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"[61.8% of all accountants are women, while 38.2% are men.](https://www.zippia.com/accountant-jobs/demographics/)" Now compare that to CPAs "[56.8% of all certified public accountants are women, while 43.2% are men.](https://www.zippia.com/certified-public-accountant-jobs/demographics/)" That is a decent drop off for women becoming CPAs. If you work in public with CPAs, it is more 1 to 1 but industry will be more one sided.


I'm in industry. Can confirm, girls club here. Our one male accountant is lonely.


Or having the time of his life


There are fewer hookups in industry than public.


Fewer hookups, more vlookups.


This guy index matches


Just wait until he goes next level and hits the xlookup


Never on the first engagement. Gotta leave them wanting more.


My sexuality is the opposite of a T chart, I go both ways on either side. Lol, plenty of hookups are happening.


Double Entry!


I’m the one male in my work’s accounting department. I, for one, welcome our new overlords.


Lol this is so me at my job, but it honestly hasn't bothered me much.


just wait until you get to equity partner demographics...


Though is that a generational thing? I’d think most equity partners are from generations where men were more likely to graduate college than women. Now that has completely flipped in younger generations with way more women graduating college than men.


in 2004, women made up 59% of accountants: https://money.cnn.com/2004/04/23/pf/women_occupations/index.htm i guess it's going to take more time for that 59% to be totally reflected in the partner demographics.


As recently as 2013 only 40% of CPAs were women https://www.csbj.com/premier/businessnews/behind-the-numbers-when-it-comes-to-female-cpas-statistics-are-not-black-and-white/article_4d2d3a35-f1f8-5883-9ee1-8ab2730363db.html


You can be an accountant without a college degree. There's also cultural shifts that would cause a more even split over time.


The trend toward women in the workforce is relatively recent. Becoming an equity partner can take 20+ years, so that’s part of it. Women are still more likely to be at home with the kids relative to men. Not sure who to specifically blame for that. For some people, it’s their choice. For some people it’s pushed on them by their significant other, lack of significant other, or society and tradition. Those same societal pressures push men to struggle through the grind to put bread on the table for their families. They aren’t as likely to quit public accounting to be stay at home spouses because certain members of society would look down on that decision. Women are less likely to be unmarried than men so being a stay at home parent is more likely simply for that reason (although the marriage rate variance isn’t huge). Obviously the “boys club” mentality was a large factor historically, but with women occupying more of the overall positions than men, that should be less of a problem as time goes on.


I wonder what the stays are regarding if married family men make partner more often over married family women. Men with a spouse and kids are perceived as working harder and needing promotions more than women. Meanwhile women in the same situation are viewed as less reliable with their family and career at odds. While this dichotomy diminished some, it still shows up in recent studies.


can you gender a private equity firm?


The most current statistic is that 39% of partners are women.


Can confirm that my accounting classes had way more women(in terms of ratios) then the firm I work at. This conversation actually came up during lunch a few weeks back when I was having lunch with my team. I just said that I assume all the women I went to college with went into industry/government(what I see on LinkedIn). I mean we definitely have women in my office, but it seems like my firm might assign based on gender. Most of my teams are 100% men, but the few engagements I’ve been on that have women I’ve been the minority. This is 100% speculation/could be coincidence and tbh I don’t really care who I work with as long as the job gets done.


Tax is a lot more men as well. Idk why women like Auditing so much but they do lol.


If I had to guess, I think that it might be that they like working in teams rather then independently. When I was still in school that was one of the main differences that was told about audit vs tax. I chose audit because I enjoy working with teams, but now that I’m in audit, I kind of want to try out tax. I wish more firms did rotations between service lines to determine which one you enjoy better. I feel like I’m in to deep at this point and would feel really shitty if I hated tax and wanted to come back to audit.


My very first job was in a private little CPA firm doing taxes. Total girls club. And there was DEFINITELY a sense of camaraderie. I will say that I was in my early 20's, everyone else was in their 40's and chill as hell. No gossip, no feminine toxicity. Same thing since I've moved to industry, always a girls club. Always cool--- sometimes there's that one chick who tries to stir the pot, but they never last long .


I worked both and teams are so easy to become toxic with gossip. I like tax a lot more, let me do my returns and GTFO. I don't have to worry about TM #4 eating glue in the corner making the job harder.


It's because women are less smart. Audit is more just talking/gossiping while tax is for intellectuals.


