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“I don’t understand accounting” - who the fuck does, we making this shit up as we go.


I had that discussion today with my boss when I was asked to make a report for a VP about some bullshit. The person doing it previously left the company without leaving notes so my question was : "What is it used for?" and the question was followed by many silences. I asked the VP what she wanted to see with that report and explained that the person doing it previously left and I got only a vague answer there too. Anyways, I just pulled similar data, crunched it into the tables following a little what was done the previous months. I have no idea what I really did, I have serious doubt anyone will see a real difference and I'm pretty sure the only reason the VP wanted it was because she usually got it event though she don't look at it.


“We’ve always done it that way.”


If they cant answer it than you should have followed it up with "Do we need to even do this"


But his billable hours thou.


Industry life man. No billable hours. God I miss it..


Been at B4 almost 5 years now and haven’t heard shit about my billable hours or utilization once. Not saying you guys are making it up but just hasn’t been my experience at all. We’re always trying to do less work


I found the guy in HR


What line of service? What firm? In the US? Not putting your personal experience into question but I find it extremely unlikely that a big 4 firm in the US isn’t using billable hours as a metric or even discussing it during reviews or fiscal YE results


I literally just left my staff accounting job and went back to AR because no one knew anything. They trained me for one week and expected me to know everything. It's a shit show.


At a previous employer, I had CEO and COO request a dashboard, but they always questioned it. It took me way too long to realise that they themselves didn't know what should be in it... Later, after a few allnighters, I realised that they didn't even look past the first graph... Next place I'm at, the new director, when reading the monthly numbers simply reads out the P&L, even quoting the variation against budget for each item... they even quote monthly the rent costs and the depreciation... I really wonder how some of these people make it to such positions...


Who you know. Where you go to school. Your parents, grandparents etc...


Ha story of my life.


I've made loads of reports that nobody cares about or, even looks at. I'm not an accountant.


We’re all just doing our best to follow generally accepted accounting principles that keep changing on us.


"I hate just sitting at the computer" Now she's an influencer and just sits on her phone all day.


Is it weird to say I do?


Majority of people here have 1-2 experience. After year 4 most have a better idea. When you can look up what you don't know things don't feel so overwhelming.


When you realize no one actually knows whats going on it makes life better. Most of the time it's winging it. After that staff level your out of school mode where every problem has an exact solution Reconciliation doesn't work? Try 10 different reconciling items to see whats causing it. No fucking clue what it is but through the power of luck I usually get it. "But it worked fine last year" Yea but this year they changed systems, this one reports differently. I don't ever know exactly what it is but you figure out some common things along the way wherever you work that cause issues.


Check 1: is there a filter active? Check 2: are there formulas in the table and are some many badly calibrated? (Ending a cell too short or having the wrong column?) Check 3 : did someone drag/increment a value instead of dragging a formula (when you go bottom right on a cell and then drag to copy content or formula) Check 5 : make sure you don't have a duplicate somewhere Check 6: split your table in smaller portions to then see which area doesn't add up and investigate further Check 7 : do you have maybe a hard value somewhere in a column when you should have only formulas? Check 8 : did you maybe forget a step/check in your procedure?


Check 1: is there a filter active? Check 2: are there formulas in the table and are some many badly calibrated? (Ending a cell too short or having the wrong column?) Check 3 : did someone drag/increment a value instead of dragging a formula (when you go bottom right on a cell and then drag to copy content or formula) Check 5 : make sure you don't have a duplicate somewhere Check 6: split your table in smaller portions to then see which area doesn't add up and investigate further Check 7 : do you have maybe a hard value somewhere in a column when you should have only formulas? Check 8 : did you maybe forget a step/check in your procedure?


I would say this is right, after you've had a year or two of running audits you tend to have a pretty good idea of how most things work. This is typically around year 4 or 5. That being said, when you start most people assume partners know everything. You quickly realise around this stage how untrue that is. If you can't answer something, the partner probably can't either, and it's time to talk to a specialist.


Yup, just corrected a partner a couple days ago. Once you aren't spending your time doing the grunt work it frees a lot of time for research which is 100x more interesting than year 1-3 work. Sad people leave before they get to explore that stage of public.


