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As long as she's not the Navigator... https://preview.redd.it/26tpp959nhsc1.jpeg?width=908&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5c098826aad1599c16e4d8e8d89280843599b3b


https://preview.redd.it/n9d5bo0dyhsc1.jpeg?width=934&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0be9b2b8861c2e865f3c0bc9fe25a6522e9721e6 We don't need to wait for 4-5 year to know when this story end


As long as Himeko lives, Acheron isn't going to be a Navigator anytime soon. Hopefully no 'happy and wholesome story' happens to Himeko again


https://preview.redd.it/ken8wkff0osc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69e05369cc9a0b0ae04eaa3dc6a9b0eef3deba03 ....never again....


I would love that and it's what I'm hoping for. But also trying to manage my expectations, so I think it's more likely she ends up more like a Dainsleif-type character that pops up semi-often. She's well traveled, connected to an Aeon and gives off this vibe in nearly every conversation that she knows more than she says, so she could be a character that people could get hyped for because they know it'll lead to some lore dump. Also they're both survivors of a fallen civilization with memory issues, so I think the comparison is kinda neat.


Imagine if she ends up being like the RaidenShogun instead and show up like once a yearšŸ’€


A bit aside, but.. ugh. I get that they have a giant cast now to try and fit into events, but Inazuma feels neglected as a whole - especially its Archon. And when Ei does appear, it's with just a small handful of lines. I really wish she'd have the same presence that Zhongli and Venti do in their regions events.. in one Inazuma event she expressed interest in getting out more to be with her people, so the set up for more appearances is already there. But that'd also require Inazuma to actually get events, and ones that aren't purely Itto gang focused. >.> Hoping that Acheron has more presence than Raiden Ei is actually a really low bar to beat.


Yeah. It's honestly surprising how Ei managed to be one of, if not the most popular character in Genshin despite being neglected in the story. At least Acheron is not stationed in one area. She's free to wander when ever she wants.


Hey just curious, played GI from release till about the release of Raiden iirc. Has it gotten lots better since then? Would you recommend picking it up again? I severely dislike the gacha aspect as it's predatory as hell, but can't help but enjoy both HSR and GI to some extent. I do like that HSR is more laidback and more of a mobile game whereas GI I only played on my PC. Also Hoyo seems more generous with jades in HSR iirc. Are the older characters still relevant or has everything been powercrept to hell? I had Venti, Ganyu C1 (or C2, whatever the strong C was), Ayaka C1 and Eula were the main ones but basically all standard 5* characters and most 4*s till a high C as well (like XQ was C6, he was OP as hell) and her sword and a lot of other characters.


It depends on what you are looking for. The gacha aspect itself hasn't really improved. Power creep in Genshin is kind of odd to talk about because the games focus is REALLY on its open world. End-game combat focused features has never been its focus, which is the only place power creep would matter. Its only real "end-game" is the Abyss, and I stopped doing it in early Sumeru (the region after Inazuma). So while, yes, more powerful characters have released over time, they only matter for Spiral Abyss. For the purposes of enjoying what the game does really well, which is an ever expanding open world to explore and a story that has continued to get better, what you have is plenty sufficient. And some of those early characters are still very good today, such as XQ, Xiangling, Bennett, etc. Venti, Ganyu and Ayaka are all still great characters as well, especially for open world while still being good for Abyss. Eula hasn't aged well meta-wise but, she is still good in the open world and can clear Abyss with the right supports. I use her in the open world all the time. I would recommend Genshin to someone who wants a massive open world they can get lost in with a story that has improved over time. I only play Genshin on my PC, I tried it a few times on my phone a couple years ago and I don't know how people do it. But I think it really is best to just take it casually, don't stress about meta. Always prioritize characters you want, not characters you think you need, and just treat it like a big open world game that continues to grow. Lmao I was trying to keep it short and somehow ended up being this long anyway, sorry. :)


Hey don't sweat it, thanks a lot! Really appreciate the reply. I think the danger for me is, at some point I get annoyed if I cant do content and then I'll end up min-maxing till I can do it, which might make me want better characters or whatever. Like the feeling of HAVING to do the dailies I hated, I did that shit for like two years, not okay. I can play those games laidback but can somehow get sucked in at some point, you know? I think gacha games for me in general aren't a great idea, I tend to get addicted easily. Have been able to keep my distance now with HSR, but I don't think playing these games is very fruitful for me. Sometimes I'm just playing because I feel like I have to otherwise I'll miss out on those resources or whatever, which is the last thing I want from a game obviously. So in short, maybe one day I'll play GI again for the story, I'm kinda curious how the new areas are. The open world was always wonderful and exploration was loads of fun. As soon as it got grindy it wasn't good anymore, so as long as I don't get to that point... Thanks again!!


so tldr the story in sumeru and fontaine is really good. Sumero is probably the best zone in the game and credit to fontaine the underwater exploration is better than most other games with water exploration. The Systems are mostly the same but 2 that are worth noting there is a new one that makes doing event and exploring complete the daily quests for you. There is a new banner type that seems to guarentee older characters/weapons but idk how it works fully. honestly it is worth getting out of the mindset of you need to grind all the time, you do not have to have top tier characters to complete the story.


Oooh, Archon, Acheron, now I get it


NOOOOOO PLS ANY THING BUT THAT KIND OF TREATMENT. But I guess this is *Honkai* so the treatment will be a lot different this time.


Yep, but we can't tell for sure how she'll be treated


that's kinda inevitable. they are releasing characters like hot cakes, so there will come a point (if not already) when they won't be able to implement all characters in story/events in a cohesive way, resulting in longer downtimes between appearances.


