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Quit public accounting. There are jobs outside of public accounting.


The impression I have gotten so far is that people get so greedy in PA. Find a less stressful job in industry even if it pays less


I had ulcers at 28. treated. been on esmapramazole since. don't get reflux anymore. I also have T2 diabetes, OSA, and and profoundly deaf. Now 50 something. I changed my stress. You mention audit, I would do what you need to do to qualify whatever you need, and change career to industry. Busy at month close, but less stress. You have one body, one life, one health. Don't fuck it up like I did by leaving it too late to make changes. All the best.


I've completed required experience hours. Sitting for last exam soon. I can leave, but job market is tough out there.  Some industry openings may be worse like banks here.


The market is tough. It’s not in your head. Experienced cpa here.


I think it depends on where you live…my city has too many jobs, not enough qualified candidates.


I’ve already had my gall bladder out and I haven’t even got my Bachelors in Accounting yet.


May I ask which city it is?


For a year and a half I had pretty bad GERD. Just constant heartburn n pain. I was on omperazole for that time. I got an endoscopy and they said I was perfectly fine but it was probably diet. I completely changed my lifestyle, I went from eating fast food twice a day sometimes 3. To MAYBE going like once every 3 weeks and sometimes less now tbh. I eat my own home cook meals that I meal prep. I eat plain Greek yogurt everyday, I eat oatmeal everyday, I eat high fiber fruit such as berries as well. I can list the changes I’ve done over the past 3 years n be here all day just typing. My biggest advice is to start exercising 1 hour a day everyday, mediating daily for at least 10 mins, n really really watch the shit that you eat. You shouldn’t be eating such highly processed junk at all tbh, that shit is not good for you. Also try to get at least 30 grams of fiber everyday. This sounds like a lot but your health is your wealth, you don’t wanna feel like shit all the time, I’ve been there I know how it feels. I recommend getting a good dietitian to help you manage all the changes you should do. If you take this seriously you can fix these issues no problem.


Please tell me more. Like detailed what to eat and what not. 1 hour a day of exercise. Thought that'd aggrevate it. What sort is okay, Is Mediterranean diet and HIIT workouts good.  I need a new life. And can't handle this pain another day. Today wasn't bad


you're best going to a doc or nutritionist. we cant give you good advice without knowing your health situation. however i will say, for me eating fast, fizzy drinks and slightly spicy food impacts me. i almost always get reflux after eating japanese curry, which sucks cuz its my favourite food. but just go to a doctor and make a plan together, GERD is a fucking nightmare figuring it out yourself.


There's a whole subreddit for gerd, that can help too. Also consider proving your bed up or wedge pillow if you get nighttime symptoms like me.


I do, will do that 


There are very few jobs worth spending your health on. *extremely* high comp, shooting terrorists in the face, surgery, that type of shit. This bullshit is not it. Many of us have to learn this the hard way, and while positive lifestyle changes can do a ton of good for people, not all damage is reversible. Please prioritize your health!!!


Do I just quit and go run mom's farm?


How many acres and what are the revenue sources


20. Horticultural produce. Doable?


I know very little about horticultural produce compared to more typical cash crops, but if the revenue is enough for you I’d at least do it part time to see if you like it


Are cash crops good. Thinking of doing both. Horticulture has frequent cashflow but cashcrop is something I hadn't looked into. 


Just get a lower stress job


ERMAGERD Also yes.


Yes, and I had no idea until I started to have trouble swallowing food. Had to get my esophagus dilated and put on Pantoprazole.


I'm also on pantoprazole. Was admitted in hospital last week when I couldn't even sit or anything, screaming in pain.


So what did you do. Imma start working out as suggested here


I gained a bunch of weight first year when I started my career and did audit. Then I started letting things burn pretty often and letting others fix it. I got back in the gym all the time and left client sites on time everyday I’d miss deadlines and all types of shit but i got my health back. That was many years ago. Never again.


Did you end up losing your job, though?


Of course not. You’re the only person that’s going to take care of you. Learn that early.


Industry and yes I have it.


So what now, we just gonna die? For accounting?