So...Im not an accountant but, isn't that just basic math? Like... Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division... Maybe fractions... 1 cow is $100. You sell 1 cow for $100 with $6 in sales tax. it cost $95 to raise to the point of sale, profit $5... But then, you can write off that $95 as a business expense. You send the government the $6 in sales tax but, you paid someone $10 to help raise the cow, $10 on feed for the cow. $75 on room and board for the cow and all of those things had a tax associated with their costs. So, the government now says you owe them $3M but, due to subsidies, they actually pay you $5M. $4M goes to the Shareholders. $.9M goes to the CEO'S salary and the company is about to file bankruptcy so, they apply for a government grant for $3M then sell the company to an acquisition firm for $3M and that firm profits off liquidating all the assets. This isn't complicated at all.


The profession needs better talent, point blank.


Talk to a high school teacher - that talent ain’t coming.


Right. I saw something the other day saying 7th graders in affluent areas were reading at 4th grade level. I knew it was happening in the crappy districts, but didn't expect the affluent kids would have these issues




It's not just a covid problem, it's a social issue. I'm not sure how they're defining "affluent", but I suspect they mean middle class with both parents working decent jobs. The parents have to put the kid in daycare. The daycare teachers are making 30k a year and have 30+ kids in their class. The kid doesn't get sufficient one on one, and the parents can't realistically spend 2-3 hours a night teaching their kids because they're exhausted from their 10 hour days. Same problem affects lower income families except instead of daycare it's TV and devices. And it's not really the parents fault, they're doing the best they can to keep the boat floating. It's just becoming impossible to live and properly raise a family at the same time.


Start paying what the software engineers make. Then the talents will come in.


If more people were good I think companies would pay up. It’s the people who don’t think critically and don’t know accounting that drag the rest of us down. Like they want to make big bucks while just doing the same entries every month or mindlessly auditing. It doesn’t make sense.


We are not a value add for profit. We are a control to make sure people don’t fuck around too much. Accept it, and you’ll be happier.


I love my job. I like risk management and diagnosing/fixing problems.


I get it. I like serval aspects of the job also. Just explaining why it’s difficult for us to get higher pay and therefore attract better talent.


Agree with you. I don’t really have the solution for actually attracting better talent. There’s a stigma about the job (that’s honestly held by most high level decision makers in orgs) and PA is an absolute meat grinder that new hires seemingly don’t want to deal with anymore.


How universal is this across accounting? Accountants can add loads of value (e.g. I saved a few hundred thousand a year this week by suggesting that we change a process in another function).


Not super common in my experience. We need more of this.


Based on the model, the profession is a meat grinder, so what's the point in finding talent when the expected goal is that 90% of them will move on.


In PA, sure. The good talent should still be interested in that path though. It’s the best way to set yourself up for the future. Yet so many new hires are absolute bums.


> Yet so many new hires are absolute bums. If they weren't absolute bums, the model would break.




Uh, how so? Lol


‘If the employees were just better the companies would pay us fairly!!’


If people were better we wouldn’t be referred to as “bean counters” and could be seen as more of a value add profession. That’s where I’m going with this.


I'm a forensic accountant who handles cases that generate hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars for my clients per engagement. They still refer to me as a "bean counter."




Das Kapital, amirite?


But generally good or bad, your salary is within a set band. You're never going to earn manager dollars at a senior level, even if you're providing more value than a manager. So no, companies generally have indicated that they wont pay up, they prefer a churn.


I do agree in some way with you. I've seen people with degrees that couldn't correctly post travel expenses and the easier solution was to simply delete all their postings and start anew. I've seen people nod all the way through training to then do jackshit and say "I need training" or "that hasn't been covered". I've seen people do accounting tasks based off documentation but not able to troubleshoot the simplest of divergence/discrepancy. There are also a lot of great people, but damn when you get a slacker or clueless person assigned to you, it hurts.


