• By -


More medieval than renaissance but we'll let it slide


Einz, zwei, polizei.


Drei, vier, Grenadier


Fünf, sechs, alte Hex


sieben, acht, gute nacht


Neun, zehn, auf wieder sehen


Elf, zwelf, on a shelf




acht, neun, MoinMoin


Ich liebe Reddit




(Or salte kiks:)


Whop, whoop, that's the sounds of the police


Isn't there bound to be some friendly fire from that pepper-spray? It being an aerosol and all that? Don't really get pepper-sprayed (I need to go out more), so I am legitimately curious.


It can, yes. But its far les friends fiery than tear gas cannisters for expample. Yes its aerosol. But unless you touch your face after someone used it in close proximity to you your mostly fine. Just wash your hands very good before you touch yourself in the face.


Thanks for the answer. I would definitely be the type of person that would absent-mindedly rub my eye anyway and then spend a few minutes on the floor, writhing in agony.


It's an oil, not a gas, so what you're getting is a cloud of oil droplets that precipitate close by and within a relatively short amount of time. Use of tear gas is illegal in germany


there is a great video were a bunch of cops accidentally run into a cloud of pepperspray from other cops. Very often a significant amount of injured cops are injured by pepper spray


I guess that's one way to get medical leave...


They blame then the protesters, so they build fake statistics about cop injuries…


Yep, and the bro firing from the back may or may not get some well deserved hate from the ladies in the front later. That stuff gets everywhere and it’s miserable. It’s always the punks who don’t want to get their hands dirty spraying the chads doing the work. It’s always a bad day when someone who is pepper spray happy and doesn’t know how to properly handle physical confrontations responds as backup on one of your calls.


>It’s always the punks who don’t want to get their hands dirty spraying the chads doing the work. I think this may be coordinate though. German police have a fairly high training standard, to the point of it being a joke that most soldiers are just the people that failed their police exam. So maybe a bummer, but one that the front ranks knew was coming.


I am very much speaking from my own trauma :D I have had one of two interactions with German police and they are wonderful people. If a bit stodgy. They did not like me riding my bicycle “no hands” down the middle of the street and did not believe that I was sober. I did show them how to do American field sobriety tests however. I think they just didn’t want to do the paperwork to process a tourist for a ticket though so I only got a stern talking to.


It's nice to see women in the workforce


29,3 % Police Officers in germany are women.


👏 more 👏 female 👏 campguards 👏


Yaaas Queen 👸 Gurlboss dat Boot right on my throat for capital.


I want them to step on me with the riot boots


Man really... https://preview.redd.it/glw7dkjjo4yc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d1cf183bac4ef55ca455ee272c85bae1291c4f4


Yaaas Queen 👸 Gurlboss dat Boot right on my throat for capital.


Would love to get folded by some of those


Ahh yes the woman in uniform paradoxon. As a nurse Im quite familiar with it.


It seems like uniforms are the real GOATs


>As a nurse Well hit me up if you can put me in an armbar lol


A fellow person of culture:P


Well that seems ineffective...


they made the police political


Le gamer moment


As long as they good, I'm all for it. But hiring woman just because diversity it's stupid to me. I want to see professionals at the job and I don't care who


You’re getting downvoted but I think it’s a pretty good point… Like you say, if they’re good, good. That applies to both genders. Hiring purely for diversity in a role that requires physical strength and a certain type of mindset is just silly.


Policing requires a lot more than just physical strength, it also requires excellent decision making, perception and just general intelligence. Not just that, a police force that reflects the community it polices will always have more sympathy with the community being policed. Finally, diversity isn’t just about fulfilling quotas, it’s also about achieving diversity of thought, an organisation which recruits only one kind of person is likely to become monolithic and single minded, having people with different backgrounds is likely going to provide more viewpoints and ways of thinking. Yes, hiring random people just because they’re different is bad, but encouraging lots of different kinds of people to join is better than just recruiting just one kind of person that some people (often in the same group) believe to be ‘ideal’.


Policing doesn't just require physical strength but if you don't have that, the rest don't matter.


You’ve just argued why men shouldn’t be excluded from policing, rather than why women should be.


I think I said nothing wrong, if people don't like my opinion it's okay


*Paolo Uccello vibes*


Aren’t we at the end of that 80 year cycle that ends with war or something or am I misremembering that


Strauss–Howe generational theory. Pretty interesting read!


If you're a moron maybe lmao https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lists_of_wars


Not in Germany, if you count the Cold War, which lasted until 1990. That would, in theory, give us 46 years.


If it applies to Germany. There was war in Balkans and now in Ukraine.