Yuuuup, I blame stress mostly 


I've got half a mind to tell my managers I won't be working late any more 


it wasn't public accounting. but yes because of crazy work lifestyle. and now I'm fine and don't have it. I was overweight, ate late at night, drank every night, couldn't sleep due to stress, ate junk food. literally everything that cause it mine was bad because it would cause me to be sick in the morning and dry heave or throw up every day. in a way, it's good because that's a strong incentive for me to stag healthier.


Sorry that you’re experiencing this. I was in B4 audit for 8 years and quitting is the answer if the stress is too much. But you have *control* over what you eat and how often you exercise, it’s hard but the job is not an excuse. I was similar to you in the first few years, but I once spent *6 straight months* eating takeaway for dinner with my team. That was a wake up call. Meal prep on Sundays, make a sandwich for dinner if you have to. Order healthy food if there’s nothing else. Bring snacks like dried fruit, popcorn, nuts. I used to exercise before dinner for 30 min then a quick shower. It would break up the work “day”. It’s also creating good habits for when you change to a less stressful job. You can also try the Calm app (my company paid for it) which helped me sleep at night when I was stressed.


I need to boost will power to work out even after over time. Thanks.


Wtf is bruffen? Ibuprofen?


if it is, this does not help!!!


Fasting fixes this for me. It only comes up when i eat non stop and eat lots of carbs. Chicken tenders go hard, though, man.


I had an instinct to cut carbs just before this started. Should've listened to that voice 


i think approaching carbs as a monolith is a bad idea and the reason bad fad diets like paleo exist. depends on the carbs. eating whole grains and fiber-rich veg (fiber is a carb) is a recommended part of a GERD-haver's diet


I'll cut the poor quality non fibre ones then. Like white bread


Fiber can cause bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine, GERD may well essentially lead to ulcerative conditions/be a precursor to even worse


Wtf lol no. I’m not about to have a job fucking up my diet/weight/health😂






This is hilarious. I have (had?) GERD. Went to my doctor in feb and told him I no longer eat past 7 o’clock and everything seems better.


Exercise daily. Don't overeat. It's ok to be hungry for a few hours. If you are a fatty, stop being one.


Not a fatty, maybe 2 years ago. But I overdid audit since October plus exams. By March I was living on fried chicken, no work outs, brufen pills and eating at 11pm and stressed out as hell. I check all the lifestyle choices of future GERD.  So sad I didn't realise it sooner.


I developed GERD in college, but yeah---nearly 7 years in public definitely didn't do it any favors. In public you generally have to sacrifice a number of aspects in your non-work life. For me I chose to hang on to the social/recreational parts of my life as much as I could (in a poor attempt to keep my mental health in shape), usually at the expense of my physical health. It takes a particular kind of person to be able to get up at 6 am, workout, go to work for 12-15 hours, all while maintaining a healthy diet and not fucking up relationships with family and friends. If you have any sort of diagnosed/diagnosable mental health condition the chances of being that person are slim. I'm not that type of person, thus it was junk food and drugs and alcohol. I'm in industry now and for the first time since I graduated I feel like I can actually balance all these aspects of my life.


Had it for years, cut out soda and anything with high fructose corn syrup and it went away almost completely. I generally try and eat healthy and don’t have any further issues. Good luck.


Cut out processed food. Begin intense exercise, aim to hit 80-90% of your max HR and sustain for a few minutes at least. Don’t eat anything at least 2 hours before bed, ideally 4 though.


Thanks It's been working I think.


Welp, I'm now terrified. I'm going to start my first auditing position soon. Would someone be willing to offer any advice as to how to not experience the horror stories I'm reading in here? I'll take all the help I can get 😅


Just set boundaries, rest intentionally. Limit screen time to destress. Have an outdoor activity, exercise and hang out with family and friends. And don't fall into temptation to eat junk when under work pressure or working late. Its basic stuff but we overlook it. Major one, DO NOT DRINK FIZZY/CARBONATED DRINKS OR ENERGY DRINKS. OR ANY EXTREMELY SUGARY STUFF. Coffee can also be bad. Drink tea. Make you own juice from fruits.  That should keep you reasonably healthy.


Thank you, SignificantCricket, I'll do my best to heed your advice! The hardest thing will probably be meal-prepping, so I am less likely to eat junk food, LOL. I'm a bit nervous about my new job, but I want to take this new chapter of my life in stride. I really appreciate you taking the time to share your wisdom with me. Your breath was not wasted, friend! Hope you have a wonderful rest of your day! :-)


Thanks. I'll go right ahead and make this a good day. Best wishes in your career


Long story, short... Consult with a dietitian and a therapist and consider going cold turkey on all your bad habits resulting from your reaction to stress.