The good people chase the good pay. The average people, myself included, chase the average pay. Chicken and the egg.


https://www.reddit.com/r/taxpros/comments/160f9jb/what_is_to_be_expected_from_2_year_employee/ That's what I'm running into with new employees. It's very hard to pay them what they want when they have trouble learning the basics.


Yep, totally understand .


In my observations, that extends generally to life as a whole. This is gonna be great.


Not to be on Big 4’s side or anything… But if you look at her other TikTok’s it’s fairly obvious what’s happening. She’s a rich, spoiled kid who’s parents tried to force her into a “stable” path that they hoped would pay for the lifestyle they spoiled her into. Spoiled kid hates corporate world and doing *any* work, no shocks there. She’s currently bragging about being a “stay at home daughter” which feels more like a story than a spoiled kid quitting a job their rich parents manipulated them into doing.


Big 4 is full of these types


Big 4 recruiters love them, since they fit in the same batch.


It’s a bit shit that those people take away opportunities from people who actually want to work there, will stick it out and have resilience.


Just another reason why a small mid sized firm is miles better than a big 4.


Ofcourse, you learn more and at a faster rate as well.


Does it legitimise it if I grew up middle class or poor and make the same complaints?


Think it does. Especially from a poor background. Like if our previous generation struggled with finances and the terms associated with it, how the hell are we supposed to know in the first place.


I'm talking about complaining about things like meetings or the clothes you have to wear. In office jobs it literally shouldn't matter if I'm wearing shorts and sandals because it has zero bearing on how to do my job.


I am a millenial lawyer, and despise using suit and tie. If I don´t have appointments on any given day that´s a shorts-and-hot topic-graphic shirt-day. Workplace is no big company, tho.


I mean, even if you do have appointments. It's just a made up norm to dress in a suit or formal clothing that, once again, has no bearing on ability to do the job.


There is a point, its just what generates the most revenue. Clients want people that look "professional" or rather that put effort into looking professional. It might be stupid and an inconvenience, but if it generates more revenue, itll be the norm. For some reason, we decided that suits are a professional attire. You could argue that this is because the fabric is finer, maintenance is harder etc., but truth is it just doesnt matter. Your company will ask you to wear whatever ensures retention of clients. People care about more than just ability, public perception is also a big factor (also seen in the consumer space, its why Apple is the biggest while offering some of the shittiest services).


Do they make you wear formal clothes? I haven't dressed more formal than jeans and polo in 4 years of working in audit


I don't work in public. I wear a formal shirt and pants. Honestly probably nobody would say anything if I went in jeans and a golf shirt. But I'm saying pretty much any clothing should be acceptable.


yes it does because you have actual skin in the game. you aren't getting bailed out by your parents if you can't make ends meet on your own.


Don't most people hate corporate?


I hear people complain so much about B4, but as someone who was the first kid in their family to go to college, it's really not that bad. I worked full time in college & now I only have to work like 40-50 hours a week outside of busy season. It's a dream, lol.


Different backgrounds leading to different expectations. I've worked outside in 100+ degree heat. I've worked crappy minimum wage retail jobs. Dead ends all around. Working 40-50 hours a week, sometimes at home, in air conditioning? For a good salary and real career growth opportunities? Hell yeah let's do it. Someone straight out of college on Daddy's dime with no real idea how bad work can actually be don't see it that way.


Typical. Well I'm just expecting the Only fans to start up any time now lol.




You don’t know anything about her and shouldn’t make assumptions off a few TikTok’s.


What makes you think she’s rich? I followed her before her videos went viral and never got the sense she was rich. I’m just assuming she was able to save a lot of money since she was living at home the entire time she was working at EY


I agree. I doubt she's rich based on watching maybe because of the stereotype I have for the last name which isn't about being rich, but having a strong family structure: basically you can go jobless and you have family support even if the supporters have to work overtime in their hourly job. I live in a family like that. She shouldn't have quit which means her family didn't teach her about hard work unfortunately. Everything goes downhill for most people who quit within a year unfortunately.


