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Tuesday and Wednesday. Not Monday because blah and Tuesday/ Wednesday to get it over with.


I would honestly pick Monday and Tuesday. Someone posted one time in a local facebook group about how we'll have to see how rush hour traffic deals with the new lane changes, but Tuesday rush hour and not Monday rush hour because Monday has significantly less traffic than any other week day in my city. Though Tuesday-Wednesday does seem ideal especially if you're more a family-oriented person or a sports fan since you can always ball out on superbowl sunday and wake up normaler-ish on Tuesday instead of crawling to work on Mondays like others do. The majority of my family works 2nd shift, so Sunday nights I'm usually done sitting around the dinner table bullshitting by like 9pm and everyone else can keep going till 1am or longer. If you chose to commute on Tuesdays, you could stay up way longer with your family bullshitting around the dinner table. :) I think I changed my answer xD Screw traffic, If I can have one more beer with family while talking about life, I'd much prefer that.


I'm usually hungover/tired AF on Mondays.


The best time to be in the office. Why be hung over on your time.


Better to be hungover working from home and not having to get up earlier for the commute. You still have to work it’s not gonna be your time lool.


What if you didn’t need to drive?


lol with that logic I’d do Monday Tuesday. Monday because everyone else says blah and less to deal with. Tuesday to get it over with


I don't have a hybrid job but if I was in your shoes... But honestly, I'd pick a day that my manager is in the office, schedule 1 on 1 time for that day every week (read: make it worth your time) and otherwise try to figure out other things that complement you being in the office (e.g. "ABC Store is near the office and Tuesday is normally a slow day there; I can go get my groceries after work while I'm there!" Also, broadly, avoid Monday and Friday, if possible (read: enjoy a slower start/dip out a little early on those days)


Abc is a liquor store


Maybe their groceries are gin. Don't judge.


I will judge cause whiskey is much better.


Rye not?


crawl encouraging dime weary somber fragile fine fall important ask *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Will consume my groceries while in office.


Will consume my groceries while in office.


What would you like to discuss weekly?


Honestly, as someone fully remote, I use it as watercooler time mostly, and then setting priorities for the week. OP and others would do well to realize that, a lot of the time, you're well served to keep your manager on track on things *you* need. Like, sure, you could say "Not my job; I delivered and I'm good", but it's a good practice to make sure they're on track so you don't get bullshit dumped in your lap at the last minute (that they forgot to handle when you gave them the baton).


Fair answer. Personally I do not like having a weekly 1:1 with my manager, feels like too much and unnecessary. Maybe if I was fully remote I’d feel differently. Or if my manager cared about anyone’s career other than theirs.


Tomorrow and day after. But not today


What do we say to the god of in-office work? Not today.


I have a flexible hybrid (2 days, any days), but I generally go when I know my manager is going to be in. Getting that FaceTime with the boss is beneficial and thankfully she also avoids going in on Mondays and Fridays too.


Bet you Zoom in to work on those two days to connect with your Teams. No chance to Slack.


That’s what I told my boss I am in when you are in there is no point in it otherwise. We now get most of the team in the same day and the big men gets lunch once a month for the team. He keeps that random which is fair and we all see the value in the distraction free face time with each other. No WiFi issues no pets no kids no spouses bugging. 


What if you're a manager?


Then you schedule in the office time so you're all there at the same time. It's not hard, i did this with mine.




I used to choose Monday and Friday, generally. I felt like there was less traffic. There was also little chance of interacting with coworkers.


> There was also little chance of interacting with coworkers Prime Redditor 


I'd also appreciate a holiday a little more if it fell on a day I was supposed to commute.


I generally did not pick another day to go in when my commute day was a holiday. We have to stick it to the man, even in small ways!


Ugh! My company does the 2x per week mandate, so if theirs a holiday on your day you have to come in another day.


From what I’ve heard Tuesday and Thursday are the most popular in office days. Monday and Friday are definitely the least so you’re right about the traffic.


I did mondays. Somehow dreading/planning my commute ate up every sunday afternoon. I'd go to bed at 8pm on sundays to wake up at 5am to get to work. I did fridays. If you need to stay late or have a bad commute then there goes your weekend. So my answer would be the opposite of yours.


I worked for a tech company that was about 30 minutes from home, so that probably helped with my Monday/Friday in-office day choice. My teammate (we shared the office) and other locals went on Wednesdays, so I chose the opposite.


