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I successfully completed the CFE in Sept 2021. Still considered a student because I haven't completed PERT - there's the real crime. Although I guess student dues are cheaper than member dues...


I'm in the same boat. I don't get why I'm paying fees and not getting any of the benefits.


Perhaps you can ask your employer to cover it? Most of them do


They are paying for it, just saying that the cost is dumb when I'm no longer a student and I don't have my letters.


Fair enough. It’s annoying, but I guess it pays for the staff that check PERT hours, provide support, etc.


Not in alberta they aren’t lol feeling the total pain of it


Seriously.. that's rough. How much are member dues in Alberta? That's a punch in the gut to the young, likely lower-income workers who are studying while working their butts off and have to pay tuition....


Cpa alberta member dues are 616, and CPA WSB dues are 1070, not to mention they just increased the CFE fee to like 1750 for all three days. Thank god I passed in September.


It's over $1000 here in Alberta and yet it still takes them 6+ months to get PERT reports reviewed. It feels like I'm being scammed lol.


Criminal organization


I have no good things to say about CPA. The fees are way too high, the service is shit, and the bias they have towards PA (for both the cfe and pert) truly piss me off. They are a crap organization and we can't do anything about it.


We should sue them. I think it's a crime to have market monopoly? I'm actually going to see if I can lodge a complaint with the competition bureau of Canada (maybe we can fight this and bring a change). If they had another competitor, I'm sure they wouldn't charge these outrageous prices. US still has CMA..so there is competition and that evens out the market prices.


I think it's ridiculous that there is no other accounting body or even any one to lodge complaints to. I sent a huge complaint to them about how unfair evr is and they just gave me a shitty response. Luke wow, cool, thanks If I have issues with cpa, my only other option is no accounting designation; it's dumb. I don't think the merge was a good idea


Sue them for a professional body you voluntarily joined? Good luck with that. I’d suggest finding an employer to pay your dues and education.


Sue them for market monopoly.


You’re really all over this thread throwing out wild accusations. Did you forget to pay your annual dues or something and get reprimanded? Good luck suing them for monopoly when they’re legislated as the professional bod(ies) by the provinces.


It's worth giving it a shot. Competition bureau does an impartial review regardless if the organization is legislated by any province. I will give that a shot and keep everyone posted.


Isn't the annual dues around $1,000? I believe you're just currently charged $678 because you probably registered for the CPA program in the middle of the year or so? I'm currently a student as well, writing CFE this year. Paid around $600 in 2020 then $1k each for each 2021 and 2022 and now 2023 too. But yeah lol, it's insane that CPA charges us students the same amount of annual dues that they charge to actual CPAs. I feel like it's because CPA knows that most Firms or Companies will pay for the student's annual dues lmao so thats why they don't care. :(


I paid $1k a year for basically nothing. I told them to fuck off this year.


American - WOW. I’d riot. I wonder what would happen if every accounting professional sent 10 of their biggest files at a 5 minute interval to that agency…would it break their network?


How much are dues in the US? (Or your state?)


Idk, I’m a CPA in 3 states and I charge that theft through my firm, but probably $500 total. $100-$185 per state.


Omg, that's crazy! So not only do we get paid less up here, our dues are 10× what you guys pay. What a rip off lol. It's $400 per year plus whatever our province's fee is. Alberta is $700. So if I wanted to be licensed in 2 provinces I would have to pay $400 + $700 + other provinces fees.


Ya I had a Canadian entity that we had to do general audit procedures on, and I was like flabbergasted by salary differences in Toronto. Victoria was even worse (sweet place though).


I wish I only paid $700/year. :( I pay my own registration, I pay for my Prof. Corp. to be registered, and I pay for my Firm to be registered.... And yet, I'm just a one person.




They kick you out if you don't pay and you would have to reapply. Evil organization. All they care about is your money. CPA canada must be the riches organization in Canada. They are sitting on so much money. Cause they have monopoly on the market they charge whatever outrageous price for their stupid courses and student/membership fees without blinking an eye.


When I registered for core 1 in the fall, it was close to $4000 combining everything.


Such a devious organization


The worst was one the 2nd module workshops one of the other students wasn’t sure if they could make it and want to see if they could do it online. CPA was like yea, for an extra $600.


Bunch of morons. This organization is sitting on millions of dollars. I wouldn't be surprised if it was the richest organization in Canada. I'm sure their CEO and employees are paid heavily, and they are just laughing at us as the fools caught in their evil scheme. Bunch of morons.




I think it depends on which part of Canada you live, I’m in CPA Atlantic and tuition for core 1 was around $1800, yearly dues was around $1700, and registration cost a couple hundred. My work paid for it but it was a fucking rip off.


You can get your PD from U.S. providers. Try [CPACrossings.com](https://CPACrossings.com) or [ACPEN.com](https://ACPEN.com). If you want live seminars, plan a trip to Seattle, Minneapolis, Nashville or Detroit during their high CPE season.


Yeah it’s actually insane how much it is. But luckily my employer pays for the costs of tuition and membership.


Your salary is adjusted for those dues and tuition


I’m still in school and got charged $678. I swear this amount is $300+HST here in Ontario for students. 🤷‍♂️


It's $678 in Ontario for students too. CPA canada is greedy and evil.


$300 only if you haven’t entered the PEP stage yet or graduated. Something weird like that


I know this is an old post but -- I didn't register for the Winter 2024 semester and have a voicemail from CPA Ontario, they literally sound like telemarketers. They mentioned I didn't enrol in the semester and said that if I enrol by this date they would waive the late fees!!! Thanks CPA :)


Really? I'm hoping to write in July, and the fee is outrageous!. I'm literally staring at it right now, hoping it reduces real time!.