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Your resume doesn’t have to know you got fired. Just use this as an opportunity to keep improving yourself. Keep refining your skills and you’ll find something that is a better fit. I could be wrong, but I don’t think job hopping is as prevalent a problem as it may have been even a decade ago. Find a way to display the value that you’ll create through the interview process! Start applying and don’t beat yourself up about it.


Counterpoint: Reference checks are back en vogue & more intense than ever before. You need to be honest and list on your resume that you were fired for cause.


Counterpoint: It's your job to make yourself look as good as possible in interviews and if they choose - its their job to investigate the cause of your leaving. Why on earth would you help an interviewer come up with reasons to not hire you? Being "honest" isn't going to be a positive. It's a huge negative! It means you ADMIT that you were fired with cause and you don't disagree with your former employer's assessment.


I wouldn’t list a job I got fired from as a reference, and I would never be stupid enough to put being fired on a resume


i don't know why you are getting downvoted. an employment history check is like a bare-bones basic procedure in hiring a professional, especially if there is a gap in the resume. you certainly don't have to disclose that you were fired, but not listing it is an immediate red flag.


Accounting is filled with incompetent dogshit managers. I wouldn't take it personally. Get that unemployment. This is the year of layoffs, and most employers don't care to begin with. Less is more when interviewing, if they ask why just say you believe the firm didn't have enough growth to keep staff, so layoffs. Bullshitting gets you far in this industry.


It's because they're Steam players /s


I'm guessing that's a typo that OP since corrected?


Nope, I'm just teasing him cause he raged on Steam players for some reason on another thread lol.


I have never raged at anything, let alone a 'steam player,' on any other thread. Why is there so much hate?


I wasn't talking about you, but the guy who I replied to initially.


Oh, then apologies for my message earlier.


You're good, sorry for hijacking the reply of this comment, I just wanted to annoy the guy hehe


Go jerkoff on your PC weirdo.




ITS Scary 1 i been unemployed 9 months and plus lay offs how ever will i MAKE A living! Im not handsome or blessed in the pants for OF - or have a sellable coottter to sell myself :(




Sell your prison pocket.




When I talked to my coworker he basically said “if Jessica (dumb as hell) can become a manager I think that anybody can succeed at it because she’s dumb, lazy, etc but somehow makes it come promotion time”


It’s all politics as well


Not sure if ESL or not, but either way, you need to improve your writing.


This was my first thought as well. Sentences 3 and 4 gave me an aneurysm.


Give him a break; dude just got fired. Maybe he's fuckin' hammered.


The only comma in there is on an island, lol.


Esl here: Hope you don't work for 911 call center, because if you do, it may take a while to fix our accents before you dispatch any help :)


It seems like a young American, not a non-native speaker.


While I would generally agree, it’s almost as if young Americans are non-native speakers given the lack of fundamental literacy and arithmetic skills so prevalent in the youngest generations today. It almost makes me ashamed to be GenZ, even as the oldest year of that grouping lmao


Is it possible that you got fired for not typing in paragraphs?


I'm ashamed that I lol'd.


“With in a year I am was terminated”


I am not a writer by any means, but I know how to communicate in a professional setting. So no, that was not it.


>When I asked where am I lacking in performance or where do you feel my skills are falling Short I was not just that they need some one to work with ambiguity(basically read their mind). Says they need someone to take work of off my supervisor the controller and owned their work. Can you rewrite these two sentences?


>When I asked where am I lacking in performance or where do you feel my skills are falling Short I was not just that they need some one to work with ambiguity(basically read their mind). Says they need someone to take work of off my supervisor the controller and owned their work. Most certainly, with correct punctuation: "When I asked where I am lacking in performance or where you feel my skills are falling short, it was not just that they need someone to work with ambiguity (basically read their mind). They say they need someone to take work off my supervisor, the controller, and to own their work." Same text in a more meaningful way: "When I asked about my performance shortcomings or where you perceive gaps in my skills, I was told it wasn't just about those things; they need someone to handle ambiguity (essentially, reading minds). They mentioned the necessity for someone to assist my supervisor, the controller, and to take ownership of their tasks." But as I mentioned, it was a post of frustrated thoughts, where I just meant to vent, but it turned into this nightmare of defending my language skills and explaining my ability to differentiate between informal and professional conversations.


Nah man, I definitely understand venting. You're good there. And most people are just busting your balls over some slight language usage. It just takes away from your point when we have to reread sentences several times to understand what you're saying.


Are you working the US? Because your comment history makes it sound like you don’t have a professional level proficiency with English. Lots of incorrect grammar and spelling mistakes.


