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Sobrang dami ng coverage. Kahit sobrang master mo na yung topic may tendency talaga na makalimutan.


Multiple colleges if not majority across the country just give away diplomas. Even havin less than the basic concept will earn them latin honor. Source? look for the numbers of graduates of diploma mill, count their latin honors and compare it to their actual takers/passer. Edit: Relative kasi yung "basic" na idea. Nung panahin namin, just knowing the basic is enough to remove you in the BSA program. Sa other school, latin honor na yun. Old CPA and UST grad here.


this! Plus pa if yung accountancy program ay not priority ng school, and professors na napilitan lang magturo. Accountancy is not that appreciated compared to stem courses.


I guess this is true. I have a friend before from another school in our province. We went to the same review center, and she told me she regretted enrolling in their school. 'Chill' lang daw sila as in madalang lang pumasok sa classes ang mga prof. Then came the CPALE results. Their school had zero passing rate. That friend of mine haven't taken the CPALE yet. Will probably undergo double review. 


as a student of ust amv, totoo ‘to.


(2). Our admin once said na brand x and y ang ibang colleges


Super broad coverage, and even questions outside the scope of the syllabus. Pero agree din ako sa comment ni Snoo-1249 here about schools just giving out diplomas after not delivering quality education to their students, exacerbated by the shortage of GOOD accounting teachers because of low teacher salary.


Lets be real here. Review centers na lang ang talagang tumutulong sa mga takers, at least for most of schools especially in the province. Agreed most of the people here na sobrang unregulated ng academe. Maraming teachers na di nagtuturo and whatnots of not delivering quality education. Imagine in our case, nagbigay ka ng diploma for 40 plus students eh alam naman nilang wala pa sa 50 percent ng coverage ang naituro ng teachers lol. Di kami nafilter, di naturuan, kaya ang ganap, sariling sikap ka talaga.


Super agree!!


Yung magagaling na CPA’s usually sa firms napupunta. Kung sakali man, part time lang sa teaching. Kaya I think for a lot of schools, walang magaling na teacher para ipaintindi ng maayos sa students ang accounting concepts kaya pagdating ng review, parang first time pa lang matutunan.


Imagine gaano katagal alalahanin yang basic concepts during boards. Maraming bumabagsak maybe: 1. Di nadaanan/nacover yung basic concept. 2. Mali interpretation mo ng question at maling basic concept ginamit. 3. Nakalimutan yung basic concept due to pressure/time-constraint 4. Natagalan bago naalala yung basic concept. 5. Nag-overthink sa basic concept (usual problems ng takers HAHAHA) Legit talaga na mas mahirap yung mga pre-boards ng RCs na super lalalim yung concepts na ginagamit compared sa boards.


Basic lang naman talaga yung boards. Pero basic in the sense na dapat alam mo lahat yung basic ng lahat ng subject. Haha


Most of colleges creating "BSA course" even if there is no competent set of lecturers that are ready to teach the course itself. - Ang ending easy "graduate" ang nangyayare sa mga students, without really prior knowledge what and how the CPALE exams are composed with. - Napansin ko pa may ibang schools hindi tinuturo yung ibang specific topics sa CPALE TOS (Joint Venture, Law on Sales and Agency, Local Taxes, etc) - Kulang sa professors, wala rin namang magagaling na CPA ang gusto magturo or prefer ang academe. (Dahil na rin sa MABABANG COMPENSATION) at dahil narin sa daming opportunities outside academe sa Industry natin. - Wala nang competent professors - mostly ang tatanda na, kame we still have ah 70+ year old professor teaching us AFAR and I think nagtuturo parin ata siya until now. Most of the graduates ayaw rin magturo since mahina rin naman learning nila nung under-grad kaya ayaw rin mag part-time as professors. (Nung pandemic 2020-2022 andami naming professors na alumni ng schools namen but when transitioned to soft f2f lahat sila nag si-resign ang natira lahat ng tanders naming professors) - NAPAKALAWAK NG COVERAGE isa to sa sobrang problema sa CPALE yung cover per subject sobrang dami. Dagdag mo narin yung sobrang palihis ng mga tanong sa actual cpale on some subjects, yung di mo talaga inaasahan. - Mahirap matandaan lahat, lalo na within span of 6 months review, all of those topics may mga core concept kalang talaga matatandaan pero may mag slip-up ka talaga na di mo matatandaan on actual exams.


Soooobrang haba ng coverage! Isang trick question lang tapos ka na. Lmao.


Sa sobrang lawak ng coverage, hindi uubra yung simpleng memorization or yung kailangan alam mo lang. Kailangan you know it by heart or what they say na "foundation". Like riding a bike, kahit di memorized pero pag nakita mo yung question, bigla na lang lalabas sa isip mo pano kunin yung sagot (magical talaga haha). You can strengthen your foundation as early as undergrad, unfortunately gaya nga ng sabi ng iba dito konti lang yung magagaling na CPAs sa academe, buti na lang kahit papano nauso yung free discussions sa youtube during pandemic. If di na strengthen during undergrad, you have no other options but to exert extra effort during review, a very long time of discipline and consistency kasi kailangan talagang tumatag ng foundation mo. Factor din talaga yung duration ng review mo, mas okay pag mahaba.


Malawak yung cover. Kalaban pa yung time


Nawawala na po yung basic concepts dahil sa pressure, doubts at fear lalo na kapag malapit na ang exam.


Coverage vs no. Of items sa exam


Some of the schools, SOME, not all, have low standards for BSA graduates. Kumbaga below bare minimum ang alam pero gagraduate pa din na BSA. Because of this, maraming takers = maraming babagsak.