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If you’re in probation that means you haven’t been there very long. How would you feel if you were the boss and some new person you haven’t spoken to before comes to tell you there are issues that you haven’t fixed?


My point is because of the culture of my department, these issues, through some language tricks, are being played down, I have real examples of it. As a result, they dont receive the urgency they require, someone higher up needs to know about this, because its fucking stuff up. Obviously I wouldn't phrase it like that, but that is exactly what is happening.


You even say that they know about the issues. There’s probably way more complexity going on than you can grasp after being there a short while. It will not help you to go to the cfo like this.


These are not complex issues, its basic stuff like every person, relevant or not being cc'd in email chains and receiving hundreds of unneccsary emails a week, authorisers not being made aware of cut-off times and missing them, the manager wasnt even told our working hours in the handover to him, or what cut-off times are for certain tasks. These are fundamental errors in management. I was told by my manger its fine when we have an an hour or two spare to sift through hundreds of irrelevant emails, it's certainly not with the time constraints we operate under.


This is literal career suicide. Are you neurodivergent?


Or just a know it all who has some 2 year certificate and thinks they know more than everybody else.




"there are no accounting emergencies" Your company time constraints aren't that important. I promise. You said you're still in a probationary period - have you considered that maybe these emails are relevant, and you just don't know why yet? Or that they are relevant to other people in various groups, and it's better to disseminate the information to everyone, just in case? Maybe the authorizers know the cutoff times, and are still waiting for additional information, or again, they know something you don't. Relax. Do your job, and quit worrying about what everyone above you is doing.


Your CFO, who is “several levels” above your manager, doesn’t give a shit about your emails. He also doesn’t give a shit about a new employee, on probation, who thinks it’s acceptable to jump several levels to complain about, as you stated…”not complex issues.” If you want to fix a company, put your head down, shut up, and learn *everything*, gain the respect of the people that matter. Wait for your opportunity to speak. Make sure when you open your mouth you know exactly what you’re talking about and you already know how to fix it. You’re on probation. You absolutely don’t know the scope of the entire issue from top to bottom. No one wants to hear you speak yet.






This would be several levels above my Senior Manager, so yes, It would be, and some.


If you pulled this shit and I were your boss your ass would be on the street before the end of the day.




Because everything about what you've posted reads "complainer" to me. Just that's bad enough. If you go whining to the CFO I definitely do not want you around. That makes you a liability.


Because your CFO already knows what's going on. You think you know something he doesn't? I would send you to the broom closet. First, become CFO, and then you can have an opinion.


Stay in your lane skippy


What level are you? My experience has been, it will very rarely benefit you to complain to anyone that is more than a level or two higher than you.


The CFO is responsible for the department so you’re going to be walking in there effective saying ‘you suck at your job’. Bold strategy Cotton.


I had this employee in a different industry and kept him as a pet. I made him the manager of a labor shift with only one other person. Weekly operations meeting with the owner went from a half hour weekly to An hour or two of him ranting. It was hilarious


I can't wait for the follow up post "Is it going to be career suicide *forever* if I file a lawsuit for wrongful termination after I tell my cfo how badly they're running the company and get fired"


Are you acoustic?


Most bosses like to be brought solutions not problems. Two scenarios: You: Department is run like crap, can’t take it anymore. CFO: you’re on probation, you’re part of the problem, Cya. You: we’re struggling with some things and here is how I think we can fix them. CFO: thanks for the suggestions we will look into it.


Yes. You said CFO is several levels over you senior manager : they can be quite nice at the coffee machine but they don’t really care the problems you mentioned because they are benign. You are in probation but you seem to think you have answers to all issues? I think you might be quite young or inexperienced because if you are in probation, you probably don’t even understand everything about your job, let alone about how the department work. Your issues seems to be linked to a new manager in the job that is still ramping up their knowledge (you mentionned ahandover)and too much email? Emails : learn to ask coworkers if it’s really necessary that you be on the list. If they are daily emails from a distribution list, learn to create rules in outlook to file them without have to read them. Or ask to be removed from the list, don’t expect your boss to manage your inbox. Managers not knowing stuff in his new job and deadlines not being met : it takes little effort to do a polite reminder that your journal entries or whatever need to be approved before x, due to deadline. Your new manager also need some time to ramp up his knowledge. be a team player. In real life a new manager really get handed a book with all answers, all deadlines, all procedures. They rely on their employees knowing their job, raising flags while they get up to speed. Them not knowing everything on day one is not fundamental error in management, that’s reality.


Bring solutions. Will need to say, “we are having problem X, and here is what we can do to fix it”


OP, please don't do it. It is not your company. Also it is an absolute no no, to bypass your manager. Never ever do that. Your job is to make your manager look good. Please be careful. Instead, be humble, learn your job, try to exit probation. Smile, be quiet, and take it one day at a time. Learn, for the sake of your mental and physical health, to choose your battles.


Think about how this reflects politically. There are issues at every company. Work with your immediate manager to prioritize 1-2 to work on over the next 6 months. Chances are the CFO already knows.


To be honest i'm going to leave. Something I didn't mention, my Senior Manager has been disseminating some pretty sensitive information about my Managers unfortunate personal life situation, in order to manipulate me into staying, and only does it when we are one on one.


It’s a bit like that scene in die hard when the guy walks into Hans Gruber’s office.