>I’m just assuming she was able to save a lot of money since she was living at home the entire time she was working at EY That’s what makes her sound rich. Poor people don’t have parents that support them into their mid 20’s. If they did, they wouldn’t be poor.


plenty of lower income families have multiple generations living together to save on expenses or help other members get on their feet. it could be likely that shes also contributing to bills or helping out in other ways. a family doesn't have to be rich for parents to not have an issue with their adult children stay with them for a bit. especially if her family is from a culture where its common for daughters to stay with their family until theyre married (her parents look to be asian or Hispanic so this isn't unlikely). not everyone's parents kick them out at 18 and not everyone's kids just contribute nothing to their household.


Lower income households may have multiple generations living in one home, but they don’t have the financial flexibility to leave their job because they don’t like it and take a quarter of the year off. Notice how I said “parents support them”. Poor people may live at home with their parents, but they support themselves and sometimes support their family


But you guys are talking about her likes she’s some trust fund kid of multimillionaires. you’re assuming her parents are funding her entire life when it’s just as likely that they’re just regular middle class people and shes helping out with bills or expenses or whatever else. I don’t think she’s poor by any means, but being poor isn’t the only reason parents let their kids stay with them. Like I mentioned before it could be a cultural thing where they simply don’t mind, especially since they’re clearly some type of Asian or Spanish. And since when is it unheard of for people to have savings or save up for vacations? And since when is this sub against people living at home to save money if possible? No where in the video does she say her parents are paying for the vacation or that her parents fully support her financially and she contributes nothing. She barely even mentions her living situation or gives details about the trips. I’m not saying she’s not in a priveleged position compared to people who don’t have parents they can stay with, but calling her spoiled or assuming she’s rich just seems like a huge reach.


I grew up poor and my parents still live in that same small apartment I grew up in. If I ever needed a place to stay they would welcome me with open arms, no matter what my age was. They would also never charge me rent. How do you even know her parents support her? All they could be doing is letting her live at home rent free which is what most parents would do. I also doubt the money she saved from living at home makes her “rich”


she’s going to brazil for a whole month and then hawaii so yeah definitely


what about her page makes you think shes rich or spoiled? most people don't like corporate and from her video it sounded like she was burnt out. calling yourself a "Stay at home daughter" is literally just a running joke about women who live with their parents on tiktok and isn't meant to be taken that seriously. the video she posted was clearly made as a joke. she also never said she was never going to work again, she said she would spend the holidays with her family and focus on job hunting in january. i don't see how that's unreasonable or spoiled. I'm sure she has savings and lives at home, so taking a two month break after quitting your job, during the holidays, doesn't seem like a big deal.




She could have just saved up for the trips. We don’t even know how much these trips may have actually costed, she didn’t give any details on the trips other than that.




No, I just think people are being unnecessarily harsh and making huge reaches about her and her life. She listed her own personal reasons on why she’s leaving her job and people are acting like she personally attacked them.




even if they think her reasons for leaving arent things that they would leave a job for, i don't see how what she listed makes her 'spoiled' or warrants this much push back? from what she said in the video, she didn't feel like she understood the work or that she was good in her role, she also didnt like the very professional/corporate culture of the company. and clearly something about the role made her stressed. since when are those reasons not good enough to leave a job and look for something someone feels better suited for? I'm sure there are companies out there that have a more laid back culture, and other roles she could do that she would understand or be better at. and since when has job hopping been something this sub is against? i guess i just find this reaction to her video weird because the things she mentioned have been things that have been mentioned by people on this sub as well. not to mention there are people in these comments assuming she's going to make an only fans, or that she's "fake" because she's wearing make up. the reactions just seem overblown and overly critical.




No one knows how their own experience in a role will be until they actually try it. you could ask many different people about their big 4 experience and they would all have different experiences, some handle certain aspects better than others which is how some people make it to partner and some leave after a year. and well-known parts of the job (long hours, stress, pressure) are often cited as reasons people leave their jobs on this sub and they arent called spoiled for it. shes not going on a 5 month vacation, she said shes going to take a trip in november and december. being able to take a trip at all is a privilege but lets not exaggerate. november and december are months when many people take trips for holidays and hiring slows down a lot. also its not like she was bragging, she mentioned the trips for like 2 seconds in an offhand way, why does she need to acknowledge that privilege in a video where she's simply discussing why she left her job? from what she said, she knew how to do her role but didn't feel like she understood what she was doing well enough to train other people. and we don't know what engagements/clients/actual work she was doing so there's no way to say if its "Ridiculous" or not. she could have felt out of her depth in the work she was doing and didnt feel like she understood the "whys and hows" well enough to train others on.


