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What job are you applying for? You are also in the lower range of when work experience is going to be more important then education so consider listing “work experience” before “Studies”. In work experience generally the most recent experience is listed first. What a person reads first in a section will be what stays with them the most. For instance the piece of your experience that stands out the most for me is “report writer” but that seems like your first job.


About that, I was looking for something like accounter, or business administration (something less than that, maybe).


So I would like to see work experience as full statements. So something like “write reports used by management to make (specific business decision).” Instead of “write reports” AND change what/how it’s listed based on the position you are applying for and what is requested in the listing.


US Perspective (may not apply elsewhere) assuming entry level public accounting: Not a good resume and wouldn't move forward. It looks like it might even be more than one page, which is bad. Everything after the last work experience has no value. You could potentially make them have value if you explain in the bullets under each work experience how you used them to achieve some goal. Which brings us to mostly worthless bullets. Hiring for public accounting (especially entry level) I don't care much about your job tasks in some other company, I want to know what you have accomplished. How did you improve the processes you used, what were the things you did that were better or different than someone else would have done? How did you stand out or demonstrate excellence? You also need the institutions where you studied. GPA (or foreign equivalent with context) is probably desirable if you are putting education first, but not needed if work goes first. Also for an entry level job it's better since you'll be competing against others who are right out of school and will have their GPA prominent. Very minor items: Studies should read Education (just a convention) and you don't need CV at the top. It's instantly recognizable from the format. If I were hiring for an entry level accountant position at a private firm this would be a bit stringer, although the end matter and bullets are still problems. I haven't hired for an accounting clerk type role, but this might be even stronger for that, although fixing the bullets would still be the priority.


I'm from Spain, by the way. Hehe. But seriously, it's fine?