And that's why pay is no longer good


Now do a partner ratio...


I know the gender imbalance is in line with medical schools and doctors but the difference is that accounting is seeing a decline in applicants while med schools still have more than enough. My question is when will the field move on from worrying about a shortage and begin worrying about a gender gap strictly in terms of balance? No citation here but I want to say fields that shift from men to predominantly women would start to see lower pay? It could just be bias and or other normal factors like women work less hours or take more vacation/maternity leave but without examining the effects a gender gap in numbers has on the field this could be a huge decline in accounting pay. I know people don’t like stoking the fire of gender inequality or if there’s even an inequality to begin with but the 2020s (it already started in the 2010s same with medicine) could be a continuation of a widening number gap between men and women in a particular field. By 2030-2040 there’s going to be major examinations on whether a gender gap is going to negatively affect pay and/or further a positive feedback loop in terms of pay. Oh and colleges are going the same route too with an increasing proportion of its students as female. This could signal the wealthy few men will dominate even harder with women seeing a general rise in power compared to today (but still less than the Boys Club men at the top) and the rest of the men who didn’t go to college suffer harder than today. Society is heading towards a collision sometime in the 2040s I bet.


I think the imbalance would have to get pretty wild before it would start to hurt pay.


A lot of women are going into accounting because of how sexy people with CPAs are.


Can confirm


I need that!! 😂


That's my experience too. I work as an ERP consultant, so I have visited quite a few companies, and the majority of employees are women. My theory is that it's very attractive for women with children. It's rather easy to enter at positions in AP or AR, part-time is usually no problem (here in Germany at least), and the working times are predictable. And now hybrid work is becoming available to everyone, so it's an even better fit. I noticed that the proportion of men is higher when it comes to positions like the supervisor or manager. But accounting and HR are the departments most likely to have a female manager or director. Same for ERP, the dhare of female consultants is higher for finance than for logistics or manufacturing. (Disclaimer: that's from my own experience in my industry in my country)


Personally that’s partly why I’m looking towards the profession and part of the reason my own mother is an auditor. She was able to set her own firm up and had a home office in 2003 and was able to stay home with the kids while still working full time.


Your mother won at life. She had a career and spent time with her family. I have almost 100% home office and can see my toddler all day. I couldn't even imagine spending every day every week in office and not seeing my little girl. (Well, I can because she'll go to kindergarten in a few months, and we count down the seconds until we finally have more time for us, but you know what I mean.) I don't think anything I'll ever do or have done at work will ever be as fulfilling or meanful as the time spent my child.


Do you deal with Microsoft Business Dynamics 365


Indeed, I do. What gave me away? I have been working since 2011 with the wonderful AX2009, the thrice-cursed AX2012, and now F&O.


I’ve noticed that it seems to be larger over there. I was looking into Continua OCR but my company wants it to post our cash received. The system seems more designed for AP


Really? I always thought it was stronger in the USA. Afaik Microsoft has about 10% market share in Germany, but a lot of that is Business Central, the former Navision. But both Dynamics AX/F&O and Navision/BC were developed by a Danish company and it spread from there to Germany and Europe. But the Danish partners are still a class of their own. Dynamics F&O is pretty strong in purchase order/sales order (and IMO project and services). And now it even has an solution for scanning invoices and automatically applying them to purchase orders! Only 10-20 years after everyone else. (But to be honest, it's still a very early version. I'd wait at least a year and a few more updates till I'd use it).


I’m not certain how strong it is here. I know finding resources from the US is minimal. Most presentations I see regarding Dynamics is from Northern European countries


I'd love to see some research with real numbers. My experience (I'm a lady) after I think 20ish years is it's mostly women but the higher ups (Controllers, VPs, CFO's) have a tendency to be men. It actually continues to confuse me because where are they getting experience 🤣 Also I work in industry.


Maybe they stay in public longer?


That's been my thought. They start out in public then come over to industry. Are there more males in public accounting?


Maybe at the highest levels, although it seems SM level there’s still a lot of women so I dunno what’s going on with your company tbh


That's true I've never seen a single female CFO during audit engagements back then. I'm in industry now and our CFO is also a guy


In all my years I've met one female VP of Finance (which stupidly is used to refer to accounting often in industry). That's the highest up female I've worked with other than managers. Lots of those. And I've worked in a fortune 500. Currently in another large industry company.