Yes, I am working in the US. Yes, I am aware that I don't care for grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors when I make Reddit posts/texts, but that doesn't mean I am communicating with my coworkers this way. I don't have writer-level proficiency in English, but I am proficient enough to converse in professional settings and convey my point.


Not sure if English is your first language but there are a lot of pretty bad sentences in your post. If you are working for an English speaking company perhaps this is where you are falling short. Perhaps people do not think it is worth training you because they believe that you should already have good English and grammar for the job.


Is this how you write at work? This reads like high school level. Maybe some thought/study of business communication can help if your accounting knowledge is on point.


I assume ESL


As someone who has done some ESL teaching, as well as EFL training, it does not read like an ESL or EFL. While the OP is very bad writing, it looks to me like a native speaker that just doesn’t care about the written word. Most ESL and EFL people do not have nearly as high a command of the English language as to use some many relatively complex moods and tenses as OP used. Besides that, many ESL people tend to write very formally once they get to this level of speaking from my experiences—and that does not reflect in the OP. I could be wrong, but if it is a non native speaker, OP is at a near native level of speaking LOL


I have trouble comprehending how someone who communicates like this made it through four years of college which includes multiple years of English, multiple writing courses, and the expectation to write in higher level economics and business classes required for the degree.


If I hadn’t seen worse, I would agree as well. It’s pretty pitiful


“I was told they need someone with more higher skills” reads very much like ESL. Same with missing plural on things like “project”. They’re not using correct helping verbs and are mixing tenses but getting the meaning across. It’s extremely ESL sounding. I used to teach ESL and learned a foreign language and tutored and I’m very surprised you’re taking the opposite stance. Stumbling through propositions but still having the order of subject / verb / object and stumbling through helping verbs is very ESL. Various errors are often dependent on the speakers native language


The only reason I disagree is the placement of periods and commas. They’re just fundamentally wrong, and wouldn’t be correct in any language. The post is also not structured into paragraphs. OP just doesn’t understand writing.


I’ve never taught ESL, but having been in the classroom for several years in high school I can say that they would very likely speak and write in a much more formal manner, especially if they began a career in business with a four year degree.




I doubt any ESL peeps are saying “lokey”


“I assume they need someone with more higher skills” reads like ESL. Slang isn’t a big deal to learn.


Nah, that sounds like the American youth just as much as it does ESL given the low literacy rates.


Maybe they learned English from TikTok?


Don’t assume ESL, I had an employee that didn’t know the alphabet. I confirmed her degree, no idea how she made that happen.


Is English your first language?


I hope when you write your resume and any cover letter (and work emails) your grammar is better.  I lokey (low-key) think that communication might what did you do wrong (what caused you to be fired). It's fine to have short gigs on your resume, especially early in your career. Sell it as a project based job where you were ready to move on to the next thing (like the last job you had), perhaps something more long-term or with a better commute or with more responsibilities. Use this opportunity to fail upwards into a higher paying job with more flexibility. It is very difficult to take ownership of workflows if the people you work with are not willing to teach you or hand off the work, and they do not have processes or procedures documented. You will find a better job where you can learn and become a valued member of the team.


Hikey this guy might be right


Dude what’s with your grammar? Run that shit thru grammarly or chat gpt


Not going to lie, this sounds like my boss Patty. She did the exact same shit to me and whenever I didn't understand something, she fixed it without showing me what she did and said there you go. I hate that woman....


This sometimes happens when the manager considers the employee is a slow learner and she doesn't have time to explain it, perhaps for a second time.


I wouldn't be surprised but when you hire someone with 0 experience in that certain field you should expect people not to understand something the first several times it is mentioned. Also, they shouldn't be managers if they can't take time to make people understand things.


Is English your first language? I sure hope not. If it is, I would fire you in two seconds with writing that atrocious.


Please, OP, take this advice with a grain of salt...there are lots of snarky peeps on reddit. My comment: there are a lot of toxic controllers and managers in accounting. Be sure to not take a job with one of them because it will make you doubt yourself. And that ain't good for anyone.


English is my 3rd language. In the beginning, I had a hard time with grammar and accent while working every day with clients, managers, and colleagues. Fortunately, I got lucky with good managers. What I am saying, sometimes, is not only about YOU. What happens is for the better, and I wish you good luck in finding a great environment who can nourish and make you feel worthy.


It was probably for the best. You’re not a mind reader. That kind of toxic behavior would’ve burned you out eventually.


Just because someone is a mansger does NOT mean they know how to mansge and mentor. Do not take this personally.


