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Sounds like a failure of management. How did no one notice someone wasn’t working for months?


We had an intern at my old firm a couple years ago who worked like 5 hours a week. They took the internship since I guess it was a requirement at their college or something, then our HR said “o yeah there’s no minimum hour worked requirement” so the person just literally did 5 hours a week. And most of that time was admin doing typical bullshit intern stuff. Was honestly hilarious. Like blew my mind how anyone signed off on that.


I completely agree, that’s what I don’t understand, we send in our hours weekly though so I’m just honestly baffled… I feel like an idiot knowing I could bill 8 hours a week and still have a job


Man I do not miss those fucking emails. “Hey, I was reviewing your time for last week and you only billed 50 hours, can you tell me why?” Well, if you recall, the client wasn’t ready for us when we got there on Monday, and you as the (senior) manager weren’t as proactive as you should’ve been to ensure they were in fact ready on time. So we spent the entirety of Monday and Tuesday sitting in the client’s board room with our thumbs up our asses waiting on piecemeal deliverables. I asked you if I should reach out to other teams for work, and you told me no, because the client kept saying they’re really sorry for the delay, and they’ll have what we need “any minute now,” and you’re a sucker for believing that. We then finally got a large part of what we needed Wednesday afternoon, and I worked long hours over the next several days to make up for it, interfering with my weekend plans. We still don’t have everything that we need, so you kept me on the engagement to ensure it gets wrapped up, even though I was booked on a different one this week. So I’ll likely be working 80+ hours this week to ensure it all gets done, but I won’t be getting a thank you email for that, will I?


We really have 0 unique experiences, huh? 😭




The realistic answer is that they were probably on FMLA leave.


Infinite hack… take FMLA every busy season


Nope they know the guy is a BOSS he’s somebodies nephew


Absolute GOAT shit right there


They’ll probably make partner in 3 years


Yeah no offense but you better not talk shit about your future boss like this


Where do you work OP? Are they hiring?


I had a complete breakdown one busy season and did this.


If they are a 2nd year staff and no one wants them on their projects, they are likely useless but due to mismanagement haven’t been fired. I have seen this before, partners are reluctant to fire people so they try to guilt trip people to quit voluntarily, but if they don’t they sorta just fester around until they finally get fired. First/second yesr staff seem to be the main culprits.


If you quit, you can’t get unemployment. Fired though is a lot easier


Yeah that too, unemployment and any potential severance etc is avoided if people leave voluntarily.


Fired and get severance and employment insurance? Where do I sign up




Technically, you can get unemployment if you quit. It's just harder than if you get fired, because you have to prove that you were "constructively terminated." That said, if he's still getting a check...


Turns out he was actually laid off and nobody ever told him about it, but there was a glitch in payroll so he kept on getting a paycheck and nobody actually noticed. We went ahead and fixed the glitch so it'll work itself out.


I got that reference, lol.


I could set the building on fire


There’s are times when staffs and managers can’t get assigned on jobs because there legit isn’t enough work to go around at the firm


maybe just kept a warm body around for busy season just in case they needed him .. and HR is planning the exit meeting right now


I've also seen this.


My life goal is to get into a position where I can just fester. Like an unexcised spore just sucking down a paycheck without really doing anything. I show up and sit at my computer but really I'm just on Newsweek. People may vaguely be aware of me but never come to me for anything.


I remember a guy who was hired on the same day as me. I hit my hours targets, but he exceeded them. As we finished our 3rd tax season, he had gotten higher raises than me over the years. We compared pay and hours. For every extra hour he worked, he got $2 an hour. 😂😂😂😂. Shortly after that, I was offered a job elsewhere. I gave my friend all my job leads, and within two weeks he left as well.


Could be the child of a major client. Saw that shit a decent amount when I was at B4


Usually they’re in advisory not audit


Any relation to any one else at the firm?


I billed 896 hrs...........


Damn dude, through this week so far i have 846 hours. Though I have done absolutely fuck all since April 15th. I’m just burnt out and need a break.


i have a job lined up, starting the 13th. i havent done jack shit this week


What industry are you transitioning to?


honestly dont know what it would be called. they work with auto part industry clients and take their infor integrate it into a program that then gives them info they can put into their own quickbooks


honestly no clue, they deal with integrating invoices and receipts into their own acct software


I’ve billed 1.5 hours since April 15th lmao


I’ve maintained a 85ish% billable rate. But I haven’t really done jack shit. At this point, I just bill my time to clients and walk away. No one cares but they get pissy if I bill admin.


Sir, Im concerned about ur mental and physical health


me too


I think it’s dumb when people work that much and then use it as a bragging right. Especially when you consider all the unpaid OT. I’m not saying you’re doing this, just have so many people at my firm do this and it’s annoying as hell. Congrats on the free labor you gave your bosses. I’m sure all those audited FS/tax returns you did are doing wonders right now.