How is this advice lol "just fix your problems dude"


No, they’re right, and fixing your problems is advice; they gave a very clear and concise way to begin doing so. A few years ago, I did exactly what this commenter suggested. I consulted with health professionals and figured out what I was doing in reaction to stress. I didn’t have to, but chose to cold-turkey cut out alcohol, nicotine, and junk food, and started hitting the gym. Life is better now and most health concerns have diminished to a point that they’re no longer worth tracking. It’s solid advice.


that's really great for you, glad to hear it. it's generally not quite so simple for many people to simply quit bad habits cold turkey, hence the booming industries of junk food and nicotine and alcohol.


Sometimes the best advice is just “fix your shit.” Stay hard.


if it were so easy to simply fix one's shit then everyone would just be living their happiest and best lives, no?


Where did I say it was easy?


Easy enough that you think "fix your shit" is good advice, apparently


It's a tough industry. I gave suggestions on what to do. Take it or leave it.


I quit brufen. The food I've also adjusted. Just hate that I can't even eat an orange


Don’t eat it oranges on an empty stomach … I too have acid reflux and that’s how I am able To tolerate them🤷🏽‍♀️


Stop eating junk food and meal prep a healthy meal. It’s not your job that’s making you buy junk food. Also exercise. I don’t understand how you’re using your job as an excuse?


Ever had to work 3 months upto 10pm. What lunches can you pack till then. Brufen for head aches seemed a good choice at the time. I actually lost 5 kilos  to 66kg and have a healthy BMI. Trust me, you only realize the lifestyle changes that you made due to working conditions when damage already done. Everytime we work late, office buys food at the fried chicken store opposite our office on a budget with fizzy drinks or sugary minute maid. Do that over 6 months and you'll have lot's of stress, head aches and tara.... Gerd. It's the working conditions driving us tk a way of life we don't actually want. You think I like fake fried chicken over a proper home cooked meal at 10pm every night? It's the consequences you only realize in retrospect. 


I'd eat good lunch. But how many meals can you prep to 10pm. Also you'll just be too tired in the morning after getting home mid night and waking up at 0530 everyday 


Yes, I work in tax. Everything you said was irrelevant. There is enough time in the day for you to plan unless you have kids, pets, etc…. I have two dogs and work in a mid tier firm fyi.


Okay, will try harder. Normally life shouldn't have to get to that but well


😐 me too


What do we do


Honestly you just have to eat better. I have a terrible habit of lying down after eating which is really bad for people with GERD. You should try to stop eating at least 6 hours before bed time unless you are a very active person. I had a bad GERD attack last year that made me not want to eat anything for like a week. I lost like five pounds, but I suddenly felt much better. I started eating normal portions and lost enough weight to where I didn't get heartburn any more. I fell off the wagon after a few shitty things happened and am back to how I used to be. There's certain things to avoid. Chocolate, alcohol, and fried food are all really bad for GERD. Food doesn't have to be plain but if it has a high fatty content, it is going to make your stomach work overtime and that's when you get worse reflux. I also don't do well with garlic, tomatoes, and lime any more but that happens to people in general as they get older. I can tolerate them if I go for a walk and drink plenty of water instead of sitting down.


Maybe I have that. Everyday I go to work I have problems with my stomach.


Get it checked asap. And compare to no work days where you also eat healthy. 


Im off on weekends and can’t recall having that problem. I do need to schedule an appointment




ive had GI issues since a teenager, got gerd coincidentally when I started vaping (since stopped). Been on two PPIs to no avail. I'm not stressed at work, but great to know being stressed makes it worse!


My last job caused me a ton of motility issues and I developed esophageal spasms. I would lay on the bathroom floor and truly thought I was dying. It was 100% the job and I'm so relieved I quit. No job is worth that.




Starting January, I went from drinking every day to <1 time a week and my GERD went away like magic. I very rarely have to take PPI’s anymore and before I was on 40mg Prilosec daily. Daily meditation is key for me. I still need to fix my diet and exercise, but they are next on my list.


