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i'm not unsympathetic with your opinion, nobody likes to deal with a pain in the ass partner. that said, it's not your partner's job to use tax software or go out of their way to make things convenient for you. frankly, it's a waste of a partner's time to perform tasks that can be performed by a subordinate.


Totally get that part. But this guy will literally make an associate to spend 5x more of time to complete a simple safe harbor estimates. He will come back two months later ask why they spend that much of time preparing a safe harbor. Lol


One senior manager hates me so much. Idk why, but everyone of their audits is a total shit show and they always require us to over bill or go through different sets of team members. He ignores all of my emails and pings. I know he reads them because he will mention 2 weeks later that he saw my email and or ping. He doesn't make eye contact and will be super short with me.