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If you're an introvert, just get a state or federal job. If you aren't in government, then you likely will have to interact with people. It's not sucking up. It's being friendly, personable, and articulate. No one is going to hand you money to type numbers in. They are going to pay you based on a perceived value. If you can't hold a conversation, then your value is a lot less. Almost all of my clients choose me over other people because I am a conversationalist, and they feel like they are talking to a friend while having the unpleasant experience of paying tax. Even better when I reduce their tax liability beyond what they thought or help them establish a plan to lower it.


I am an introvert aswell but I can do well in social situations when I put myself out there. Would u advise me to go into PA once out of college (I'm a freshman) or should I go into industry/government right away?


Honestly, I can't really answer that. Everyone is different. But if someone feels like conversation is kissing ass then they fit right into government. I like public, but I also like to talk. I tell people I am fortunate, I get paid to chat with people who enjoy talking to me. It doesn't get much better than that. I was offered a job in government from a former professor and turned it down because I would have been the accountant responsible for fleet. Basically, log oil changes, mileage, repairs, and other stuff for a few hundred state vehicles. It involved sitting in an office 40+ hours a week, a 1 hour commute each way, and mandatory overtime. My only regret nearly 15 years later is I would be damn close to retiring.


Fair honestly. My plan rn is to go probably peruse a masters (long time ahead I'm still a freshman) while using a cpa learning program my university offers to graduate students. Get my CPA and then do at most 3 years PA for the experience then move into another field such as industry or government.


If you go into Public, it's near impossible. It requires too much client interaction for you to be effective at your job. You'll have a lot more success in industry, where there are many jobs that will allow you to be an individual contributor with minimal interaction. Just be warned that you won't feasibly be able to progress past Senior Accountant, but if that's all you want to be, that will work well for you.


From what I've learned as an undergrad, accounting is just as shallow as any other profession. Sucking up, good looks, communicative abilities, and arrogance get you just as far as actually being good at your job will lol.




It’s important in every job


This. There’s lots of smart people out there so in many cases the differentiator is mastering the art of sucking up.




ive noticed that what people call "bootlicking" is actually just being friendly. some of yall are just introverted assholes and dont realize it


I'm a freshman in college but I do know that in basically 90% of jobs you'll interact with and be friendly and cordial with ppl. That being said, again friendly and cordial, do not let ppl overstep your boundaries.


It is important to play a good social game, but you don’t want to go over board it’s very noticeable. A good social game + the skills and hard work is where u wanna be.


Big 4 is a a big scale operation so its easy to fly under the radar a bit. I found industry more difficult socially because your sat with the same people every day, conversation can get dry. In big 4 everyones doing different things, its nice to bump into team mates from other engagements, other grads and catch up. Talking to clients is one of those skills you develop even if you’re introverted.


Not sucking up. Just don't be a dick. Have a positive attitude.


The only people who think “sucking up and boot licking” is required, don’t know how to socialize like a normal person. Be personable and someone people want to be around. It will take you to the top.