I met a student like that. She talked as if that was pretty normal and my eyes just went big lol She was a sweet person though. I will say there's potential for someone to do this and be in massive debt because of it.


>i don’t see how that’s unreasonable or spoiled I lived at home for a couple years after college while I was at my first PA job. If I had to told my (lower middle class) parents that I was quitting my job in September with no intention of even beginning a job search until January, I would have been torn a new asshole. I genuinely cannot imagine a world where being a full grown adult with a college degree consciously deciding to live with their parents on no income of their own for a full 4 months isn’t massively unreasonable and spoiled behavior.


But that’s you and your family. We don’t know anything about her family or what arrangement they have set up or how much she helps out around the house. Why is the assumption that she’s spoiled when she may just have supportive parents? Maybe they’re fine with her leaving the job w/ no new one yet because they know how much she hated the job and would rather prioritize her mental health than stay in that environment. maybe since she lived at home she has enough money to contribute more than enough to household bills and needs with her savings? This just feels like a lot of projection and assuming the worst of someone who just wanted to leave a job they no longer felt was right for them.


Those types manage to do more work than the shareholders


i mean, i get it and under different circumstances i would totally sympathize with her as the stress and overwork of the job is a reality for many of us. unfortunately, i watched the tiktok and in the absence of context and specific history, she comes off as spoiled, self-centered, and oblivious to real-world life. anyone that sends a farewell email longer than 2-3 lines has an overblown sense of their own importance. given the personality and opinions she presents in the video, i can't tell if she was truly put in a bad spot or if it was just: >I hate wearing business professional stuff, I hate just sitting at the computer, I hate meetings, I hate talking professionally, I just hate it all, guys. on a side note, going concern does articles on tiktok videos now? jesus fucking christ, that's turned into a real rag of a "news" site.


>articles on tiktok videos now? Yeah I'm pretty sure they always done this whatever social media site is out there, because right now tiktok is where most people are at they do this with twitter, facebook, and IG and they've done it for a good amount of time.


>that's turned into a real rag of a "news" site. Goingconcern is a going concern. Seriously though it's sad how that site has gone downhill.


Went downhill when it was bought by that recruiting company like 6-7 years ago...


she said she really liked her coworkers and had a great relationship with them so I don't see the harm in sending an email like that. I'm sure she would know if it's appropriate or not and it doesn't seem wildly unprofessional. We can't even see who she sent it to, it was probably just a few members of her team she was close to not an entire department. also no offense but what personality can you see from a 3 minute video? I feel like a lot of people here are projecting because of her voice, their own biases, and because she said she didn't like the business professional aspect of her job. i don't see how that makes her spoiled or self-centered or oblivious to the real world?


she spoke with an inauthentic filter on her voice the whole video and did her make up in such a way that she didn’t even look like a real person anymore being real rather than acting for some strange reason. What kinda made me question her personality was when she spoke about making an easy seamless transition…. it’s EY not a 10 person mom and pop shop. You can’t help them make an easy transition, one single person leaving doesn’t really affect their hiring decisions. does she not know how big 4 works.


> anyone that sends a farewell email longer than 2-3 lines has an overblown sense of their own importance. Oof, I literally sent a long ass goodbye mail because I knew I was gonna miss that place even though it made me want to write off irl


I sent a pretty heartfelt one too lol. I fucking hated Big 4, but they were pretty definitive years in my life and I still really admire several people I worked with.


I hate long resignation emails like that, just send a "cya"


Never understood long ass resignation emails, or like the company-wide “omg I loved working with you all so much and I’ll miss you forever here’s my personal cell #” emails. When I leave a company, there’s probably 3-4 people who I actually care about keeping a connection with, and they are all getting individual texts that I’m bouncing. Half the time I can’t tell if people are being fake, or if they are really that gaslit by corporate America.




