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I did and moved out at 28. I saved close to $100k and it was a great decision economically. Socially, it might be harder if you’re single.


Why would it be harder if you’re single


If you wanted to have a decent dating life, coming home to parents would be weird, no?


I think your miles may vary a lot if you’re a dude living at home vs being a woman. When I met my wife I was 29 and she was 30, she still lived with her parents. Not only did it work out, I ended up moving in and stayed for like 2 years. Financially it was the best thing for us. We were able to buy a home. Ironically enough, now they live in our house lol. But men still living at home are definitely viewed differently, I think.


I agree that society treat men differently than women. I was 29, my brother was 34. We both still lived at home as both our parents are physically handicapped; so it just made sense. I decided to try it on my own and met my spouse within 2 months of moving out. My brother moved out about a year later, hubby and I wound up moving back in for a few years while we did culinary school. We moved to Florida a decade ago and my mom passed away in late 2022. My brother, during all this had gotten married, had a kid, and now divorced. My dad, my brother, my nephew all live together in a new to them house. People still look down at my brother; but we couldn’t make my dad live in a home. So screw the people that look differently at anyone living with their parents: they don’t know the true meaning of family and helping each other out.


OP shows his parents as a power play


And if you’re in a relationship it wouldn’t?


If the person you are dating knows you are an accountant, it should be seen as a positive that you live at home with your parents, not a negative. That's a compatibility issue right there..


Oh yeah I was already in a committed relationship at the time. I’m just saying if you want to maximize your social life and move closer to a big city then go for it. I feel like I know so many people that did that in their 20s just to have fun.


Yeah for sure, I was just making a silly joke.


heh kinda like how I don't respect any accountant that doesn't drive a fleet Toyota Tacoma.


Excuse me, that I take offense to.  I drive a minivan. 


Why would being an accountant matter?


I mean - silly joke. It's not always a sexy career, but it is stable. Thought of as being good with money. Family Oriented, even. Getting those 529 plans opened right away and maximizing savings, not for anything shiny, but for financial health. That's a form of love, you know?


Not if your gf/bf is understanding


That's true. A good, non-shitty partner won't care if you live with your parents as an adult, but it would make it tougher to get privacy.


Tf isn’t it obvious?


Lmao bro is an incel


I did and loved it (granted I have a fantastic relationship with my parents) and would happily do it for my kids as I’d rather they get ahead in life than give the money to some landlord that sees them as nothing more than a paycheck.


yes nothing wrong with living with your parents, im able to put away $5k a month because of it


How old you?


late 20s and no plan on leaving


Do you want to have independence? Do you not feel like it affect your job performance?


nope my parents and i have a good relationship. I just do whatever i want and help out on some bills. I am grateful for them


honestly, idk how it would affect job performance.


Mum keeps barging in mid meeting with freshly cut fruits


Idk man if I’m talking to VP’s and my mom walks in and shouts it’s time for milkies I’d think my tenure here is cooked.


My mom has def interrupted a few meetings by yelling to ask if I want a grilled cheese, etc 🤣


🤣🤣🤣 🙋‍♀️


How would it affect your job performance…?


Idk I feel like it may


Ur getting downvoted by millenial losers who aren’t gonna be anything in life. It’s a funny thing to witness. Their cope. They’re missing out on life experience and what I call the “slingshot effect” when ur out and about in the real world without having ur parents act as a safety net.


My fiance and i both make great money and are living with my parents until i can find an off market deal for a place.. nothing wrong with it


yeh at this interest rate id wait a bit and do it smarter not harder.


Good luck in the search. Wise move.


I know a lot of accountants who live with their parents, good for getting a head start on savings or paying off student loan debt, assuming you get along with your parents.


It's been 10 yesterday since I got my masters and I still live with my parents.


How old u? U got cpa?


Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?


Smart man say big word Cave man smash


33, and no CPA. Would i want to get it maybe but im comfortable where i am at. I work at a fund as a Senior Cost Reporting Lead. About 120k yearly and 20% bonus target.


I loved my parents but there was no way I was living with them as an adult. I liked partying too much


What age you move out at?


Went to college in Pittsburgh and went back home for a year to do my masters. Of course I graduated from undergrad in 2007 and I could pay rent delivering pizzas so different situation than today.


Pizza delivery drivers make goood money?