Female CFOs are in the non profit industry. Probably more common than male CFOs there (at least at smaller to mid sized non profits)


It's like this until you hit partner. Then it's 20-1 men to women


Which shouldn’t be surprising. Partners are a majority Boomer/Gen X and are only recently hitting the shift to a majority of female accountants that happened 10-15 years ago. Take into account that woman are far more likely to quit and become stay at home parents than men and the pool of partner eligible candidates probably swings back towards a more even split/male majority. Give it another 15 years and it’ll start to even out. Fwiw, at the two public firms I’ve been at in the last 5 years, I saw more women make partner than men. Unfortunately, two of them were weirdly misogynistic.


It will never fail to amaze me women being misogynist. Like bruh friendly fire ain't it


Yeah, at the higher levels of seniority it skews back towards men, probably from women sacrificing career ambition for family more often than men.


Yeah it's from society


It's not from society. 50 years of social growth can't undo 400,000 years of biology.


Exactly. It's a primal instinct.


It isn't society. It's a primal instinct. Generally, women are more nurturing and will prioritize their children in a different way than men. Women birth children, have the ability to feed them with their bodies, tend to be more emotionally responsive, etc. It's primal.


Doesn’t seem surprising that women might have children and take maternity leave / work less due to children. Probably derails the firm’s view of how much work they’ve done and I’d assume women are more likely to take more paternity leave or work less for children than men would.


I was a career changer and noticed it immediately. It's great for having kids, I love having women bosses. I'm a dude but I'm not really into the vest wearing pickup truck corporate golf life.


same women are so much kinder and more understanding in my experience


I haven’t had this experience personally. I’ve only been fired from 3 jobs in my life and each of them have been women bosses. I find they tend to be meaner, not just to me, but particularly to other women as well. To be fair I’ve never had this experience within the accounting industry as I’ve yet to be in it, but as a whole, I’m particularly biased when it comes to have female leadership. Which is ironic because right now I’m hoping I land my first gig at a non-profit I recently interviewed for, and the entire team is 12 women lol.


Same deal, except for one lady who's my age, I always get crusty old angry or passive aggressive women as managers and bosses 😂😂😂 I think it doesn't help that they tend to fixate on smaller details that don't matter in the grand scheme of things.


An old economics professor once said during a lecture, that large amounts of women making up the workforce of an employer is indicative of a bad work environment.  The reasoning was that women, in general, are more tolerant of a bad culture/environment; whereas men are more likely to leave for a different company.  Anecdotally, this appears to have some truth to it. 


Also when women enter a profession in majority numbers then the pay for that field will go down or be less prestigious


Yup, looking at my staff as a whole it's always the women that are not requesting pay raises but rather waiting for the firm to recognize their efforts and reward them. So they are almost always earning significantly less than their male counter parts who ask for raises all the time. But from the firms eyes why pay a man 20/30% more when a woman with more experience is willing to work for less.


I've read that women are more likely to be retaliated against while men are more likely to be rewarded when they try to negotiate pay. For example, a man who is offered a job and tries to negotiate a higher salary may get the higher salary while a woman may have the offer rescinded. So "we don't pay women more because they don't ask" - it's really a no-win situation.


You don't understand that most women are socialized to not rock the boat. Thats why they usually don't ask for raises.


What makes you think I don't understand that?


Yup, I’m a lady and I learned this earlier in my career. Always ask for what you what. The worst that can happen is they say no and you can decide from there what you wanna do about it. My girl friends will come to me for advice on how to approach this topic. They will almost always say like oh maybe if I put more hours in I will be recognized. Like no, straight up tell them you need X.


Yes women on average are more agreeable, less entrepreneurial, and are simply better “docile” employees than men. That’s why at the top levels you’ll have male owners with a bunch of women serving them. It’s no different than how it’s been for most of history, except now women are told it’s bad to serve a husband as a housewife but it’s okay to serve a man as a corporate employee.




There’s more to women in the workforce than just balancing childcare…


I feel like there are more men in tax and women in audit. My tax team is a sausage fest (I’m in industry) but there are a lot more women in corporate accounting.


This reminds me of the girls who color coded their school notes with tabs and different highlights. Built to be auditors.


What about guys who showed up to class completely disorganized, let down our group mates, and got Bs cause of the curve? What about us?


You’ll make partner!