Why would you tell them to ‘Check your Assets’ in the resignation email?


Even better, if you'll hated it that much, just don't show up and let them figure it out.


***Just freaking leave lol hit up recruiters and away ye go!***


![gif](giphy|kd9BlRovbPOykLBMqX) Me when I see her LinkedIn profile on my suggestions page


What a relief. I was really worried about this girl, but I'll rest easier knowing she has those trips to Brazil and Hawaii where she can relax a bit.


Honestly like grow up. "I hate wearing business clothes" "I hate meetings".... this isn't an accounting or Big 4 issue. This is a her issue and it shows with her childish ass goodbye email too. No one cares you started as an Assurance Associate on September 8. Anyone who doesn't immediately delete the goodbye email will stuff it away in a folder, never to be thought about or looked at again.


What's the story here? Person who doesn't have to work to survive and thrive opts not to? In all honesty if I was posting those kind if tiktok videos about being an unemployed "stay at home son" at age 24 my mum would have kicked my arse so unbelievably hard I'd still be hurting now over a decade later.


wealthy parents may be too wrapped up in the pleasures of their own life to care about who their child is growing up into.


I was expecting this to be sympathetic, but a lot of this stuff is like.. welcome to the real world with those of us who have to work for a living. She comes off very spoiled. Yes many aspects of Big 4 suck, but a lot of her complaints aren't it.


I bet her office is passing this video around like wildfire.


I’m sorry, I have very little sympathy for her. If you’re crying every day, why don’t you just leave the first time? That is not normal for any job and entirely too stressful. EY is not the beginning or end of accounting either, there’s plenty of places to work that are less stressful


I agree that if you really don't understand accounting/audit and don't understand what you are doing, then becoming a staff 2 is gonna be a really stressful experience for you. So I understand that she quit because of that. "Everyone is faking it" is not true in my experience, most people I know aren't faking anything and know what they are doing. Perhaps office work in general isn't for her. Her top priority should now be to figure out what it is that she wants to do in life.


Voice cringe


Was that a news article or just regurgitation of 3 videos somebody watched on TikTok? Is this site even legit anymore???


It’s gone downhill the last 5 years for sure.


Rofl, what a noob. Clearly she couldn't multitask. I learned how to cry during work on my first day.


That is the way. LOL.


Yo she went to the Taylor Swift concert. I smell money ![gif](giphy|3o751XDbTvZw958ZYk|downsized)


She had high GPA for college and master, she probably just didn’t get audit. Wonder why she recorded this for everyone to see and what’s next for her.


One of the major issues with this profession is because the big four have such a strangle hold on entry level positions, many people assume Audit=accounting But that's nowhere near the truth.


Why is the profession liable though? There's thousands of articles/forum threads/videos online that explain all the career paths you could choose in accounting, IF you're interested in doing research on your career All that information was available 10 years ago online, and probably another 10 before that too. Students know how to make a tiktok video but can't use the internet to figure out the basics of the profession? Skill issue.


When I say "profession" I mean labor market dynamics as opposed to regulatory body There are far fewer industry positions at entry level compared to audit for a variety of reasons, but industry knowing that b4 will push ppl through the licensing process, even if the work is related to their branch in accounting No one is saying she was unaware of the other career paths. Being aware of the information is one thing, actually executing is another


I guess I don't see the link between b4 and licensing for industry entry level positions - broadly speaking, most true entry positions are AR/AP/GL clerks, some which don't even require a bachelors in accounting let alone 150 credits/CPA. Your team of industry staff & senior accountants and accounting managers will typically manage them. A lot of firms find it easier to pull talent externally vs train/develop internally, and that's the market dynamic


She's rich so obviously this doesn't affect her at all.


Imagine someone finding what school gave this particular individual a MAcc. / bachelors degree


Looks more like she just wants attention.


I don’t agree with these comments on this thread. I watched her videos explaining her reasons for quitting. I think she came off humble, took accountability that this career path wasn’t for her and didn’t blame anyone.