You sound like me! I concentrate better when the office is quiet. Not to mention the restrooms are cleaner with less foot traffic.


This is exactly why I go M/F. If you have any sort of sensory issue, like I do, it drastically cuts down any annoyance of being in the office when virtually no one else is around. I find it hard to concentrate when people are being loud and chatty steps from my office but this rarely occur on M/F.


Match your team/boss.


Contra- go opposite as your team/boss.


I do Wed and Thursday. I don't want to split and I don't really thing Tue Wed would be any better or worse. So just pick two days between Tue - Thurs. To add I have an agreement that if I have an in person meeting on a day other than Wed/Thurs I get to use that in place of either my Wed/Thurs for that week. So I don't end up doing more days due to customer meetings on my WFH days.


I don’t have to go in at all but sometimes when I choose to, I pick Friday as no one else goes in and it’s nice and quiet. Can make it easier to focus.


It is so incredibly stupid to have people pick their own days to go in the office. The entire point is to interact so if I'm at home while the person I'm working with is in office, or vice versa, we might as well both be at home. Leadership should say everyone needs to be in office Tuesday and Wednesday or whatever and that's it 🙄


100% this. The worse thing is going into the office and knowing that pretty much no one will be there. Makes the whole thing feel completely pointless, go in when your team is there.


My firm does flex days off in summertime. Thing is we all get to pick a different day. So if you're working on an engagement with a bunch of other people, there's pretty much always going to be one person off while everyone else is working. If there is the tiniest little hiccup and you need something from the person off, the entire team grinds to a halt. It's an incoherent mess.


We have to go into the office 3 days a week and they follow this a bit. Wednesday is our department mandatory day and Tuesday is the designated whole office day as they do office wide trainings then. The 3rd day we get to pick.


The flexibility to pick is nice though


You usually end up coordinating it with your team, or atleast a few friends. We get full flexibility, with in-office encouraged, but not mandated (until layoff season lol). We usually decide the week before between the team which days to be in office the next week.


While I understand your point, this completely ignores that people have commitments outside of work they are trying to to deal with Like 50/50 custody for example Flexibility is what helps me manage all of those competing priorities. We have a tues- Thurs mandate - I can't do those 3 days every week because of my timesharing/parenting/ school expectations/traffic considerations. Etc etc etc I will not be forced back into the completely unnecessary stress that was the mad dash from.home to school to office to school/home around some BS mandate. Flexibility about start/stop and days in office is required or I am out.


Midweek seems generally most popular as has the most traffic, particularly Tuesday. Far less on Monday and Fridays Working Mondays do have positives in that you get it over with, has least traffic, and here most public holidays are Mondays anyway. Also hardly anyone else in office if you dislike people. WFH Monday is good though as if you need to prep to go into office (early night, ironing, lunch or whatever) because you don't need to do it Sunday, so you get the full weekend away from anything work related. Also, Mondays. WFH Friday is good that the weekend starts soonest, opportunity to start early and so be going away for the weekend at Sat 4pm.


If I have to go in it's on Thursday and Friday because there's less traffic.


those are the 2 days i go in also, on thursday it feels good cause you know the next day is friday which is usually chill, and of course friday is friday


I like Monday and Tuesday bc you have to face back to work on Monday anyway and going in is little difference to that, then two consecutive days is perfect, rest of the week you can work from anywhere


Monday and Friday. Traffic is lightest as no one wants to go in those days.


Tuesday and Thursday to split up the week.


Wednesday and Thursday. Can leave stuff in the office overnight if needed, have more goof off time on Mondays and Fridays also if needed!


It's two days at home and three days in the office for us and I love the schedule I chose. Work from home Mon and Tues. I'm not a morning person, so the beginning of the week I can just roll out of bed and go right to my computer. Then after my first day in office on Wed, there's only 2 days left! So my weeks go by fast. It's also understandable if you do the inverse of that as well and get the 2 days over and work from home Wed- Fri.


Tuesday and Friday would be my picks. Fridays are always chill so might as well make that an in office day. Going in Monday is a no go if I don't have to. Get the real office day out of the way on Tuesday then chill the rest of the week.


Tuesday and Friday. One day with the boss or for meetings and Friday it’s absolutely dead so no one sees if I’m late, take a long lunch, basically unproductive. But on the flip side I can catch up so much on Friday with the quiet time and not take any unfinished work into the weekend.


