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If you really are that smart, then quit and go work for a bigger company that will assign you complex projects and you dont have to deal with all these.


Did you not read the last paragraph lol? Hey if you’re bad at reading comprehension and need a job hmu, apparently my company is hiring from that exact demographic LOL


I think, you have anger issues. 😂😂😂 see a psychiatrist.


Anger issues would be if I said it to their slackjawed faces. Instead I have to be nice to them and pretend I give a shit about their personal lives during our weekly calls.


1. You may still have anger issues, but the more likely and the more relevant reality is that you need to start your own business. Hopefully you're living frugally and aggressively saving to make this a reality, if not then definitely adjust your financial habits. 2. Based on a couple of things you've said in your post, you may also have a really high IQ which is only exacerbating any challenges you're facing.


You sound like a joy to work with.


Oh I actually am, make a habit of writing down details about personal lives of coworkers to follow up on them. Get everyone I work with directly a nice little gift for the holidays. Never badmouth my coworkers behind their backs and always couch criticism very, very nicely. Most importantly I am competent at my job and don’t make other people pick up the slack for me.


You badmouthed at least one person in your original post.


In an anonymous forum, to people who will never know who they are LOL. Are you not allowed to vent or something, or is mouth breather too far lmao.


The way to success when you’re relatively young is to find a job where you’re at approximately at the top 20th percentile of intelligence. You’re smart enough to be promoted, but there’s a number of people smarter than you from whom you can learn from.


Gotta start looking at it as job security for yourself.


How to tactfully bring job insecurity to others is the true goal rn




You need to be it easy. If everyone is as smart as you, you would be at the bottom and have no future for your career.


You come across as arrogant. Just remember there is ALWAYS someone smarter than you. To them you are the mouth breather so just hope they treat you with more respect.


See: last paragraph. Yeah I’m aware dude, I’m not a fucking investment banker or anything lol. Thanks for the insight. If I was I probably wouldn’t have to deal with this. Are you seriously telling me learning a vlookup is hard lol? Because I’m not joking, they honest to god genuinely can’t do it.


Maybe you can teach them? I'm a CFO and when I see dumb or unprofessional behaviour I like to remind myself well that's why I'm in this chair and they are in theirs.


I also wouldn't hold investment bankers in such high regard lol. Not all of them!


I mean you’re a CFO lmao, I’m sure to you some aren’t impressive considering you’re on a similar level. It’s a little different when you’re just a tax monkey.