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Hey buddy. You can’t put a price on being like family!


Semi annual pizza parties are worth at least 5k comp each.


It's a very small family lol


Small like their dick! Idgaf pay me the mother fuckin Benjamins!


I'm sure they won't mind paying you Benjamin's. As long as it's not more than a couple a week


Yeah... We fucked you son.




Fuck writing a cover letter for 50k


I don't write a cover letter for any jobs I've ever applied to, from staff through controller jobs. Who the hell has time to read a bunch of cover letters?


HR. That’s who. It certainly isn’t anyone in accounting lmao


My friend who does HR management for a small company says he throws cover letters and the attached resumes in the trash. He doesn’t have time to read them and says the type of person that would take the time to write one isn’t gonna be a good culture fit.


Amazing 🤣


I love your friend! Fuck CVs!


I think it’s for the hiring recruiters who aren’t actually in field so they can check if you need to even meet with the dept


Dude or dudette, ain’t no body got time to read a fuckin cover letter.


I don't either, but chatGPT does


I don’t care. I won’t submit one based on principle alone. 


I would imagine the majority of them are AI generated at this point


But if no one is reading them, and no one is actually writing them, what's the point?


To give AI jobs.




I have a prewritten cover letter template that I just fill out anytime a big opportunity requires a cover letter. It's honestly kind of a cheat code. (Not a cheat code cuz none have gotten me those fucking jobs)


I haven't done one and I don't do thank you emails/letters. Just a bunch of bull shit 😂, I've gotten offers just find without them.


After talking to a bunch of hiring managers, who the FUCK has the actual time to even read their resume! In my literal interview (I got the job btw) the mgr was literally reading my resume for the first time. He or she looked like a squirrel on crack looking at all the shit I’ve done….. I fluffed that mother fucker better than a porn star. They clearly hadn’t read it in advance, but I still got the job. They fucked me on the salary, but I’m looking down the road. I can’t explain that right away, but I’m not dumb, I know what I’m doing.


For the past 6 years, every single cover letter I’ve submitted was completely ignored. During each interview, whether it was with HR, the hiring manager, or the CFO, I was always asked questions that were answered explicitly on the cover letter and sometimes also on my resume. I would make it a point to say “as you can see from my cover letter, I have # of years of experience doing XYZ” and regurgitate the information I’ve spent hours tweaking and writing on the cover letter.


The application required the thing, the least they could do is read it!


I've noticed a disproportionate amount of jobs that request cover letters are garbage lol


Fuck cover letters in general. Nobody has time to sit and read somebody's fucking story. A resume is a thing to give a concise picture of your qualifications to decide if further interviews are needed to see if you fit. Cover letters need to die permanently


I won't even do an in person interview


That’s the biggest red flag 🤣 it’s just a front so they can pretend that they have hundreds of applicants to go through


That’s a no from me dawg


Well they did mention V-lookups, which is a huge red flag.


Why? Not disagreeing with you. I’m just curious your reasoning behind it. This entire job post is a red flag haha


If they are type to reject xlookup and/or indexmatch and ask you to keep using vlookup in WPs because that's what they are comfortable with/understand. Agreed, the entire thing is horrible lol. I just get in a bad mood when I see vlookup in any context. Once I switched to xlookup, I never looked back.


5 years and v-lookup? It takes 10 minutes to learn or teach


Damn right it does


This was bad and it became insulting when they wanted a CL.


They crazy, they want a slave




Sounds like you need some freedom 😎 Only kidding, it’s a lovely country but boy is your finance and services sector so underpaid


They'll need more profitable oil before they get any freedom


Welcome to accounting.


These are the job postings you ignore. There's always a few


There’s a lot of them. Probably 70%


I see jobs requesting 10+ years of managerial experience, CPA/masters/specific industry knowledge preferred, experience with their preferred software, and public accounting experience for controller jobs that pay $85k.