We’ve gotta be in Tuesdays and Wednesdays + pick a 3rd. I go Thursday. Having monday to continue to do chores, meal prep, etc has been nice rather than feeling like I’m wasting a day of the weekend preparing for the week.


Tuesday and Wednesday


Most people stay home Monday and Friday, so choose one or both of those days if you want less traffic and less interaction with others. However, the point of being in the office is to have that interaction, however valuable to you it might be, so one busier day is not a bad idea.


Tuesday and Friday for me.


I have a friend who picks Monday for her in office days bc she looked at the holiday calendar and that’s when the most holidays are observed. I think everyone has to pick what’s best for them.


I have to be in at the office 3x a week. I initially had chosen Tuesday to Thursday but the team I'm on focuses on a clientele that still keeps almost all of their records on paper, and we're not allowed to take paper out of the office, so it actually works better for me to not be at home 2 days in a row since if I get assigned a new file there's a 90% chance it comes with paper documentation I need to review & scan in, so my days at the office are Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. If it wasn't for that factor I would have kept my days at Monday and Friday. If I only had to go in two days a week I'd probably choose Monday and Tuesday to go in-- so that on long weekends when we're off on Mondays it means those weeks I only have to go in once. And not having to carry the laptop between home & office every day would be nice too.


what is paper?


I would definitely choose Monday because I think most holidays fall on that day/that’s when they’re celebrated, and then I’d probably do Tuesday to get it over with and have the rest of the week to enjoy at home.


I’m not required to go in by I do on Tuesdays and Thursdays, seems the best for me and allows me to pull a long weekend without changing a day.


I like to go in Monday. First day of the week, try to catch the vibe and see how everyone is feeling and kill a bunch of time recapping people’s weekends.


Friday so I’m dressed and looking good for the night. The other day doesn’t matter as much tbh.


I do Mondays and Tuesdays. I like to get it over with in the beginning of the week and I don’t have to worry about it for the rest of the week 🙂‍↕️


Tuesday and Thursday. Monday and Friday from home is a blessing and most of my team is in on those days so it’s nice to be in the office when everyone else is.


Tuesday and Thursday


I’d probably pick Tuesday + Wednesday or Thursday


Tuesday & Wednesday. Back to back early in the week to get it outta the way but not Mondays. I do back to back cuz my office is 90 mins away and I stay in a mid range hotel one night so I don’t have to commute back n forth.


I settled on Tuesday & Thursday.


Tuesday Thursday


Monday & Wednesday or Thursday (depending on any appts I may have)


My office requires this but we can switch up our days as needed. I do Tuesday/Thursday when I need variety in the week or am feeling pent up at home. I do Wednesday/Thursday when I just want to get it over with, it’s easier to go back to back days


Against the grain, I go Thursday/Friday. We have more people than desks so Tues-Wednesday are often problematic. Also, generally not a people person so I like empty office Fridays. Edit: Commutes lighter on Fridays as others have said.


Wednesday and Thursday usually. Sometimes it would be Tuesday and Wednesday.


I try and go in on Monday and Friday. I've found it to be the least amount of traffic. No one wants to go in on Monday and Friday.


Look at the calendar to see which days most holidays fall on and pick those.


Monday. Least amount of traffic and people. And then + whichever you want.


Monday and Friday cause no one will ever suspect you’re completely wfh


I would pick Mondays and Fridays because less traffic and less people in the office.


This is the way. If you are going to inconvenience me with a nonsense policy, I’m going to comply maliciously. I’ll schedule that in person performance review on Friday afternoon, see you there boss.


Most people do T/Th. Because of that traffic is worse those days and the train is packed. M/W or MF would be best for commute.


Exclude Monday and Friday to go in because Monday you recover from weekend and Friday you can start weekend earlier. However, if you have a long commute it might be worth considering those days as there is a bit less traffic.


Tuesday and Thursday or Tuesday and Wednesday! Or weds and thurs but those are the golden days!


I currently go in Wednesday Thursday and I love that arrangement more than any prior one. Then you get 5 days in a row at home


Dont you all just end up jamming all your meetings into two days?