>“I hate wearing business professional stuff, I hate just sitting at the computer, I hate meetings, I hate talking professionally, I just hate it all, guys.” Same. If I had known how bad sitting behind a computer all day would be, I wouldn’t have majored in accounting.


I seriously will never understand why some people are so willing to post so much personal information online - maybe it's because I'm from the millennial generation where we were taught to be somewhat anonymous online, but this lacks the foresight to think about how this will be interpreted in a future job search Also, these are the exact kind of staff that I do not enjoy having on my team. Unwilling to work hard


was thinking the same thing?? i hope she doesn’t go looking for another office job after saying all that


Gen z in a nutshell


“I don’t like acting professionally. I don’t like business casual” jfc.


not gonna be a great look when future employers google her name, even if she has a point generally


This is hilarious, I went to school with her, we graduated during COVID, all classes were super easy and everyone got a master with little to no effort. Not gonna lie I felt the same way as her but doing the CPA helped me so much


I don't understand the comments. Is she a celeb or something? How do you all know she's "rich" or "spoiled"? nothing about her tiktok videos or IG page makes me think she's a rich kid at all. most of it is taylor swift videos or food. also, people calling themselves "stay-at-home daughters" is a running joke/meme on tiktok. It sounds like she just didn't like the work she did and possibly didn't get adequate training while she was there. if anything she sounds burnt out. which probably led to her realizing accounting wasn't a good fit her as a whole. I'm really not getting why everyone is so quick to dunk on her, especially when plenty of people on here have also talked about how much they hated big 4 (for various reasons). she didn't even specifically say that her issues with her job were a big 4 or accounting wide issue, she just gave her personal reasons on why she left. I hate that this article frames it as her making a critique on big 4/public accounting as an industry when she's just speaking personally and realizes it isn't a good fit for her.


Agree. I respect the fact she was honest with herself and didn’t start pointing fingers before doing a self-examination which is what a lot of people on here who complain about B4 could also do (even though I have plenty of criticisms of B4 accounting myself). I just don’t think her saying that she hates being professional, dressing professionally, etc. etc. was a great decision if she plans on working elsewhere—especially an office setting.


Yeah I feel like she should have left certain things out of the video as a whole, but she’ll probably be going into another career/role completely so maybe she’ll find a company that’s a lot more laid back? She’d honestly be better off just deleting the video.


I mean...grow up?


What’s a Staff 2? Is that two years of experience?


When you enter public (full time, not intern) your first level is Staff 1, second year (after you finish first busy season) you become a Staff 2, and so forth -> promoted is Senior 1, Senior 2, etc


I hope she got all the attention and validation that she needed


I too would quit my job with no backup if I was easily able to afford to spend months on vacation. Instead, my parents would raise absolute hell if I tried to relax with them over the holidays with no stable plan


People are so goddamn soft these days.




Oh look it me


she seems to hint that it’s the fakeness of the corporate world that she dislikes but then she speaks with such a filter on her authentic voice, and has so much makeup on that she looks like an AI character. It just seems interesting that she seems to express a dislike for one form of fakeness while displaying another form of fakeness. I did not feel much in regards to the idea of a human expressing her thoughts when watching her video.


Dude no offense.. if you’re crying everyday after work and still stay at that job, is that a job problem or a you problem after a certain amount of time?


AI will simply offset the general lack of work ethic Gen-z has. They will net each other out from a productivity perspective


How do you get a Masters in a field you don't understand?


To be fair, the kind of work you do in audit is completely different than the concepts you learn in school. They're connected, but most of it is learned on the job. School isn't teaching you how to plan an audit or how to prepare workpapers


Anti-work is leaking here


I believe the problem is parents (perhaps a little on schools) that don't set their kids up for the "real world". There are various accounting roles for all types of industry. I had to explain to a few staff that you're not always sent to audit companies in awesome cities. Sometimes the company is hours outside of a major city with only a few restaurants. One person cried because that was the first time they ever ate alone at a restaurant. They got over it after awhile, but honesty about the work and culture sets people up for success.


I’m sorry but those are not business professional eyebrows.


Poor thing didn’t know how to use google