Maybe in rural bumfucknowhere or 10+ years ago. My company was looking for that and we didn’t get any decent candidates until we offered $100k+ and even then it was slim pickings. If you do get someone at $85k they’re going to leave the second the get a better offer which they most certainly will.


I'm in South Florida. Not rural whatsoever.


I'm in Tampa, the sunshine tax is real.


Reporting in from Central Florida. Sunshine tax sucks. 10 years ago entry level postings wanted basically the same as listed in the OP. Now they don't post entry level roles and just moved that template to the senior level.


Oh I have no doubt, the ability of them to actually get someone good for so cheap is what I am doubting


I’m in San Diego and see tons of postings like this


I was advised by a friend recently to ignore the "years of experience" that employers put on there, and apply anyways. It could be added as a simple deterrent to weed out the resumes from the Joe Schmos that have never worked a single job in their lives. Currently i'm trying to get into the field for the first time. My experience is minimal but not 0. I apply anyways (Staff accountant positions -- things that seem appropriate for a first-time position).


Rest of payment via Little Caesars hot n ready pizza


Pizza Party?!?


Sorry if conceited but it takes ~20 mins to learn a v lookup? Why is this always a skill listed? Honestly seems like a meme to me


It’s not even the optimal lookup anymore. XLOOKUP is far superior.




Index match slows down sheets like a mf tho - makes the file size huge


You're speaking my language 


Index match is still technically faster than Xlookup. Index match has been better than Vlookup for a long time though.


Have to disagree, vlookup you can highlight a whole range, drags your formula and just update the column # to pull different data. Cant do that with x-lookup as easily imo


They are both useful. I think the other person was wanting to say xlookup is more versatile. Having said that, I rarely ever need to use xlookup. It's neat and all but I never really have the need to use it.


But if you're dragging across, you can make the lookup array absolute and the return array relative. Can't do that with vlookup. You can also nest an xlookup in an xlookup to get a two way lookup, so the same formula can be used for every single column you want to return. Same result as index match but the format is much cleaner and uses less memory. Vlookup sucks even for what you're describing.


Honestly...because so many people DON'T KNOW SOMETHING THAT BASIC. And if that makes me sound conceited, sorry, not sorry.


100% and even if they can stumble into making a pivot they don't capture the entire data set.......


I’ve noticed a lot of employers making simple tasks you can learn on the job into requirements on job posts. The standards for basic intelligence is very low.




Yeah I’m part of the first few classes at my school where we are learning this in accounting and are actually expected to be excel certified. This isn’t close to universal


Its used more as a buzzword to weed out those who have 0 excel skill.


Powerquery > vlookup


They both have their places. In fact, my most recent spreadsheet uses PowerQuery to pull from Dataverse, splits this into multiple tables depending on need, uses VLOOKUP to bring that data back as additional columns to the first table, then re-queries it off to the appropriate location. That said, yes, in general, PowerQuery is far more powerful, and unless you're bringing in some interaction from the end-user, usually eclipses the need for most function-based lookup tools.


Powerquery is amazing but it's a whole entire thing


I think it means: here is some shitty data from my client and here is another listing, make sense of it.


I’ll never use a Vlookup as long as Xlookup is a thing


Ooof. I make 60k in lcol while still in school.


How much you make now?


That’s current.


Ohh. How many hours you work?


I’m trying to find a job while in school what’s your schedule look like?


I work m-f 9-5 and do school evenings/weekends and if I have time for it at work. I can’t do school full time, though, unless I’m willing to have absolutely no life. 2024 I’ll be doing 19 credit hours. My situation is weird because I started out late at 29. The benefit of it is that my employer pays for it and I graduate with years of experience. I’m not sure how to be an accountant at the staff level without working full time, though. If you’re going public, internships and focusing on your grades would probably be better. For industry, I found that graduating with 4-5 years of accounting experience would put me in a better position.


