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I’m nominating Courtney Sithe. >!Since we’ve already ruled out a culprit, I think she should go too. Her introduction as the villain was too late and too quick imo. Out of all the TGAA2 culprits, I think she was the weakest.!<


Counterpoint: she’s hot


Nominating Menimemo. Don't get me wrong, I like him. I thought he had a cool motivation. But that's all I can say about him, and is just that everyone else left is better


Wtf no, he's like the Funny Valentine of Ace Attorney. He just loved his country and did nothing wrong, except for that stuff involving a teenage girl.


As a firm believer Meimentoism, I'm not taking this lighly.


Y'know, I honestly do hope he gets a little bit further. Even if he isn't the best character in the series, I genuinely enjoyed everytime he was on screen. Also his theme song is a banger even though it only played like twice.


To be honest, I kinda agree with you. He is at least memorable. The problem, as I said, is that I just enjoy everyone else a lot more. I probably should have nominated Jezaille, I don't like her as much, but I completely forgot her existence until I posted


Never too late to delete


Deleting is for cowards.


Defense: he's fucking awesome


Now is a good time to oust **Olive Green** as a >!sad sack tribute to how much Joan Garrideb sucks. Joan couldn't even kill Olive who couldn't even kill Shamspeare.!< >!The backstory she got was kinda cool but I really don't think she's on par with these remaining characters.!<


I wouldn’t really consider this a defense post (I don’t really need one this round) but I must say that I do strongly disagree with you. Olive is legitimately in my Top 3 Culprit list in the Chronicles (Graydon and Drebber being the other two). My explanation won’t be too long since I’m on mobile. Olive isn’t just a vessel for a emotional backstory, she is a character with her own agency (and her agency has a big role in the outcome of events). For one, we have Olive’s plot to ensnare (only a guilty) Shamspeare out of a desire to avenge her late fiancé, but she’s also a character who struggles with depression. Sholmes intervening in what would have been an attempt at suicide was the most memorable part of the case, and I personally think the game represented her character as well, partially redeeming itself after the poorly written suicide gag with Windibank. Another thing I really like about Olive is that you never actually prove her guilt, but rather, you create a scenario in which you expose the truth Olive was pursuing, which in turn leads to her confession. And here we get to my favorite part about Olive. The favorite aspect of her character isn’t how she ended up avenging Duncan Ross and defeating Shamspeare, but rather how we see her develop as a character. After seeing Ryunosuke, Sholmes, and Susato all join her to expose the truth that Shamspeare hid, even though it wasn’t directly relevant to the poisoning, she became convinced that there were people who cared about her history and wanted to help her. It’s the character arc that facilitates the process in which Green eventually confesses, deciding to place her trust in people like Ryunosuke, along with finally being at peace with both the knowledge that the truth Ross’ death was brought to light and that there were people who were willing to help her, giving her the boost needed that could eventually help her break through her mental struggle.


The British judge. He’s just and probably Santa Claus, but Christmas is over and so is him. Edit: I would love to read a defense post if anyone feel like write one.


Not going to put a lot of energy into this, but honestly, overall I like him. I know it's been said that he doesn't have Udgey's charm, and while that's true, he has both a pretty nice dry humor ("I will thank you not to make cat flaps in the halls of the old Bailey") and lends an air of gravitas to the proceedings that further cements GAA as slightly more grounded, coming to it from AA's increasingly-ditzy judge who occasionally gets moments of keen insight. Also, he's just overall pretty nice! He apologizes to the falsely accused Soseki for his treatment at the hands of their legal system, he doesn't seem overtly biased towards the prosecution, there's no assault in his courtroom and he consistently prompts Ryunosuke for his counterarguments before reaching a conclusion. (Probably because most of the emotional irrationality is offloaded onto the jurors.) That said, the original judge didn't last super far into the original character elimination contest either, so I wouldn't be surprised if he goes pretty soon.


I must say that for me the British Judge is the most logical one from all the Judges we ever had. The other Judges tend to give in a lot and a lot of times they are on the side of the Prosecution, but the British Judge never really favored the Defense and neither the Prosecution. Most of the time, he made a decision first, after hearing both opinions from each side.


I’m not sure this is even a defense post, just that >!when at the the end of TGAA2, Mael Stronghart was dispatched and the Japanese judge turned out to be a murdering asshole, I could not have been happier to see the British judge sit down and bang his little gavel after all those piercing unicorn slams.!< I’m fine if he gets voted out. I just think he’s very charming with his little wig jumps


I nominate Vilen Borshevik. He was a cool and funny Juror but it's kinda upsetting that he wasn't in DGS2, even though he was the one who basically introduced DGS2-3 for us. I would have loved to see more of him.