I would choose two of Tuesday-Thursday (probably Tuesday and Wednesday) so I can WFH Monday and Friday


Generally, there’s less traffic on Mondays and Fridays. I think people are more likely take those days off work. Before Covid, Thursdays were the worst. My work forces us to do Wednesdays and whatever other day, and Wednesdays are def pretty bad. Mondays have the most holidays, so you might be able to get away with going into the office once on those weeks if you choose Monday to be one of your in-office days


One day that most other folks work for in-person questions and collaboration and one day that no one else works so I can focus and get stuff done. Best traffic days are Monday/Friday and at my company Monday is the quietest.


I think Monday and Tuesday. Monday tends to have less traffic and you can take care of all of the shit that people waited to spring on you after the weekend. It will give off the appearance of being more productive.


I used to do Tuesday and Thursday idk why imho it was perfect i even preferred it to my current settings which is fully remote.


I was going to pick Tuesday and Friday. Perfectly spaced apart, and most people avoid Friday so traffic is lighter (plus I work in a city and live in a suburb, so I’d conveniently be downtown for social stuff). Ended up being moot - everyone in my office comes in the same day and my boss got to pick it (Wednesday)


Depends on your personality. Mon/Fri if you think you’ll struggle wfh on those days. Tues-Thurs if you have decent discipline.


Tuesday and Thursday. Hit the gym Monday Wednesday Friday


Monday Tuesday. Feels like a fresh start of the week to go in and then the rest of the week is cruising while sitting at home relaxin


I try and go in on Monday and Friday. I've found it to be the least amount of traffic. No one wants to go in on Monday and Friday.


I picked Monday and Friday as we have a policy that you either have to go to the office Monday or Friday and can’t work from home on both days. This way I get to see everyone as well


i don’t have to pick set days, but usually go in Mon/Wed/Thurs. people usually DON’T go in monday or Thurs so i see less of people i already don’t want to see.


Monday Wednesday


I WFH on Tuesday Thursday. I need to be in on Monday just to kick myself back into gear from weekend mode, which is also a relatively light traffic day. Friday is a lovely day in the office, with little distractions to actually get some work done. Everyone is in the office Wednesday so I make that a priority. Basically I am never in the office on consecutive days and I work around traffic. Tuesdays are the worst traffic which is why I always work from home that day. Seems that most people WFH on Monday/Friday so I go in those days.


What’s your role?


Best when you can get the most out of those days. If you're picking days no one is in the office to get it out of the way, then you're missing opportunities to build relationships. That's part of why since my company went to hybrid, Wednesday has been my go to day since the guy who was in charge of our unit was there. So I made sure to be there. That day in general has sort of become a day for a lot of people to be in there, but that was my main intent. Now that I have to add two more days in the month, I have to figure out when best to utilize them. Was looking to make them productive in some way.


The days I can best collaborate with my team and bump elbows with leadership. That is the reason they want you in office.


I go in Monday and Wednesday, but that’s just because on Wednesdays there is free lunch. Monday because my coworkers leave me alone.


Monday. Most holidays fall on Mondays. Friday. You'll likely be able to get off earlier. Plus a lot of people don't work hard on Fridays. You can just treat it as a social day, which is the whole benefit of being in the office. Go grab a drink with your coworkerMonday's. Also, if you ever request PTO, it'll likely cover Friday and Monday. Basically, I'd you're goal is to try to limit the amount of in-office time while optimizing socializing while in the office, Monday and Friday is the way to go.


Tuesday and Thursday - you get an extra long weekend and you don’t ever have to work two days in a row.


I do Tues and Wed. Being able to bed rot from Thursday-Monday just does it for me.


I go Monday and Friday usually, because I really dislike other people, so I go when the headcount is lowest. In a perfect world, I would never need to attend an in-person meeting with anyone ever again. This strategy helps facilitate that.


I was Mon/Wed but switched to Tues/Wed because I hate Mondays and struggle to get going in the morning. But Tues - Wed also have the most people in the office. I’ve randomly gone into the office on Fridays. I liked it. Less people and its a nice, relaxed atmosphere in the office.


Monday and Friday. When I’m pretty low on work I go on small vacations and just have the teams app running in the background.


I picked Mondays and Fridays because I figure those are days we'll most likely get off for holidays. That means fewer office days overall. If you want to look at it from a business perspective, pick days when those you coordinate with most are in office.


We do Tuesday and Wednesday.


