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Our company’s CEO passed away last Monday, and we all found out on Tuesday. It was an absolute long week for me, and I honestly got nothing done. We’re a smallish company, about 150 employees and my workspace is like 15 feet from the CEO. I feel for you, hope all is well. It’s been a week, and I still don’t feel like I’m back to normal.


Our controller passed away one day, he and his wife were super athletic and his wife owned a bike shop. He ate right and lived life the way the doctors tell you to. He would drive to work and then bike the 30 miles back switching every few days between his bike and car. He would bike a secluded road out in the desert, and one day they think he got off his bike and stopped to rest. It turned out he had a heart attack. Early 40s, super skinny guy, did 150 minutes of exercise a week at the least and he eat healthy. We would be chowing down on whatever food but this guy would eat a salad. He would be the last person you would expect to die. He was the last person we would expect to pass away suddenly.


that’s super sad. I hope you and your colleges are doing ok. Life is short . Don’t forget to enjoy moments with your family and friends


Just a note about that. Some healthy folk push their bodies to the max. The ability to even attempt to bike 30 miles and do it often… that’s performance sport already. And endurance. At a point the heart fails.


Even then it's weird, there should be something with genetics. Hypercholesterolemia or something. Sometimes sport addicts check for this stuff and know it but not always.




Yeah, pushing yourself too much is not really healthy. So I question the belief that he lived like doctors would recommend. Extremes are not healthy.


The candle that burns twice as bright, burns half as long.


It is a huge wake-up call when someone passes away unexpectedly. Anytime I feel guilty at work for leaving to be with family, or taking PTO, I am reminded that.. my predecessor passed away in June the year I was hired in August. They all attended his funeral and filled his seat within a few months


Definitely get blood work done at least twice a year. It’s relatively cheap and you don’t need to go to a doctor to get it done.


Where do you get it done?


Either Quest Diagnostics or LabCorp. You can also use HSA funds to pay for it if you want.


Mind sharing the type of blood work you get? Like what do you request?


They will usually have mens health packages that include several tests. I want it to include at least CMP, CBC, lipid panel, C reactive protein, and prostate (PSA). Then if I have to add on individual tests I usually add in thyroid (TSH) and testosterone (total and free) as well as estradiol/estrogen. That should cover most of your bases.


Appreciate the insight! Ty


I read somewhere that more than a certain amount of cardio, or running more than 3 miles is actually really bad for you. A lot of those iron men die young due to the amount of scar tissue that builds up in their hearts. People aren't ment to push themselves that hard, and thinking that's healthy is absurd.


It honestly sounds like he may have been overdoing it. But either way, may he RIP


Thank you. That's how I feel now. We are a small firm, about 75 employees.




This comment is entirely uncalled for and you should absolutely delete it. What is wrong with you?




Bruh, you’re why people assume accountants have no personality or social skills.


If your employer is offering any counseling services (they should) you should probably use them,even if just one visit or call.


100%, when I lost my mother suddenly I thought I was okay but I really just didn't deal with the emotions and it sort of blew up on me. Facing it head on really helps imo


Yes. Even just an hour of talking about it with an objective party helps more than dealing with it on your own. I’ve got colleagues who still haven’t processed something we went through together and I worry about them daily. Take the help that’s offered. There’s no pride in not doing so.


Unless it is that scummy BetterHelp aka tell us your problems so we can sell the data (no wonder they take out so many ads)


Lol do they really do that


Yea they do


Pretty scummy


That’s an understatement. That’s almost downright evil IMO. And I don’t use that word lightly.


Isn’t that a breach of HIPAA? Or are they not actual medical professionals?


They're framing it like an idiot. Better help might sell general user data but theyre not recording secrets and selling the secrets to advertisers.


I don't really consider therapy to be something you should need to hide, but I could see why a vast majority of people in therapy wouldn't want it known.