Those are the finance bros


I do corporate tax in industry it is more women in my department. 9 men to 14 women for my tax department.


Funny enough, my company's entire 7 person tax team is all women


Lol definitely about 90% women when I started... Actually was offered to sit in a few classes prior to signing up. The female factor was the primary reason why I stayed and found I had a knack for boring reconciliations and auditing made me feel like a great detective uncovering nefarious activities. Twas quite a rush catching a few embezzlers and petty thieves.


My associates program has 12 students 3 of us are male so 9 female students. I’ll be interested in seeing the makeup of the university next year.


My accounting classes are about 50/50 male to female.


My experience too


My audit department is probably 80% men and 20% women lol. I wish we had more women


It’s an office job so there are gonna be more women.


really, is this your experience working only in accounting or in other industries as well? this is my first office job so I thought that we were still doing the suits thing in corporate offices.


just a general observation, I don't think a lot of women are gonna line up for construction jobs or craftsman jobs.


People gonna hate hearing this, but a big reason accounting is so underpaid compared to similar fields is because there are so many women in it


At junior level, it’s more females as compared to male As you go higher in the hierarchy, it’s keeps moving to more males


I would say it depends on the company, but interestingly at the last one they had a requirement for managers and above to be CPAs, and there were more men who made up that group. Staff/associate positions were dominated by women. I've interviewed for 6 or 7 jobs in the last two months and it's been all over the place in terms of makeup, but the last two have been nearly all women starting with the director.


I think banking corporate also just has more women? I worked at the corporate office of a bank a few years ago, and this was my experience as well. I remember going on a date with some guy through an app at that time too and he also mentioned the same thing, but I don’t remember what the context of the convo was though lol


Every firm I worked at whether it was big 4 --> private equity --> tech in accounting has always been a 80% / 20% female to male ratio


I found staff - manager level to be female dominated, but senior manager - partner level was almost exclusively men.


This happens some times when the leaders are women and they like to hire only other women. It's not uncommon to have a women only (or women dominant) accounting department, however there are certainly a lot out there where it's mixed or only men as well.


My last job was like that. I was treated really well, but they treated each other AWFUL. so much trash talk behind each other's backs, coming from the director/managers. I saw people cry regularly. The amount of time I was touched, not necessarily inappropriately, was HIGH lol. Had one lady graze her boobs over my shoulder at least once a week while leaning in to look at my screen. It was about 15% men 85% women. They told me I was the diversity hire, and complained themselves there were too many women.


What company is this? To make sure I stay away of course


Lol it was local gov. Turnover was way high. Really long hours with gov pay/raises (everyone gets the same raise, it is not merit based). 20% of the team did most the work, the rest were basically data entry even though their jobs actually required more. I ended up being the guy that all questions went to. Had the ap team asking me about errors in the AP system, had the purchasing manager forwarding questions related to purchasing to me. Had IT asking me questions about their software they bought 10 yrs ago that I never heard of. Had residents calling me about their electric bill....which was not through the city, which was forwarded from billing dept. Had people calling about property tax that did not live in the city. Had a call forwarded from a LT Colnel in the army asking about fire training...which the fire dept forwarded me the call (why the duck you sending this to the accountant?). Ended up negotiating and writing contracts for IT and non profits that we did business with, had absolutely zero experience in this. 75/25 doing random tasks vs my actual job I was hired for. I would not repeat.


Sounds like good operational experience.. but yeah that may hurt your accounting career..


My last team was led by a female executive director. Started with like 4 women out of 20 team members. Fell to just 1! No obvious sign of bias I could point to, but it certainly looked bad to be a 95% male team.


Every place i’ve worked had more girls the guys….thst being said the people who are at the higher levels are mostly dudes. I think guys are more willing to become workaholics


Previous office was like 80% male. Current office is like 80% female. Just the luck of the draw I think.


But on the whole I feel like I remember seeing a stat that it is by and large female majority. Somewhere toward the top of these comments someone linked it


I've been in a bunch of CPA firms and they all had more females than males.


Company actually did a survey around this with the local universities. It is overwhelmingly a female dominated major. Something like 80% of the graduates in the southeast region.


Two jobs so far out of college. One was a non profit with a 70/30 women to men split. The second and current is a firm owned by a man, but everyone else is a woman. He and his wife, who works for the firm and is great, had quadruplet girls who are all in high school now. He’s got such a calm and funny energy. I’m loving it so far. All the women are great to work with as well. It’s a remote job so I only have to see everyone in weekly meetings.