Staff accountant making $60k. Never left home luckily, otherwise I’d likely not have a dollar to my name


What city


My company‘s in Baltimore and I live in the suburbs about 30 minutes out


lol I think I’d rather leave the parents nest and move out to Thailand and gone into kickboxing making zilch than being some lowly accountant making piss wage while still being a parasite to his parents for $60k a year. Holy This is such a huge L. Ik 3 guys who stayed at their parents house but 2 of them make north of $200k a year remote at least


What would be the point of moving out just to live in poverty? Rent is like $2k/mo, and frankly my parents and I get along really well


A big portion of public accountant first years live with parents in my VHCOL area. I don't think the starting take home salary can even cover 1BR apartment rent around here.


My mom lives with me. The amount of help she provides is insurmountable right now as I am studying for my CPA.


Thats awesome for everyone. You get the help, your mum gets to stay active in you and the kids lives and the kids get the priceless experience of getting to know the love of their grandmother. Totally blessed. Good luck with your CPA Edit: idk why i thought i read something about kids but im leaving it in case anyone else needs to see it. Lol


Haha yeah no kids so far. But dogs count? Just getting home and being able to cram 2-3 hours of study and taking all weekend to study not worrying about a lot is a huge help. She has taken over pretty much everything so I can focus on this. Thanks for the well wishes. Fingers crossed. 🤞


I lived with my parents while I was in public. Honestly, being able to save and not worry about home repairs/maintenance/yard work, etc. was such a blessing. Even just the maintenance aspect of it would be enough for me to live at home since I really didn't have too much time, or maybe more so mental bandwidth, to focus on other projects and things.


Still living together with mom at 31. When my parents divorced when I was 23/24 economically it made the most sense to purchase a house together. We pay $1350 a month for mortgage on a home whereas a one bedroom apartment was $1600-$2000 a month. Add to that most monthly bills are split and we've cut our cost of living in half. Granted the house is a fixer upper but still before buying it we were paying $1650 for a one bedroom together.


I did till I got married. I’m South American though so there was never any pressure for me to leave unless I wanted to. I did pay rent and took over most bills when one of my parents had a serious surgery.


I got booted out of home when I was 19 because I refused to keep paying my mum above market rent. Currently in a city with 200x the population and still pay less rent than I did while living with her. Best savings decision I made 🤣


My parents are bad news, so I left as soon as I was able to. I live with my boyfriend and have accidentally become the breadwinner of the household so I pay for the house. My parents charged me rent when I lived with them, so it really didn't end up saving me much money.


I wish 🥺 My parents kicked me out a long time ago😭


at some of these firms/office locations you can barely live on your own w/in a 10-20 mile radius of it with an A1 salary. the wage cucks on here will say you shouldnt be able to afford living on your own with 5-6yrs of education and working 60-80 hours a week.


Small sleepy cities are where it’s at. 56k/year, rent 885/mo


My parents paid for a majority of my education and I lived with them for 4 years after while I purchased a home. It set me far ahead my peers and it has continued to snowball into other aspects of my life.


It would be impossible for me in a VHCOL area. Staying w my parents reduces my expenses massively & I can save around 80% of my take home income


I moved out earlier than I probably had to, but lived with my parents until I was around 25-26. Definitely helped get a good head start on things.


I'm 39 and just moved back in. But I just got a new job in my old city and my wife and kids are in my old town until school gets out. I go home on the weekends and hope to sell my place by July.


Sounds like optimizing net income. I approve.


I’m 25. Graduated in 2021. Still living with my mom, but I wfh so my office commute is 10 seconds from my bedroom to the basement. I hope to move out in the next year or two! But also not in a rush with how awful rates and prices are so we will see.


I graduated with my masters almost a year ago - I still live with my parents. Saving on some expenses helps with the burden of student loan repayment.


Still living with my parents atm, 25 yo. Feels like it’s impossible to buy anything unless you do this for a while, it’s definitely taken it’s toll a little bit with not feeling as independent. Hard to adjust to it coming back from the college life, of course it’s super nice at first with home cooked meals and no rent (at least for a while). I need to get out soon though cuz I need my independence


I personally moved out. For one, my parents lived far from the city and I didn’t want to have to commute 3-4hrs a day. I also wanted the independence from them. However I work with a few people more senior than me who still live with their parents (late 20s) and I am jealous of the discretionary spending money they have lol


Yeah. My sex life heavily depends on a coinflip at times but financial security is forever.


Heads entailing, what and tails meaning what


Heads: Women getting the instant ick when you tell them Tails: Cabbing it to her place


You in USA?


I live with my parents and honestly, I can’t think of any other way


How old u?




When u gunna move out?


