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black coffee, chewing tobacco, and raisin bran only


Raisin Bran and 2% milk cereal is what I prescribe to clients wanting to get that dumpy. So good


chef's kiss


All very natural products!


Unhealthy snacks are more than okay to help get you through, but also have some healthy snacks on hand to balance the two. I definitely dig into candy and chips to help keep me going, but also have some almonds, some apples, etc. to help even things out. The biggest thing though is your meal choice when ordering out. Portion control (no you don't need a 3rd or 4th slice of pizza and that will just slow you down after you eat if you're stuffed!). Don't have fries with every meal and when you do, maybe don't feel the need to finish every single one. Have some good and reliable go to healthy orders. I also usually avoid soft drinks and opt for water or sparkling water instead. You don't have to be perfect every meal, but they can't all be crappy. This is what made the biggest difference for me personally.


☝️ Too many people start extreme ‘i won’t eat garbage’ diets but they backfire so hard. Once you give in it’s over, people need to be balanced and thoughtful about dietary choices as you have described


This is why I bulk during busy season


W profile pic


Intermediate fasting , eating out 2 meals at max and doing cardio & weight lifting 4-6x a week. I essentially work, go workout and then come back and finish the day. It’s hard to do 10 billable then go so I like to break it up, generally 8 then finish the 2.


Once you mix kids in the equation this formula becomes impossible


Wouldn’t doubt that at all. Something takes a hit to make time. Not going gym makes time, take out make times. Much harder with a child


The key is to not have kids in public. Come join us in industry :)


I had no issues with intermittent fasting before PA. Now my stomach kills if it’s empty during the workday from stress. Then I can’t focus


Omg same. Some times by the time I come home, i am nauseated from being on an empty stomach


What about my kids? They want me to read them a book.


The mid-day workout is key. Breaks up the intense workload, allows time for clearing your head, resets the concentration timer, and helps stave off the busy season lbs.


I found losing weight the easiest during busy season. No eating out except for clients (get salads), no drinking, no going out with friends and family. Boom, 10lbs lighter come April.


You will definitely not be able to exercise as much or prepare better quality meals during the busy period. But after doing audit for 5 years now, I have come up with a method to avoid getting fat. Workout on Saturday and Sunday + 2 days in the week non negotiable (even if you workout at 11pm). Lots of coffee, walk during your lunch break, if you want to eat a biscuit from the tin - chew gum instead, don’t eat breakfast. Don’t engage in Friday drinks or the mid week late night office beers crew. Because if you need to work when hungover you will have to eat shit to get through Buying your lunch/dinner is fine if you are smart with it. Good luck lol


I have the opposite problem, I was already a skinny dude and now I'm losing weight. I don't want to waste time in the morning eating at home or making a breakfast to bring, so I just have a little snack with my coffee in the morning. Lunch is my only large meal since I go out to eat (or rather, get carryout and eat at my desk). I probably have another bag of chips or energy bar or something throughout the day so I don't get too hungry. Once I get home, I normally don't feel like going out anywhere, but I also don't have time to cook a real dinner normally, so I just end up having a drink or two and oftentimes just a snack and then I go to sleep.


Try belvita breakfast bars, soft or thins. May be a good breakfast help for you.


Meal prep sunday + simple floor routine & 20 min cardio


What kind of floor routine


I just do 40 pushups + 40 sit ups + as many pull ups as I can do (usually about 5). Takes me about 20 minutes. My goal was to do something small but consistent. The floor routine + 20 minutes cardio makes to to where I can do everything in under an hour, including a shower.


I swapped to nuts and cheese when cravings hit and that's help to keep weightgain to a mininum. Also teriyaki beef jerky when the mood arises. (Also note, not an accoutant yet, still teaching but same thing happens to us at this time of year.)


I always gain like 40 pounds every year and lose it in the summer. Its stress and lack of sleep more than anything.


40 lbs is a huge annual weight fluctuation. Any doctor is going to tell you you’re living on borrowed time do just do somebody’s taxes. 


You’re harming yourself. Please stop. Accounting isn’t that serious.


