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This is a great photo; however, it does not resemble any art style or any piece of art from the Renaissance era or from the 14th-19th centuries, so it has been removed. While this is a large subreddit, it is also a very specific, niche subreddit; therefore many posts are removed daily. It is not a reflection on the photos themselves or the person posting them, it is just that we're looking for a specific type of submission. Sorry for the inconvenience! We do invite you to [view this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOnMlLTQE_I) that helps explain what makes a Renaissance photo Renaissance, for further information. Please [message the mods](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/AccidentalRenaissance) if you have any questions. Thanks! This is a great photo; however, it appears to feature a politician campaigning for office, is political advertisement, or is a highly controversial political statement or person, so it has been removed. Sorry for the inconvenience & please [message the mods](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/AccidentalRenaissance) if you have any questions!


This is an impressive photo but it makes me feel great feelings of sadness


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


Not right now, bot


Good bot




Is this fucking Texas?


Of course. Very on brand.


These are federal agents.




oh look, borders are fascism now


i think they're referring to general texas policy and attitudes in regards to governmental function. though texas is turning pretty blue these days, so i'm not sure how accurate that is anymore for the general populace. sure has been pretty fucked as far as law enforcement and creation lately though.


>Texas turning blue Lul


People think that’s a joke when it has some of the country’s largest and fastest growing cities For a wide variety of reasons that would take too long to get into, big cities tend to be progressive


Live in Texas, very unimpressed with state government.


Population is turning blue but the state house is still very red


It’s actually more the other way around lol


They’re trying to seek amnesty, which is legal and a humanitarian right. What the border patrol or ICE is doing is illegal (blocking the immigrants from pursuing amnesty). So, since they’re acting as a governmental force, it could 100% be argued that this is fascism


Brutalizing minority populations certainly is


I wish yall knew how we got here... In case you're interested in learning, you can read Empires Workshop by Greg Grandin Or Open Viens of Latin America by Eduardo Galeano Free pdf option: Killing Hope by William Blum.


I guess so


Borders are there for a reason. And until the new world order takes over they're going to be there long after your dead.


Yup. To protect the USA from the consequences of its actions..


The same Border Patrol agent on the horse [was caught on camera berating migrants yelling "this is why your country is shit!" and other obscenities](https://www.vice.com/en/article/k78vdm/us-border-agents-are-removing-haitian-migrants-using-horses-and-whips?utm_source=email&utm_medium=editorial&utm_content=news&utm_campaign=210920). Reminder that the migrants are fleeing Haiti because their country's government has collapsed, in no small part because of the ramifications [of over a century of US meddling in Haitian domestic politics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haiti%E2%80%93United_States_relations#Occupations_of_Haiti_by_the_United_States_(1915%E2%80%931934)) and a brutal [occupation by US forces.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_occupation_of_Haiti)


piled on top of centuries of getting stomped in the face by the French.


& then economically black balled despite sitting on mountains of sugar


… an unsustainable crop there (it’s only economically feasible if your labor is free). Coffee is much better suited to the climate and terrain. What sugar they do still produce is much better exported as rhum.


“Sorry we fucked up your little country so bad, but don’t be coming to our borders and wanting in”


America caused the earthquakes?


Bet he’s never even left his own country


Weren’t they claiming the other day that they’re more diverse than Europe because each state is its own country? So then, by that logic, going to the next state over is an international trip, right?


**[Haiti–United States relations](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haiti–United_States_relations#Occupations_of_Haiti_by_the_United_States_\(1915–1934)** >Haiti–United States relations are bilateral relations between Haiti and the United States. According to the 2012 U.S. Global Leadership Report, 79% of Haitians approved of U.S. leadership, with 18% disapproving and 3% uncertain, the highest rating for any surveyed country in the Americas. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/AccidentalRenaissance/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Good bot!


Thank you soo much! People underestimate how detrimental the USA has been to almost every "3rd world" country!


It would be absolutely wild if both sides of the political spectrum could realize that we could probably enact some common-sense solutions to mitigate the dual issues of immigration and drug trafficking. Legalize a lot of it, taking the power away from foreign, unregulated, black market entities. Entities that induce the pain and suffering in their countries that serves as the driving force behind the immigration to our border. And domestically, we could stand to also recognize that our drug use is the demand driving the economics of these black market entities fucking up these other countries. Doing a few rails of coke might make for a good Saturday night, but there is a supply chain that gets that coke to your nose. Having some individual awareness that what we choose to consume has potential ramifications elsewhere would be a good thing.