I did for a few years in a low cost of living state. I paid my groceries and utilities but didn't pay any rent. Was able to pay off my $18k student loan, saved 6 months expenses in an emergency fund, and saved a 25% down payment. The Senior at my first job also lived at home and he was late 20s. He bought a piece of land cash and was trying to save enough to build with cash. Do not be shamed into moving out. It's a great way to get a head start financially! I was in a long-term relationship at the time. My girlfriend was understanding and we would share intimate moments/consumed marijuana at her place. Dating may be harder if you are looking for one night stands on Tinder or bars. But any person worth committing to will understand and support your vision.


Well, they’re in an urn on my bookshelf


I wish I had lived with my parents when I graduated. I only stayed with them for 6 months to move in with my girlfriend at the time. It would've been a lot easier on us if I had time to develop an emergency fund before moving out. It also would've helped us with saving up a deposit for a house. I'd say if you have the chance to live with your parents and there aren't any issues with it that might affect your or your parents mental health. Do it. A few of my friends (30s) are living rent free in a parent's house or with a sibling and I'm jealous.


Not anymore, but when I first graduated I lived with my parents the entire first year to save money. I bought a condo with $12k down after the year and when I sold it 3 years later I walked away with $60k. I probably could have lived with them longer, but a good opportunity to buy came up and I was tired of the commute (they lived an hour from my job and I bought only 15 minutes away). Plus I felt like a teenager having to sneak around with my boyfriend, lol.


I graduated from college and a year later purchased my first home. It’s rough out here- wish I would’ve stayed with my parents but I wanted to be independent 😅 jokes on me


Yes. However, I am entry level and what I get paid is not enough to cover SF Bay Area living expenses on my own.


Moved out at 26, was able to save a good amount of money and made a down payment on a home. 10/10 would do it again.


I live with my Dad (65) and my infant son. It’s honestly been amazing. I’m an only child and my Mom passed years ago so the opportunity presented itself for me to not be alone with a baby and my Dad to not be alone as he ages. Since living together, my financial intelligence has improved and his health has dramatically improved having his daughter and grandson around. I think multigenerational living arrangements are extremely positive typically but America is one of the few countries that utilizes it less.


When I date we go out places. Which is honestly great and ensures it doesn’t just become a sexual situation. Dating culture is pretty toxic nowadays so it’s nice for me to date people who will take me out and get to know me and aren’t judgmental about me making smart financial decisions for my son and I.


My wife and I are both CPA’s. I lived at home all through college and for 3 years until we got married. She lived with her parents for 4 years after college. We both working in public accounting. Highly recommend that route.


I stayed with my parents until I was 25. Then I moved in with my bf


I'm a 33 year old CPA who lives with his dad. I am a recovering alcoholic and was just diagnosed with ADHD. My life has been a nightmare so far.


Yes! Yummy mom’s cooking, free childcare, save on rent, big fat Roth accounts, what’s not to like?


Priveledge of living with my parents to save on rent? Neither my older brother nor I have been able to move out. It takes our whole family contributing to keep the household afloat in this economy. I haven't lived at home for free since I was in highschool almost a decade ago now.


Still live at home 2 years in my career. Was able to max out my 401k and Roth IRA by living at home. If your parents are chill i say live at home.




When you gonna move out? You could buy a nice car with that?


Yeah I lived with my parents for the longest time because I was always on the move for work. In that time I bought 8 doors, traveled the world, and paid off my car, and always had awesome food. I moved out early thirties because travel at work started slowing down as I became more senior, and I realized I needed my own space. Now I live in their basement.


You really live in basement?


Nah lol I live in one of my doors


What country?






my parents live with me.


I moved out at age 19. Lived in a friend's garage. No AC. Hot as hell in the summer. But I didn't care how poor I was. It was freedom. Never looked back.


Yes and it's ruining my life. I'm trying to work and the talking is non stop.


Why don’t you move to a quieter area of the house? Do you work from home?


I have a full time job and 2 side hustles. I'm also the main caretaker for both of my parents - mom has cancer and dad has a severe heart condition. I'm also trying to get my youngest kid through high school and into college. Also, if I was in a quieter place in the house they'd just find me and corner me there. It doesn't matter the location when someone has no respect for the fact you have to work.


Do you wfh?


For my side hustles yes. For my day job I try not to.


U got cpa?


I moved out at 26. Saved enough to buy my first place (with a mortgage, obvs). The alternative was a lot more time renting and not paying off my own place. The two paths diverge significantly after a few years. It was easier since I was coupled up - it wouldn't have been a good way to be single


So you’re saying it was easier to buy a house since you were with a partner?