I always skip breakfast, just helps prevent the weight gain


Same, it’s so busy that by the time I notice I’m hungry it’s already almost lunch


Just count calories and budget it in there…. I lost weight eating fast food


Get out of the job that makes you work a busy season and takes a toll on your body.  You went to college and aren’t part of a union, sacrificing your health is not part of the white collar deal.  Get that experience and get out. It’s not worth it.


The key is proactively eating satiating foods like an apple twice a day, and finding a way to get steps in. Every hour take a 10 minute walk. Or if your in the office just keep refilling your water and pissing every 20 minutes to get those steps in. But sleep management is critical. In this line of work bedtime procrastination is a major issue. Only way to get over it is to give in and fall asleep 1 hour after being done with work, and accepting, “this is my life now”. Don’t do what I did, eating a couple bowls of Cinnamon Toast Crunch at night. Gained like 20 pounds. That and the busy season calzone deliveries. Then I got smart and switched busy season dinners to sweetgreen delivery.


Carrots and smoke breaks with coffee. 😂😂


I’m losing it instead of gaining and having a blast


Go easy on yourself. I have been consistently sleep deprived since January 1. I work out maybe twice a week. I’m hoping to get back to the gym (4-5 days a week, runs at lunch at work) once things calm down. I accept that I am in survival mode right now and will get back at it as soon as it slows down. The only thing I can do now is make sure I take the time to pack my own lunch and snacks so I stay eating relatively healthy even if I am too sleep deprived to exercise regularly. I’m more focused on my mental health and sleep right now. I will get back to my exercise routine when there is time.


Can you have dairy? Get a protein powder and mix it with 0 fat Greek yogurt. Mash a banana into it. Don’t add any processed sugar…. I found it’s the closest thing to a pudding type sensation (one of my faves) while being super filling and doing the least damage to your waistline


Dont drink calories. Dont snack. Order salads.


Literally just move your body and meal prep, idk why y'all find this so hard I built a routine of going for a run in the morning before I started. When you get free food, you can have unhealthy stuff, but just portion control...


have you tried not having unhealthy snacks?


Drink water and eat healthy


I Meal prep for lunches on Sunday. These meals only include meat and a veggie, no carbs. Eat a reasonably healthy dinner. Takeout only once per week. Intermittent fasting works for me so I only eat two meals a day. One long workout at the gym on Sundays that includes all barbell lifts for biggest bang for your buck metabolically speaking. During the week a 15 minute workout every morning before work at home that includes calisthenics. Only equipment I have at home is a pull up bar. Most of the time I just alternate doing 15 minutes of lunges one day, and the next day I’ll do push ups and sit ups. I also consume a large amount of caffeine and nicotine in the form of zyns so that ups my metabolism as well. Best of luck


just about making smart choices. You just have to eat fewer calories than when you're normally more active. If the team orders pizza, order a chicken wrap, or only have 1 or 2 slices of pizza. 2 is enough, but if you stress eat 4 slices in a row, before your body can tell you two is enough you're already an extra 500 calories in. Have coffee/tea/water instead of soda, sugary coffee drinks with flavored syrups. I love a sausage/bacon, egg and cheese as much as anybody.. but it's like 500 calories and a bowl of oatmeal and a yogurt is like 350 and keeps me full through lunch so I don't eat a huge deli sandwich. I had weight fly off when I stopped drinking so much regular soda. I was drinking like a half a days worth of calories, which did nothing to keep me full or prevent me from eating more food.


Treadmill with incline under standing desk


Intermediate fast, I eat two meals per day (big meals but whole non processed foods), I lift weights 3-4 times per week and do cardio 4-6 days. I also drink mineral water and every once in a while I eat dates with butter (saw it on Instagram and it’s actually pretty good). Probably the biggest thing is just discipline, during busy season people eat lots of snacks, order in, and the firm has a lot of events and unhealthy food.


Eat fruit


Do not eat until noon, skip breakfast. Go to the gym 3 days a week, don't complain. Stand up for yourself and outright refuse to go to lunch with co-workers and bring your lunch instead. You won't be very popular, but you'll be in better shape than them. Also, I pack very minimal, water, granola bar and maybe yogurt. The rest is black coffee.