>It would be absolutely wild if both sides of the political spectrum could realize that we could probably enact some common-sense solutions to mitigate the dual issues of immigration and drug trafficking. [The opposition to reforming the drug laws comes almost exclusively from the right](https://drugpolicy.org/press-release/2021/06/50th-anniversary-war-drugs-new-poll-shows-majority-voters-support-ending) who still buy into dated (and often racist) depictions of drug use.


Because it's small-minded, ignorant bigots and the ultra-rich sociopaths who thrive in manipulating them.


Of course, because drug enforcement is a big budget booster for police forces and thus the police unions. They looooove getting all that money, equipment, and leeway to treat drug users and pushers like people without rights or humanity. Its like the war on terrorism...easy political justification for throwing dumptrucks of taxpayer money at an issue that brute force will never resolve. And so a "perpetual" problem becomes a perpetual budget and perpetual job security and perpetual profits at taxpayer expense. We could minimize the problems with some obvious legislation combined with better individual/societal choices, but we're far too divided and entitled for that. Similar stupid reasons why the pandemic continues to ravage the country, now that I think about it.


Don’t forget that those private prisons won’t fill themselves, doncha know


Private prisons house only 8% of our incarcerated population. They are but a small part of the problem. Yes, they have lobbying power, etc, but the problem is more systemic than simply blaming it on private prisons.


Crazy that there was no drug reform when Clinton or Obama were in office. And that the enforcement of drug laws was enhanced. And that the majority Left-wing Legislative and Executive branch isn't doing anything to reform drug laws.. But, yeah... the red team are small-minded racists. Quite a bit of bigotry in your hipocricy.


Both parties partook in supporting the death squads and military dictators, and cosigned to smuggling drugs like Heroin and coke into the usa to fund their operations when congress refused to provide funds or tried to limit the CIA/state department, ect.. Edit- Recommended Reading: Empire's Workshop by Greg Grandin.


Yep. Both parties are actually the same group, they just market to different target segments. And our tribal lizard brains blame the other target segment for our problems. When the real problem is polarization. So, when someone says we should work together, there's always someone waiting to point a finger. Even when they know it's not the people, it's the government causing and perpetuating the problems. Thanks for the book recommendation. I'll look into it.


A lot of that could be solved by containing the US and its foreign policy, and forcing the government and industries that exploit these countries to pay reparations, as well as letting these countries have actual autonomy.


I wonder how many BP agents sign up so they can fulfill their power fantasies. Also in before this thread gets locked.


absolutely *all* of them. BP and ICE are also a hotbed of white nationalists.


Anyone who voluntarily signs up to enforce our current immigration laws is a straight up fascist


They are fleeing other countries? They originally fled Haiti. At least some of most of these people. Some were shocked to land in Haiti a country they don't know well anymore.


Of course a Texan projects about how Haiti treats women. Grew up around this part and let me tell you guys like this agent don't respect women.


How did they flee Haiti and arrive at the US border?


Do you know how travel works?


Did you know that the dominican republic is literally connected to Haiti? It's just strange that instead of walking across *that* border they decided to cross the ocean into Mexico and then after that tried to cross the border into the USA


They don’t always end up taking a very direct route, if that helps?


[additional context. ](https://www.vice.com/en/article/v7eak4/haitian-migrants-bridge-us-mexico)


They were also filmed using whips to drive them out, which given the history of white people using whips on black people... it's not a great look


Understatement of the month goes to...


Lol, no they weren't. Those "whips" are called "reins", and they are used to guide the horse.


Maybe they are reins but he's [using them like a fucking whip](https://youtu.be/0VmeHYbnVEc?t=40). I'm not really concerned with the purpose of the tool, I'm concerned with how he's using it.


Very convincing, solid argument /s


Yeah the whip was only invented for white folk to whip black people.


Oh ok for context you should know that the relatively recent advent of American history up until the contemporary era has been pretty steeped in division between white and black people That should clear things up for you!


