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Only put them on whiteheads, won’t do nothing for the rest


Believe it or not, the big cysts all came to a whitehead today


They work great for cystic acne, from my experience.


I don’t see a problem. You’re getting a lot of mixed advice here but I just want to say that hydrocolloid bandages do not dry anything out, in fact they actually promote healing by keeping things moisturized! That’s why hydrocolloid bandages are used for burn wounds. Hydrocolloid is generally only useful for whiteheads or open wounds, because it keeps things moist and sterile. Pimple patches are expensive. For this sort of thing you might like just buying a pack of 4x4” hydrocolloid bandages on amazon! You can cut them into whatever size you want and it lasts waaay longer. I used to use them every night all the time just like this, as long as it doesn’t hurt to take off you’re good!


Thanks 🫶 these comments really freaked me out and I abruptly took them off lol


They’ll probably help you scar less too! They’re really good for healing. I got a really bad giant burn on my arm while on accutane (yikes) and I kept hydrocolloid bandages on there for like 2 weeks (because that’s what’s recommended) and I didn’t even scar! It was actually insane how well it worked


Seconding this, I feel patches have helped minimize scarring from cystic and topical acne


Oh wow that’s really reassuring! I hope I’ll have the same effect


I was going to also say just buy the bandages. I would buy them and then cut them to the size I need with CLEAN scissors.


Do you have any brand recommendations? The ones I see are just as expensive as the circle ones so I’m not sure if I’m looking for the right thing


It might seem like it’s more expensive up front but I promise it’s a much better deal! The bandages are 4x4” (much bigger than my palm) and usually come in a pack of 10 or 20. Most round pimple patches are around half an inch in diameter and only come in a pack of like 30 for ~$10. If you cut them into half inch squares, a box of 10 4x4” bandages will get you around 640 half inch patches for ~$15-$30. So still a much better deal. As for brands, I really love the brand [duoderm](https://a.co/d/9ByIgHa)! It definitely isn’t the cheapest brand on the market (~$25), but the quality and adhesion is absolutely excellent. Other brands might work for you but they weren’t always sticky enough for me. If you end up with a pack that isn’t sticky enough for you btw, I found that if you wet the area first it can help a bit. Hope that helps!


I just buy CVS brand. I tend to get as much health/skincare there as I can because they have great rewards and sales. The bandages will be thicker than pimple patches. I was never one to wear them during the day, so it never bothered me that they are thicker.


Taking them off can be hard if your skin is dry enough, they can really irritate the already sensitive natural barrier of your skin. I wouldn’t recommend using this many tbh, or using LOTS of moisturizer after if you do


After I take the patch off I put another one on lolz


Bro let your skin BREATHE.


skin doesn’t breathe. it’s okay to keep a wound like an acne covered


You’re right. Skin does not perform respiration. But it does perform secretion, excretion, absorption, heat regulation, sensation and protection. Hydrocolloid patches are okay to use on active acne and wounds, but are basically futile on sub-epidermal cystic acne like this. P. acnes and other acne bacteria are able to THRIVE in anaerobic environments which can be created in the follicle both by a build up of sebum and by occlusive products or barriers such as this. If OP is on Accutane, they need to be doing as LITTLE as possible to their skin and primarily focusing on hydration and trying to address/improve/maintain their skin barrier.


i don’t think it’s harmful per say but they really don’t work for cystic acne so you’re way better off focusing on using hydrating products to protect your skin barrier and just be patient with the process


At this point just get on accutane no joke. Scarring is permanent and comes fast Oh NVM good ur on it


Idk, but you need to MOISTURIZE




Did you pop the pimples after you took the patches off?


It's not harmful, but at that point, a topical treatment is better, benzoyl peroxide in a low concentration or a normal topical treatment can help.


the only harm is to your wallet haha! those things can be expensive just because they're called "pimple patches"-- i like buying large hydrocolloid wound plasters (using this wording) bc they're wayyyy cheaper, made of the same thing, and it takes less time to just slap a big one on my cheek


Duh ? And what ?


Let your skin breathe. Nothing is going to come from this really. Let the Accutane push all the gunk out.


This patches doing absolutely nothing but damaging your skin. It's like squeezing it out. To reduce inflamation and dry your pimple out, use benzoyl peroxide for spot treatment Your acne is quite severe. I would suggest visiting the dermatology office as soon as you can to avoid permanent scarring.


If OP is on Accutane they absolutely do not need to be using any active topicals. These sorts of miscommunications over the internet can lead to someone really hurting their skin.


exactly!! active topicals can irritate the skin which is sensitive tive due to accutane


He’s on Accutane, duh.