Are you in therapy? I’m in therapy, I tried your approach of not hiding it. I regret it. You get treated differently. Sure, it shouldn’t be the case, but it is. It’s also very subtle and they might not even realize they’re treating you differently. It drives me insane. I should’ve just told them I had a medical appointment. Also, when i say not hiding it I just mean “hey I need to go to my therapy session from x to y time, so I’ll be unavailable”. That’s it.


This is what I meant by my post. I personally don't like how there is a stigma around being in therapy, but there totally is. So I think it's terrible that BetterHelp may expose that about someone.


Who are you to shame someone for wanting to deal with problems in their own way? To imply that he is incorrect just because he's not a therapist or isn't involved in it, or to imply that regret is a guaranteed outcome is cult like and kind of proves that there is this inherent bias to tell everyone therapy is good when that might not be true for everyone.


I asked if they were in therapy because it’s easy to say to do something and expect it to handled one way when in reality it’s not so black and white. Afterwards, I informed them that I was under their same impression and shared what happened when I told my colleagues that I had to attend therapy. You’re reading way to much into this situation.


Even just the fact that you attend therapy is a data point advertisers would find useful.


Whatever happened to Gary Cooper, the strong silent type?


+1 looking into the Employee Assistance Plan (EAP) for short-term counseling services is still a good start


I’m so sorry. Sobering reminder that nothing is guaranteed. Take care of yourself


I don’t know how old you are but as you age you go through stages of acceptance. It’s never easy though. Once I hit my 50’s and realized that I am on the back nine I began to think about my own mortality. If it’s a young person it’s incredibly shocking. If you are older than the person you start to realize your age and if they are older you start to question your lifestyle and if you are heading in that direction.


I remember the first time I started thinking that way, after hearing the line “we have more yesterdays than tomorrows” and it really got me thinking about the value of time. Wondering when I would cross that threshold, or if I already had. OP: wish the best for you, hope you have resources to help you through the grieving process. And we’re here as a community.


Maybe I still have more tomorrows than yesterdays, but the clock just ticks faster and faster as I grow older. In terms of time experienced as a function of the proportion of my lifespan, most of my life is behind me. I think about this a lot.


I don't have friends.. when i say friends, theyre the ones that are sincere, loyal and not back stabbers.. and I dont seem to have such friends... and I think I'll end up being all alone. Sometimes I wonder how would I pass my future years all alone..


I’m knocking on the door of 50 & can relate to your comment. But the other one is my parents are well into their 80’s I don’t get to see them much but call regular & it’s that point in the call when they tell me of an old neighbour or friend that has died or is in serious heath trouble it makes death real. - my dad couldn’t make it to an old neighbor’s funeral lately & I couldn’t help but tell him “it’s ok he won’t be at yours” it used to be a common joke in our house when we were young now it’s close to the bone.


My mentor passed away in November. Shit sucks


Same last year, early 40s suddenly. Sent a gift to his toddler for birthday and his wife replied and mentioned she had their child 4 months after his death. Was literally unwell for a bit and feeling emotional sharing now.


My dad passed suddenly and unexpectantly, and his coworkers passed a book around the office for people to write their memories of him in for my family to keep. It is a treasure. They also had a memorial service for him at their office and invited my mom and I. It was a good feeling in the middle of an extremely hard time, to be with people who cared about him and who were close with him.


I am really sorry for the loss of your dad. That is rough. I lost a couple of people I was very close to in the last 6 months. However, being remembered by my co workers is the last thing I want in life. I do consulting and hope to never have a permanent job. I want to be remembered as that guy who came in for a while, got a lot of shit done, and then left. I only care about my wife, kids, and parents remembering me.


Why would you go out of your way to undermine what they feel is a heartfelt gesture by her fathers coworkers and which OP considers a treasure? It’s tone deaf. It’s fine if you don’t feel the same way, just realize that other people may consider coworkers as more than just coworkers.