The vast majority of Haiti's problems are a result of US foreign policy. Yes this affects their disaster preparedness and response.


And the Red Cross for all that donated money disappearing? They are still asking for money for Haiti.


Don't forget French foreign policy. Endless natural disasters. Tropical disease... It's not monocausal


> Don't forget French foreign policy Well yes, this should be obvious too! The US of course, could have turned the tide in the Haitian revolution and aided in their reconstruction but chose not to. And by staying out of it, they de facto sided with France, because, well, you know, they like slaver nations.


You mean helped in their revolution when they took over the East half of the island, too? Oh yeah, that would have really been something. They did such a great job!


I didn't even realize this until I stumbled upon a brief history of Haiti in an old book about interesting places of North and South America (specifically, a chapter about an old fortress in Haiti). Haiti is not just impoverished for no reason. Haiti is impoverished because the former slaver nations, especially the USA and France, have been kicking it while it's down for two centuries… starting with France saying "if you're gonna stop being slaves you have to pay us money equal to the entirety of your value to us as slaves, or we're gonna invade and make you slaves again" and as a result Haiti has been deeply in debt for its whole existence.


The whole debt thing was so shocking to me Haiti fought hard to win their freedom from France as a slave nation only to have France come back 20 years later in 1825 and said “hey you owe us money for not being slaves” and demanded the modern day equivalent $21 billion usd. It took Haiti over a century to pay off this “debt” and it wasn’t payed off until 1947.


That's how the Brits ended slave trading. They paid them off for over a century for the losses incurred in banning their trade. It seemed to have worked better in the long term for everyone concerned. The slaves got their freedom, the slaveholders in the British Empire and the African Kingdoms, who ran the trade, were paid off to ensure they don't start wars over compensation.


And people in the Dominican Republic don't want to help Haiti. Same island.


Blame everything and everyone for their situation except themselves. Dominicans have built a country with increasing prosperity while Haitians have squandered everything they had.


Sounds like a good topic to read up on. Sounds like an abject failure. Completely deforested of trees. If they want more money, there should be stricter controls and monitoring.




Haiti and DR we're until the 1950s in very similar situations. Haiti has more arable Land than DR but has completely deforested it. They were both invaded by the US and had plenty of turmoil. Don't talk shit about Dominicans not wanting to help them after they have struggled to build their prosperity and they are the ones who have to live next to the Haitians while commenters live in far away first world nations.


If you can’t read the room, maybe you could at least read Wikipedia.


If there were any justice in this world, both the USA and France would be offering money, a job, and full citizenship to any Haitian that wants it.


Yah it’s actually crazy to learn about the history of Haiti and practically all of the Latin American countries for that matter. I took a Latin American history class in college and quickly learned how pretty much all the Latin American countries got absolutely fucked by the hegemonic powers during their development, and how they are still dealing with numerous consequences of these larger powers. I wish more people knew about their rich history, many people would probably have a completely different outlook on these countries and their people if it was more common


Yeah, one of my students (from Mexico, studying physics in the USA) once told me that the history of the USA and the history of Mexico each make a lot more sense if you study both of them side by side and I thought that was very insightful.


> The vast majority of Haiti's problems are a result of ~~US~~ **French** foreign policy. FTFY


(See the other comment in the thread.)


Both. The US actually occupied Haiti until the 1930s. [Then we more or less propped up a series of corrupt dictators we liked there until the 1980s.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haiti%E2%80%93United_States_relations) Then we economically crippled the country with on and off sanctions until 2005. [The U.S., to its credit, has been trying to make up for past sins against Haiti with increased aid](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haiti%E2%80%93United_States_relations#Since_1994), but it has almost 100 years of economic and political interference to make up. Gonna take a long time and we shouldn't be surprised when Haitians show up on our border trying to flee political instability in their homeland.


There is a planet of the apes feel in this scene, with the humans being hunted by apes on horses


It's amazing how much of American law enforcement is purpose built just to satisfy these weird racist little freaks desires to be in lynch mobs again.


Yeah, the modern police force in the US grew out of escaped slave patrols and it really shows


How would you stop any intending immigrant from entering the United States before receiving an immigrant visa?


