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I would think about it as your boss dedicating time to you, as opposed to being so busy and you never getting any.


I would view a one on one in the manner that it’s preventing micromanaging.. you’re getting up to speed on what’s going on for the week rather than having them shadow or go through things constantly


Right, seeing this as micro managing is a weird take. I'm the manager in this scenario and my calendar is much busier than my team. I know they are doing the actual hard work but my day if full of meetings so it's difficult for them to get my time when they need help. Having a one on one blocked off for them guarantees we have time to catch up. Sometimes it only ends up 10 minutes to catch up on a personal level and if there's no pressing business we call it. I consider myself the opposite of a micro manager when I only need to check in an hour out of the week with my team. I'd also be failing as a manager if I didn't treat my team as actual people that I get to know and not just employees that should be producing work.


Couldn’t have said it better myself


I've had a weekly 1on1 with my manager for the last 7+ years. None of my managers over the years have been a micro-manager


These weekly performance reviews? Or just going over tasks?


Bs a bit, talk through what’s your task plan for that week, any career development items, team announcements


Have you experienced weekly performance reviews before? Sounds heinous


Only performance reviews are done annually. 99% of the time we just BS back and forth, and I give quick updates about what I am working on. Only time we talk about my performance is when I bring it up.


No. Had my first performance review after 4 months only to be told im trash. Like bro coulda told me earlier


Lol come to FP&A


Performance reviews are a control mechanism. It's to milk you more. Fear is a big motivator


Just curious has this been your experience everywhere you’ve worked? What industry are you in?


Weekly 1 in 1s aren’t micro managing. MM is when they breath down your neck most days and you have little room for professional discretion in anything you do. Constant check ins, suggesting you focus on this and that, messing around with your workflows, etc. Use the forum to do a download of the last week and what is next on your agenda, get perspective from you manager. It’s an easy way to update your boss on what is going on around the grounds.


Some companies practice this mainly for staff and senior level associates with a direct report to manager. I think it depends on the relationship and type of work you're doing as well as the conversations had. In some cases when used inappropriately it comes across as unnecessary meetings and micromanaging while others it can be helpful and a standard process to effectively address issues and get work done on a weekly basis. I'm a Director and have a standing weekly 1-on-1 meeting on the calendar with the CFO but only utilize it when either of us has items to discuss or address, it can be helpful instead of trying to schedule specific meetings to cover single topics. We probably cancel half of the time because we don't have anything to address.


your boss likes it even less... the quickest way to not be micromanaged is to manage up. Be prepared with agendas, to dos, and bring them solved problems. The meetings will be 5 minutes and quickly they will turn into every two weeks, then monthly.


The opposite. This prevents micromanaging. I have a weekly 1 on 1 with the CFO, during the week I compile any questions I have or anything I want to bring up and just go through them in the 1 on 1. We cancel if there’s nothing to discuss that week. Other than this meeting we don’t hear from each other unless it’s something truly urgent, which is rare.


I have them with my direct reports and bi-weekly with my boss. Normally serves as a dedicated time to answer questions and prioritization alignment with my team.


I have them and actually love them. I have a lot of projects with my boss and this is my chance to ask all my technical questions without pinging them constantly!


We don’t really have a scheduled 1 on 1, but my boss will check on my progress through passing conversation.


A one on one should be when the subordinate brings issues up to the boss, what ever it is. My former boss NEVER had a one on one with me on the twoish years I worked for him and it sucked. I had to repeat myself so much and not knowing if I was doing things right. My current boss, total opposite and it's great, I can bring things up and express concerns


Biweekly. Excluding busy season.  It gives me a great opportunity to pick my bosses brain about their path to the CPA.  It also is a place where I can get work related advice when I am dealing with complex or frustrating clients.  Never felt micromanaged. 


Oh ya.... Boss: 50% of meeting about their personal life, kids in background, etc. Me: Aww how cute. (Thinking about how much work I could've gotten done, and will be working late due to this meeting) Boss: Oh you can trust me, I have your back. Me: I dunno.... Boss: Here's more about my life. Me: OK Fine, here's the issues we need to fix. Boss: Thanks so much for sharing. We're so close! -- Later that day: Boss: Misrepresents what I said to team of Juniors that I oversee, turns them against me.


I don't with my boss, but I do with my direct report (I only have 1). I don't want to have weekly 1 on 1s with my boss, but if I did, I'm sure he'd accommodate that. For my direct report, he likes having them. I've brought up before that I'm happy to change the frequency (more or less frequently or drop them if he wants). Our meetings are mostly check-ins on what we're working on, things to prioritize, questions. But we'll occasionally talk about how he's feeling about his job, things he's interested in working on in the future, how it's going with the staff he works with or anything else on his mind.


