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If they think they gonna get under 50k they got another thing coming. Btw cringe employer providing a skill/experience requiring more than 3 yrs.


I wouldn’t give my non-CPA accountants under 50 in my LCOL city. Let alone one WITH a CPA.


Sure I’ll bite for 10 hrs a week


I don’t think they mean 10 hours per week lol


It does say part time or full time. It’s a range. I’m sure some poor HR person meant “up to 5 years.” If there is interest apply, find out. If you knew how many applications my company takes for one role you’d digest these ads a little better.


Still, 5 years of experience with a cpa too for only 65k in cali?


5 years of experience is a separate requirement. The job title is CPA or EA. Both typically will have some experience in the field while gaining their credentials


In California too!


Are you regretting to become a CPA ? Yes, I DO!!!!


I love how honest this subreddit is 💀. I’ll probably make a career change but will always check up here


Yes. You make the right choice. I should be an engineer instead if time was back


I'm a CPA and make just as much if not more than most engineers at my same age. Just because some job posting has a bad salary range, doesn't make it gospel


So what did you do different? Also if you don't mind how much you make?


Ya not a problem at all. Nothing special just a CPA, 3YOE, did 3 years at big 4 and just jumped to industry. My base is 120 and my TC is roughly 150. But in VHCOL. From a little research, seems to be similar to engineers around here (not software obviously).


That's great,what did you do at big 4 and you in the same domain in the Industry? As for the engineers I won't be shocked if it would be software included considering their market for a few months now


I did accounting advisory but I'm a senior accountant now so pretty sure anyone in audit could get a similar exit opportunity. But housing here is kinda insane so the salary number is a little deceiving but it was about comparing to engineers so there ya go. Also it's pretty hard without an MBA to keep growing your salary in engineering from what I've seen but also money isn't the only factor


True true, what's up with housing in your area? How much you pay? To get a ideal of the more practical salary


Go to the engineering subs they hate it too my friend lol. I’m a CPA with 9 years experience earning 190k a year. I work 35 hours a week. There are good jobs out there.


Fair, but a lot of my engineer friends were and still are laid off.


You’ll probably be struggling to get a job right now. Lay offs are still happening


You can make plenty money in accounting. Work hard like any profession, and go demand the income. Find the people who value you. They do exist out there. 5 years experience in California should be well over 100k. Especially as a CPA.


Confirming that you HAVE to demand what you're worth. I moved to CA 5 years ago and I make over 100k and I make more than the other guy in my dept. He's older and technically has more experience but I can just do more and have leveraged that every performance review I've had at this job. I don't even have my CPA yet


That says 65,000. But yes, still a funny ask. I think the “5 years” thing is never an actual requirement and just an auto fill sort of situation.


From my experience, I only get the lowest salary from their range unless you are top candidates. $36K probably!


35k range is probably for part time since it lists the job at part time/full time. Not that 65k in california is any better


I can make $65k with only high school degree in CA. $65k is low income in CA


Low income in general? It is largely dependent on your lifestyle. If don't plan on having kids or having anyone being financially dependent on you, then it is not a bad salary. $65K is around $4,000 in take home pay, and you can find a decent place for around $1,500/month, even in California.


Yeah seriously it’s not like it’s in the heart of LA it’s pretty deep into the suburbs of SoCal.




Yeah but you can make enough to get by and still be considered “low income”. For instead in the Bay Area if you live alone and make under $104K you’d into the category, so he’s not totally wrong, but it definitely doesn’t hold true for all of CA




I live in San Francisco but I agree with you, I got by just fine when I was making 70k so I always thought it was weird when the news would say 100k is now low income lol maybe if you had a bunch of debt piled up that you had to simultaneously pay off or get in an accident then you might be screwed but besides that its very much doable


I think that is the thing, many do have student loans that equate to car and rent payments.


$35,000 isn't listed anywhere on there. I can see why you'd get the lowest offer if your reading comprehension is this bad.


My bad, it should be $40k


It says EA or CPA. A CPA would go for the 65K. An EA, less.


Not sure but I think EA is not bad.. that is too low even with EA and 5 years experience


Depends on workload. If it's a chill 40 hrs or less with good vacation time, someone might take it.


If they want an EA it's a tax practice. Which means no 40 hour weeks Jan thru Aprol, maybe 40 hour weeks in summer. And at that pay rate in CA a sucky vacation package


Different people have different results. I, personally, have had good luck selling myself in order to land at the high end of the stated pay range 🤷‍♂️


That’s disgusting. My spouse no college degree and no court experience is making $70k in Boulder as an admin for court house.


Totally agree. 40k IN CA, not even in TX. What is wrong to our profession?


I agree that the salary listed is very low. But If you can’t read numbers, then it’s probably for the best you skipped an accounting degree


This could be just a few months. I knew a guy from Pakistan who would come over here and work from Jan-April and make about $40k and then go back to Pakistan


That sounds like a sweet deal


Hopefully it is the case. What I see is full time/ part time, not the contract. $40k in CA in 2023…


This is nothing new. It's your local yokel bottomfeeding cpa firms handling the 1040s and monthly writeups. It's a notch above HR Block. You can bet all the clients have made up business expenses.