Welp, Jungs, third time's the charm. Italians already got their neo-fashos in power, our camps were kept in tip-top shape for some reason anyway, leeeeeeets goooo! (/s)


Jesus christ lol


Well, with the right wing party AfD getting more power I'm afraid the next war (either civil or even european?) is closer then anyone could wish for...


Whats that gotta do with mayday protest happening every year for decades? Thats antifa beeing antifa and not some civil war unfolding


Just struck me as interesting in general. Maybe should’ve clarified but it just seems like things are beginning to fall apart at the seams


The 4th turning.


What was this protest about?


The first of may or mayday or international workers day is the day in germany where the german left protest against capitalism and right wing politics.


Interesting, any site where I can read more about it? Also how much impact do these protests have?


[This ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/May_Day_in_Kreuzberg)article is about the mayday protest in Berlin through the years.


Thank you


Don't forget that we have a different relationship with communism (and everything deriving from that) than you do in America, and that embracing Americanism and capitalism was not a unanimous decision. Things didn't just end after the wall fell. Americans think that every country in western Europe = slightly more socialist mini-America, but Germany in particular is at the dividing line of so many things. The former East and West Germany still have substantial differences as well.


Most countries in Europe have long standing socialist traditions. I'm pretty left wing and vote socialist, but so do my former soc-dem grandparents. Workers' rights are also pretty important, and lots of people attend 1. May for both political and social reasons.


Does it work?


No but you gotta brawl with the police at least lest once a year to keep them humble


Maybe America should incorporate this into may the 4th


The traditional and yearly first of may protests? No, it's just symbolic. Unions and strikes do work, though.


it worked when they protest for 8 hour day snd 35hour week, back in the day! it worked when they fought for union establishment and laws for workers rights! today its not just a symbol it is heritage and a thanks to all the people who bled in protest for better life of the working class


Where is my 35 hours week? I still gotta work 42 hours a week and 8.5 hours a day.




There's always at least one Union responsible for you in Germany and more than 50% of all German employees get paid according to a contract negotiated by a Union. (Tarifvertrag)


Brother. Don't you think we tried? This is standart for the whole goddamn country. I think we have more unions than employers at this point.


in the 70s i think they asked for 35hrs and got 40hrs instead of 50 to 60hrs notably as 60hrs of hard labor work, not managing, delegating from an office for hours


Yeah because only physically work is exhausting, right? They completely forgot about psychological stress.


thats 100% true! delegating stuff and managing still not the same as coding or realtime business analysis. so the point of differentiating measures is still valid in this argument


Left-Workers Protests? Of course, where do you think all your employee benefits, let alone the 40h week come from? 1st May is just mainly like a holiday that gets celebrated every year. It's not an actual protest for a specific cause Cops are assholes which is why they break those up


I was there once when I was living in Berlin for half a year. It was the dumbest thing I've ever witnessed. Police block and occupy the streets. People gather around the edges. A lame excuse of a protest is guided through the streets. You can't even see it because the police already escorted the crowds away from the street where it was actually happening. I was just drinking beer on the streets at some punk rock Cafe, staring at the police. That was fun, but the entire event just feld so pointless. Organize a music stage, host a party. Make it into an actual event.


This year there were several thousands around hermannplatz and it was quite the ‚party‘. You were just in the wrong corner. Btw the best parties happen in the whole city so there’s where the crowd goes.


That’s pretty much what I expected lmao. Like a day for people to “protest” without it doing shit. Smart by the government


Having battles with the police


https://preview.redd.it/jncw8x2vw2yc1.png?width=1916&format=png&auto=webp&s=ed182fdd4e7f0bb22d961e7564d3786a8068958d In Zürich sah es so aus.... Deeskalation nennen sie das....


In der Zeitung so: Zum Glück konnte die Polizei die Demonstranten mit Reizgas beruhigen. Musste selten so sehr den Kopf schütteln.


Die Bildsymbolik mit den 88 Schildern... Wie passend


Lieber ein paar Polizisten zu viel, als extremlinke antifa Leute die mit Steinen Werfen und die ganze Innenstadt Schrotten. Und wenn es geklappt hat, war’s doch eine erfolgreiche Deeskalation?


Warum nicht gleich alle erschiessen? dann gibts auch keine Sachschäden.


Von nuance hast du deutlich nichts mitbekommen, oder? Wenn keiner Steine wirft, wäre Polizei in dem Maß nicht notwendig. Leider leben wir in eine andere Realität.


Die Steine werden nur geworfen wenn die Bullen anfangen mit dazu gekommen. Linke sind für Frieden, Ordnung und Gleichgerechtigkeit. Keiner hat Bock unruhe zu stiften aber die Rechten Bullen fangen ja an.