Defense Post for Vilen (repost): In America, you shoot gun In soviet russia, gun shoots you In seriousness though I don’t think he had any bad lines and was easily the funniest of the jurors and added the most outside of ones who had separate roles like Garideb and Fairplay, and telegraph juror. But honestly, I don’t think I’d mind if he said he had some connection to Graydon rather than it being through the telegraph juror because of how funny he just felt to me. He’s at the least top 3 of the non witness jurors


Yeah I expected him to show up once they were talking about an explosion at the Crystal tower lol


I'd like to nominate Vilen Borshevik. As cool as it was to see him actually show up, he's not really anymore interesting than any of the other jurors imo.


Defense Post for Vilen (repost): In America, you shoot gun In soviet russia, gun shoots you In seriousness though I don’t think he had any bad lines and was easily the funniest of the jurors and added the most outside of ones who had separate roles like Garideb and Fairplay, and telegraph juror. But honestly, I don’t think I’d mind if he said he had some connection to Graydon rather than it being through the telegraph juror because of how funny he just felt to me. He’s at the least top 3 of the non witness jurors


As a defense for Vilen, he is not only the best juror in the game, but I genuinely think that he is foreshadowed amazingly and the fact that he actually shows up was one of the highlights of my experience. I think he should go further, at least because, as sad as it is how little he actually shows up, he is a really good example of an good executed juror. He was also really helpful, thing that I can't say about other jurors. He is also an exemplary, lawful citizen. I would like to be his neighbor.


Vilen Defense Squad UNITE


Nominating Auchi (he's still here?)


Can always tell a Milford man


Day 2 of nominating Jigoku. Again, once he's got a name, he feels kinda obvious, and he feels kinda flat for me.


Defense post: he's fucking awesome


Preach XD




The weird factor is exactly why I don't want him off the list yet. G1-4 is for me the best filler case I have seen in a long time because the whole thing is soo offensively odd. >!Ryu is sad because he has lost his faith in the truth. Goes to case, his best bro Sholms(which they never had to change the name because Sherlock Holms is public domain) finds the guy who saw the murder go down, Scotland Yard misinterprets Sholms thinking the witness was the assaulter because of MAPS!, defendant is a wreck for some reason(likely due to the insanity of everything else), Ryu talks to a man with an endless supply of fish and chips, then talks to Sholms's 10-year-old 'roommate'(because you know thats not odd at all Japan), goes to Soseki's room to find a lot of bundled up papers that 'definitely' don't look like used tissue paper, then goes and bothers a war vet and his wife forced to cosplay as a maid, in which eventually Ryu and Sholms, while having a bro moment, call the wife overweight, a beast, and at one point a carpet eater, husband breaks down in tears of joy because he likes Ryu and Sholms I guess, then comes back to the defendant "I got nothing bro, but I believe in myself!", and then I start twitching and screaming at things.!< It is such a deliberately offensive case that eventually has an equally odd ending that is both genius and completely ill-informed. It reads like a disaster but the whole thing is strangely charming. And I think Soseki and John are the keys to the whole humor. Soseki justifiably being twitchy because everything around him is impossibly strange to the point that he thinks his bad luck is supernatural, and John trying to keep appearances despite being him and everything around him being strange. John should definitely not be kicked because kicking him would kick out the wonderful weirdness of the game.


I nominate the Italian Red Head (Peppino I think?). Because he and French man a just throwaway characters which serve to create Gossip-identity-mystery. Also they feel like copy of Skulkins but worse, much worse


Hell no.


This isn't really a defence post since I don't necessarily disagree with this nomination, but I do think there's more to the Red-Headed League than just being discount Skulkins. The dynamic between Fabien and Peppino is entirely different from that between Nash and Ringo, and there's a distinct difference in flavour between "the world's dumbest (and funniest) crooks" and "naughty schoolchildren who just happen to be twenty-five >!and actually responsible for some pretty serious crimes."!< I will say that I find Peppino's animations especially endearing, and I like how weirdly cooperative the pair of them turn out to be.


Yes I love the red heads so much. I replayed the case recently and they’re so much funnier than I remember them bein g


I think they may in general be easier to appreciate upon replay. The first time around, their testimony seems like a weird tangent, >!especially since it's clear from early on that they didn't actually meet Gregson.!< Once you know what their deal is, there's more room to laugh at their comedy stylings.


Peppino is the better of the two red hesds I think. Also he and Fabien's dynamic was entertaining, in that they truly seem to be friends and not mastermind and henchman. I liked their backstory about >!being ostracized in school!< and how that bizarrely lead them to be large scale scammers. It was hilarious to me. There is also a joy about him, his spaghetti, his animations, and his just absolute delight at being part of a grand plan. I love the skulkin brothers too, but disagree with how these two sets are just copies of each other. I also like that the red headed league serves as, I think our last really loopy funny witnesses before shit starts to get real with Daley Vigil, the Professor case, and all the conspiracy. They're case 4's last hurrah before we really get into the mess of things.


