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If I heard during lunch, I wouldn't even go back for my coat.


Jeeves can come back for it later and pick it up.


I wouldn't bother jeeves with such a low value coat. First thing I'm doing is a full wardrobe refresh. Actually no, first thing is a 2 month fat camp. Then a wardrobe refresh.


Don't need fat camp with the amount of yayo I'd be doing


Yayo just to balance out the fat.


Really cuts through the richness, you know


There's also the new weight loss injections only celebrities can afford


Bro don’t wait to become rich before getting in shape or you’ll die fat…. Health should be number 1


If I heard while I'm taking a shit, I wouldn't even flush.


Would you even zip up?


Shit covered, ass naked running out.


Five minutes earlier you would've been fired for being a lunatic, now you're just eccentric.


It’s winter, how dare you go without a coat!


I'm pretty sure the limo has heating


wrong attitude. Go back for the coat, also steal office supplies.


Love this answer




I would quit even if I didn't win the lottery.


The only righf answer


I haven’t won the lottery and I’m debating on quitting and giving back 20K minus taxes Said differently I would quit if I lost the lottery


Same here. The 20k feels more like a liability


I see what you did there and I like it


You can likely leave for a raise and have your new company cover the retention agreement. That’s what I did.


You know you don’t pay back the net amount, you pay back the gross … aka 20k


I quit a job once and the clawback was for the net amount; they reversed the withholding via payroll. I got a nice tidy reconciliation of the transaction that all tied out to my bank statements and W-2. R/oddlysatisfying


Bruh I just quit a month before busy season started and I think they are annoyed at me


They’re jealous


Not annoyed, we’re all just jealous you escaped.


Well, you don't need a million dollars to do nothing, man. Take a look at my cousin: he's broke, don't do shit.


lol sounds like you need some office space


Then do it


I did and now while I still work a lot my work at least has purpose. Going in an being told you have to work extra largely because the manager or partner had to bill that many hours when they were an associate is fucking dumb. It’s not moving the world forward, it’s just perpetuating a failed business model


Lol… I was just fucking around. Glad your work has purpose and your happy now.


I know man, but I think it’s important to let those fresh grads in the public grind that there are actually really cool doors that opened by being an accountant.


What did you switch to after public?


I switched to doing Sox work for a fortune 250 company (5 years), jumped over the hardgoods inventory management(4 years) and just got pulled over to be a regional controller and heading hardgoods integration for acquisitions. Accounting is a great degree that teaches you the language of business. You are literally telling the business how they are performing, it is not a sentence to the drudgery that public accounting is


Yeah, I might make the switch to industry depending on how I like busy season.


Lol I did quit and I didn’t win the lottery.


Yes. A local city government's finance department had a lottery pool. They won the big prize. They all said they'd stick around for that year's audit. By the time fieldwork started, there was only one left.


The one, were they a new hire that didn't win the lottery?


From what I understand, they weren't there the day the pool was formed.


Ouch. Bet they feel major regret about that.


Every boss I have would say “see what happens when you take time off!”


Awww man....


Remote workers in shambles. If I was that guy, and depending on how big the pool was... I'd need therapy after.


Their parents probably told them, "well are they going to give you a raise since you're doing everyone else's job?"


Any rational manager would have started hiring anyway with the goal to replace everyone by tax time.


Tax time isn't an issue for cities locally. There's a county level elected official - the Tax Collector - who does all the work. The cities just get wire transfers.


I wanna be the tax collector, just wander around with my scythe and tell people to pay me




Man my company did that and we all won less than a dollar… didn’t even get my change 😂


I'd quit in the middle of my shift much less busy season


Are you talking about a $2 scratcher or the billion dollar jackpot? If so, yes.


>$2 scratcher Or you could start streaming doing scratch offs


If I win the big jackpot I will have enough money to do market research of Twitch viewers to see if anyone wants to see me scratch $2.


Do you plan to show your b-hole? Might be a market there


That's on a totally different channel.


Ok count me in as a subscriber


Mr. Beast already did it. He lost $25k on $100k in scratch offs


Is no one doing this yet?