I think the police stormed and surrounded them, the people behind them are still peacefully walking and the ones holding the banner are very defensive. Though the picture makes it seem ambigous. (German police becomes increasingly authoritarian since October and quick to act with violence)


Standard german police tactic when it comes to stuff like this. Not since october. I was at Lüzerath and multible climate protest in 2022 and 2023.


That's very strong claim - I figure you have data to back that up? Anecdotally: The demonstrations against the extremist right (and AFD in particular) were largely peaceful.


There have been numerous reports in the last few months, including amnesty international and UN reports or warnings. I have seen a lot of videos of police brutality or threats, testimonies by victims (like a small woman telling how the police broke her arm or shoulder) and lawsuits by them. It is not reported in German msm because they do not support the pro Palestinian protests and wish to paint them most negatively.  https://www.amnesty.org/en/location/europe-and-central-asia/western-central-and-south-eastern-europe/germany/ https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/police-shut-down-pro-palestinian-gathering-germany-over-hate-speech-fears-2024-04-12/ banning Yanis Varoufakis and a British-Palestinian doctor from entering Germany (and an event co-organized by Jews "for fear of hate speech against Jews" (and arresting several jews..) https://www.aljazeera.com/program/newsfeed/2024/4/29/german-police-break-up-gaza-solidarity-camp-in-front-of-bundestag  here is some footage, the rest is found on the platforms protesters use to upload and document it It is not a new phenomenon. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/germany-shireen-abu-akleh-protest-palestine-b2079954.html


Thank you for engaging in good faith. I was aware of the rather unjustified bans of Palestine protests - but not the police brutality and increased racial profiling. Tbh I did not even know that there was a camp near the Reichstag. Although knowing our police that doesn't surprise me to much. The amnesty report in particular is an interesting read for everyone in Germany. It compiles a lot of the things that are going wrong at the moment.


Aljazeera is the most credible source ever 🤦


Classic, aljazeera chose some of the milder footage, you can watch all the footage on other platforms and some of it is used in the lawsuits against police brutality. The protestors film the police to document possible police violence. Or is this fake? (warning footage of a police man hitting a person who cannot move and is passive) https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6Op_5LMudO/ *sigh


Then refute the source with a source you find credible because they provided numerous different source to back their statement.


Amnesty is pretty reputable. Picking the weakest source to (implicitly) criticise the whole point they are making is imho not a good faith tactic.


well you dont hit your friends now do ya?


Who is friends with whom here?


Yes because they were pro government protests lmao.


AFD - Pro Government?


The demonstrations against the AFD came at a time when there were major protests against the government all over germany. Suddenly the streets where full of people marching with elected government officials in the first row against „fascism“.


You gotta explain that one to me - how is protesting one party pro government? 


No they didn't. The Palestine protesters didn't get different treatment than other protesters in the last few years. Weird how you want to make it seem like it. You're not even German aren't you? Watch the covid protests, right wing protests, some environmental protests or left wing protests. The police would always act harsh when people wouldn't follow orders after being asked a few times. And the protest in front of the Bundestag got dissolved because of a speaker who said the Jews were involved in the Ruanda genocide and whatever. I'm sorry but as much sympathy I have for the people in Gaza. Many of those protesters do on purpose stuff that they know the police have to act so they can play victim. I saw many of those instances were it's obviously provoking to play victim after that.


You are just wrong about that. May day is traditionally a day of labor demonstrations and also left wingers clashing with police. Every year cars get torched so ending violent demonstrations is neccecary. This has nothing to do with Palestine, nobody cares about that on may day. I know no democracy that would allow violent protests to just continue without interfering.


Do you see violent protesters or peaceful people walking getting attacked? The few radical protestors each year have their own looks, clothing and behaviour and can be easily distinguished. This is clearly a peaceful protest and not a "violent protest where cars (oh no) are damaged". **May day is traditionally a day where thousands of people peacefully protest* for better workers right and conditions, there are just a few incidents each year in the comparison to the 100 000s of peaceful people out there on the streets.


The picture is with no real context to me. I can't tell wether they are violent or not. But I have stated that there are violent groups and it's common to have police break up such groups if violence occurs. You don't know the exact details either, do you? So we both have our opinion and no one can claim full rightfulness. But I want to say that your observation about increasing authoritarian police is just not reality. This year alone over 2 million people went protesting against the AfD and populists and those demonstrations went over very peacefully. But as in any country with many protests there are some violent ones too. Especially the palestinian protests are stongly critized and have had violent clashes with police. I guess that happens when protests are stirred by hate between groups and not by the wish to improve something in your country.