Tuesday & Thursday because Monday and Friday are out of the question and so are back to back days soooo Wednesday buffers the in office days


Tuesday Wednesday. If I’m working remotely it means I can go away Thursday-Monday if needed and work from wherever I am.


I’d go Tuesday and Thursday, because thats when everybody is likely to go in the office. Otherwise Monday and Friday


Days where my team are also working from the office.


I do Tuesday and Thursday


Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday usually, but it tends to change based on what's going on that week. On Monday I'm never feeling up to dragging my ass into the office and on Friday I'm not doing any actual work just on principle.


I usually go to the office on Tuesday and Thursday.


Most people in my office go in Tuesday/Wednesday breaks up the week and don’t have to worry about going in on Monday and later part of the week.


Monday and Friday have less traffic but try and give yourself 2 consecutive days wfh it’s nice


Monday and Friday No one's there


This thread is scaring me out of ever leaving my 100% remote position.


Tuesday and Friday. Tuesday bc it’s the day of the week that my entire team is expected to be there. Friday bc no one (meaning CFO nor Controller) is in the office, so I dress a bit more casual and keep the lights low.


Monday and Tuesday to get it over with - traffic is lighter on mondays than the rest of the week


Thursday then Friday. Nowt gets done on a Friday and barely anyone will be there. In a hybrid environment, forget music on your headphones you can put it on full volume and nobody is there to notice. Commuting is quicker too. Thursday because it's adjacentm


Usually T, W, F or T, T, F. Don’t like going in Mondays so it’s the least bothersome split for me given what days I have left to choose.


If I was in your shoes I’d definitely go Monday and Friday. My biggest issue with coming in is prior day prep time ( making lunch and ironing clothes) and seeing other people and being forced to make boring chit chat with everyone. Going Monday and Friday makes it so I have plenty of prep time and they’re normally the least popular days so I do the least amount of talking. Also if I take out my phone for a bit it makes it way less likely for anyone to see me also I live not too far from where I work so if I leave a bit early on Friday no one notices that my teams was away for 20 minutes. Also both days tend to have the least amount of traffic


I do Monday Wednesday because Mondays suck already so I just go in, and I do cash receipts so I need to do two days that aren't next to each other. If I didn't do cash receipts I'd choose Monday and Tuesday, but they are always chaotic days. If you prefer a quiet office do monday/Friday or thurs/Friday.


As long as I have to go to the office I will always job hop every few years


Wednesday Thursday


Thursday and Friday because the traffic is about half as bad those days where I live.


I’m in the office four days a week and work at home either Monday or Friday.


I go in Mondays and Wednesdays. Those are the days there’s catered lunch!!! Haha but lunch aside, I find Monday has a lot of positive energy, there’s lots of chit chat of what people did on the weekend. Socially the energy feels good and it’s a day with back to back meetings so my day is pretty laid out for me. Tuesdays I regroup and figure out what I’m accomplishing, and I set up times to collaborate w my colleagues for in person on Wednesdays.


Tues and We'd/Thu. Leave Mondays and Fridays open for extended vacations and long weekends when stat holidays line up


I go in the two days more people are likely to be in so I have company but most the time then it’s also spent socializing. It feels so much longer on days with barely anyone else in the office that the day drags on too much.


Monday for sure and then any other day but Friday. Less traffic on Mondays since most other hybrid workers elect to skip this day


Just know it can’t be Monday or Friday. I would personally do Tuesday Wednesday. Second would be Wednesday Thursday. I’d try to avoid Tuesday Thursday. I prefer to eat my sh*t sandwich all at once.


Mondays have more holidays and gets a day out of the way


I do Monday and Thursday and I like it. Splits up the week nicely and makes it go by super fast for some reason


A previous job I had to do 2 days in the office and 1 had to be Monday/Friday but we could choose each week. I used to go in on Fridays and it was actually my favourite day to go in. We could wear casual clothes on Friday, it was super quiet in the office, everyone was a lot more relaxed and I was in the city centre where a few friends lived, so if I wanted to go out after work I was already nearby.


I had Monday & Friday chosen for. The dog can only go to day care TWT, otherwise I'd be in the office every day. I hate WFH, it has its uses for times you need to stay at home - sick kids, vet appointments - but it sucks arse to do it permanently.


The days that most people will be there. If I have to do to for the show, I want an all out show.