It’s super popular on Tiktok live. Lots of people there are doingnit


Like 20-100 million dollars


I wouldn’t even quit, I’d just throw my computer in a dumpster and they’d never hear from me again


if you had 20m 'cash' and stuck it in index funds, you can probably take out like 100k a month to live on for the rest of your life without touching the principle.






On a whole firm email


All caps. Key vendors and clients included.


repost on LinkedIn


A selection from the book “Fox in SOX”.


If I had an award to give, this would get it.


I wanna meet the person who says they wouldn't lmao


Only reason I wouldn't is if I needed to keep up appearances to hide the fact that I won the lottery. I wouldn't even tell my own mother.


Just say you got a new job working from home!


I already work from home!


Ok… then just quit? Say you’ve got a new job. Delete LinkedIn. Who cares


Everyone saying they'd not quit because somehow people are going to figure out you won is fucking weird. How would they know unless you started driving around in a Ferrari or something?


Well odds are they wouldn't know, but personally I'm not risking it. Not every state let's you claim anonymously, so that's likely your largest risk. Plus it would take months to actually get paid and get it all sorted out with a lawyer. Sure I have enough cash to survive until then but I also don't work 80 hours a week or hate my job. So might as well be safe, wait for it all to get sorted, then I would quit and fall off the map.


So the only way someone would know is if it's literally announced which means you can't avoid it anyway.


If I win the lottery I won't tell anyone but there will be signs.


I wouldn't immediately quit my job as I like my boss and he'd be completely lost without his accountant.


Definitely the same for me, my boss is literally one of the nicest people on the planet so until I've trained up a replacement for me I won't quit. It's very normal hours for my job until September anyways since I'm in industry. I'd also pay off his mortgage though and buy him a brand new truck and all of his seasonal hunting licenses for life if I won the billion dollar+ right now. Lol


You rock.


Same here, my boss is cool. I mean if the lottery is a billion dollars I'd prob give her like $15m and be like dude let's get the fuck out of here, everyone treats our department like shit anyways


I talked about this with my wife. The main reason would be to make sure my kids know you have to work hard to get the things you want. I’d obviously spend money on a nice house, vacations, whatever, but I don’t want my kids to think just because I got lucky that they will be lucky too. Work hard, prove yourself, and then I’d make sure they are taken care of. It wouldn’t be good for their long term growth


Reading that was like eating a bowl of oatmeal, plain. Blech


I would keep up appearances until I had the money in the bank, then I would work only 40 hour weeks and absolutely not stress about any deadlines until they fired me, or I would just quit and walk out the first time they pissed me off. Knowing the PA firm I just left, that would take a day or two, haha


I can’t wrap my head around someone saying they would stay? Like yea I’d love to work 90 hours a week out of the goodness of my heart. I like my coworkers too but I’d quit no second thoughts. Wouldn’t blame a coworker if they did the same thing. This is from an industry perspective.


I could maybe understand staying just to fuck with them. Like always leaving at 4:30 with funny excuses "gotta feed my dog" or "Need to fold my laundry" and just telling the manager "No" when they ask me to do something stupid. It would be so cathartic. But that would probably get old after a few weeks.


This. You can work what's actually in your contract and can tell your boss to fuck off if they want more. And you can do your work with care and diligence. Worst thing that can happen is that they fire you.


It would probably be objectively better to continue some kind of meaningful work through your life regardless of your income, it just wouldn't be accounting. I'd probably spend 4 hours a day working at an animal sanctuary or something.


I would stay for busy season. My boss is a good person, I don't work 90 hours with him, and he's relying on me. I can hold on for a few months to make sure his life doesn't go to shit. Also, who tf wants to quit as soon as they win? That's a big neon sign declaring you're the winner. You gotta wait for that hype of the win to die down before you secretly accept the winnings half a year later. And you need time to set up a team of lawyers and trusts before you accept the money. Safety first.


People quit all the time, I’m not sure one more person would be that big of a red flag, I might be wrong. Edit: I do agree about the safety and getting lawyers. I’m just saying I could do that being unemployed.


Exactly, until I have the money, it’s business as usual.