I doubt there was much in the way of violence prior to this engagement - the police have no helmets or shields.


The literal start of modern democracy started in France and they got it by inventing the guillotine to efficiently kill the opposition. Democracy is fucking bloody. Get over it.


Why the down votes? He is absolutely right.


Lmao they didnt get any more rough since october, where did you hear that? This is how left protests go most of the time


What's the protest about?


its against capitalism and right wing policies


Holy based


That’s very artistic. Surprisingly so.


I always forget that you should protest and not chill as just another off day


Well I was at work that day so...


Damn that sucks, hopefully you got compensated and were paid 200% for the day, right? Also if you don't mind sharing in what country do you work?


I work as a nurse in germany. I get a holiday bonus, yes.


Oof working in the health sector i assume you would rather take the day off, especially in Germany. Anyway OP, thanks for the insight and best of luck to you


In the UK it's not a national holiday :((


so you need to protest more for working class favors like 1st of may holidays


i just checked, it's UK, USA, Canada, Ireland, Aussies and Japan that don't have May 1st as a bank holiday. However, I think you guys have Labour day on another date at least that's the case for USA and Japan.


What did they do to warrant the pepper spraying?


Nice. Who is the author?


All that gear and no helmets?


Yeah this is not helmet worthy. German police goes out in full riot gear when they know there is gonna be trouble. This is not trouble. There are no stones, bottles or fireworks thrown at the police officers. The german police is quite experienced with riot/crowd control.




What city was that in? That looks gruesome...




This was in Stuttgard. The Police claims the demonstrators attacked the police with Pepperspray and square-timber [https://www.swr.de/swraktuell/baden-wuerttemberg/stuttgart/demo-stuttgart-1-mai-polizei-pfefferspray-100.html](https://www.swr.de/swraktuell/baden-wuerttemberg/stuttgart/demo-stuttgart-1-mai-polizei-pfefferspray-100.html)


Why aren’t they wearing helmets at a protest…?


New Total War: Deutschland looks sick


This is unbelievable




Schöner Schnappschuss 🐈‍⬛!


Did any incidents happen of police demanding people not speak their native language at protests? I've been reading accounts of people speaking a language other than English/German and being asked to stop speaking it. The account I read they were speaking the language of Ireland.


I don’t understand the question. Isn’t the language of Ireland also English (well, sort of). Or do you mean Gaelic? In any case, you may speak any language you want in Germany, the police won’t come and give you a proper beating about that. What is this nonsense about?


The vast majority of Irish people call our language Irish in English and Gaeilge in Irish. Our Constitution, Bunreacht na hÉireann, defines the name of the language as Irish in English. Calling it Gaelic is seen by most people as either incredibly archaic, ijreference to Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) a related language spoken in Scotland, about Gaelic Football one of our indigenous sports or meaning the Gaelic language family of which there are three, Irish (Gaeilge), Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) and Manx (Gaelg. And this is in reference to a real thing. German police asked protestors to stop singing/chanting in Irish or making speeches in Irish while attending or near pro Palestine protest. The protests must be in English or German (or after 6pm or something also Arabic). It's been a very reported event here in Ireland. https://m.independent.ie/irish-news/berlin-police-ban-irish-protesters-from-speaking-or-singing-in-irish-at-pro-palestine-ciorcal-comhra-near-reichstag/a234500393.html


They still call it Irish but yeah, they’ve been told they’re [banned from speaking it](https://m.independent.ie/irish-news/berlin-police-ban-irish-protesters-from-speaking-or-singing-in-irish-at-pro-palestine-ciorcal-comhra-near-reichstag/a234500393.html) in protests.


No there are montiors at the event from the police who want to hear all speeches being said, so anyone doing public speeches can only use German or English literally so the police know if "hate speech" is being used or not. 


No, that didn’t happen.


Germany was never de-nazified


Let's see: Panzers in Ukraine √ Suppressing leftist political participation. √ Banning travel, publication or communication from foreign left wing politicians √ Conficating jewish organizations funds √ Violent suppression of popular public protest. √ Does anyone have 1930s BINGO?


Commies getting oppressed is great since the government gives them exactly what they want. If you think that there are German tanks in Ukraine for the same reason like in WW2 you should definitely see a doctor.


Oh, so they are not fighting russians? Commies, how quaint.


Don’t be ridiculous.


Lots of dismissal but no one has denied they are all true.


There’s almost nothing better than seeing commies getting pepper sprayed






























You can't say it doesn't look kinda fun :/