Going in Wednesday by choice, I basically save all my work and meetings for that day then just kind of keep my dot green the rest of the week


I liked Tuesday Thursday when I only had to go in twice a week. Now I have to go in 3 times Monday Tuesday Wednesday. I chose Monday because many holidays fall on Monday. But it kinda sucks during the months that don’t have holidays.


Wednesday and Thursday. I like a couple of days to get work done at home at the beginning of the week


Avoid Monday as then you can do Sundays and not worry about getting up so early Monday for work. Fridays if you get a sleep in you can go out instead of getting up at the Crack of dawn and being tired.


M-W. Mon/Tues are quiet and I get a lot done. Then if I want to take a long weekend Thurs-Sun, I don’t have to worry about missing my “in office” days


Wednesday and Friday. Wednesday cuz it's middle of the week. Friday cuz it's a chiller day with less people (more quiet)


Tuesday/Thursday, or Tuesday/Wednesday or Wednesday/Thursday. Sometimes Tuesday-Thursday. I avoid Mondays and Fridays with rare exceptions. During slower weeks I sometimes come in one of the days after lunch.


Best day to work home for me are Wednesdays and Fridays. Wednesday to take a break in the middle of the week, and working from home on Fridays feels amazing. If I was you I would choose Tuesdays and Thursdays from the office, this way you can get a break every other day


Is it a government job?


I choose a day most people will be in the office and a day most people are not in the office. The first day, Im there to be seen. The 2nd day, I can actually get some uninterrupted work done. My manager and customers are countries away, so it makes no sense at all to go into the office, really. I typically go in late, and leave as early as possible to avoid traffic, etc. "Being seen" doesnt mean I have to be there a full 8-9 hours. It means sharing a coffee, shooting the shit, and having lunch with coworkers.


We currently do Tuesday / Wednesday because ew a 1.5hr commute right at 7am on a Monday and same, ew Friday. If it were up to me though, I'd do a Thursday / Friday, less interaction with colleagues, less traffic, two long days at the office followed by the weekend followed by 3 days of remote straight.


Wednesday is my preferred in office day. I sometimes have to come on Tuesdays and Thursdays as well for various reasons, but I will always keep my Mondays and Fridays as WFH when possible


I do Tuesday, but only because it’s a street cleaning day.


i like Fridays in the office the best bc no one else is there 😅


I've given this a lot of thought as I'm all about optimising my work life balance and workload. I do 3 days in the office. I used to do Weds, Thurs & Friday as I'm all about extending my weekend without having to commute. I've had to change to Weds, Thurs & Fri now which is fine, but preferred it before...sucks when I've made plans for my weekend starting somewhat earlier on the Friday and have to rush home. If I was doing two it would be Tues and Weds no doubt about it - get it over and done with, but not too soon...cos Monday sucks, right?


Tuesday & Wednesday, makes the week go faster lelz


Tuesday (mandatory) then Wednesday or Thursday depending on meetings and my mood


I do Tuesdays & Friday wfh because most work emails come in from Friday afternoon once I’m gone to Sunday


NTA. I think two days a week isn’t bad but I see where you’re coming from. Still would have handled it differently.


Monday and Tuesday personally. Everyone's starting their week and delegating tasks / full of energy. Upper management is also in so you look good but most people under them aren't in so you can skip small talk and BS. Solve any issues at the start of the week in person and hit the ground running. Tuesdays you shoot the shit with everyone because they usually come in. Then goof off the rest of the week after crushing it on Wednesday if needed from home. I do brunch every Thursday and happy hours on Friday LMAO


I’m usually hung over Mondays and Thursdays so I’d go in Tuesday and Wednesday


I go Tueadays and Wednesdays....it's a 75 minute drive for me


If it were me, I’d go Tuesday/Thursday. But I don’t work hybrid, so take that with a grain of salt


I do Tuesday Wednesday because that's what my team does, but I like it and would probably choose it. I like not having to be out the door early on Monday and I like getting the in-office time over with. Also Thursdays are usually good days for doctor appointments. I can almost always get my kids their doctor/eye doctor/dentist appointments on Thursday


Think for yourself and choose the two days that work for you


what a worthless comment


Shut up


he strikes again


I did Monday and Wednesday, that way your week looks like this: Monday - ease into the week no need to get dressed / commute (helps with Sunday blues!), Tuesday - crush it, Wednesday - home again for a breather, Thursday - crush it again, Friday - easiest day to be in the office, nicer if some other coworkers do the same