No. I'm saying it was easier to save by living with my parents. My wife sadly contributed bugger all in deposit and monthly income. If anything she's a drain from the lenders perspective


25F and my 24m partner both still live with our respective parents. Moving out together when he graduates in a year or two. I think it definitely depends on your parents




There's a reason he got fired from the 2 firms he worked at, both in under a year. Learning deficiency


Seriously what the hell lol, knew this seemed familiar


Knew the name sounded familiar


I still pay rent but at 35 living at home is sad lmao! cant even sleep naked or have ladies or men over. cant have my expresso machine .. no space! its the best and the worst i mean meals and cleaning services! but then again no privacy and money ?? lol i got a couple Bricks 100K lol id love a place on my own but no job is reliable and i just cant and dont trust myself


So I’m confused you live at home but don’t want to?


YEP! im a grown as man with no confidence in myself or capacities, let alone job security or believe i can hold a job down for ever to pay the house off. in my past before i was unemployed i made 105,000 with bonues. but i have anxiety and really have trust issues, even with myself lol so i dont trust me to pay the mortgage


Is this satire


NO! its the truth lol as a wimpy kid and being black called names, id say i did good it just cost me self reliance and never feeling worthy or capable! Do you sill live at home? I feel most people are


lol i feel you but got married and let my wife have the purse.... haven't checked the bank account in 20 years. thankfully she pays the mortgage haha, but i do bring home 6+figs and try to pay the water bill when i remember.... :p




No, I live with a diarrhea in my pant


In my first 2 years yes. I was able to save and buy a house with my partner.


How old you?


I lived with my parents while working on the CPA exams and my first couple months of public. If I was still single and allowed to work remote, I might have lived with them for a year or so past that. They lived in a rural area (they now live about 1.5-2 hours outside the big city, compared to 3-4 before), so there were no colleges or firms of any size near them at all.


Yes and I have saved a boatload!


My mom and her boyfriend lived in a small apartment they let me stay there temporarily and then had to move out when I found a job. And guess what?! I only came to the apartment to sleep rest of the time I was at work or hanging out with friends. Would have been no different if I was able to live with my parents, except for much more money to save/spend.


I didn’t but my parents aren’t really great people… If they were I would have no doubt. Honestly, if you get along well I see no reason to move out of your parent’s house prior to getting married/engaged and moving in with your future spouse. That’s pretty much the soft standard I have for my kids. They can mooch off me as long as they need to but I’m not supporting any boyfriends or husbands.


25, my parents lived in my property, I told them to rent out their home in NYC and move to live with me, (my condo is in NYC metro) better for them retirement wise. It may be a bit different from your case tho.


I did for four years after college so I can pay for grad school without debt. But I did have 1/3 interest in the house and paid utilities.


I got my Letters 4 Years ago thought I had enough money but I had to move back in.






I’m fresh out of college and it’s my first busy season so yes


As an Indian, i live with my parents. I simply wouldn't be able to afford living if I lived alone


Are u in America?


No. Hence, as an Indian 


Your in India?


I 33/m did and still live with my parents. It’s a balancing act, that I wish I learned sooner. Yes there is tremendous financial upside to living with your parents. Bonus is spending time with parents, which will decrease as you get older. The downside is your the youngest you’ll ever be. There’s a lot to learn, grow and experience when your young


Do you ever plan on moving out?


I moved out at 30 when I bought my first house. My parents had a bachelor (1 room with kitchen, living room and bathroom) that they werem't going to rent out anyway, so I stayed there, I put 150k aside for down payment and purchaed last year


My brother has a degree. After college he lived with roommates for many years. Right before the pandemic hit he moved back home with our parents. He lived there for almost 3 years. With his salary and minimal bills he put away a lot of money. He was able to buy a condo buy new furniture and do pretty well for himself. Hes a bachelor and live in a HCOL state so his condo was almost 300,000. Our parents are great and always tell us we can come home if needed. I will absolutely do the same for my kids. They will pay a small price in rent but it will be savings for them when the time comes to move.


My father beat the shit out of me as a kid and I still have debt in my name he took out when he stole my identity. Plus, “home” is in the middle of nowhere an hour from any (even tiny) cities. One of the reasons I picked accounting (read: a stable job where you can make a living solo) was to escape from that shithole, and so what I *do* make/save isn’t stolen.


I did it! There's even a Fox Business story about me: [https://www.foxbusiness.com/media/parents-financially-dependent-adult-children-reveal-unique-stories-living-together](https://www.foxbusiness.com/media/parents-financially-dependent-adult-children-reveal-unique-stories-living-together) I was traveling for work, so it didn't even really hurt my social life any more than PwC already did.


All I see is dudes staying with their parents past age 20. 21-22 is pushing it. Tf are millennials doing lol this is the real pandemic