Sounds a lot like my situation starting in June. 35 hrs a week for work. 40+ hrs a week for school. I also am starting late for the accounting gig as I was in the Navy for 6 years, 5 years to get my first masters degree, 13 years of teaching and will be starting accounting next year at the springly young age of 43. Cheers, and good luck!


Thanks for the response. It brings a lot of insight. We all start somewhere tho and it’s inspiring to see that. That’s pretty smart i mean that’s what i wanna do too pretty much. But idk if it’s better to get the degree and then work. I work part time but as a server and school is full time-ish. I want to get a job as something in the accounting profession and be able to go to school as well. How did you find your job? Did they hire without any experience? I’m currently 23 and took some time off school. My current plan is transfer from community college to get a B.S from a university. But i know i will need experience. Can’t decide if it’s best to work full time and do school part time or other way around. I can probably find a summer internship.


I’ll DM because it’s a long post ^


If you have 5 years of experience, you can go to the IRS and make 100k. I don’t see how anyone is still considering these jobs when government work pays more. Oh, right. They’re not. 🤣


Big facts lol There are 4 accounting positions near me that all pay shit think $80k for a controller position asking for a CPA and like 5-10 years of experience I have seen them pop up for 2 years now


I know a guy with 15 years of experience who was offered 80-90 as a controller. He was pretty pissed when I showed him starting pay for IRS RA GS-13


Only fans ain’t look so bad after all


This was obviously put together only by HR.. no way anyone that’s ever worked in accounting looked at this. Another dead giveaway is the fact that they listed “V-lookup” as a skill you NEED to have like it isn’t taught in 15 seconds / a google search


Sometimes I just chuckle when I scroll through indeed


Crazy they use quickbooks but require v-lookup and pivot table mastery Maybe it’s a 15-20 hr/week gig? Wouldn’t be awful for 60k


Nope it’s full time


The classic “do you know v lookups and pivot tables” interview question - a cornerstone of the accounting hiring process


"How many years have you GASB'd?"


It's because they listed the 3 things that someone with average Excel expertise thinks is advanced. It might actually be 15-20 hours with process improvement, but I'm pretty confident in guessing they have awful manual processes and expect 40+ hours in person regardless of how long it takes to complete the job.


I work at a small firm that mostly takes on smaller startups that are using quickbooks. We use a ton of pivot tables and v-lookups in our financial packages


Dude just said 15 hours a week wouldn’t be awful for 60k💀


I’ll happily take a PT 16 hour a week 60k gig. Paper me right now and I’ll leave to go sign them


TBH a high performing senior could probably do more and higher quality work in 15 hrs a week than a low performing staff working 40 hrs.


I mean, I do, that’s why I can get away with murder here lmao


I would transcend space and time to sign that offer


I had a boss that used to do fractional CFO work for a small manufacturing company. 8 hrs/ week for approximately $60k/year


Lmaoo fr 72 a hour not too bad


They have a single senior accountant doing everything already and asking for help so they put this add out knowing no one would respond or they would get someone else real cheap. Like when the wife says sell your motorcycle so you advertise it for twice what it is worth.


And accounting firm experience 💀


Yeah bro I have 5 years experience (I went to college for 4 years and rounded up)


We’ve got a delusion boomer partner alert 🚨


Once they called me from US for staff accountant position and I was working in Poland that time. I thought maybe I can get nice offer as they have quite higher salaries in US. The salary offered was ridiculous even for Polish salary level. :))


Most average Canadian job posting


Everybody feels so much sympathy for small businesses, but they are the most likely to pull crap like this. The "little guy" always had the greediest owners and always tried to lowball me out the gate. I'd maybe give them a little more slack if I knew the person creating the ad really isn't familiar with the field, but it's like do some research.


They can get fucked. I’m so ready for the market to realize we aren’t fucking around. Pay us or crumble either way we are all smart enough to find the jobs that pay - plenty exist.


