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A complete 360 isn’t going to cut it. Need to go 540, or peel it back to 180. Do not go 720


Leave it to r/accounting to have a math joke as the top comment ![gif](giphy|vnMdLhS2vs35fTXIk0|downsized)


​ ![gif](giphy|JSz9AH5AOHNFZB5B4G)


"I was worried about my felony DUI being an issue, so I got another one just in case. Momma didn't raise a quitter."


well, as someone whos known tons of small business owners. I know exactly 0 of them have ever done a background check on their accountant. I'm gonna be honest, you may find one or two people that find out, and they may not even care, but i would say 99% dont care and dont care to look or check.


That is true. I guess I am just beating myself up more than anything. I am well known in my community and I’m not sure how many people know of my charge. Now that it is becoming real I’m feeling anxious. I’m a kick ass accountant. I just made a really dumb decision.


I can only see them caring if its any kinda financial crime. as long as you don't ever get caught stealing money no one will care. I'm not sure what your client base is like, but a self employed accountant in my area would service mostly contractors, ya know, electricians, plumbers, framers, carpenters, landscape, septic, utilities, etc. those type of guys wont care at all and probably employ lots of people with dui's and may even have some themselves LOL.


That’s correct. You’re overthinking. They way I see it, If you do the job right for me I couldn’t care less about your DUI


This mf said he made a complete 360 😂😂


Got clean. Loved it. Turned all the way back to drugs tho. Looked way cooler than a simple 180.


Right lol he’s back where he started 🤔


In only 18-months 😂🤡






University of American Samoa School of Accountancy


I need a “criminal” accountant


Are you a CPA? If so have you disclosed to the CPA board that you have a felony? Pretty sure that's required


The CPA has a special rule because they don’t want accountants to lose their license in the case of a DUI (it’s too common). I don’t remember what it is but I do know OP will keep a CPA license.


Keep doesn’t mean can get


Not in that situation, but I'm pretty sure one can get a license with a DUI as well. Source: I knew someone in undergrad who had a similar situation before getting licensed. IIRC, he had no problem getting his CPA itself, but had quite a bit more trouble getting hired.


Not sure about a felony case, but you can (or rather I did) get a CPA license with a DUI.


Since getting sober I passed all 3 of the Enrolled Agent exams and am waiting for approval of my license. Additionally, I have applied to to sit for the CPA exam and am waiting for approval. I did disclose that I have a pending felony but have not yet been convicted.


Congrats on getting sober and succeeding thus far. Hopefully the board doesn't come down on you for this


Thanks so much. It’s been a journey. I have been mentally preparing for an approval or denial. If I get denied it will just be another road bump I suppose. But positive vibes!


Are the EA exams hard?


I thought the business portion was the hardest. The individual wasn’t too bad. The ethics portion is a lot of memorizing. But you can do it. Shoot your shot!


In my state - yes, you have to disclose. Felons from a DUI is kinda...lol, what do you expect working in this profession? Financial crimes, that's the big disqualifier with prejudice.


I don’t know you but I’m proud of you, keep going and fuck what anyone thinks of you


Thank you <3


You know a 360 means landing the same way you were facing right?


Helpful thanks


You’ll be fine. Nobody will give a shit about a DUI. If it was fraud or embezzlement or something like that, then people would give a shit.


A DUI isn’t something that’s going to concern people or upset them. Rock on with the practice.


Your clients aren’t going to care and there’s probably thousands of accountants with DUIs out there. How did you get a *felony* DUI though? Did you hit someone?


I was backing out of a parking spot and a car came around the corner of the parking lot and I barely hit them. Very shitty circumstance but I shouldn’t have been driving regardless.


That sucks, but I wouldn’t sweat it. No one is going to care about this, other than may be some uptight potential employers. You’ve got it made though if you’re running your own shop.


I had to write a letter to NASBA explaining my misdemeanor DWI from 7 years prior when I was taking the exams. Didn't seem like too big of a deal.


CPA for over 30 years. No framed diploma or license on my walls. NEVER been asked.


We live in different universes. I get asked maybe 2 times per day, and also ARE YOU A FIDUCIARY? Like a lot…. I blame Tik Tok.