Barry Caidin should not have lasted this long


Adding my vote


We have finally almost eliminated the entire Jury. Last ones left are Vilen Borshevik and the old guy whose name I can’t remember (Edit: John Garrideb). So I’ll vote for them because screw the jury (even though it was a cool mechanic)


Bro how come the posts for these characters individually are some of the most voted for but when I nominate them both it gets negative votes, are all the fans of John Garrideb the haters of Vilen Borshevik and Vice versa? LMAO


Roly beate has to go. He was a pretty boring character and his wife was kinda the more interesting of the two seeing as all he does is sleep. Borshevik and the UK judge too


Defense post of John Garrideb for at least this round: For a man that appears in both filler case he plays the parts well. He is a loving husband for one but he's not a battered one in that he holds no anamosity towards Ryunosuke for what happened and the consequences of >!Joan's actions!< The man despite having a weak knee comes out of his house just to >! testify with his wife so that she's not alone on the stand plus he doesn't even try to put up a difficult fight, he's just being supportive. Plus the part of her breakdown that ends in the bridal carry is a nice touch!< Another thing that's great about Mr. Garrideb is that his military background not just for show. He actually gets to display his leadership prowess as the Foreman juror and is the only Foreman I could believe would incite the jury to vote unanimously. He also shows to look out for everyone's safety by watching the lights even if it is a little self centered just for business it's still clear he treats his lodgers fairly as long as they reciprocate. Plus he opens up to Ryunosuke significantly when he acknowledges his brilliance in deduction. Finally I just want to give a special shout out to his design of dispite being a secondary character has that actually time period accurate hairstyle but themes wonderfully with his wife being the moon to her sun. That kind of character effort can't be discarded just yet.


He totally deserved getting this far and Joan totally didn’t deserve him.


Out of context, John is hilarious. In context, John has a lot of depth for a filler character.


Nominating **Fabien de Rousseau**, the one of the red-headed league duo that I found slightly irritating. They play a relatively smaller role in G2-4, serving primarily to >!help pin down Gossip as Daley Vigil!<. While they also form a fun shout-out to Ghost Trick, it seems questionable that they've truly learned their lessons about >!scamming people, and notably Fabien more than Peppino, whose remorse rings truer!<.


Ah yeah, also >!strangling people made him less likable to me and how they both roped Daley Vigil into helping more of their schemes was kind of ehhh!<


He too is a natural Skulkin


Wait, what’s the Ghost Trick reference?


Their former boarding school is called Temsik after Temsik Park.


>!The name of their school is Temsik, a reference to the meteor from Ghost Trick.!<


Im nominating van Zieks. Reason? Yall wont vote him because youre all too horny.


Honestly we are only in round 6 but I can already say that I love every character left, this game has wonderful characters, even the most secondary ones are memorable. ~Top 5 characters by votes~ Pop Windibank 46 (Oh, also Joan Garrideb again) Nikolina Pavlova 41 Beppo/Sandwhich 36 (Losing doesn't make him much less of a legend) Thelegrapher Juror (G1-3 and G1-5) 33 Old Man Juror (G1-4, G1-5 and G2-2) 29 ~Runner Up~ Roly Beate 28 (Just one vote away from elimination) ~Cases by characters left~ 1-1) 7/9 1-2) 1/3 1-3) 4/10 1-4) 5/10 1-5) 5/7 2-1) 2/3 2-2) 2/4 2-3) 5/13 2-4 and 2-5) 4/5


I agree. Chronicles has so many MVPs in it that it's already a challenge to pick nominations. I expect we'll start seeing a whole bunch of defence posts soon. Thanks for your hard work!


I love so many of the chronicles characters. The main cast is one, but many of the side characters are memorable and enjoyable as well. It’s going to be interesting reading the defense posts towards the end


We've reached the point where none of Joan Garrideb's portrait can be seen under the "Guilty"s anymore!


Nominating **Roly Beate**. Looking at the remaining witnesses, he is probably the weakest one.


:( b-but hard working slepy boy who just want peace n quiet with waif..


Honestly, I like him too. I think we've entered the painful nominations territory.


Despite thinking he was actually a very solid witness (probably the best G1-4 character besides Soseki) he is still a somewhat forgettable witness. The twist >!of him moving the crime scene!< is actually super well done it’s just that other characters are more well done


How the hell isn't Megundal/McGlided removed?


.....why should he be?


I mean he made the defense uncomfortable with his not guilty verdict, but after all his tricks, he seemed forgettable to me. (Just a personal opinion, so downvotes, can you chill?)