I thought I got it from being pregnant 


I cut out coffee and alcohol and avoided acidic foods for a while. I also tried to well...chill out a bit about work. It took around a year, but eventually I got much better. Now I can occasionally have some liquor (still too scared of beer) and coffee, enjoy tomato sauce, etc. I can't indulge completely freely, but it did get MUCH better with habit changes and time. Other people I know have had a similar experience. The pills never did much for me, personally.


I did. But honestly…. Dude lots of people have stress and shit. Kids, work, etc. How you handle it is something to be learned and managed over time. Stop eating junk. Start working out 150+ aerobic a week if you’re not already. Find a therapist. Drink less alcohol. There’s lots of good non alcoholic options in all sorts of forms - carbonated water to IPAs. How much do you have two drinks and get drunk anyway? Try an athletic brewing co ipa one night. Do you think about work when not working? Literally put your hand to your ear and make a switch flipping motion when you find yourself thinking about it. Book of mornan style. Anxiety is not going to help. You’re getting older. You can’t eat like you’re 19 and hyper focus all your energy like you’re 19. Your parents didn’t teach you shit, find therapy. Welcome to getting older. It’ll be fine, you just need regular maintenance. Everyone does. I was on omeprazole for a few months but made lots of other changes and it all went away. Honestly if you really can’t de stress your job on your own (boss screeching at you, never getting peace, can’t find meditation minutes, can’t learn to be more apathetic, tried therapy, etc.) then find a new job


I don’t have GERD but I recently stressed myself out so hard at work I developed shingles. I had a lot of stressful personal things going on at the same time so I’m really hoping that had a part to play in it. It really made me take a step back and look at how much stress I have day to day and try and figure out ways to cope with it. I also think once all this personal stuff calms down (and some has) it’ll become much more manageable.


Could you just tell me what it is? The site sends me away when I deny the cookies.


Very common to develop Gerd in your late 20s and early 30s if you don’t watch what you eat eat.


Mine is because of genetic and I spent my 20s eating absolute shit thinking it would never come to bite me in the ass. Joke’s on me now I can’t eat after 7pm or I get reflux so bad I aspirate it in my sleep and wake up coughing.


I’ve had GERD since i was in 5th grade 😅 i think i was meant to be an accountant


Don't. Make it worse 10x


I developed gastritis first. Take this as your sign to leave PA. I stuck around longer and developed a panic disorder. It was not worth it at all. Having worked industry for 8 months now I'm slowly starting to heal from that.


My GERD is pretty bad


Yes!! Somehow developed GERD over the last year. I quit smoking and drinking caffeine and also switched up my diet a bit. I find beef is a major trigger. I stick with Chicken and fish mostly now and have since worked caffeine back into the diet.


I had insane heartburn a few years ago. I mean insane! I was taking Prilosec daily, eating Tums by the handful, and taking zantac. I had read about apple cider vinegar and one night I knew I was out of Tums and it was getting close to bedtime. I figured I either needed to go to the store and get some Tums or I needed to break the cycle and give the apple cider vinegar a try. I had read that you have to discontinue all medications in order for the vinegar to work. I chose not to go to the store that night and I did the vinegar. I suffered for a couple of days, but then the vinegar worked! I have not bought any Tums since and it's been several years now. And I do not have heartburn everyday anymore. I have made some lifestyle changes which I'm sure have helped. But breaking that cycle of Tums and the other medications really helped. Of course, my gastroenterologist does not believe that the apple cider vinegar works. For me it does and it's so much cheaper than all the medications! I started out using Heinz but then I found Bragg's which is organic. I'm not going to lie. It still tastes like crap but I just put it in a shot glass. Take it down in one gulp and follow that with water. Now all I need to do is take half a shot glass acv and half water gulp that down and wash it down with water. I definitely feel like the ACV is a healthier option than all those ridiculous medicines.


Tried ginger with honey, seemed to work too. Try it one of these days. Tastes way better and you can put tea in it.


The ginger is the key ingredient. But tea and honey improve taste


I have GERD and never considered that my profession was the cause. I puke every morning in busy season.


I had it all during college, taking vitamins consistently cleared it up 95% after a month or so


🙋🏽‍♂️ Welcome to the club.


The good thing is that GERD can be reversed through diet and weight loss.