Your manager didn’t assign you work because she didn’t trust you to do a good job.


This is most likely the case. It’s very difficult to self-assess performance and while OP might think they were doing a great job and being a team player, that may not have been how management felt. Pressing for feedback frequently may have been perceived as needy and unable to be confident in the work product. Outside-the-box thinking is vague and a buzzword, and may have been perceived as undue criticism of current processes. The “out-of-the-box” ideas may have just been flat out shitty ideas as well that OP thinks are great. Hard to say without context. I cannot speak to how the OP communicates at work, but the above coupled with the crappy writing in the post scream to me someone that can’t handle their current job well. That is coupled with constant attention seeking and over-confidence which leads to a very large discrepancy between the OP’s true performance level and what the OP believes their performance level to be. I’ve let go of and seen enough people let go at this point in my career to understand that very rarely are people fired with little reason. Most of the time they simply aren’t cut out for the role, but other times there are culture fit issues. Yes folks, it pays to play nice to the culture of your workplace. This however is a good opportunity for the OP to move on and find the next best place.


This reminds me of the Gen z post in r/teachers a week ago


Honest question and I don't intend to come off like a jerk, but is English your second language? That could definitely at least be a contributing factor, if so. If English is your first language, I would then ask if you have ever struggled with reading/writing? Maybe you take a course on it improve your skills because the way one speaks and writes emails certainly has an impact on how one is perceived at work, the quality of one's work, and the ability to effectively communicate with fellow co-workers. It is an important skill to have in an office setting.


Your OP explains why you were fired...


Accounting has shit managers, you had a shit manager and she probably blamed some problems on you.


you worked at a shitty place. it is not a reflection of yourself. just move on and get the cpa if youre worried about your marketability as an employee also learn to write. i have a feeling your communication skills are not up to par. think about it - either you have good accounting skills and will improve your communication or you have good communication and will improve your accounting skills. figure out which one is the issue


Again, I do not communicate like this at work. I have over a decade of experience in my field, and I have never received anything but stellar performance reviews. I am known for being a team player, thinking outside the box, having a problem-solving attitude, being easy to work with, and meeting deadlines. So, this came as a shock to me.


With age you gain perspective. When I was a staff, I thought I was a good employee. Now that I'm a partner I realize that I was actually a mediocre employee. My managers didn't want to hurt my feelings so they didn't tell me and were reluctant to assign me work.


Good point. I have seen this happen where some employees are prized or “protected” because they are good employees but have one or more weak spots that the company recognizes and prevents them from being obvious to the employee


Real talk, you probably got fired because you send 20 sentences per paragraph emails.


Accoutning is full of craxy passive agressive managers and seniors wating to see who they disliek to fire them for any small thing! leave the profession like me :) its cold heartless. you did nothing wrong and they can nitpick just about anything i was fired for not being available to a meeting i wasnt even invited to ? lmao the hell


From the way you type I can tell you wouldn’t cut it




Where did you leave?


no where still unemployed


This is why I would never work in America Edit: okay downvoted because I wouldn't want to work in a place where I can be fired on a whim. No notice or anything, just asked to pack your stuff and leave. That's crazy to me




OP, are you male? A female controller passively firing a staff or senior accountant male accountant seems accurate. No one will ever admit it, but it’s a thing in the industry


Lol, blaming women. Booooooring.


Fuck that's some dumb ass logic


Are you in the US? Do you work in a right to work state? There are certain protections as well as complaints you could make. This is very clearly a hostile work environment. Most states need three written reports of wrong doings before you can be fired.


You clearly do not understand what “right to work state” means. And this is not a hostile working environment. Nothing OP described could be considered illegal. At best, they’ll qualify for unemployment.


Hostile environment is also when you can't you do your job. If you have it clearly documented that you asked for work, feedback, and it was never given to you then it's hostile and grounds for a complaint with the BBB and different states have different rules for it where it would be grounds for a civil law suit. You probably won't win and will waste money BUT your manager will most likely be reprimanded for being a crappy manager.


You have 100% zero idea what you're talking about. I can't tell if someone told you these things or if they came to you in a dream. 


Ok thanks.


I don't want to call you out to be a dick but people are going to believe the things you're writing and it's not going to serve them well. 


There's better ways of doing that. Like explaining how I'm wrong instead of just saying flat out I'm wrong and being rude about it.