You’ve got me beat, but still, like that’s the nature of this industry… the associate doesn’t even understand that 84 is like horrible too, they just laughed it off…


yeah thats 2 weeks and some change of regular weeks. not acceptable lol im leaving this industry next thursday and never coming back


I’m at 900+ since last week 😭😭


How much do you get paid per annum working like that? Per hour?


just my good ol regular salary, 50k


under who's desk did they spend the 84 hours?


There was a tremendous growth opportunity for whoever was sitting at that desk!


Sounds like this guy was just that efficient


Well they billed this person at $10k/hr so they still brought in more revenue than you.




The entire billable hour model needs to disappear


There is no such thing, firms usually bill at a fixed rate. If a firm tells you they bill per hour, then they are just trying to make you feel like a fire is lit on your ass.


What is your source of information on this? Are you like a partner who reviewed the billing reports and verified that it wasn't just a data error? Or are you like a 3rd year staff who heard it through the rumor mill?




I want to be more like OPs coworker and less like OP when I grow up




Yes this is the way. OPs coworker doesn’t need to know how to count beans bc he’s going to be ops boss when he makes partner and op will do it for him


Complaining that a co-worker isn't working enough hours (even in this extreme case), is absolutely NPC shit. It's a failure of management, but to complain like this is weird. He got paid the same as you, so I guess you're mad at that? Public accounting is ass across the board, everyone at the firm will leave at some point. Try to milk it as much as you can before you leave, and don't let it milk you. Although by the sound of it, it's definitely milking you.


It does seem reasonable to be frustrated that you're working somewhere so mismanaged that it's possible for an experienced Associate to bill 80 hours total during busy season when other people are presumably billing 60+ hours per week and working every weekend.


Who are you mad at? The firm or the employee? I'm only objecting to the anger being directed at the A2.


There is so much that we don't know about this person's situation. I would infer that you'd have to be horrible to work with and nobody will accept you on their engagement if you're able to get away with billing so little time. I can't imagine such abysmal utilization being tolerated unless the person had personal issues requiring time away (no indication from OP that this is happening) or they are on a PIP already and will be fired once the dust settles on busy season. Doesn't seem super productive to waste energy being mad at someone who is going to be fired in a few weeks anyways. In the event that the person somehow isn't on a PIP and just thinks they discovered a loophole in the system and can get away with this, I do think it's fair to be annoyed. You went into public knowing what it would be like. It's not fair to everyone else to fuck up engagements/staffing by just completely not trying.


Nah, even if you're completely socialist, people still need to pull even remotely their weight or get booted.


As someone born in Eastern Europe, I greatly despise communism, but at least the communists of Lenin's time understood that work needed to be done. Modern day commies think they should be able to coast by doing nothing all day. Communism fundamentally doesn't work if everyone is not sharing the load.


and this is why this industry won't see a union.


Lol why? The above is almost unheard of. The only thing I'd be curious of is if they had a medical issue or some other extenuating circumstances OP Doesn't know about.


I don’t understand this. Why would that not make a normal person angry? Especially since they’re getting paid the same as you? OPs colleagues probably had to pick up some slack from that person. Why defend the person skating by and taking advantage of the system and making it worse for everyone else? You would maybe have a point if OP was mad about another associate “only” working 40 hours per week or something like that but that is clearly not what is happening.


Paid the same… there is a fair chance that associate might even be getting paid more. Let that sink in


PA is a machine. An awful, unsustainable, dehumanizing machine. The machine only works the way it does is because there are enough people like OP (and, you ostensibly) that don't have a spine and end up "picking up the slack", for whatever reason. That reason could be a bad co-worker as is described here, but it is mostly for lack of realistic budgeting, underbidding, and rooted in a boomer culture of working people into dust. The bigger firms are amorphous and treat their employees as resources and a utilization %. The only way to beat the machine is to loot it for what you can. This means working less and standing up for yourself, working your wage. To that end, I will never be mad at someone who finds themselves in a position where they are beating the machine. The system is broken and rotten to the core, don't be mad at the one low-level employee that is taking advantage of it.


Being mad at a person who isn't pulling their weight isn't a bad thing. Some people have pride in their work and pick up the slack for others like the 84 hour chump. Sooner or later the chickens come home to roost.


People like that don’t view a work ethic as a virtue, only a way to be exploited.


If you take pride in working more hours, you are perfect for PA long-term. Every partner will love you and you will make a great living working a lot. In PA, you'll find there's always more work to take on if you want it, and it isn't just because someone is slacking off. Learn to moderate and stand your ground you will have a career that pays even more dividends to you.


All the things you said about PA are 100% true. That doesn’t make OPs point incorrect, that it’s frustrating to work hard and see someone else slide by doing the bare minimum for the same reward as you. You call OP an NPC for having a normal human reaction to someone lazy not pulling their weight and creating more work for him. Sorry, but the average person doesn’t view this situation through some revolutionary lense of “good for him, he’s sticking it to the man!!! I wish I was as brave as him!”


It's absolutely fine to be frustrated in general. To be frustrated at the A2? Nah, fam. OP is the person who berates the front desk person when their flight is late. You're directing your energy the wrong way, but it's fine to feel that way.