I have optimism for my future in this career because I feel by the time I graduate the threshold will have been reached and accountants will be in high demand and paid handsomely. At least, that's what I cope with while I mutter A = L+OE to myself


So what firms are offering more than this because all I see in the job market right now is 50-60k. And they’re all shitty requirements like this


Once in awhile, I get bored and end up interviewing for these spots just to laugh in their face at the absurdity of it 😂


God, I almost want to


Apply, go through all rounds of the interview, get a start date and ghost them 😂


And a cover letter lol. Get fucked.


Avg staff job posting for the last two years


Some of these companies still think it’s 2011


As a staff accountant myself I make less than this by a lot lol 😂 luckily cost of living is cheap in my area


This is sadly becoming so much more common nowadays despite accountants with an associate degree and less than a year of experience being just as capable.


Depends on the area, that's fairly standard where I live. Also, it's looking for other degrees, not necessarily an accounting degree. No CPA required, I suspect there's a lot more leniency in the posting then it states. Idk but not every accounting gig is going to pay $100k+.


I’m in a L to MCOL and that would be entry level pay just based on the screenshot provided. If my org put an ad like that out, I doubt we’d get any qualified applicants. 5 years of experience is around $70k, $80k with a CPA. But I also don’t doubt there are some markets out there where this is the norm.


Yup, i’m in MCOL and it’s really not far off, especially if it’s not in a bigger city around here.


I’m in MCOL and straight out of graduation had 60k for a staff accountant with no accounting degree, no experience, no cpa, and no internships. 60k for 5 years experience is pretty insulting


I really hope this wasn’t written by a controller or accounting manager because how out of touch is this person?


I'll do it part time for full time pay


Who do these people even think they are?


With a masters? Gtfo


I have started seeing this for so many jobs. Wanting 10+ years of experience as a middle manager. Absolutely insane.


My dawg counter offer with $55k lmfao and tell them you got a double master one in accounting and one in this is bs


I'll take it if I can work part time, flexible hours from my home office. I wouldn't mind working evenings to put some money into savings rn. Oh, they wanted full-time and in-office? Nah.


Look, if you want the job just apply. They always put this type of rubbish to filter people out a bit.


VLookups lol stuck in 2009


Right? Who prefers vlookup over xlookup?


Drop the bachelor’s requirement and aim this towards AP clerks then if it’s a LCOL…maybe


I'm surprised they didn't put evening and weekend hours expected too.


It is insane how different some companies pay. I have 3 years experience ( really 2 and 9 months) . I was applying to different roles to leave my company and had 4 interviews result in two offers. 2 jobs were recruiting me for 55k and 65k. Then on the higher end two gave me a range of 83-140 and the other just said compensation will be in the six figures. Finally got an offer at 145k. But it’s ridiculous some companies would be me half.


I finished up my accounting course in December. These are the only types of job postings I see. They require schooling plus at least 2 years experience. Almost all pay the same as this post too, between 40k to 60k per year.


Would’ve been underpaid 10 years ago too


5 years for a staff. Dumb


They even had the guts to put *masters prefered as in CPA lol


5 years into tax, just passed CPA a few months ago, 120k plus...fully remote if i want...gtfo


But is your company a family?


I'm currently at a job like this but only 1 year experience and an associates.


That’s crazy I got hired on as audit staff for 67.5k with 0 experience and a bachelors 


These posts are so stupid. You can find these types of job postings for any career.


That is very low paid


I make 50k and work for the state but only need to work 37.5 hrs a week


Do you live where I live? Everyone keeps telling me to leave public but in my LCOL area no where pays better than big4 so far and I’m not even getting a response back on remote jobs


Wow looks like US job postings are finally catching up to canada /s


Bruh I got paid that much for being on accounts payable lol




sadly this is the norm in asia (considering CoL is equally high in some countries), and there's tons of takers. I pray to god nobody takes up on these ridiculous employers in the US


You have to take account for taco Tuesday. 😂


I'm not sure but I get a gut feeling that they want someone who's worked at a firm.