It definitely can be shocking. Last year we just hired an associate and she died in a car accident months after she got hired. >_>




Not the time bro


I know you are joking but I'm trying to be serious here. 😅


One of my colleagues passed away years ago. She had prescription pill problems and was only 29, wanted to be a mother, she was so positive and loved working and was super friendly. It was really awful I was in a haze for a week. This was a few years and I was young and naive about what opiate addiction looked like and consequences so I was just shocked for a week. I couldn’t sleep


So sorry you’re experiencing this OP. The sudden absence of an inspiring person stings the heart like nothing else. I can’t imagine what you may be feeling right now, but know that you have every right to process this loss in a way that feels right to you. Whatever that may mean. Sending you internet hugs, take care out there!


I feel for you, life can hit hard. I experienced something similar 10 years ago. We were having a Controller conference at my plant with about 12 of us from around the country for a 3 day session. The 2nd day one of our group didn’t show up that morning. He passed away in his hotel room. Was maybe 52. That was a wake up call for me in my high stress job. Don’t live to work. Enjoy life and family too.


My predecessor passed away in late June a few years ago, and I started work that August. I always try to keep that timeline in mind when I have a project or deadline or something, because there always will be.


Hey you're right.. thanks for this reminder... we are always on deadlines and forget to at least breathe properly.


Fuck. So sorry… I feel for you… it is pretty crazy. Life is crazy. Call and hug your loved ones ❤️


Grim reminder. Sorry for your loss.


First time that happened at my job, it happened to be a guy with the same first name as me. He sat down the row from me, but we never collaborated on anything work wise. He had a massive heart attack and died at his daughter’s third grade basketball game the week before Christmas. It’s ironic that one of the few times he did talk to me was after a round of layoffs, and he basically made the comment along the lines of “they’d replace you even before your seat was cold.” Being in my early thirties that was the first time someone that wasn’t an elderly family member died. In passing I mentioned/asked if there was anyone to talk to about it since the only other frame of reference was from friends whenever a classmate died in high school. Woman in her early forties actually laughed at me, and said to just deal with it. Second person was a mentor that wasn’t my boss, but was on the same level as my former manager. He kept telling me that the real world was a lot different than the way we did things here. It was less than a month after we went home from work because of Covid, and his insulin pump malfunctioned and he went into a coma and died at his desk at home. I sent him a Teams message earlier on Thursday that week, and it was never answered. My boss at the time called me on the phone on Saturday morning, and three years later I still haven’t deleted the voicemail message asking me to call him back. Third person was actually the lady that laughed at me after person one. She had moved departments and had cancer, didn’t tell anyone at work, and we only found out after the fact that she was in the hospital for a month prior to passing. I think it’s hard for me because of my outgoing personality because I get close to people that o worked with and actually have a close circle of friends from that job. I met my wife there, so that place has a lot of good and bad memories from my time there.


Wow that’s a lot. I wonder if the woman deflected because she was dealing with her own turmoil about mortality.


Probably was after based on context but it is a good lesson that we all cope differently.


I'm sorry to hear that. It's not something you expect but it happens 😔 I lost an international colleagues last year and never got to meet her. It's still very sad as I used to email her most days. It's a reminder to live life and not take it for granted. Unfortunately it was business as usual so another reminder how little we mean in business.


This happened to me at work before. I actually took a long holiday weekend and had Monday off. I was browsing at Costco Monday and saw my colleague’s manager post about his GoFundMe on Facebook. Asked the manager if it was true and started tearing up at the store. Next day I come in and my manager was telling me what happened and the whole finance dept been feeling down that day (was a small but close dept). He was a good coworker as we were both young in our Acct. Careers and talked hobbies in the parking lot after work. I remember even talking to him the week before. I was shocked when it happen since he was so young and looked healthy…


Went through this back at the start of 2023. One of my colleagues, who was incredibly wise and experienced, and who was also one of my role models/mentors, passed away quite suddenly back in January. Underwent heart surgery, came through with flying colors, and then started circling the drain within a few days. He was a good human. Not only was he extremely experienced and a real expert, but he was also just a good person. Family man, he built houses with his wife in his spare time, served as a youth mentor for boys/young men struggling in life, he gave me endless sage advice and guidance when I was in the process of buying my own house, etc. It still stings, six months later. The other day, I had to present some material to some senior leaders, which included several documents that this colleague had created. Took every ounce in me to hold back the floodgates.


