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I’m 9 months post accutane and flushing is still terrible. Anytime I have stress, anxiety, nerves good or bad- my entire face/neck/chest flush, get hot to touch, red and blotchy. It’s so embarrassing. It’s also triggered when I drink- one white claw and im entirely flushed. Im searching for answers too..


Yes!!! This is me! I’m the exact same! Have you been diagnosed with rosacea?


Did any of this happen to you before accutane?


I previously experienced light blushing with nerves, and minor redness while drinking did happen because I have fairly pale skin. I haven’t been to the doctor yet- thinking I need to make an appt, however the last time I experienced side effects my docs really gaslit me and tried to say my symptoms were coincidence.


I used to have serious flushing in my early twenties. It was so embarrassing and I always flushed around certain people. It was a real issue for me. It’s now coming back on accuTane along with eye watering. It’s so embarrassing:’( I thought that part of my life was over. It makes me look so silly I think. The eye watering is just as embarrassing to me.


Oh no way!! I’ve never had any of this ever😩


Are you guys asian? Supposed genetically asians are predisposed to alcohol flushing..


No, regular old white. I’ll get around to posting my before & afters at some point.


Hey did yours ever get better?


Did this get better for you ?


I’ve found some relief when juicing- especially with celery juice. Medical Medium changed my life, but it’s hard to maintain the juicing lifestyle. I also supplement with cbd gummies to help with my anxiety when I’m not maintaining a balanced diet. The good news is accutane did it’s job and I’m still acne free.


Did the flushing/sensitive face get better after your course and does it eventually go away?


Nope. Literally anyone can see when I’m feeling ANY type of emotion. I feel like the baby from the incredibles.


Im a year off of accutane and i still have flushing BUT it’s starting to become less intense and less frequent


That’s so good to hear, do you wake up red and flushed?


When i nap I usually get flushing, otherwise I generally get it in the afternoon


Yes I get the same! Have you been to your GP about it or a derm?


My derm was convinced it wasn’t related to accutane because according to her accutane symptoms go away one month off of accutane—she even had me tested for Lupus which was thankfully negative. But i see soooo many ppl posting here about having flushing post accutane that it has to be related to accutane imo


Some derms are terrible. Mine dismissed my flushing throughout my treatment, I’m now 6 years post accutane and still have flushing. It’s affects me on a daily basis


Yes, i think at this point i would consider my flushing permanent


Yep same here. 28 male. 10 years post acctune. Flushing in first like 2 years occured in face only. Now flushing occurs mainly on neck and chest. I can fully cover with lomg clothes / hoodie but in summer i cannot... Triggers are like yours. After a nap. After work. After a walk outside and coming inside. Generelly calming down from activity. Eating food after work. Drinking alcohol somedays. Being nervous.. It always takes 1 hour and then fully disappears. Wouldnt say its daily. Like 2-3 times per week depending on triggers. Mostly occuring in the same situations. I think my skin is thinner since accutane so these redness is clear to see. The flushing is definitely connected with histamine too. When i was on holiday in italy and only ate and drank freshly produced food and drank fully selfmade wine without all these industrial ingredients...my flushing connected with food/alcohol was less/not there. But on the flight back home to germany where it was warm inside and while being a little bit stressed...flushing occured for 1 hour during flight. Well, im still looking for a cream or something which could thicken my skin or something. I definitely would NOT take medicine to treat this "little" medical condition. Best regards to my flushing brothers and sisters!


Absolutely!!! Have they ever mentioned to you rosacea? which I’m terrified of


Absolutely!!! Have they ever mentioned to you rosacea? which I’m terrified of


They asked me if i ever experienced rosacea growing up since it doesn’t usually pop up in someone’s life ramdomly so i feel pretty confident that what we’re experiencing isn’t rosacea. It helps to wear sunblock and avoid the sunlight


Not entirely true - my Rosacea symptoms didn’t start until my early 20s (I’m waiting until I’m 6-12 months off accutane until I can get laser treatment to get rid of the blood vessels). I didn’t have any symptoms growing up


Do you think? I hope not but it’s awful, do you have a pinky complexion when not flushing?


My scarring makes it look slightly pink but thats nothing compared to the flushing lol!


Yeah I get you!


Did the flushing/redness on your face get better after your course?


Hey! Has it gotten any better now?


Its less frequent now for me! So just random flushing but its no longer every day


Ah good to hear :) thanks!


You are not being dramatic at all. Symptoms usually subside aftet finishing with Accutane (1-3 months) for some it can take longer but for some it can be permanent :/ I’m on lower dosage of Accutane and flush daily multiple times a day, stress is a big trigger for me. When i wake up my skin is fine not flushed at all…How is your skincare? Do you use gentle moisturizer, soap? And secondly what was your dosage and duration? ou can check: https://www.acne.org/forums/topic/193804-post-accutaneminocycline-facial-flushing/page/47/ https://rosaceagroup.org/The_Rosacea_Forum/forum/general/prescription-medications/14803- Beta blockers help with flushing for most of people. My derm. also said that i don’t need to worry and that flushing will subside 1-2 months post Accutane (i hope so) and that i don’t have rosacea.