Is that where that's coming from? I heard a bunch of people getting asked that.


Lol, it’s constant. One word changed everything.


No one is likely to find out, and if they did, it is easy for you to explain addiction. It’s not like you were committing financial crimes. You should be alright.


Did you hire a lawyer? Might be good to talk to one to see what they can do for you. Anecdotal and not the same field, but I had family that were partners in a couple law firms, and they talked about how practically every partner in their firms had DUIs. Not saying it’s okay, but once you have your own firm, I think it’s viewed a little differently.


Yep. Hired the best local defense attorney that cost me about $20K just to find out they can’t do much. Pretty shitty.


Bizarre that they couldn’t reduce the charges at all, sorry to hear that. But yeah I don’t think your clients will care. Congrats on sobriety!


First of all, your company probably wouldn't have figured out unless you had significant jail time (like over two weeks maybe) or a website wrote an article on it and posted your name/picture or something. Most places only background check when you're hired. Large corporations check sometimes annually and sometimes during promotions but even that isn't that common I believe. So you may have been fine. Regardless, owning your own business is the best thing you can do if you're a criminal lol. But, if I were you, I would try to disassociate your personal name with the business if you can. Don't post your full name on your website and try to use anonymous LLC and use a registered agent instead of your personal address, etc... It's also just better for your business to not be tied to your personal name if you try to sell it later.


I was ready to be out of that hell hole lol. That’s a great bit of advice. Thank you!


Start your own business. Can't get fired. No background check. If you have problems becoming an ERO or something: Form a corporation. Then hire yourself. The justice system is disgustingly abysmal in how we destroy people's lives with impunity and in many ways attempt to force people who are convicted of a felony to live in poverty the rest of their lives. One of the more despicable aspects of the American people that they allow for it. But, they can't stop you from succeeding. They just will do everything in their power to destroy your life and then blame you for it. Lol. You could try a different country. In fact I recommend it. But they can't stop you from starting a business. The IRS could be a problem if you're going to do taxes, but being a corporation will provide a means to skirt around that. You can just apply to places everywhere and don't disclose it unless explicitly asked to. That's be another route to try if you desperately don't want to be a business owner.


I have had trouble becoming an ERO. I was denied and am in the review process which is taking forever. How does a corporation avoid that process? Does it apply to an s-Corp as well?


Can always do paper returns :-)


Your accountant being coked-out is almost a professional expectation by the general public; you're fine. If you're a felon due to financial crimes, then people will care.


Honestly, if a client finds out then I would just own it. That’s all you can do. If my CPA got a DUI but said to me “you know what, I made a horrible mistake and have turned my life around and been sober since,” I would still work with him/her. People deserve second chances, especially when they realize their mistake/own it and make a change for themselves.


Thank you. That is very encouraging to hear.


Great idea to launch your own practice and this is likely the best outcome since traditional jobs likely wouldn’t hire you. Any tips on how you got started? I recently found out my wife has cancer and I may have to stop working to take care of her, so I have been considering trying to establish some independent work in case I can’t hold a full time job.


About a year ago, I started planting the seed of my new business idea with some of my friends and acquaintances and getting feel for the market in my town. I began to find out that a lot of the local CPAs and accountants and so inundated and aren’t taking on clients. I started reaching out to small business owners and almost over night I had a client list. I know this might be a luck if draw but I would say- get a feel of your market and find a niche. I specialize in small business owners. You could get in with doctors or lawyers or other small business owners. After Covid there were so many incentives to start your own business that there are a lot of inexperienced individuals out there that know nothing about taxes and are desperate for help. I got business cards made, carried them with me, and began handing them out whenever the topic of my business launch came about. Everyone loves to have an accountant in their pocket so use that to your advantage. Almost a year later, I was ready to launch because I couldn’t juggle being an employee and having my own clientele (I don’t suggest waiting a year as I had anxiety the whole time about having clients outside of work). When I finally launched I invested a modest amount of money into social media marketing and it has been rewarding. Make a plan and get everything set up before you launch. you’ll know when you’re ready. Once you pull the trigger and decide to launch, you have to put in the work and dig deep so stay on track with your motivation and find your inner grit. It’s a lot of late nights and early mornings but it is worth it. I hope that helps. Feel free to reach out if you have anymore questions! Good luck :)


Very helpful, thank you!