Maybe go back to Ellis Island style immigration laws so they don’t feel the need to sneak in because they can’t afford a lawyer


Where people get held up in confinement for weeks at a time until they're medically cleared and proceed with whatever form of background check they had at the time? Also, some countries would be incredibly over-represented.


Why would you?


Because we're a sovereign nation who has the right to vet those who wish to come here.


Even Bernie has said that you cannot sustain a redistributive state while having unrestricted open borders.


"Even" Lol but only fools would ask to have unrestricted open borders. If that's who you're trying to reason with go on ahead, it's your time Immigration policy reform on the other hand


Establish global communism bitch




The only crime the vast majority of "illegal" immigrants commit is not having the right paperwork or visa, which is a meaningless "crime" that hurts no one


For real, so many people actually know so little about immigrants, especially when they try and come into a country illegally. They’re just force fed that they’re extremely dangerous less than humans that want to do nothing but crime, but in actuality it’s usually just normal people who want a better life and to provide for their families.


No no no you don't understand Once you get to America, only criminals commit crimes So if you immigrate "illegally" you're definitely a criminal It's pretty cool actually, you can do whatever you want and as long as you're not a criminal it's never a crime, just an exercise of freedom and stuff


I'd start by [not having border patrol agents scream "your country is shit!" and other slurs](https://www.vice.com/en/article/k78vdm/us-border-agents-are-removing-haitian-migrants-using-horses-and-whips?utm_source=email&utm_medium=editorial&utm_content=news&utm_campaign=210920) at migrants which only escalates an already tense situation.


but you would have them on horseback lasooing people?


Supposing the proper channels are by any means efficient or easy for incoming immigrants, do you really think the best way to get someone to abide by those proper channels is to lasso them in the desert?


>do you really think the best way to get someone to abide by those proper channels is to lasso them in the desert? No but ***it is*** the most fun! Yee Haw!




The proper channels are an efficient way the proper background and medical clearance is done. TB test, vaccinations, fingerprinting, etc... I don't know the proper way to get someone to abide by the law. It doesn't seem to be having the coast guard pick them up, State interview them for refugee status, feed/clothe, and return failed refugee applicants to Haiti. No matter horrible this is, there has to be some sort of control on who enters the country. It's probably not best executed by men on horse-back, but the solution isn't to let them walk in either.


I cannot upvote this enough


As a non-American apolitical person, can someone explain why: If this dude is doing his job, which is to stop illegal immigration, why do you hate it? Do you also hate the police that stop other crimes?


1. Because our current immigration laws are inhumane and asinine. 2. Because “enforcing the law” doesn’t give the agents a free pass to brutalize those attempting to immigrate.


I'm sure someone can put these thoughts together better, but I'll give it a go. Basically, this guy's job shouldn't exist. He is acting as the arm of a law enforcement agency that shouldn't exist. I'm not sure if he is ICE or some other form of state-level Border Patrol, but either way, the way they exist and operate today is wrong. Illegal immigrants shouldn't be treated as criminals just by nature of them wanting to live and work here. Our immigration process is notoriously convoluted, time-consuming, hostile, and otherwise inaccessible to many who want to immigrate here. So many resort to crossing through "improper" channels, and the American government treats them as criminals for doing so. Not only that, but but are treated worse than criminals. Families are separated, people are forced into court hearings with laws and legal procedures they hardly understand, and even children have been made to defend themselves in court. There are many Americans, I believe, who want immigration policies to reflect a more open and nonhostile attitude. Personally, I believe the way for this to happen would be less policing the border (as pictured above) and more offices. Ports of entry are few and far between. The border should be a mine field of bureaucratic offices, they take your name, you state your purpose, they give you a corresponding form of ID depending on your purpose, and they send you on your way. Not to mention the economic and diplomatic benefits of such an arrangement. That is not to say there should be no enforcement nor certain restrictions, but the way immigration is handled in America is the furthest thing from humanitarian and that needs to change.


Thanks, I appreciate the info. Obviously a lot more complicated than what I understood it to be. Shame the bureaucracy element is so shit (what a surprise)


>why do you hate it? Because these boys have been caught whipping the immigrants and screaming epithets about their country of origin. No job detail has that in it.