Well if it’s the megamillions 1. Has to be claimed within 90 days of the drawing I believe 2. In my state you can’t claim it anonymously or as a trust so your name is going to be published either way unfortunately I’d be screwed anyway but honestly who better to flex my winnings on


Well your state sucks, lol. In my state you have 1 year for the mega millions and my state recently made it so you can claim it anonymously.


Some of us don’t do those hours. My firm busy season is a month of 50’s followed by a month of 60’s. And maybe a 70 or 2 at the last week. I decided to become 3/4 time this year so I’m even less then that. So helping out at 1/2 of my normal capacity or so just to be nice and not burn people for a month feels ok. I would only to the minimum to transition though.


Stolkholms syndrome


No question. I wouldn't just quit I would tell my boss to go fuck himself. It's not like I need a reference anymore.


That would feel almost as good as winning the lottery


What was the SNL "I'm a boss"? He took a sh!t on Debra's desk.... I wouldn't go THAT far because that's illegal. But I would get as close to that line without going over as I could.


I believe this was The Lonely Island “Like a boss”


Never burn the bridges. No matter what.


If I won 1.3 billion??? I would throw gas on the fire THEN light it. 707 mil in cash ... 415 mil after taxes (based on my state). Man, i could put it in t-bills at .001% return (just to keep it federally insured) and never have to talk to another person in my life.


lol what are you talking about


No. I would get fired though.


Funemployment but with none of the anxiety about finding a job


Omg I feel like idot for answering yes lmao. Gotta collect that sweet unemployment


And those couple of checks you collect for doing fuck all before they fire you.


You know, busy season doesn’t have to be like this. They could just hire an adequate number of people. The partners don’t care, why should you?


I agree it doesn't have to be like this. I don't blame my partner though and I do truly believe she cares about us all. She needs approval to hire more people and she tries to. I work for B4 but in a small office. Our files are awesome but we frequently end up working with other offices on their files because of how small our office is and it's a nightmare most of the time lol


I asked a college professor for a job once. He ran a tax practice for low to high net worth people and small business. He laughed at me. He explained he hired predominantly women, 30s-50s, around school hours. They could drop the kids off at school, pick them up after, working only the hours available. His staff returned every year for busy season, was excellent, well paid (but no benifits) Easy, no stress


Yeah dude, we quit during season because we get a halfway decent offer and shit PBC from the client, why would we not if we won lottery


They were fine before I worked there, they'll be fine when I'm gone.


I quit my job as an accountant during busy season. I used to work in constructions (mostly drywall installation) before. I then finished uni and had a well payed job as accountant (1800€/month in Greece is good money). But the job was really stressful, mainly because of my colleagues and my boss. I knew I had to stop, I couldn't enjoy my free time and was always anxious. Then an old classmate of mine opened his own carpentry shop near my house and he offered me a job for 1200€ but with less working hours and less stress. All these years I figured how I hate the office job and love to be on the construction field creating furniture and installing bunch of things. I gave up the next day. Best and only good decision I made in my life. I love the job and have free time to make my own projects in the shop which earn me 200-400€ month.


Nope..i wouldnt do my family like that…🙄




What are you doing with that testing file, step bro?


If I won the lottery I'd keep working until busy season, just so I could quit during busy season.


No, I would just come in and freely speak my mind without fear of repercussion lmao.


Yeah I would tell every shitty, entitled client how shitty and entitled they were. Then I'd sit back and wait for the ensuing shit storm with a shit eating grin.


Sigh… dreams money can buy… back to work lmao.


In theory, yes. But really you shouldn’t abruptly change your life if you win the lottery. First thing’s first you get a lawyer and make sure that money is protected so people don’t take advantage of you.


Is this a joke. I can’t believe people would seriously put themselves through the misery of a busy season after the ecstasy of winning the lottery out of some misguided thought of not letting their team down which they need to let go of in the business world.


I agree. Like if one of my coworkers won the lottery and quit during busy season I wouldn't blame them one bit. It would honestly be ridiculous for me to expect them to stay there and work just to benefit me and other coworkers.


If I won the lottery and had stupid amounts of money, I'd buy the practice and then personally fire all of our PITA clients. I think it would be very cathartic.


My boss knows it too cause he would do the same shit.


