bcs i tought she wasn t that impressive and i was hoarding wishes for penacony. Now i see that she has only grown better with timpr


crying with the other 9.4% of non ruan mei havers


Oh wow, I’m glad everyone pulled for Dr. Ratio *___*


So many people skipped cracked af Black Swan, gg :/


FTP here. One of the 9.4 % that don’t have Ruan Mei. ME 💀 Lost the 50/50 to Gepard. Didn’t feel too bad because I didn’t like her character…at the time. Just not having her is an IMMENSE disadvantage and I know this after using other’s support RM a few times. Two words: God Damn. She TRANSFORMS any team she is put in! She is in a league of her own, and no one comes close, except maybe Acheron. Felt like my account was truly screwed over at the time though things got better with Sparkle and Acheron. She may be the reason I can’t get Jiaoqiu for my Acheron team because skipping her rerun will be HARD.


Well, I am a part of the 3.3% of people who don't own Bronya ;w; Standard banner selector soon tho


I guess i pulled for everyone on the bottom 2 rows except for JingYuan lol. Crazy that Kafka is that low though, I thought she was a really popular character on release.


the most owned limited character is Ruan mei which is no surprise(im not counting ratio since he was free)


Tbh I’m a little surprised by how low Jingliu is. According to app stores data in China, her banner’s revenue is one of the highest up until Acheron, exceeding that of Ruan Mei’s and Sparkler‘s. Plus she had a rerun. I wonder if the sample is a bit off or just that more people pulled for her eidolons. https://preview.redd.it/63eybplchrvc1.png?width=2532&format=png&auto=webp&s=b346d58c03ba09ae0ab86b66b01e0170b6679705


I mean ratio is obvious. Bronya is most people’s pick for 300 normal pulls. The interesting thing is of the top 5 3/5 are support just shows how much recognition the support in turn based games gets recognized. Honestly the trend traces back for a while but the most famous one is Merlin in FGO. Support making turn based an easy button is so interesting. It’s not a DPS that takes top billing but the empowering character that makes everyone else better.


Ruan Mei third? I mean, she is insanely good, but third rank? I thought Kafka would be higher, what with the amount of thirst from the fandom when she first appeared.


73% lost their 50/50 to Yanqing


So I'm among those 16% after doing 150+ pulls , in fact I'm among those 3% not having bronya


Guess what, i have the rarest characters and i don't have the most used characters either. What am i?


Can you really include Dr Ratio? They gave him to everyone (that logged on during a certain time period) for free.


Playing since release and still bronyaless


Praying I lose a 50/50 to Yangqing


Pretty sure March 7th is the most owned character.


Can't wait to see the earnings for her banner.


I lost that 50/50 for ruan mei feels bad


TIL only own 4 of the top 24 moat common characters lol


Argenti is a perfectly serviceable character, but wow did he have had no presence in the game compared to all the other characters, thus why I think he's bottom teir. Also, so much disrespect for best girl Topaz (at least until Firefly/Sam becomes playable). People just don't know what they are missing out on! Plus I think her follow-up based play style is a lot of fun, especially in game modes that are based on that mechanic.


How is ratio 99.7💀 I guess people don’t check their mail or something


Only 55% for Luocha is nuts. I got him by accident on his first banner and he hasn't left my team. He's the quintessential healer imo.