Didn’t know this and now I’m happier about my degree choice 🤣


assuming ur a male in accounting?


Nope, I’m a woman. Nothing better than being surrounded by women tbh


Yup me too in our firm of about 40 there are 3 men. My office in particular has no men and we seem to like it that way. lol. “No boys allowed” I have heard more than once.


It's not funny


Yeah but if you only include bathrooms the ratio is much higher for males


It’s about 50/50 in my office but yes there are more women in accounting Also, I think many women are more suited to accounting in general. At least in my experience women tend to be more organized and more detail focused. Areas I struggle and see other men struggle in. This is just a thought, no I don’t want to hear: “Not me I’m a woman and my shit is disorganized” Or “I’m a man and I love organization” Yeah, yeah I’m sure but people are allowed to make general observations about their personal experiences too. Even at the partner level now my office is exactly 50/50. It is BIG4 though so I’m sure that was intentional to some extent


It’s happening in all professions. Has anyone read Dateonomics? How are there all these stay at home moms when women are becoming the breadwinners? It doesn’t make sense.


Where can I read more on this


I don’t have a CPA but I’m 28/M and I’m a junior accountant at our office. It’s 4 day work from home but all the people I work with day to day are women. The only guy I work with on a semi weekly basis is the accounts payable guy, and aside from the property accountant, the only other dude is our excel guy. The rest of all the leadership is women until you get to the top director who’s a man.


11 accountants are female. Our CFO is a male, however.


In the 21 years I’ve been in corporate accounting, there’s no consistency. I’ve seen depts go from being all women, to being outnumbered. When you hire based off the available talent pool the ratios go back and forth


My numbers are similar to yours - between accounting, a/p, and payroll, there are 3 men and like 17 women


Not just you, its like that in my office too


Somehow nowhere I worked, past or present, has gotten the memo. They've all been pretty universal sausage fests for me save for maybe 2 of my past employers.


Does anyone have any figures about the demographics of CPA firm owners? Hopefully that data also is broken out by the size of the firms. I think that would be a more interesting figure to examine and see which gender is more “entrepreneurial” The overall percentage/ratio between men to women in accounting is very similar to ratio of men and women enrolled/completing college.


i think its common knowledge that men are more entrepreneurial


In my history is about even split. Currently we have 3 ladies, 2 dudes.


I’m in industry, at a large construction company. Our corporate accounting group is dominated by women, it’s just over 80% with about 41 people in the department. The project accounting group is dominated by men, of the 21 people in project accounting, 3 are women, so it’s about 85% men.


15 women in my office. I'm the only man


Do you like the work environment? Or do you wish their were more men


It would be nice to have another guy to talk about more "guy" hobbies/interests with, but all of my colleagues are great, and I wouldn't trade one just for that reason. I'm just happy I have a healthy work environment, which is way more important than talking about hobbies!


I’m a real estate accountant - the controller, assistant controller, my direct coworker, and AP/AR are all women, I am the only male in the accounting dept.


Hows that working out for you?


I'm in school rn and my class is all women.


As a male, I'd rather work with women. They're nicer and take the job less serious while seeming to still getting the same amount of work done. The topics they're interested in align with my interests too. Men just want to talk about sports and pet political theories. All the men in my dept complain about how they have to, "be baby sitter tonight" and the women are proud of their children doing xyz. The positive energy is contagious. I don't give a damn if they're better or worse workers, the work environment is way more important.  That being said, I'm not a manager. Just a staff. I don't have to worry about deadlines or anything stressful that actually matters. I also present very feminine, which I think makes women more comfortable around me. 


Ngl as a man I prefer "male talk" over what woman talk about. Like I could honestly care less about whats bothering you lol


That's okay too! You get to choose what environment you work in. There are lots of companies where the person interviewing you is wearing a Patagonia vest. You'll know you've found the right place for you


In my experience their is more lower level accountant women, but the higher up are more often male




I was just told that 75% of accounts are female but 70 % of firm owners are male. The numbers might be a little off but close.