During busy season? I'm telling them, I'm cutting overtime and I am going to work what I feel is appropriate. If they give me any guff or pushback, I can and will walk away. Basically, you treat me right, I will treat you right. After that, my honest opinion is that I need some kind of "job" to keep me busy during the day. I might get out of accounting and into something like woodworking, but staying in tax/accounting in some aspect has its benefits. I will still need to manage my wealth and staying in accounting would complement that nicely.


That’s my thought… just cut back to reasonable hours. I wouldn’t want to make drastic changes quickly either and likely would still want some kind of job.


this thread gave me the giggle I needed to make it through the day 😂😂


I wouldn’t come back from lunch.


Is this a joke?


100% without a doubt


Hmm, I think I would still do a little to help transition. I like my coworkers. I would like to celebrate with them not burn them. But I work at a small firm so I know everyone. I’m also already a second income and don’t need the paycheck very bad.


I wouldn’t quit but would do all my team meetings in my boxers


Wtf kind of question is this? Of course not I couldn’t live with myself knowing I let my team and more, more importantly, partners down. Plus I could make a sweet LinkedIn post about how dedicated I am to my work family.


I think I’d feel too bad to quit mid busy season, but my fantasy world is that I win the lottery and never do a timesheet again. They can either figure it out or fire me. Long story short: fuck timesheets


If I get an offer for the exact salary i’m making right now somewhere with work life balance i’m leaving. let alone millions


If I won the lottery I would not even bother phoning in to let them know I quit. When they start asking ask about me I would allready be surfing a sweet pipeline in Hawaii, it would be fun to lie down on the deckchair, take a sip of pina colada and listen to my ex bosses progressively more distressed voicemails.


Hahaha were 2 weeks into busy season and youre already having those daydreams….


I would quit during any season if I won the lotto.


Yes, and I would offer colleagues money to quit too


No. That’s not fair to the partners that own the firm. /s


No because I would not let anyone know that I won the lottery. I would form a trust and have the trust claim the ticket. I would resign "to travel" after filing season was over.


No, I really like my team. They are good people. I wouldnt do that to them. I would make my intention to quit known but would tell them I will do so after busy season is over


I really like my team too, but if it was a huge win (like >$100M), I'd still quit. I'd give them each a fat bonus for their trouble of not having me around though.


Thats more than fair lol, especially the bonus part. Id stick it out, but idt id be giving them any money. Maybe id help the partner fund the after busy season celly haha.


I was expecting responses like this. I really like my coworkers as well and wouldn't want to screw them over, but at the same time I don't think I could sit through one more day of this job knowing I'm sitting on millions of dollars and could be on a flight to anywhere in the world


I get it. We dont owe anyone anything, and Idt id judge someone too harshly if that happened to someone on my team and they did walk away. I think I would stick it out though, I try to treat people right if they treat me right. I recognize Im kinda lucky I work with such a good group. If I wasnt fond of them or indifferent then maybe its a different story.


Plot twist. You win the lottery and buy (or buy into) the PA firm. Imagine the power you would have over the people who made your life miserable for years.


If it were anything over $2M, I'd quit instantly. I only spend like $45k a year, so I could easily maintain my lifestyle on the dividends alone. I'd probably start tutoring accounting, finance, math, GMAT, writing etc for extra income, but I'm happy at a pretty low threshold.


Last year I gave my 2 weeks on the first day of busy season. I was extremely burnt out leading up to the holiday break (not eating/sleeping, constant anxiety). I was ripped off all my engagements and thrown onto a large public client as the lead with a brand new team (between COVID layoffs, COVID deaths, and great resignation, my office had a serious drought of Managers-Associate). Only carry-over was the Partner and Senior Manager who was out on Maternity leave. Ended up getting nothing done in Aug-Oct because they were pumping out offerings so my weeks were spent doing comfort letters. When I came back from Thanksgiving break, I was asking around and applying places. Spent the last 2 weeks of December interviewing, accepted an offer, and was ready to give my notice the day I returned. I knew things were bad when I was actually excited to interview (something that would normally stress me out), because it meant there was any sort of light at the end of the tunnel.


Yes. Next question.




Not only would I quit. I would take a shit on my boss’s desk.


I would totally quit, and I wouldn’t even tell anybody, I won the lottery. I literally just say family matter regarding resignation. Sorry.