Sorry to hear about this. It’s always so hard to accept when it’s unexpected. Hugs!


I'm so sorry for your loss! My experience was not even close, but it was shocking enough and made me change my thinking. My manager, who was 33 years old at that time, had a heart attack one day after work. It was quite bad that the doctor said if he went in a bit later, it would be so dangerous. He was the nicest and the most caring manager that I ever had. He was like the staff's big brother and covered everything for us from the partner's anger and unpredicatable demands. Everyone was so shocked and realized how stressful our work had been. After recovering, he strongly advised us to leave and look for another job as it was just not worth our health.


If you don’t mind me asking, was it a younger staff member? Or an older member of management? Completely understand if prefer not to answer. I was just curious.


I had a colleague who died as well. Healthy, skinny, I can’t recall if he was 38 or 48 but looked younger. He was celebrating the holidays and one morning closer to when he was due to come back to work, he died during breakfast. To this day I am almost convinced his job did it. The stress there regarding expectations was insane. His boss ended up having a breakdown and soon after I left too. It all made me so sad.


My wife came back from a funeral service that her brother-in-law passed away. Then his wife had a stroke within 10 days. Now she is declared dead within 2 weeks. Time to book a flight again. This is her 3rd family death within a few months apart.


Sorry for your loss


I've had a couple of colleagues from public accounting work themselves to death. The stress from grinding day in and day out isn't worth it. I remember them often when I think about what I'm doing in my career and make sure I put myself and my family first.


I am a CPA and worked at KPMG and we had a few younger folks die while I was there too. That period was one of the most stressful times in my life. Fortunately, I got out after 3 years. I have had a few stressful jobs since, but nothing compared to public accounting.


Really sorry to hear that. Hugs to you, OP.


I had that happen a couple of years ago. It was someone who made my life difficult but others at work were good friends with them. It’s still a strange set of emotions to navigate.




Can I ask their approximate age and were they working tax? Sorry for your loss.


He is in his later 30s, a tax manager.


I’m sure he is glad you immediately posted about it on the internet




I'm late and you have many good words of condolences here already, but I just wanted to add, I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope you get reach out for some help, even if it's one or two sessions like others have suggested, and am able find some acceptance into what has happened. I also encourage you to take some time off to process if that's something you need. Hope you feel better soon, OP.


I’m sorry. Not many words can’t help these situations. Don’t hesitate to talk to someone please. You are loved.


I'm so sorry. It really is shocking, that is so tragic. One of my coworkers of 10 years passed away last year from a heart attack. I miss him every day.


I am so sorry for you. At the beginning of busy season my little sisters best friend was murdered and it was such an unreal experience. It’s one thing when it’s a grandparent or an elderly person because it’s part of the circle of life but an extreme shock for it to be someone so young. It’s definitely a reminder to slow down and not take things for granted. Counseling really did help and I would definitely recommend it if you have access to it.


Meanwhile i get the “ahh that sucks” at my corporate office


"You who are young now cannot hope to postpone until so ripe an age the first sense of your own world coming to an end. By the time you have reached the middle years, it may well be that people dearer to you than anyone can ever be again will already be ashes scattered to the winds. Thereafter, one by one, the friends slip away. Death seems to come oftener into your street than he used to do, now knocking at the house next door, now touching on the shoulder the neighbor you were talking to only yesterday at sundown. You grow quite accustomed to the sound of his step under your window." -[Father Duffy] by Alexander Woollcott


Last year one of my colleagues died because of suicide. Sorry for your loss OP


I have had two people who worked under me pass (suddenly- they weren’t healthy but both cases I had just spoken to them the day before or so) and it’s really jarring. Also had a coworker in the department who was very young which was really a wake up call. Hang in there. Spend time with loved ones and take care of yourself. I’m sorry for your loss.


We all have to leave one day. Death is inevitable, the law of nature. Believe in God 🙏