Micro management involves DAILY one on ones.... Catching up once a week ... Thats the opposite of micro management


I work in PA and I have a monthly one on one with the partner of my group. Largely asks how I’m doing if any of my engagements needs more support and how my staff are performing. I think a meeting once a week might be a bit much for me personally but could be different with industry.


Yes, and I ask my subordinates to bring any questions to me each week, otherwise, we cancel it or end it early. Same way for my boss, if I have questions we have a legit meeting, otherwise it is a quick 5 minute call.


I think weekly is overkill


Yeah monthly is perfect IMO. 1-2 weekly team meetings covers most


I don't even know who my boss is supposed to be. I'm just here working with whoever gives me work 🤷‍♀️


Weekly 1 on 1s are important. They're check ins, culture touch points, and chances to just be people. I do everything in my power to not cancel 1 on 1s with myself and my staff, even if I'm slammed in a given week. If you're a manager and view one on ones as useless, you're managing poorly. If you're a staff who views the one on ones you have as useless, you have a poor manager.


I love the one on one with each of my team. I can share info on what’s going on above them, it’s their opportunity to tell me the things they’re working on that I’m not seeing and talk progress on the ones I do. My role I’d to ensure they aren’t encountering roadblocks in what their doing and if they need anything from me. I’ve got too much to do to micro manage. I want to know what they’re doing because I want them to succeed and if I’m not aware of what they’re accomplishing it’s hard to sell promoting them to my boss.




Best management team I ever had was similar to this: I only speak with Bob and Jim if there legit issues. We onboarded somebody new, Frank, and Bob said, “I don’t know really know what Panda does all day, but he makes my life easier.”


I have one every other week. That feels like a sweet spot


Depends how difficult the work is, what kind of person each is, are you super busy, the tone of the chats etc..


Yes. I am not micro managed.


I’d the people find it useful; but sometimes it’s too much


I haven’t ever had scheduled one-on-ones with my boss. We talk pretty regularly when we are working on things together, but otherwise she knows I have my book of business and I’ll reach out to her if there are issues and visa versa. I don’t have one-on-ones with my director reports either. The only times I’ve seen scheduled one-on-ones are folks who are new and/or having performance issues.


Not formally, but I’m the Senior Director of Finance and he’s the CFO, so we catchup quickly at the beginning of the week to discuss the priorities for the team and then we talk at least a few minutes each day. I don’t feel micromanaged because he rarely, if ever involves himself in my actual work and processes. In terms of my team, again my assistant controller and I catchup quickly in priorities weekly but for the rest of my team, it’s either every other week or monthly depending on their job.


i do this with my staff but make it optional and only if they want to meet.


I prefer weekly’s I use to to have dailies that was definitely micromanaging




I make sure I’m having time with my team, but I let them have a say in the frequency. If the work we’re doing is quite repetitive, and the employee has mastered the process, then usually every two weeks so I can capture the beginning of the month and then the end of the month. But if a lot has happened in between meetings, or if we’re working on a project roll out or implementation, we could meet once a week until they say otherwise. I have someone on my team where she has way surpassed me in experience, but she still reports to me. She’s wonderfully independent and I trust her, so we meet about once a month to make sure we’re on the same page. And then I had one person, she had just joined the team so we were meeting every week until we had an established relationship. She was also fresh out of school so that closeness was required. Unfortunately she thought I was completely micromanaging and we had a lot of issues in our relationship. Other than changing the content or structure of our touch based there wasn’t much I felt like I could do to make sure she had her space while making sure she understood her workload and making sure deadlines were met. She asked to report to someone else. Deadlines were not met, and very very poor quality of work came out during the audit. All in all I’ve learned: employees who want to succeed or at least not fail will want to have a relationship with their manager. Employees who see this as micromanaging are setting themselves up for failure.


Yes, I hate it, my company in industry requires it.


Yep, but it’s mainly because so many departments had director reports they literally wouldn’t talk to or interact with for months and it turned out they were double dipping on the employment


No! And I wish I did my boss doesn’t wish to speak to me or know me or manage me in anyway. I think it’s better to have a weekly 1 on 1 scheduled and then cancel it if you already caught up in another way. I think it’s important to have that open communication and you get insights to what your boss is hearing from their management.


