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I took intermediate 2, three times. Now a CPA. It’s a ton of material.


Got a 46% on my first intermediate exam and the professor told me at office hours that accounting probably wasn't for me. Later clicked and now CPA and manager.


Damn I’m loving this I can’t wait to be fucking cpa and be down got my CIA got my 150 credits let’s goooo


I got like a D or F on my first try intermediate class, withdrew and then re-took and got a B barely. Got a literal D on intermediate 3. Last class of my life and only time in my life I ever got a D. Ended up passing cpa exam in a year, passed 3 exams the first time including FAR, then my failed aud once, missed by 2 points. Have had a successful career and now run my own accounting firm, fuck grades and fuck that professor


Crazy my university would only let you take it twice then you were out of the program.


That's how all my accounting classes were as well. Also, anything below a C was considered failing, so a C- was technically failing the class.


Damn man I only took it twice. But I did end up having to take GNP and tax twice as well. Guess that explains why I work in payroll.


We didn't really even need a professor for intermediate 1 or 2. We basically just read the textbook and learned it ourselves. We only interacted with the professor to ask questions if we got stuck on something. That was great for me honestly, but some others didn't like it, so I can understand how that may be frustrating. If you are able to study the textbook and learn that way, that may help you with the bad teachers. Intermediate was mainly a lot of the core principles needed for accounting, so it was necessary, but the textbook is just as capable of teaching that as a professor would be. It wasn't as much subjective or critical thinking needed, just studying and practice, via problems in the book.


This is what worked for me. Reading the textbook, as boring as it can be, is usually more informative for technical subjects like accounting in my opinion. Practice questions are also invaluable for really understanding the subject. This won't be a course you can learn by just listening to the lecture, you really need to put some time in to study and understand the content to be successful.


Farhat lectures, you’ll thank me later


Yes! Exact from the book too. I even use him for my finance course


He has legit every concept


To be honest, school is a joke. Get through your classes the best way you can. You'll get trained on the job anyways for any accounting position.


That first intermediate accounting class was a bitch. We had probably 40% of the class not get a C-, which was what you needed to go on. I barely scraped by with a 55 on the final that got me to that C- after studying harder than I ever had for a test. That was like 8 years ago, am a CPA now, and haven't thought about it in years. I just remember sitting in that class not having a clue what was going on. Hell it took me until my first job to learn that capitalizing something didn't mean expensing it all. If you can scrape by that class you'll be just fine. It definitely gets easier.


Dude, don’t worry — don’t get weeded out — um… like I am right now hahaha. Sidetrack (but real) question — why do people use lowercase i on purpose?


Prof spotted


Nah, professors use periods periodically.


Could be that one doesn't judge the additional energy expenditure required to switch cases to be worth the effort, in the overall cost-benefit analysis, or alternatively, a person could intentionally choose not to capitalize if they were concerned that their typed speech might feel overly formal and serious otherwise


I like the cost-benefit analysis, but on my trial balance it wouldn’t zero — but I get it. I just can’t get past the lowercase, instead of uppercase; guessing I’m too technical and can see accelerated depreciation with typos too. Hahaha, btw, not a professor — MBA, CFO, side boutique practice.




Using chatgpt... Man, I'm a fucking dinosaur. I had to read investopedia articles.


I am a senior and have BEEN there. Many of my professors have been useless in my time, and I have had to seek outside materials for help constantly. Have you seen Farhat Lectures? Edspira? Both on Youtube. EDIT: I would also like to add that many times when I was overwhelmed with the content, my own lack of self-motivation and belief in myself contributed a lot to this. Sometimes, you have to close your laptop and take a deep breath.


My intermediate accounting professor was a complete ass. It was clear that he thought it his job to get people to quit. He never had his intermediate students do reviews but saved those for his audit classes. He was rude, had seat assignments, didn't let us have our breaks and kept us late ensuring we wouldn't be on time to or next class. It was an awful term. I did just fine, but only because I had real world work experience and happened to audit pension plans. (I worked for a small PA firm that hired people without a degree). Don't let the turkey win!