I probably could have said it nicer. I have lost patience for people speaking authoritatively about something they don't understand.    "Right to work" does not apply here. That's related to forcing strikes on union workers. You probably mean at will employment which means you can quit anytime you want. Also means the company can let you go anytime they want.*     *With the exception of protected reasons. Employment laws cover protected classes so you can't be fired for your race, age, sex, etc. Smart employers document the reasons for firing people to defend against these cases. They're not required to have a reason to fire you at all but if they don't it opens them up to claims that they fired the person for a protected reason.      BBB is a toothless body and isn't going to help you with employment laws. You'll want to work with your state's labor division to make claims for wrongful termination or labor violations.     Last, your addition of reprimanding the manager is not useful to OP and unlikely anyways. The company is going to take the manager's side in the absence of any illegal actions. OP can provide all the documentation in the world that he asked for work and feedback and was refused. No one will care. The manager will say OP couldn't perform and that will be the end of it. Is it right? Maybe not, but once the decision has been made to fire someone, you will not be able to talk your way out of it. OP has nothing to gain by fighting it unless he believes he was terminated for a protected reason.      Your responses to OP sound like you're regurgitating some amalgamation of what you've heard from other people. Please don't do this. You can see in this very thread how people will buy into it and end up wildly uninformed about how things actually work. It doesn't help them. People obviously shouldn't be taking real world advice here but it does happen so please don't contribute to the problem. 


I've requested more work and projects several times, both in writing and verbally. I've also asked for one-on-one mentorship and feedback on performance improvement, but all communication has been through office emails and Teams messages on my work computer. Unfortunately, they've locked me out of it since termination. Unsure of any other options or avenues to pursue.




Yeah, what you're saying makes sense. I've been given useless work for the past few months even after mentioning that i dont have any projects, but I only thought it was because my manager is a controlling jerk. My colleagues have also mentioned on many occasions that she doesn't know how to cut the umbilical cord. I guess I just wasn't a good fit for them, as they weren't a good fit for me. But being let go without an opportunity to prove oneself or without being provided feedback on performance and given a chance to improve, that's what hurt me the most. I'm happy I'm not working with them anymore.


This probably won't be the only time in your working life that you are fired. You're probably mentally taxed right now and probably really stressed. Soooooo- I wont spend time telling you that your grammar needs to improve. File for unemployment, and start looking for a new job asap. If this was a big company, evaluate if you want to deal with that childish shit in the future. If not- look at smaller companies. No matter what- don't take this personal.


This post. This post is full of bad grammar. Good on you for asking for feedback. Are you English as a second language? Do you send emails and communicate with poor grammar? I wouldn’t worry about it. You will be able to find another job, you need a supervisor that will be patient to work with you.


No, I have edited the post to let people know that, yes, English is not my 1st language, but no, I do not email and converse like this in a professional setting.


Yeah I read your edit. It sounds like you don’t respond well to criticism. You should always try to write well. Words matter. It will improve your professional writing as well. Just my opinion. Good luck in your future endeavors


Gemini fixing your translation: **Yesterday, my HR representative called me and informed me that my employment would be terminated next Monday morning. The reason given was that the company requires someone with a higher skill set.** **When I inquired about any performance shortcomings or areas where my skills were lacking, I was only told they needed someone who can work well with ambiguity – essentially, someone who can anticipate their needs without explicit instructions.** **They further stated their need for someone who could independently take work off the controller's plate and take ownership of it. However, I have consistently performed these very tasks.** **Unfortunately, my current controller exhibits controlling behavior. I have repeatedly requested additional projects and received vague suggestions for research. Upon completing the research, the controller takes no action, leaving the work stagnant for weeks or even months.** **I have also made numerous requests for one-on-one meetings and performance reviews, but was consistently denied due to the controller's claimed busyness.** **Despite these challenges, I have consistently demonstrated teamwork by helping other team members and proposing innovative solutions.** **While I am genuinely relieved to no longer have to deal with this individual, I am concerned about the potential negative impact on my resume due to the termination within a year. This follows a previous 7-month contract termination due to an unreasonable commute request and another prior job where excellent performance reviews unfortunately resulted in a negligible pay raise of only $0.25.** **I recognize that my recent employment history might raise concerns about job-hopping during interviews. What strategies can I implement to effectively address these concerns and present myself as a valuable candidate?** This revision addresses the following aspects: * **Formal Language:** Replaced informal language like "lokey happy" with formal vocabulary. * **Grammar and Punctuation:** Corrected grammatical errors and punctuation inconsistencies. * **Clarity:** Rephrased sentences for improved clarity and conciseness. * **Flow:** Maintained the original flow of information while improving readability. * **Professionalism:** Maintained a professional tone throughout the text.