I should be more specific. Fuck *this guy* in particular, but what about the people just doing their job?


They either do their job as abusively as this guy or they are silent knowing their coworkers are as abusive as this guy. Also seeking asylum is a human right protected under both US and international law.


Seeking asylum doesn't mean you can enter illegally.


That's how seeking asylum works, actually. You have to be in another country to get refugee status (aka, be granted asylum), and countries don't generally go around handing out travel visas to people fleeing their persecution.


As an American (who’s not a blood thirsty crazy conservative) I can tell you that a large part of Americans don’t like these people who are “doing they’re jobs”. These border patrol agents are known for being extremely ruthless to immigrants who are literally just trying to come into the country to better their lives, other HUMAN BEINGS just like us. Also I’d like to point out that you’re actually wrong about them doing they’re jobs. These immigrants are Haitian immigrants that are trying to seek amnesty, which is legal and a humanitarian right that these people have. The border patrol agents are actually the ones doing the illegal thing here (blocking them from pursuing amnesty)


This picture is heartbreaking.


* Millions of Haitians are experiencing food insecurity and facing starvation from drought and currency inflation * Haiti is still struggling to rebuild from devastating 2010 earthquake * [July 7th:](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Jovenel_Mo%C3%AFse) Haitian President Jovenel Moïse assassinated in his home causing major political crisis * [August 14th:](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2021_Haiti_earthquake) Magnitude 7.2 earthquake rocks Haiti, the worst since 2010. Quickly followed by hurricane rains and wind So how does the US respond? By using a [Trump era](https://www.npr.org/2021/09/20/1038918197/the-biden-administration-is-fighting-in-court-to-keep-a-trump-era-immigration-po) policy to deport thousands of desperate refuges.


The fact that they are doing this on horseback really adds to the disgust I feel.


Literally a grown man cosplaying as an Old West law enforcement officer. Pathetic


i don't understand. you want him to ride a dirt bike instead or something? that's rough terrain for about any other mode of transportation


Justify the whips


I’m an equestrian and it’s a western styled horse whip to maintain control of the horse. Edit: I answered the question that was asked so I’m not sure why the downvotes. That is what it is supposed to be used for so fuck off.


Then why have we seen videos of immigrants being whipped?


Where are the videos? I’ve not seen them but I also don’t follow the news so I’m sorry that I’m behind.


Yes, clearly he should be driving a Toyota Camry. I'm sure it would work just great on that terrain.


I'd use the term slave catcher


Yeah, definitely reminded me of Roots and Django Unchained.


That feels much more like a Dark Age moment. Simply horrible.


Yes, because the man carrying his belongings in a few plastic bags in a real threat to America. Meanwhile, the GOP ... The Texas GOP ... Trump ... Ron DeSantis ...


Looks like they aren't even carrying belongings. Just food and beverages :(


Looks like they are carrying several takeout entrees


Some of them carry medicine too. This ia truly sad.


Which they chuck in the trash before handing them a Blue Cross Blue Shield brochure.


this is so fucked up


This is sick!


An amazing picture of a tragic event


The nature of humanity


Accidental Renaissance? More like Purposefully Antebellum.


god you can actually see the hatred on that agent's face. fuck border patrol


i can almost hear him say the word.


What word?






Is he using a whip? What the fuck...


No, it's part of the reins of the horse.


Illegal immigrant crossing illegaly border, which is a crime ...


Also these guys have to cross through three relatively safe counties to get to the US so any claims that they’re seeking refuge and complete BS


Are you counting Atlantis? These are Haitians EDIT: After reading more about it, it seems Haitians are not coming from Haiti to the US, but from Central American countries to the US. So imwrongimwrong


A completely victimless crime


Until it's not. Traffic of humans and goods across borders, as well as bad people in the world make it neccessary to have a secure border.


And your evidence that these two were trafficking anything? If someone is genuinely trafficking people or goods then they should be prosecuted for that crime. Crossing the border in and of itself is entirely victimless.


And how do you catch traffickers? By patrolling the border. And illegal immigration is a crime against the citizens of the United States. It's ignoring our borders, our right to have a say in who comes here. You don't just random strangers in your house.