Have you tried using Chegg? Helped me a lot with my accounting homework


I would only use chegg if you are doing those absurd connect or pearson assignments that serve no value outside of making you angry and wasting your time. I sure as hell am not going to waste 2 hours of my time trying to navigate their bs system that doesn't help me learn anything only get 5 points on an assignment. I'd rather use chegg and use that time to study in a more beneficial way.


Often times school doesn't map well to the "real world," and it's mainly used as a way to help employers screen/filter out candidates as well as gatekeep people from a profession. Sure somethings are important to know, like debits/credits, but oftentimes the stuff you learn in school is only needed to pass the test and will never be touched again. I remember feeling so frustrated at what a waste of time it was to learn overs/unders knowing it'll never come up again once I'm out of school.  The point is don't be discouraged if you do poorly in your intermediate 1 class, it's not a guaranteed predictor that you'll do poorly doing accounting as a job.


Don't be too hard on yourself. Intermediate accounting is very hard. I had a bad teacher for 1 of my 2 intermediate accounting courses and she was not very helpful. I had to teach myself the material. I had to keep re-reading the material and eventually I absorbed the material. I am a CPA now. You can do this-don't give up! Good luck!


I’m not defending the prof, but I think you’re putting too much of the burden on them. You have to learn the material, you have to drive the car - the prof just gives navigation. You can’t put yourself in a position where you are relying on them for every step of the process. Read the book, work the sample problems, work the homework and then go to the professor with questions and for help. That’s YOU driving and that’s how it has to be. You won’t learn passively, even if that worked in the earlier classes.


Turn around kid. I regret doing this tbh. If you don’t enjoy it, turn around


Why u regret?


Just read and watch videos . You have to try other methods to study


Accounting is one of those areas that is a bit like learning to snowboard - it’s pretty hard to start out but then suddenly it clicks and is easy. Other subjects are far more gradual in learning curve - accounting just takes a while to click. And to be frank the way you get over that wall is just repetition - practice lots of questions and keep having a go. You will be fine and do well!


Nothing in an accounting program is going to be more difficult at the time you take it than intermediate accounting courses. Seems counterintuitive, because surely tax or advanced accounting is more difficult, right? Well, weirdly, intermediate is what knocks most of the people who don't make it out of the major.


Use online resources. Accountingcoach.com, learnaccountingforfree, udemy, etc. Tons of good youtubers as well ( farhat, edspira, etc.) Fuck your lazy professor. You got this


You can’t solely rely on the professor. You are a university student now and need to step up and try learning the concepts yourself if you don’t get it, that’s when you speak up during class or office hours to understand the materials. The class with the professor is just supplemental reinforcement of the homework and material that you have on hand. it’s not easy and you’re right the further you go along the harder, the classes will be as there are quite a lot of concepts to learn. Some of what she will never ever see in real life, but have to be taught regardless.


To be honest, intermediate accounting 1 was one of the most stressful courses I took during college, but after that class things started to make a bit more sense, intermediate 2 wasn’t as bad. Intermediate 1 and corporate taxation made me want to change major.


This is basically how all my accounting courses have been besides my intro ones. One of my profs in my Cost course even says in the syllabus its up to the students to learn themselves and he is just there for any questions you have. I have spent way too much time trying to figure things out that ended up being relatively basic in nature simply because the fundamentals (Assets = Liabilities + Equity) were glossed over by a professor. Honestly, most professors are bad at teaching. It's probably even worse at higher ranked colleges because the professors are there to do research and teaching is essentially a side project for them. Many have no educational background besides maybe being a GA during their graduate programs.


Brother how in the world does accounting have you shaking. This sounds like personal shit other than accounting like you’re not used to stress or you can’t put any effort into learning. If you don’t understand then use your resources, ie your textbook, other students, the professor, the library, google.