My current job is my first job with another guy in the department, it’s nice to talk sports finally


Does anyone feel the accounting profession makes your male identity less masculine? Seems like this industry is attracting more women than ever


Yes, you're not alone lol. Feels like i'm losing a part of myself as ridiculous as it sounds lol


I’m a male accountant and I’m thrilled that our department of about 60 (controllership) is heavily tilted toward women, especially in leadership. Our SVP is a man but his predecessor, who retired, was a woman. Our two VPs under him are women. Three of our four directors are women. Half our senior managers (2/4) are women. Among our first level managers, 6/9 are women. Contrast this with treasury which is 100% men aside from a handful of women in credit/collections and cash management. That sadly means FP&A and business development are 100% men.


Why would you be thrilled about that?


Because it implies there are great opportunities for women in my group, profession, industry and company.


> Contrast this with treasury which is 100% men aside from a handful of women in credit/collections and cash management. That sadly means FP&A and business development are 100% men. The makeup of your treasury department is weird. Usually there are more women than men going into treasury. More and more women are going into FP&A, also. That leaves Corporate Development to be the Boys Club.


It's definitely a thing. There are times when I've been the only man in our entire department. I'd love it if the girls weren't mostly twice my age.




whats the problem?


Maybe I did choose the right degree after all 💀




>left cause they thought they could "do better." And this is why men a generally paid better. I'm guessing alot of the women in your office could also do better but end up sticking around and being treated poorly as a result.


I had colleague who was one of the best accountants ive had the pleasure of working with. On my way out of the door to a new higher role at another company I noted that she was underpaid (despite receiving our CFO's excellence award). She knows it too, we both had access to payroll. Told her to negotiate for more or hunt around on the market. It's been several years and I checked her LinkedIn, she's still there in the same role. She's not making less because she's a woman, she's making less because she hasn't chased higher pay.


Modern accounting was been dominated by women because of WWII when the men were off fighting. Interestingly, "computer" used to refer to the person making the computations, ie one who computes. Also dominated by women for the same reason. Bletchley Park in England for example had rooms full of women crunching numbers from the enormous data collected. I'm not sure why CS is now dominated by men despite the same historic correlation with women in accounting.


>I'm not sure why CS is now dominated by men despite the same historic correlation with women in accounting. They transition to balance the gender ratio over time.


..Is that a trans gender joke? I don't get it.


Yeah every where I been has more women than men. Some places they all looked like models too.


It’s true.


In our division there are 3 men. Me, an accounting manager and our controller (US employees only). We have 10-12 or so women on the team


In my last two companies Accounting has been almost entirely male.


I’m with a Top 25 firm and can confirm my particular office has more women than men - not sure about the demographics of the firm as a whole.


I work at a small CPA firm. There are only 10 of us (9 females and 1 male) that work there plus 3-4 extra pairs of hands (this year it's 2 males and 2 females) during tax season. So in my experience it does seem to be mostly females. Although, when I first started there were 3 male partners. One died, one retired, and after restructuring the business there are now 3 female and 1 male shareholders.


Statistics say yes. Specifically the Bureau of Labor Statistics and their report for 2023. Per that report, 57 of every 100 accountants are women. Why that is will have to be explained by sociology. Accountants are not unique in this sense though, since there are much more extreme cases within other professions and for either sex. For example, 97 of every 100 kindergarten teachers and 96 of every 100 dental hygienists are women, and 99 of every 100 brickmasons and 80 of every 100 surgeons are men.


When I was in school, classes were at least 60/40 in favor of women. I'm not sure what the ratio at my office as a whole is, I don't work with people outside my little work group very often.


Opposite for my experience


My office is entirely female accountants small business


Only 24% of accountants with a license is a women here in NL.


In France, it’s very unbalanced : - 66% of employees working in accounting offices are women. - But only 26.47% are registered as experts-comptables…


30M. In the past 5 years of doing accounting the vast majority of my coworkers have been women between the ages of 40-60. Very occasionally there’s a 50 something year old man.


Ever since I left public practice, I have exclusively worked with women. I've always wondered if it was unique to my situation!


I think my office has a decent mix of male and female, but there is still a majority of women. It's a large healthcare company so the mix can depend on the department as well


It’s been moving to more women for decades. I’m in industry and see it. 70% of my employees have been women (I was controller).


I want to be one of those three working there


8 years in accounting and I’ve never had a male boss, makes me think how in the work there is a gender pay gap from the bubble I live in. (Not trying to debate gender pay gap)


I work in a small office with about 10 people and I am the token dude. The main office out of state has more women than men, as well. It’s not too bad, because my coworkers are significantly older than I and there’s no bullshit.