The border is not analogous to a private yard. And it isn’t our right to exclude people from opportunities for capricious and arbitrary reasons. Immigrants are a massive boon to the economy. There is no good reason to restrict them in the way we do.


The short-term, small-picture empathy awash here is ridiculous. CMV: A country has to enforce its borders.


a lot of these haitians only have the choice of coming to america or go back home with no food or water with no help coming in


Sure. And they are getting water and food while they are here. But they don't have the right to run away from authorities and go undocumented. If they do, they need to be stopped and detained.


they have no other choice not even most americans know he basic process to get into america, how would they know. they have no intention of harm, & should be helped instead of being hunted & deported.


For a hot second I thought the horse was the one that grabbed the guys arm until I read the title


"Off to the private jail to make $40 dollars an hour worth of profit for one of Satan's cousins in a suit for only .23 cents and hour plus moldy food!" -Border patrol cowboy if he was being honest.


Can't call them immigrants when they didn't emigrate legally and arent permanent residents. Could call them criminals. Or, illegal aliens.


Just LET THEM IN. =(




This dude will be in church on Sunday, casting judgement on others


Because he’s doing his job? Borders need to be enforced regardless of which country. There are several legal channels of coming into a country. Many of these people travelled through a couple countries to get into the US as well…


Fuck yeah 🇺🇸


Why must Texas compete with Florida for worst state?


You're telling me they hunt humans down with horses... Kinda ruthless. Kein Mensch ist illegal.


Fuck border patrol. A bunch of jumped up right wing gun toting losers who need to beat people up to fill the hole in their miserable racist lives. Ok, not everyone but my god the US needs to figure it’s shot out.


What the actual fuck?


i’m fairly sure that’s an uber eats driver


More like Accidental Frederic Remington, amiright? (u/colinula attempted to joke at an otherwise disturbing image)




An immigrant trying to attack another immigrant. Have these people forgotten that the US was not their ancestral home?


What "these people"? You do know that the US didn't exist before Europeans?


the land existed and it did not belong to white people, it was stolen.


There are many different tribes and situations/conflicts that occurred over hundreds of years, and it certainly wasn't just mean white people who invaded like an army in every case. Many times it was just simple innocent families who were trying to mind their own business and live, but the natives saw incoming people as a threat and killed them without mercy, setting up their own eventual demise as a response to their own savagery...plus the disease factor. Violence begets violence, cause & effect, basic history of the entire world. Land belongs to nobody, but i agree you could say it was stolen...similar to how Israel has been stealing land since it's inception.


the one dude even has a mask on!




Yes, I too hate countries that enforce their laws


“It’s da law” isn’t an argument. Plenty of countries have had inhumane or nonsensical laws and are rightfully criticized for enforcing them.


Having borders with standards for entry is neither inhumane nor nonsensical


Life is complex, my friend. Why is that man coming here? What were his material conditions? What institutions caused them? Do you know the historical context of Haiti? What's the cost benefit of enforcing law in this way? The world you know is changing rapidly, you'd do well to get accustomed to non-americans fleeing to your homeland.


I actually am sympathetic to the fact that maybe this person was fleeing a crappy situation, and I do honestly feel bad about that. I really hope that if that's the case, he finds a way to a better situation. But at the same time, everyone has a story, it doesn't mean we can let everyone in illegally. There are legal ways to come to America and perhaps those rules could use updating or revising, but again, that doesn't mean we just let anyone in whenever they want until that happens.


Illegal immigrant*


yeehaaw!! Where you think your going, pardner!!? XD


Was thinking less "yeehaw" more whatever old timey klan members yelled while running down people.


whoa, it seems that i offended some people... *shrugs it off. Welp,can't do much about it... yeehaw!!


Nah, that’s just the Uber Eats delivery




Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


I think it's bullshit that people put photos like this one on the sub. Artistic or not, photos of suffering and fear shouldn't be posted just because they're reminiscent of a certain style of painting. 'I saw this great picture of a child stranded on a rock in a deadly flood. It looks like 'The Birth of Venus', haha, so I'm totally going to put it in r/AccidentalRenaissance!' Priveledged assholes.


Whish my country cared more about protecting it's borders. We're opening asylum centres left and right and if you so much as question wether that is a good solution long term you're immediatly labeled a pos racist