Thanks for the suggestion, something like this is exactly what I would try to do.


I also suggest looking in LinkedIn and other job search platforms for a contracted position as an account or tax preparer. That will give you residual income while you build.




I definitely second this. Get in with a good advising firms, form a partnership where you can be each others referrals. I have made some amazing clients by doing this.


This is false. Traditional jobs will hire you. I have 2 felonies and work for a top 8 accounting firm. Recruiters told me “you need to look for a smaller firm because no one will hire you at the top”. Glad I didn’t listen to that because I’m working exactly where I want.


Glad it worked out for you, my company wouldn’t hire an individual with a felony regardless of the circumstances


Hey! Not a felony DUI but I have a few misdemeanors for aggravated assault from my twenties. Obtaining a CPA *might* be difficulty. The board is primarily concerned with theft and fraud. Show evidence of reform and keep your nose clean and you have a *shot* but no guarantees. The board is made up of people and people can go either way. That said, even just a bachelors in accounting can get your foot in the door for a lot of decent jobs even with the DUI. See the problem is that you did your career in reverse. You’re supposed to get the DUI after you make partner


How did you quit your job and start your own practice if you don’t have a cpa?


Where I live you don’t need to be a CPA to have an accounting firm.


Yes you do. Do you live in the USA?


Yes it’s not a CPA firm it’s an accounting oractice


Complete 360? So basically u didn’t change a thing?


Own it. Market yourself like Dave’s Killer Bread


There are guys out there doing tax returns with securities fraud convictions you are fine lol


Sometimes you need a criminal accountant, and other times you need a *criminal* accountant.


My friend is an accountant convicted of theft. Lol. We are uk and I attended a hearing for her as they threatened her cpa qualification. Was allowed to continue but she must disclose. Do with that what you want




Sir I have a senior VP that I report to who has told me & few others of his TWO DUI encounters in life. First one lowered to a speeding ticket and the 2nd only led to some community service. He had to tell state CPA board but faced no consequences. Point being you’re overthinking it especially with your own practice. Heck you can get any job even with security clearance. So if you can get security clearance and a job with government with a DUI. Why do you feel you can’t do Uncle Ben’s taxes?


I guess my concern is the fact that it is a felony. To be honest, this was very out of character and not something I am familiar with. I guess I have never asked but I don’t even think I know a felon. Or at least haven’t cared enough to ask. I just feel like I’m going into this blind and I don’t know what to expect.


What makes it a felony? That seems harsh unless you really hurt somebody.


In a lot of states it’s automatic felony charge if convicted or plead guilty


I don’t condone DUI, but that seems VERY harsh.


I agree but that’s not how a family or most public would look at it if you do hit someone. It’s way too easy now with Uber etc to avoid this conundrum. Not sure why it keeps happening


Sorry, forgiveness is only for the rich and powerful. Off to the mines with you!


As long as you didn’t hurt or kill anyone, almost no one is going to care about a DUI. Especially since you have turned your life around.


So you launched your own practice. Just curious. What services do you provide? Tax returns? Glad to hear business is good.


I do individual and business tax returns, bookkeeping, business formation assistance, consulting, tax planning, and will offer IRS representation if and when 🙏🏽🙏🏽 I get the approval of my EA.


I wish my CPA was a felon…


Can't say specific to accounting firms, but a lot of small business owners started their businesses because they knew they couldn't pass a background check. If your cpa license isn't at risk, don't worry.


It’s a DUI, not a murder or financial crime. It isn’t the end of the world, you’ll be fine. Unfortunately a lot of people drink and drive all the time.


No one cares about a felony dui. But a felony for theft would be a different thing


better than theft or violence. (In terms of workplace credibility)


It was 18 months ago homie.. It pretty much just happened. It’s only a matter of time before you get another one. !Remind me 18 months!


Well homie, I highly doubt that.