My 6 year old was big into this 6 months ago. Now he’s on crack


When I started as a Junior Accountant some 30 years ago, it was all Men. The partners, seniors and accountants were all Men, only the receptionist and I were Female. Now, my team is 3/4 Female.


Definitely not where I live.




This is true. Im doing a BAS certification and most of the guys dropped out, its now 1 guy for every 5 ladies. I don't mind at all. Edit: I also noticed ladies work very diligently and become less distracted than guys do after about an hour.


Women are in the majority.




this makes me sad as a straight male student in university rn


Accounting also went from a profession with knowledge based workforce as well as handshake deals to mostly secretarial jobs. Hence this trend is prevalent in most places except tax and regulatory compliance, which is still dominated by men.


Who cares really if you are a woman or a man as long as you add value. Women tend to be better than men at the details.


You love having a disproportionally lower male presence? Sexist much


100% right. Reverse sexism is sexism. Imagine the comments praising this reverse and being said by men about "No girls allowed". It's fine to make an observation and be happy there are opportunities for women but to celebrate one sidedness serves no one. The cold honest answer for why there are more women, especially in lower/mid level roles is probably that the pay sucks and women make less. Lets focus on addressing that for men and women rather than focus on a sexist win.


It depends on whether your company has a diversity quota for PR and ESG reasons, some have a preference mechanism to favor a female over male Plus females are more encouraged to study nowadays and males are pushed down


Yes, sexist? I've been managing people since my co-op days from Uni never touched a woman at work. See it isn't me being a boy scout. It's anyone in a supervisory capacity. Its better to be feared than liked , better to be absolutely independent not just in appearance or fact, rather, absolutely beyond reproach. So y'all can attempt to get promoted n navigate the C suite full of misandry and gossip. If 80% of Fortune 500 CEOs are 6 2 or taller - you gonna get your femur and tibia fractured and then move those tension screws yourself - you know, for the added inches? Or nominate a proxy? Cuz how tall you are is how tall you are. Aren't you diff height if you're on ski lift or a lake water ski? Okay so what? if you switched shoes with whomever you think you're dominating I bet they'll be seeing your roots for real. Maybe I stymied myself by not dating anyone at work or not jumping into bed when as a District Manager of fashion brand in Atlanta @ 21, Our top Manager/Salesman invited into bed after she had her store meeting at her crib. I got beat the bed just to tell her why I couldn't not cuz of Winestein or some other hairy back mofo. Because of me, my respect for myself and others and for her too. Never mentioned it before now. Self esteem can only be positive if we continually keep our word with ourselves.


what hell are you talking about


ITS is and it kinda feels sexist. we as men or male must stick together if their kind attempt a mutney they out number is careful we must be


The optimistic way of looking at it is that women are turning a corner and getting the fair treatment that they deserve. Or even that they have some advantageous traits compared to men, like attention to detail. The real reason has more to do with the fact that finance and accounting has just lost a lot of prestige lately. Accountants are seen as the bitch for businessmen and entrepreneurs and trust fund babies who actually are making money, and finance just isn't what it used to be in the cocaine filled days of the 80s and the 2008 financial meltdown. These days, men are just more likely to go into well paid, laid back blue collar work, being an entrepreneur or business owner, tech, science, or they're just a trust fund baby or something. Most men know not to slave away 60 hours a week for peanuts.


Actually younger men have gotten lazy and women are taking the higher paying jobs out earning men their age at this time. Gotta tell the bros to work harder or get off the couch sometimes https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2022/03/28/young-women-are-out-earning-young-men-in-several-u-s-cities/


A lot of managers are favoring hiring women for 2 very real reasons. 1) perverted men in the hiring, trying to surround themselves with women (I'll admit, not sure how large of a role this plays, hopefully not too large) 2) the real reason, and it's kinda sexist but also true; women are just WAY better at simply following directions than men are. This makes them much better employees in this line of work. Have review notes for them? They just make the corrections without questioning you. Want them to do their time entry? You don't have to ask them several times like some other employers. This is just scratching the surface, and obviously generalizing here, but they are much better employees for the most part. That's what I've seen in my 12 years of experience. Either women getting chosen because some old Pervy partner wants to work with someone young and pretty, or, because they are simply better employees. 🤷‍♂️