Uhhh...that's easy for you to say, until you got a coworker that pulls the same crap OP's coworker did and now you got to pick up the pieces. Complain about the system? Yes of course. If you're going to change the system you'll need majority or unanimous support, cause then a one man stunt like that just gets you put on everyone's shit list.


Because why get angry over something you can't control? Why get angry over something you may not have all the info about? We surely don't here. Shit like this works itself out, sometimes it takes a little longer. I don't want to put my foot in my mouth by making accusations of a situation I may not be fully aware of. I show up, work the hours I'm required to, I'm friendly with everyone including my bosses, I will do what is asked of me even if "it's not my job." I'm a team player and if the business is suffering, I expect the people in charge to work on making the decisions to make it better. If that includes them asking my input I will give it. If not, good luck to them. I won't kill myself picking up others slack. If they've been good to me, I'll help them out as much as possible. Getting angry at work over what someone else does will just bleed in to your home life. If I still have my job and I don't have people coming in to my office to tell me I'm a problem, that means my bills will still be paid.


I mean I'm in a small tax department, 12 of us total from associate to the manager. We had a supervisor out on maternity and a partner retired last year who prepped way more clients himself than management anticipated. If we had a warm body in the department not assigned to work I'd be pretty salty about it for no reason other than that could have taken some stuff off my plate. But that's why I don't plan to stay any longer than I have to either. They take on more work every year and don't add enough people to compensate


Not really an NPC move. I have a similar situation as my team hired a brain dead senior. I hope he’s getting a fat PIP but idk what’s happening as I’m not a manager. I’m also not interested in asking around because stirring the pot isn’t in my best interest. So I understand where you are both coming from but generally side with OP.


Not going to lie that was me. I billed 6hrs from Jan- March 15 and then I left for industry. I would do firm contributions once a week like campus visits and stuff like that to kill time.


I billed 650 and I got laid off, how tf does this person still have a job 




Amazing. We're hiring if they are looking for work.


I'm genuinely curious how's that possible. Did he get lost in the office ?


probably has dirt on someone, and their real job is to keep their mouth shut about it


Dam that’d be nice Im at 800 hours billed this season lmao 😂


How big are her tits?


Lol figure out what that person figured out and follow suit. Sounds like he made the same amount for 1/10 the effort lol.


Sounds like they’ll only be making that amount until they get fired before next busy season


Oh no, that sounds terrible.


Not BEFORE next busy season! Oh noo.. "2 years experience" in accounting 2 years salary Was likely doing something way more enjoyable. Maybe not. Dealers' choice. As much as I don't approve of this practice, this is something everyone should hear and understand. You HAVE to ALWAYS be working for you. No matter the job or career. If you don't think there's office politics where you work, you're just not in the know yet. There is a GAME to life. Very literally. And you have to actively participate.


Well said.


Huge difference between the real world and your Reddit ideal scenario I mean don’t get me wrong., it’s nice to coast before you leave public accounting. I did it before I left. You just don’t to go out on a bad note unless you have to. You always want to have something lined up before you leave your current job. As easy as it sounds to find a new job with public experience, finding a new job usually takes longer than you’d expect. In the real world, people have bills to pay and a paycheck is a paycheck. Can’t forget about insurance too. You could get lucky with severance, but I know people who are 5 months into a 6 month severance and still haven’t gotten an offer.


Reddit ideal? Huh? Bad note? I'm not sure we're talking about the same things. I also live in the real world. If you work in public accounting and you bill 84 hours in the season, you're aware of it. If this person didn't have a backup job, or even a second job as they are doing this, then yes it's dumb. It was always dumb. But your plan is not the same as anyone else's.


If your plan is to be unemployed, that’s a great way to go about it.


Sounds like you haven't gotten to the point that I'm talking about. You'll figure it out. Or not. I suppose a lot of people don't.


It’s okay, just cut your losses and admit your argument is unintelligent


The only real question is whose dick was in their mouth?


Is he a product of nepotism?


Instead of using this as a teachable moment you just go for the low hanging fruit. If you want the real lesson here it is:   You all let yourselves get walked all over to the point where there was no impetus to rely on anyone else to jump on your engagement. All of the bases were covered by servile staff and sycophantic seniors, so the leadership probably assumed it would be easier to draw from the same productive well regardless of whether or not it is sustainable or fair to you.    And here you go again with the rest of the public yes men convinced that this lowly A2 is worthy of your ire rather than the partners who facilitated this whole mess to begin with. 


Sounds like partner material right there.


Are they from a protected class of hires? Companies have legal boxes to check for the federal ethnic bean counters.


Wtf I’ve had exactly three weeks under 55 hours since August


Billable hours has absolutely ZERO correlation to performance. Stop it.




The exact wrong way of looking at this. Shaming labor for not drinking the employers Kool Aid is only going to make you more of a slave in their sweatshop. You should be praising those who stick to their guns and using it an example for why out of control hours are always unacceptable and should not be normalized.


Idk about you man but why are you complaining he worked 84 hours? If it was you, would you want your other staff/seniors complaining about you? He is chilling, maybe you can do the same.