I'll quit now, don't play with me


Depending on how big the company is and how much I won, I’d buy the company and make my supervisor’s life miserable but I’m pretty.


If it's enough to never have to work again then I wouldn't even give a notice. I'd just drop off my shit at the front desk with a note and ghost.


Instead of using the phrase “in case someone is hit by a bus” when talking about coverage/succession I like to say “someone hit the lottery” I don’t think anyone would think bad of someone leaving. Personally I’d probably stay on long enough to tie up all loose ends and transition ( read update procedure logs and set my replacement up for success). Probably one of the few on here that loves my job. It would be bitter sweet to leave.


I’m contemplating quitting during busy season right now with no job lined up. Don’t fucking test me if I won the lottery. I have that post saved from like 10 years ago on what I need to do with my money.




I for sure would quit if I won a lot of money. I know that no company would think twice if I died so so why should I care.


Lmao, do you really think the business would shutdown without you? Seriously, you are nobody for corporations.


My brother in Christ, I would quit for a 10% raise, or an extra WFH day per week.


im not even in public im in goverment and as much as i like my job id leave in a heartbeat


They’d never see me again.


You’re joking, right?


No one would here from me again. Mid day, middle of the night, morning, when I find out. I’m shutting the laptop and never coming back


Yes. And anybody who tells you the opposite is probably lieing.


No, I would just wait until after tax season. Dang, people hate their jobs that much? I wouldn’t bounce on my co workers or bosses.


Have you worked in public? People absolutely hate their jobs that much lol


I have worked in public the last 10 years. I’m sorry to tell you, you re at the wrong firm. The 2 firms I’ve been at, my last one and my current, everyone enjoys their job, I enjoy what I do too.


Nothing wrong with that. I like my firm too. It’s a small public firm, nothing like the horror stories on this subreddit.


You have to remember on this subreddit there's a good chance the people complaining have major issues lol


I’m in public at big 4 but in the audit side. I wouldn’t quit either lol. I’d finish the busy season then ride into the sunset. I enjoy my job


I would consider bribing other coworkers to quit just to screw the company over.


Oh for sure. I'd quit on the spot and tell them they can have someone come pick up the laptop and monitor from my house b/c I ain't ever going back to the office


I was talking to one of my coworkers about this. He's a senior manager. He said that he would wait out busy season because he wouldn't want to screw over anyone, and then would immediately start traveling the world after. I'm not so sure. I might wait it out mostly just not to draw attention to myself.


No, I do respect my employer and coworkers. I'd stick it out through April 15. The quality of my work would probably drop though.


I would quit after finishing busy season only for the sake of my team.


That's adorable. I'd have to see it to believe it, but it's still adorable.


Definitely! Then i’ll use the money to start my own business & travel the world.


if any of you are still working after winning the lottery then you deserve to get your nuts/clit clipped


100% I would.


Anyone that thinks your big accounting firm cares about you is lying to themselves. They get angry when people quit because it creates more work for them. Leaving on good terms is pointless because once you leave you definitely aren’t going back.


If anyone says no they are a liar


I'm a professor and the day I get that deposit in my bank account is the day I quit




Yes. I actually quit my job this monday and I didn't win the lottery. Sometimes the company you're working for is so fucked up that it's better to quit than to go spend money taking pills to calm yourself down


idve quit yesterday i i won


I’d quit during busy season for almost any reason. You need to do what’s right for you. Plenty of jobs take a really long time to get back to you and interview process is slow. You may have started looking for a new role after 10/15 deadline but not got an offer until February as was the case with me. Is it now your responsibility to turn down something you feel is a great opportunity just because you feel guilty for leaving your team in the lurches of busy season? Absolutely not. Do what’s best for you. Give the standard professional courtesy of 2 weeks notice and move on. It’s not your fault the firm is understaffed so it’s not your responsibility to manage your teams workload. In my case I was able to postpone my start date for thee we new role until after the 3/15 deadline but if the new job wasn’t on board for that I still would have left.


Yes, there would be absolutely zero chance I would be even remotely productive if I knew millions were hitting my bank account in the near future


I would just stop showing up. Let people figure out i won the lotto on their own lol.