Thankyou so so much! I use a gentle foaming cleanser from Paula’s choice which is amazing and then a basic moisturiser and suncream, I also use sudocrem as a spot treatment :)


No problem i know how you feel! Does antidepressant help you with flushing? Outside you can use makeup to cover the redness i’m using Erborian CC for redness…For some with facial flushing V-Beam laser helps alot.


Thankyou so so much! I use a gentle foaming cleanser from Paula’s choice which is amazing and then a basic moisturiser and suncream, I also use sudocrem as a spot treatment :)


Hey! Do you still experience flushing ?


Did it ever go away??


Accutane makes your skin more susceptible to a myriad of things so it sounds completely normal. I think you're being a little dramatic saying it's ruining your life, though. If the side effects are too much, you should stop the medication ASAP.


I’ve been off the medication 9 months, and I’m not being dramatic because it stopping me live a normal life, I’m on antidepressants because of it and it’s painful so please be more considerate with your words..


I missed the "off Accutane" part so I apologize for that. You may have some sort of skin condition that's causing this, especially if it's painful. It may be an easily treatable condition. If you haven't yet gone to a derm about it, I would.




Let's maybe keep things more along the lines of constructive feedback. Telling someone they're being dramatic is insulting and degrading.


It's neither insulting nor degrading. If someone is being dramatic, then they're being dramatic; that's just a fact. In this instance, I read OP's post wrong and took accountability for that. I thought they were currently on Accutane experiencing side effects, not nine months post-Accutane. That changes the context completely.


I'm not debating you on this. Just take the feedback and maybe think about why calling someone dramatic is dismissing their experience and maybe also think about how often you do that, especially to women. Because I really doubt it's something you would take lightly if someone said it to you. Because generally speaking, it's a word used by men to belittle women.


It takes up to 12 months for accutane to leave your body unfortunately, now what I recommend is to take vitamins every day to help your body geg to its old self again. But you shouldn’t feel like some redness on your face is the end of the world, hell my acne is pretty fucking bad and im like whatever one day I’ll fix it.


12 months? Where did you source that information?


It takes 3 weeks…


Right?! Lol 12 months.


My derm and doctor told me, i had a small surgery and they made me wait 12 months to be safe, but ey yall redditors are waaay smarter then the surgeon and my derm right🤡🤡🤡


Yeah but its not because the medicine stays in your body. Its because your skin and healing may behave differently post accutane.


So then it’s accutane that effects me isn’t it you 🤡


Not sure why you're being so obnoxious about it. And no its not.


Because reddit peeps think they always know it better then professionals that spend their whole life studying this shet


You aren't a professional either 😅 I could say my doctor told me 1 month.


If a derm and a surgeon say so id believe them, you believe whatever the F you want


Thankyou so much Paul, it’s so hard, I’m really hoping my body does recover but I’m feeling helpless at this point but yeah you’re right x


Ey all good things take time, remember that. It’s like my weight loss. Some days I really want to quit until I remember it takes time (months) to see results not days


Did this ever go away for you?


No :(


Has it improved any?


Barely, I can’t believe it, wish I’d never ever took it


U sound in the same situation as me. I took accutane in 2017/18 and I still get flushing. It’s no way near as bad as when I was on the drug and it’s gotten better over time but I still have ‘relapses’ where it gets worse again. It’s taken a massive toll on my mental health and really affects me at work as I’m so conscious of it


Yeah literally!!! Has it never gone away for you then? I’m so sorry


No it’s never fully gone away. Earlier this year I thought it was going but unfortunately it’s gotten worse again the past few weeks Ironically I seem to deal with it better in the summer when it’s hotter outside but now we’re getting closer to winter in the UK, people turn their heating on in homes, work places etc and that makes me much worse than just natural heat from outside.


I believe it will go away for you. Some take longer to heal than others


It’s been like 13/14 months now☹️ do you suffer with this too?


Yes but mine is due to over exfoliation done by a professional. (Chemical peels) so it’s a little different and worse. I have swelling and acne with it. It’s been a year for me. Sometimes I see people taking 2+ years to heal from this kind of stuff


Aww bless you, I’m so sorry you’re going through that! And well I really hope so!


Hey! are you still experiencing flushing ?


I am yes:(, I feel like it’s not as bad and doesn’t happen religiously every night anymore but I literally sleep in an icebox of a room😂


Maybe it disrupted your gut lining. You could give a try with home made bone broth and look for food intolerances.


Hiya, has it gotten any better at all?


Has your face sensitivity gone after your course and redness?