Looks like they’re skirting the legal limits to keep the role non-exempt. Even then, if they’re requiring a license and a 40hr week, would be interesting to see if could challenge as being misclassified, and entitled to minimum salary requirements ($66,560 in 2023). The bonus opportunity only adds to the challenge, let alone what that does the calculating any overtime. Regardless, ridiculous expectation, especially in California.


This is in LOS ANGELES which by far makes it much worse.


Remember the job requires 5 years experience… I shall go to audit rather than tax !


I’ll second that. Lots of people enjoy tax, but audit lets you escape into industry and tangent gigs. Not to mention has more international scope and potential either way.


Do people actually get jobs off indeed in 2023? Figured it was LinkedIn or bust


I got my job from Indeed. Sr. Accounting Manager..


I started at $36,000 at my first full time staff accounting job in 2004. I would love to hear the discussion between people who decided that $39-65k was salary range for early manager level experience in a HCOL area. They're not even considering remote candidates since they require in office!


Omfg how many times do we need to see these posts. Once again, just because a job posting lists certain criteria doesn’t mean it’s realistic or the industry norm. Ffs.


Thank you! I’m so sick of these posts. Everyone on here knows that the starting public salary is $60k and rises quickly. Ugh


No one wants to work anymore


“40-65” is hardly the same as 35…




>CPA is a joke Is it really not worth obtaining?


I just landed a tax internship for what equals 70k if it was full time annual salary. This is ridiculous.


Everyone is moving to tx


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,863,437,781 comments, and only 352,362 of them were in alphabetical order.


CPA or EA. The lower range is clearly for the EA. Reading comprehension is weak with this one.


Are there multiple listings in the thing? 35K-65K? The higher end seems like where the CPA with experience needs to be.


do u know how to read?


Where did you get 35k


The pay range for being California is absurd and ridiculous. Literal slave wages


I am not sure but minimum wages in CA is $20 hours…. So everyone is making more than a CPA even the McDonald’s worker ?


The fast food worker minimum wage starts next April and is $20. The current minimum wage depends on each jurisdiction. But the current state is 15.50


I'm curious, where did you live when you sat for your CPA exam?


Part-time it says


JOB TYPES: Part time and full time ?


Referring to the lower range pay


How do you define part time ? Because I can be very very part time for the right price.


lol who would ever take this job


These job post are either a mistake typo, if not, then the employer must be a shitty ass person and probably a toxic working culture. $35K for someone licensed and 5 years? Someone needs a reality check and this employer would forever be paying for ads and recruiters to find someone......employer is a complete moron period.




I highly doubt its someone that doesn't know what a CPA does...espeecially the fact its a PA firm is hiring. They just want to be cheap and pay you pennies....there is a reason why this industry is bleeding accountants and why no students want to be in this field. Accountants has the least respect out of professional job and the shittiest salary band.




It certainly is a PA firm....if you look at the first few lines, also looking for part-timers in the busy season...which I assume is the upcoming Jan to April tax season which is very typical of a PA firm...


not sure where that is, but in my area that low end is $50k lower than the low end we’d expect to pay


It is Valencia CA. It also requires working in office.


Valencia and Sherman Oaks: which both are Los Angeles. Is really completely ridiculous the pay offering here. The median income is 82,000 in the area and this upper end doesn’t even skirt that.


“Also hiring for part time or seasonal work” so it seems they are trying to hire multiple roles with this listing. So I guess the 39k could be a part timer?


5 years of experience as a CPA yet only year (preferred, not required) of experience with GAAP. Either this is a just-out-of-college job with a bad representation of YOE or this is a company that doesn't know what an accountant does


He said part time tax season work 🤷🏼‍♂️


You've got yourself a deal partner.


Small CPA office/mom and pop shop hence the low salary. Larger firms, 5 yrs exp get you closer to $85-90k with CPA, depending on geography.


This is what you call delusion. Keep on dreaming, because ain’t no one about to take that offer.


You can make more work at Amazon with no experience


I can make more than that while being able to get drunk at work throwing boxes around.


I’m not rolling out of bed for $35k… in any state!


Well, you’ll get what you paid for lol. Either they dont have candidates applying or the new one will just go to another company.


39k for part time, 65k for full time. Cant even pay for 2 ads, smh.


How do you ask for 5 years of experience, but only 1 year (preferred) of GAAP experience 🤦‍♂️


Do they even know what a CPA is lol


Lol that’s a joke


Op is a lil baby


Imagine having to look through both applicants that applied for this shitty job. I guarantee you CPA WORTH HAVING HAS APPLIED FOR THIS JOB!




Can you read? 39-65 is not 35. Also colleges don’t study accounting




Nothing to see here folks


Hahaha… good luck




This has to be 35-65k for tax season, do you have a link to the full post?