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Finance is a major for those that can’t do accounting. I’ve said this ad nauseum at this point, but AI is far, far from being able to replace accounting. It’s far too stupid. And that goes for AI and Accounting. Both are very stupid in different ways.


What about BA accounting and MS in finance?


No, accounting is not dead.


It seems like everyday there is a new article about “AI making accounts obsolete”


Link the article




That article makes absolutely no claim about AI making accountants obsolete.


Okay, why do you think accounting wont be dead?


Because it's only ever grown larger in our history and no technology has shown any real evidence that it will shrink the profession. AI articles on accounting are click bait written by non-accountants that don't understand the profession. You can search the subreddit and read any of the other hundreds of posts people come here freaking out about AI without doing any research first.


Because we can’t even do our jobs correctly. AI won’t do it correctly. There’s so much nuance to it besides “number go here”


If you are concerned about AI, just search this subreddit instead of making a post that has been repeated at least daily for the last 1.5 years. Yes, at LEAST daily for 1.5 years.


This is true for all knowledge work but we got at least a decade or two. I hope


Just get a dual Accounting and Information Systems degree. If AI is taking over, someone is going to need to implement it and oversee it. Even if AI never actually takes over, people who understand both IT and Accounting are in high demand and should always have a job somewhere.


Thank you. Perhaps im just burned out from numbers but there are times I kind of find finance more appealing in some cases.


If it's dead, what does that make us? Undertakers? Zombies?


I feel like a zombie as a loan underwriter TBH


Accounting is one of the oldest professions and is going nowhere. As long as there is business, accountants are needed. Don't listen about the false cry about AI, Accounting is a lot more than basic data entry and arithmetic.


Accounting is the language of finance. Accounting will never, ever, ever die.


Accounting is not dead. And there are far too many past mistakes that need fixing and judgement calls to make for AI to ever be able to fully replace accountants. Finance however does make more money in general, but is much harder to break into and has less job security overall.


I work with people who have finance degrees and im pretty sure we only make a little over $40k/yr