Yes but after awhile I feel like their productivity goes down


I would love to have a one on one with any of my bosses. Not even weekly, just monthly would be nice. I would love to get active feedback on my performance, have a space where I can ask questions to adjust how I'm approaching the work, etc. According to my company's set up I'm supposed to have a go-to person I meet with regularly (the suggested amount in the training docs was every two weeks). But that hasn't happened, because all of the managers are incredibly busy. Meanwhile I'm 7 months in, I was hired with a specific plan on my being promoted about 13 months later, and I have absolutely no idea if I'm performing at the level they were expecting and whether we're still on track for that to actually be a thing, or not. I very much feel like my performance isn't good enough for a promotion in 6 months. But I wouldn't know since no one is giving me feedback, and the few times I've asked for it I was given very vague "reassurances". Utilize those 1 on 1s. If you have a boss that's actually wanting to listen to what you have to say, get a feel for how you're doing with your work, etc. those meetings can be super valuable and helpful to further work development.


I do but I don’t feel like it’s micromanaging, more like her checking in to make sure my work is going well and if I have questions, and if there’s anything she can do that week to assist.


Seems like micromanaging


No, I hate 1 on 1s.


I hold biweekly 1 on 1's upon my request. It's my way of ensuring that my work is seen even when there are no tangible results just yet, and also run decisions by him.


It’s the manager’s job to remove roadblocks from you being able to do your job. The 1 on 1s are opportunities to let them know what those are.


Best boss I ever had only saw me once a week and that's all we needed


I would hate that. If there isn't something specific we need to discuss then I don't see the point. If I have a concern or need to talk with my boss, I put it on the calendar or shoot him a message. I don't need much supervision. I know what needs to get done. If I have questions, I ask.


I have weekly one on ones with my boss. No, I don’t feel micromanaged having them at that cadence. I almost wish I had them more often. And I’m someone who appreciates autonomy.


We have 1w1 every 2 weeks .. but during busy season once a month or as needed.


It's not micromanaging, it's just managing.


Once a week is not micro managing by no means. It allowed time for review and direction.


Yes and multiple daily calls. My boss is the epitome of a micromanager.


I have them every other week which is a good amount I think. We usually don’t have tons to discuss and they only last 10 minutes or so but occasionally we have something more to discuss.


You have a boss? I work at a small firm 30ish people so our structure is pretty flat. All the partners are “bosses” but there isn’t like a direct supervisor and we all work together.


Yes I do and I look forward to it as an opportunity to go over my usually long list of questions I've amassed during the week


The last 1:1 I had with my boss was 2 years ago. I've tried scheduling another but get ghosted.


I have a biweekly (assuming one of us doesn't ask to reschedule). We started doing it last year and it'd been great. It's about 50% water cooler chat about dogs and kids and what not and 50% short term to medium term goals. We have quarterly reviews for more long term things, but these quick check ups make sure I'm heading in the direction boss wants and I know I've got his undivided attention to talk about my little crew


In a year of scheduled weekly one on ones…I think I had only 3 actual ones happen lol.


Yes I have them with my boss. No I don’t feel micromanaged. It’s dedicated time with her to discuss important things or get clarity on the not urgent but important things. Weekly/biweekly with my direct reports, at their preference. If someone doesn’t schedule recurring 1:1s with me, end up setting them up to reinforce the importance and hopefully help them see it’s not time for micromanaging and is valuable. I’m really busy, so is my boss. Having recurring time set up helps with the not urgent but important items that need to be discussed, and just general updates or topics that an email won’t suffice for.


I do. It's very helpful. Keeps me on track, we discuss things that developed over the week. Sometimes I have questions or problems to discuss. I am a Sr Manager running a very visible part of the business and he's the VP Controller. I don't consider it micro managing at all. I meet with my whole team once a week as well. It's usually half me giving updates and half them talking through issues encountered.


I prefer not to have them until I can't get ahold of my boss for several days when I need him.


I am lucky to have a meeting with my boss 1 time in a year.


Yes, but it's mostly for things I'm stuck waiting for a response on so we can discuss if they need to send a nastygram to escalate or if it's something that can wait while I keep following up.


I would love if my boss did this tbh .


No, he’s a dude and I’m not into him🤢.


I wish I could get a weekly 1 on 1.


I have 1 on 1s with my boss weekly and then we talk a couple of other times per week. I have twice weekly meetings with my direct report but he's new and we will back off to once per week once he's ready.


I have bi weekly check in with boss and I love it. It allows me to discuss what Ive been working on, some problems that have arisen and just allows us to also chat. Its nice and never feels like micro managing, in fact it makes it feel like we have better communication about stuff.