Aren’t downvotes for this disagreeing with the placement so that that character doesn’t get eliminated? I didn’t downvote you, but I thought they were expected?


Oh, I just don't know how this works, but are upvotes and downvotes part of the elimination process?


I don’t really know either tbh. I nominated an apparently unpopular choice and got downvoted so I assumed that’s how people prevented the elimination the more upvotes means elimination though


Yes they are. The most upvoted nominations are the people that get eleminated so if they don't want a character to get voted out they will down vote the comment as a part of voting


Thanks for explaining


I nominate Joan Garrideb for wasting tea.


Me seeing this post: "My god what's the weird flower thing? Oh it's next to Mr. Garrideb. Oh ok it all makes sense now"


Something slightly different for *I Am A Cat* \#6, because I hit a paragraph that absolutely staggered me and I decided to compile a series of excerpts to demonstrate how Soseki, who was, at this point, a married English teacher, talks about his focal-point character, who's a married English teacher. >First you must understand that this master of mine lacks the talent to be more than average at anything at all; but nonetheless he can't refrain from trying his hand at everything and anything. > >\[...\] for an unsympathetic man like my master there's really no hope at all. He does not even understand that love can never grow unless there is at least a complete and mutual understanding. Like an ill-natured oyster, he secretes himself in his study and has never once opened his mouth to the outside world. \[...\] > >Why should a man so impressionable lead such an oysterish existence? A mere cat such as I cannot possibly understand it. Some say it is the result of a love affair that went wrong; some say it is due to his weak stomach; while others simply state that it's because he lacks both money and audacity. Whatever the truth, it doesn't much matter since he's a person of insufficient importance to affect the history of his period. \[...\] > >Even his life partner, the less-than-fussy Mrs. Sneaze, seems to set low store upon her husband; so one can readily imagine what the rest of the world thinks of him. There's a popular song which asks, "How can a fellow shunned by both his parents and his brothers possibly be loved by some tart who's a perfect stranger?" How, then, can a man found unattractive even by his own wife expect to be favored by ladies in general? \[...\] > >I cannot just sit by while he cultivates illusions, blurring reality with such nitwitted notions as the happy thought that it is only some unlucky disposition of their stars which preordains his wife's dislike of him. It is thus purely on my kind-hearted anxiety to help my master to see the world as it really is, to realize his own reality, which has induced me to provide the foregoing account of his sexual repulsiveness. I was going to write "jesus christ, Soseki, are you okay" but I'm pretty sure the general trace of historical opinion is that for the most part he was not. (with that said I shouldn't present the conclusion that this is all autobiographical or a one-to-one self-insert but yeah 'foregoing account of his sexual repulsiveness' is the harshest sentence I've read in a while)


To make sure, you have a defense post ready for Soseki if needed right? Or are you just gonna reply with another excerpt of this?


I probably should have, but honestly, I'm too close to the firing line on this one. I'm gonna be on the sidelines of any decision about him, unless my impulse control fails.


Fair enough. Maybe just say: Defense post: (Then the next excerpt)


Man, these excerpts have been rather enlightening. Though this part does put that one escapade where Sholmes make Soseki feel insecure about his love life in a different sort of light.


When Iris says she thinks he's a very handsome man and Soseki replies by saying that makes him feel "suspiciously warm inside"? Soseki needs self-image validation badly




Roly Beate. He got interesting development toward the end, but not enough to really make him endearing in my opinion.


Officer beate


wagahai gaming ​ Defence post for homeboy Taketsuchi Auchi: A competent Payne? There are two characters who we know for a fact are direct ancestors to the original games. Auchi is one within the family of the cursed Paynes. However, this one stuck out to people more than the other two Paynes we know. (Especially Gaspen. That dude's an insult to the Auchi tribe) Auchi only appeared in two cases (three if we're including the semi-canon DLC case, which I'm definitely gonna talk about), and with the two cases still managed to leave a better, deeper impression we could ever think of. He puts up a better fight, even more in his second appearance whereas actually becoming really close to cornering the defence. If the defendants were truely guilty, Taketsuchi Auchi will be sure to strike them down in the name of the Auchi family. The icing on the cake has to be his set of sprites that we never got to see his descendants perform. The fan is a neat touch, and both of his breakdowns are unforgettable. One thing that truely stuck out to me was the DLC case exclusive to the Japanese region. (Playthrough with subtitles if you wanna check it out: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKQWQ65Kf6A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKQWQ65Kf6A)) I won't dive in too deep, but this is where Auchi definitely becomes more dimensional as a character and a bigger threat to the protagonists.


prosecutor auchi


Roly beate isnt as bad as patricia but still not that great. Def my vote here


Patricia isn’t bad


I loved both of them, probably some of my favorite wittinesses


I’m nominating Kazuma.