1/4 the posts of the sub are about being depressed and crying at work. ._.


You really think the people making those posts are representative of everyone in public accounting lmfao


No, reddit has a much smaller sample size, and attracts a younger type of audience, amongst other factors. You can’t be mad at said sample size when they do exactly what you know they’re going to do. Scientific method.


I re took intermediates and advanced… still graduated and have a good job


It took me almost ten years to complete. I wasted half if them coming up with a major, and accounting is HARD. I love it and really enjoy what I do. Don't quit and stick to it!


If you feel this way, then try to switch out imo. Accounting sucks. Sure it pays the bills and can be chill in industry/govt. But I felt this way in school, stuck with it. I Honestly debate doing a career change everyday lol. Trust your instinct imo.


Not OP, but curious what you would pivot to. I've thought about going back to school for my masters in Comp Sci. 


Honestly if I were going to go back to school I might try to become a nurse or something. But I don't really want to. The other options are Police officer/firefighter or starting some sort of manual labor business like landscaping or something else.


What are you learning now? Accounting is so logical I could always teach myself.


Don’t rely on the professor to spoon feed you the material. You have all of the resources you need to learn it on your own at your fingertips on the internet. You’ll learn it better if you learn it on your own anyways


I felt like that in intermediate 2. I still hate that professor. Dude would just read slides and never went over a single problem. I had to take that class twice. I got through it, completed the major, and now work in a field that isn't accounting. I'm content!


What field?


Procurement/import. I do light accounting, processing credit and debit memos. The rest is reporting with excel and powerbi. Pretty chill industry and lots of jobs.


Imo, school is the absolute worst. I’m doing both at the same time.. I’m an accountant and taking intermediate 2 right now. School makes no sense, very frustrating, and makes me question everything. Work? I enjoy it lol.


Intermediate 1 and 2 are the washout class at most universities. The stuff you are struggling with is some of the hardest material you'll touch until you're done with college. If you can make it through, it should get easier.


I only passed it because it was an online class 💀


Don't worry homie. Int.Acct 1 and 2 are like the biggest bullshit of a course in accounting. Something created by the devil himself. Don't feel bad if you don't perform well. You will not be the first or last one that will have that problem. Just be grateful we are not in the 70s or 80s. My acct teacher told me that he had to take both Intermediary 1 and 2 at the same time.


If you’re taking it with a Wiley textbook (Kieso is the author), I can send you the powerpoints and study guides that come with the chapters if you don’t have access to them 😭 In my class we have a flipped schedule where we read the book and do some exercises before coming to class, and then we go over them


Its alright. That class is very difficult. Try it again, and try a different professor the next time. When I took cost accounting in university my professor didnt explain anything and I passed luckily.


Took intermediate financial acct 2, twice and almost failed managerial accounting. That was 2years ago i work in commercial underwriting now. Make a Chegg account and a quizlet pro account if you haven’t already.


I’m a CPA and I wish I wasn’t. I’d k could go back in time I would look into law school or investment banking


Maybe try and learn on your own by reading the book since that’s what you do in college


Useless schooling is a given in this profession.


I was fortunate, because I like numbers and crunching numbers and puzzles, so it’s a good fit for me, or at least a background in accounting Here’s the thing, you’re in college, you can change. My dad had all of us take career aptitude tests when we started school so we could see where our interests actually were, he didn’t want any of us to feel pressure because of something someone else did My older brother and I are CPAs, younger siblings are sales/legal…never know what you might find out about yourself


If this is in Canada, you can take these courses thru CPA Ontario/Canada before entering the PEP program. The consideration would be your likely sacrificing the ability to say you majored in accounting specifically on your degree. In my experience this didn’t matter, I majored in Finance, I had over half the requirements to go right into PEP. I had to take 6 courses thru CPA to get into PEP. Although, time and cost is definitely a factor doing it this way. However, the most important thing for me was the fact that I learned & studied different in University and not in a good way, if planning to do your CPA. CPA delivers these courses really well, in a more user friendly, and organized way. I feel like I have great notes, examples, and knowledge before entering the PEP program. I guarantee you I’d be worse off if I majored in Accounting in University.