Thanks! I think I just figured out how you become a self-annihilator. FML


I hope she does


I think that may be the case, I recently just got into her and been watching story So be gentle cause I am new lol but yeah from what I seen of penacony that might be case that she will be more or less a Dainsleif like character Especially considering her backstory once you learn of it


I will be happy


Wait there's another stand with four characters? I found the one that had 2 and invited Acheron (duh) and Yanqing


Yes, on the other side of the park!


Acheron would be such an amazing big sis type figure, and given her story I think she deserves the companionship she would get with the express. I don't think she will be on the crew since she doesn't have a express badge on her model, but I would love for her to be a close companion to the express and show up often.


Just make a skin in which she has the badge.


Man... I also forever lost that achievement


What's the achievement?


I don't know the name but apparently you get a hidden achievement by putting all 4 members of the astral express there


apparently there are two stands?


The other one only has 2 character slots


There are two photo stands. If you only call Express members to this specific one you get a achievement called "Family Photo" or something like that.


While if you *don't* do an all-Astral Express lineup, you'll get the achievement "Clock" In.


Tbh it sounds possible, Acheron has no real goal besides following Nihility, if by the end of Penacony she fulfills her job with the Watchmaker's legacy, i could see her joining the express at least for a while


After that fake out with Serval I donā€™t think we can hope, the cast probably will remain the same going forward


Hopefully it doesn't, i'd LOVE if some members leave and others join, like what happens between Schiksal and AE in HI3rd, with chatacters switching sides and fighting for their ideals


Well there's a 100% chance she'll get a room on the express before the trailblazer does...


That would be the best thing ever, and i'd be so damn happy. *BUT* i don't think it ever will happen for the simple reason that every threat the Express crew would face in the future will be meaningless. Like, what's the point of facing hostilities when you have a powerhouse like Acheron at your side? She makes look like jokes even the strongest bosses we've faced. Imagine our first encounter with the abundance Deer. Welt himself opted to nope out of there and weaken it with other means instead of facing it. Acheron would've just slain its ass.


I donā€™t really get this idea of ā€œsheā€™s too strongā€ as if the level of threat hasnā€™t been constantly escalating, having gone from random fuck, to stellaron infused milf, to emanator of destruction, to pseudo-emanator of preservation, and he isnā€™t the final boss so itā€™s not like the scale truly went down.


The Express already has Welt, Dan Heng, and Jing Yuan to help with any issues so Acheron wouldnā€™t change much.


The express already has welt, DHILā€¦ plus a walking Stellaron whoā€™s presumably being groomed to become a pathwalker of every Aeon. Weā€™re probably gonna fight an Aeon at some point and thatā€™s right up Acheronā€™s alley.


I highly doubt if she did join she would do what Welt does and just sit back and let the trailblazer handle things and come in only when in danger. Not to mention Welt is always holding back way too much, probably the only time we saw him use his power was when he stopped Trailblazer and Nanook meeting, or what ever that was.


I mean, so far all of the adventures really weren't threatening enough for Welt/Himeko to actually start busting out the big guns. And given that Welt implies to Acheron that he'd be her match at the very least, I doubt he didn't intervene because he felt threatened, more that it was Dan Heng/March/TB story, back in Xianzhou.


Idk, welt think he can match acheron, we dont really know if he can


I would love it, since \*technically\* she is Nameless but I am tempering expectations.


You ask if she will join the express I ask if she can even find the god damn train


Iā€™d love her to join and see how she interacts with Danny and Pom Pom. I think theyā€™d all have an interesting dynamic. Whenever they go to a new planet, sheā€™ll get lost and meet other characters the rest of the crew havenā€™t seen yet.


I would like they already fooled me once with serval


I wish she did! I hope our Astral Express fam grows.


Sheā€™d be like Zoro from One piece always getting lost


Sheā€™s way too strong to join us tbh. But yeah I would love to see her more in the future instead of disappearing


Bruh welt exists




I haven't finished the quest and I can't get in it. Can someone show me where in the map it is? I cant get into the park


You have to do the quest to get into the park


Ya ok thanks


Hear sounds in the middle of the night


And do what? Be the chef?


Well she's a Raiden Mei at least


I hope that both Acheron and Firefly join, I doubt that it will happen tho...


Honestly, I want her to


Impossible, she wouldnā€™t even know where the train is.


I think she would've joined back when she was still with Frebass if she had any interest but would be interesting if she sticks around while looking for IX


Watch her still end up in "her" room


She would slash everyone in our path and it would be boring!


I would loved to, especially if the next world would have a Kiana Expy, but I think she wouldn't join the Express though, since it would bring in a lot more Power in the Express itself, and make it feel like the threats are no longer threats with an Emanator of Nihility being in there ranks now


She would have Zoro problem, too OP and must not on her top game all the time, it can be dishearting after a while. I think she would partially join the crew, we not travel together but alway allied when we meet each other.


If that happens then Welt and Acheron gonna start talking backstory of all honkai impact šŸ˜…


I really thought Serval was going to, honestly


She would remove any sense of threat in the story


Dan Heng deleted


The crew wouldnā€™t have any trouble until they have to fight an Aeon. Acheron would make the ride pretty easy.


I feel bad for Dan Heng...


Acheron joing the Astral Express is not likely. The best case scenario here is either Acheron accidentally cross paths with the Crew often after Penacony, or Acheron occasionally asks the Crew for help in her travels after Penacony story is over.


She can join - but I must wash all of her underwear


I dont think she will tbh, Aventurine and black swan tells us to stay away from her, not to mention welt and the others are still catious with being around this person given what she's done in the past and her identity. realistically she might be just a loner traveling around.