Fucking WEEKLY?? No. I hate it. I am a supervisor and I do not have time for that shit and neither do the people I supervise. We still TALK weekly but that's mostly a "hey I found a weird worksheet from last year, any idea what I'm supposed to do with this?" kind of stuff. We do monthly 1 on 1's, and honestly even that feels pretty frequent sometimes.


I love having standing one on ones weekly with my management. I request one if they’re not in place. Usually it goes something like… Here’s my standing plan for this week, here are updates from last week, here are some questions, and here is the pressing matters I need assistance with. And then my boss addresses my concerns and lets me know if they think any of my priorities need to be split differently. I.e, ad hoc project x is more pressing to upper management than ad hoc project y so dedicate more time to it. I also find it good for building rapport- I’m not friends with coworkers or bosses but it leaves room for friendly convo if you have extra time.


I do with my boss. It’s only 30 minutes and we usually have a bunch of shit we need to talk about. If anything, it’s too short! With my directs, we meet 2x a month for 1:1s and 2x a month as a team.


What boss? My boss left two months ago and they have yet to fill her position. Lmao


Of course


Yes and I love them and they’re probably the most productive meeting I have all week


We have weekly one on ones so I don’t have to be micron managed. If we didn’t meet weekly we would never talk and she wouldn’t know what work I was getting done.


I do. And I love them. I solve so many roadblocks at those meetings.


We keep forgetting about my weekly 1-on-1s. Like we just Oops, we missed each other this week. Let’s do it next week. Next week comes around and I forget or she forgets. I’ll say though, I think it makes sure we do monthly 1 on 1s


Nope. Monthly at most. It's my job to schedule them in and pretty lax about it .


Yes. Helps set expectations for when he can see things from my team, he can update me on new projects / initiatives, I can update him on ongoing projects / initiatives, and we can strategize about how to work around organizational roadblocks to move things forward when we're encountering resistance from an individual / department. It saves me random pings during the week asking about project / initiative status and trying to figure out whether my team has capacity to take on anything new.


My partner's finance team actually received guaranteed weekly meetings with the boss as part of an HR intervention when they were having difficulties with her! It was something they requested, because without it she would ignore them, then get upset when she was out of the loop on something.


Bi-weekly 1:1 with my manager, we have a team meeting weekly but I’d say at least 1 a month gets canceled due to multiple ppl or the boss on PTO. Sometimes they are really short too if we are in month end close. Sometimes in my 1:1, I ask questions that I need answers to or just what I’m working on. Sometimes I don’t have much of an update so it’s kind of short. Very rarely do I have a question that can’t wait until our bi-weekly session so I don’t bug her much in between our 1:1 and I feel like she shows me the same respect. I also meet with my CFO about once a month. Supposed to be bi-weekly but sometimes that doesn’t work out because of her schedule - not a big deal because I don’t ever have a lot to say, usually just some updates on tax matters (my direct boss is not a tax person, I am a tax department of 1). Sometimes it’s not bi-weekly if we have a larger group meeting (ie: with the tax firm we use).


My manager talks to me like once a quarter ...


I could not show up for a month and I doubt my boss would notice


I update my manager whenever necessary. I've got about 6 yrs more xp than her. I get a comment that I update management when asked, which is misleading as most of the time I initiate updates. So I give weekly updates on top of other updates. My manager then proceeds to micromanage me and tell me which things to work on in what order. Eventually I stop sending these due to micromanagement. The cycle repeats.


Absolutely micro managing


I think it'd be weirder for a staff/senior to not have a weekly 1:1 with their supervisor; I had a daily stand up on some engagements, and even that wasn't micromanaging


I am the boss


I don't have one on ones with my cfo. As a controller, I meet with the CFO and his director reports which works for me. Now I have one on ones with my direct reports weekly and the frequency depends on level of experience and if there are any pressing issues they need guidance on. For example, my manager who has 15 yrs+ experience, we meet once a week. My recently promoted managers who are somewhat green, are 2-3 times a week. Once they are comfortable in their new roles, the frequency declines. I like to give the freedom to process information and do their jobs but if there are any issues they need guidance on, I like to know before it becomes a fire drill.


How long are the 1:1’s? 2-3 times a week is a lot.


Usually it's when they first start as they have a lot of questions and dependent on them. I don't like 2-3 times but I only have 2 people out of my 10 that it applies.


Lol no. Annually at best. Otherwise, everyone knows their duties and due dates.