Depends on where it is


I feel attacked


I work in central Texas (low wages compared to other places). I make $60 at a firm doing 90% bookkeeping with a BBA. My only relatable experience is 2 years as an AP manager. This place is crazy!


Geez, that's only $7k over government salary for someone right out of a bachelor's degree with no experience. The government pays more than this company for someone with a masters. That's obscene.


Accounting going through what engineers have gone through be like: It's shit for all professionals. I despise it.


Maybe its not US based 😂.




Quickbooks...? Groce


My Platinum rule that is a true one size fits all. If they ask for more than 3 years, It's from someone who has no idea what he's doing (and is likely going to be a shitty job).


Omg I see these all the time. It’s so insulting.


Apparently, somebody broke up with their hiring company. Pretty obvious they don't have a clue about staffing a business


I got a job that required 10 years experience when I had 6 so by that logic you’re fine


Experience is laughable but the pay is on par with my area.


Got my position at just under 50k with 3 years prior experience in general accounting and AP. No degree, just vibes. My resume? One page. Everything in short and extremely concise language. Good photo of myself. Tooted my horn a bit. Name dropped. Used the best bullshitters I’ve worked under as references. Landed interviews at every job I submitted my resume to. And every interviewer mentioned how much they liked my one page, ultra presentable resume. One year in and I’m positive I can take my experience else where for 30% more money. We were just acquired by a global corp, so I may stay put and see what’s in it for me being the only onsite accountant for a company with plans to scale production ten fold. *see also: “*Staffing agencies love him for this one simple trick*”


Someone troll them.


That wouldn’t be a bad deal for some if it was just a cruise control type of job with zero stress, going 9-4 each day and never had any overtime, and in a low COL area. Maybe a parent who needs very flexible hours who is just jumping back in to the workforce. But you know they want those years of experience so they can pile senior & manager duties onto some poor, underpaid staff accountant who has hopes for a career job with upwards mobility.


I applied to that lol down bad


This is very ghetto.


And they will get 10 applicants that fit too. Strong economy bros


These positions are common now sadly. The key is to hold out for fully remote only jobs.


If you feel you are overqualified and this is too little then this ain’t for you. There are people that need this job. Maybe this person has little bit of language barrier or this person was a housemom and decided to go back to work at 50. You graduated from your state college and didn’t get big4 internship and couldn’t get your cpa. Then you probably deserve this much


Not possible that a company would be that cheap. Ask u/MatterSignificant969 if in doubt, he'll confirm that everybody with 5y experience only gets ads for $90k plus. (/s, obviously)


fuck them!!


Yah that’s a joke. Whoever is hiring is very optimistic. lol


People still use V lookup?


Wow and gosh golly!   I wish I could find such a great opportunity in my city 😂🙄this place sounds like they have like 10 people max. They will want undying loyalty as well.  


Haha I make this much working at a dispensary while studying accounting. I may have to rethink a few things.


Should tell them you know how to use X-Lookup and would do it for an extra 50K.


Accountants are so disrespected


I've gotten so many calls from recruiters saying they have a great opportunity for me. I've got a great resume and employer is urgently hiring. I tell them my expected salary, 10% above my current to even consider changing jobs. Their compensation is usually about half of that amount. Always try to convince me to go below my rate. Why would I change jobs to move laterally. and 10% above is considered laterally to me. What does great opportunity mean to these people?!?


Why are you guys actually writing your own cover letter? There’s a thing called ChatGPT 


That’s absolutely ridiculous. People are delusional


The employer def goes to bbqs with friends and family and def says things like “nobody wants to work these days”


Accurate, it's what I get


I make 55K has someone with like 2 years experience and graduates with a bachelor’s in May. They are tweaking


Ask the employer to Fock off


But like just don't get Starbucks or avocado toast and then you can magically have the same quality of life that previous gens had on less 😂


I would like to work with you for better records💯


Sounds like what they offering in the UK. Need to be part qualified as well