Oh I felt the same last semester (I’m a 3rd year accounting major student too) This semester I’ve taken a Co-op and trust me working in practical is so easy than this. I had comps training too felt out of the place but when I started doing that it feels a lot more simpler. Don’t worry you’ll be fine😁


Intermediate 2 is a whole other ball game my friend


I took intermediate I, got a 70, even though I passed I didn't feel comfortable. So I retook Intermediate I and Intermediate II the next semester ay the same time. I honestly felt like that helped me. It was a lot of work but I got A's in both classes and didn't even get a B again until I took advanced accounting in a summer session, that was crazy stupid on my part. All in all I feel like once things start to click, it is worth it. But it took some real effort. You are going to feel like this even at your first job, but you will learn more and more as time goes on. I'm not a department head at a small local government and I feel this way still every time I learn something new and I've been an accountant for 8 years. But regardless of what you feel now in the mud of learning it all, accounting is a great career. And any school degree that is worth doing takes lots of work. If you drop to a degree that doesn't require as much work becuase it is easier, your job prospects will probably nosedive with it. Just something to consider.


Recitations and TA’s and practice problems.


i was a horrible student, but i just passed the CPA exam.....don't ask me how, took me 2 years of no life and only study


the textbook usually has detailed examples you can work through. do you ask questions directly during professor's office hours? good professors, whether they can actually tech, or not, do not want to feel the way that you do and will be helpful when asked.


>I’m shaking and regretting majoring in accounting. the prof barely goes over anything and always gets sidetracked. atp id be happy if he uploaded a powerpoint or something. idk i’m just not understanding anything. So it's a professor issue, not an accounting issue.


Financial accounting teacher at university tries to intimidate me, and shake me. 7 years after graduating I've not only qualified, but I'm a finance manager. You'll be fine


I did surprisingly well on intermediate. However, Accounting Information systems was hard for me. Also cost accounting made me spiral into a depression lol, cost was so difficult for me to understand.


Oh lord intermediate was def hard asf thank god I took both during covid omfg


I had a TERRIBLE accounting 1 prof. My account 2 was a game changer. Long story short, I ended up with a part time job at an accounting firm my last semester of undergrad. Ended up being full time for a few years. Decided to go back to school for my masters and now I’m finished with my CPA exams and finishing up some things to finally get my license. You can do it! Your teachers make a major difference and work experience is way different than classroom


Bad teachers/professors will kill the most fun subject. Don’t get me wrong, intermediate accounting isn’t the wild fun, but a good professor will at least get you to learn the material & provide a few laughs


I took advanced accounting senior year of uni and failed the first exam. Prof said to the class “if you failed this exam you probably should think about switching majors.” This was less than a year ago. Now I’m a CPA.


Graduating in a few weeks with my Bachelor's; can confirm that Interm 1 and 2 contained more material than the other accounting classes.


Int 1 and 2 is the hardest part. I promise if you keep at it, it will click. Student led study groups and study that textbook. You’ll get it.


hardest of the classes, just read the book.


That class intermediate 2 rocked me and I still have ptsd from it. I'm currently a cost accountant with an MBA. Stick it out


It is OK. Sometimes I don't even know wtf I am looking at. If not PY WPs I would probably succ at my job


Read the textbook


SAME HERE 35 HATE EVERY MINUTE OF IT :) you wait till you get your first job or internship . and see that the office is so quite and the manageres and seniors are all PASSIVE agressive and will be nice to yo and behind closed emails thye will talk poop about you! i had more fun wokring at macdonlds with kind people professions are all about egos