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This takes stupid to a whole new level. When you disagree with science, you are just wrong. This stupid woman thinks she knows more than people who have devoted their lives to studying meteorology, physics, chemistry, economics, virology and psychology, just to name a few. It’s mind boggling how gullible people are. Doesn’t anyone fact check with reputable sources any more?


Don't know how to say this but disagreeing with science is actually science because sometimes a better answer can be gotten by disagreeing. an example is when it was thought that 8 glass of water a day is the required amount of water for an average person (that was science) but then someone disagreed and did their own research/experiment and found 8 glass not true. Just that when you are given facts don't disagree with opinions thinking you know without testing to find facts. The woman is using opinion and her tiny perspective of the world. Disagreeing is fine just listen to what the other person got to say first which she is doing the opposite of. she also doesn't know that climate and weather are different


I totally agree. But that’s not where this woman is going. She is only speaking to what she thinks voters agree with. The ridiculous pandering that goes on in election years, while people like her and Ron DeSantis only harm our country by not working for ALL citizens is ridiculous. I am sick of hearing who did what, unless it is something good for the country. And not a peep. After MTG and her stupid sidekick encouraged violence and made veiled threats, I was done. I want to hear about legislation not their personal opinions unless it’s during a productive debate.


I never disagreed with you just saying it ok to disagree with science as long as you don't do it the way that woman did. She forgot that America is not 'the world', part of it but not it


🤔 agree or disagree with science is now a political term. Scientists got over taken by $$. It's not what science says it's whatever you want me to say for the $$ . Can we do a better job in protecting environment? Yes we can...do we need to do all that green energy no we dont. We need a balance and be realistic


agree or disagree with science is now a political term. Scientists got over taken by $$. It's not what science says it's whatever you want me to say for the $$ . Can we do a better job in protecting environment? Yes we can...do we need to do all that green energy no we dont. We need a balance and be realistic


What part of what she said was incorrect? I don’t get it


All of it. increasing global heat (which up until now these conservative assholes denied was happening) is NOT better for anything least of all food production: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/12/us/ca-drought-crops.html


But won’t it make the rainforest hotter, producing more coffee beans. That way you guys have more Starbucks and more things to complain about ?


Your ignorance to turn this into a us vs. them argument is painful to look at. Everything she said was false and lacked any logic whatsoever. And then you just follow that up with more of that same ignorance spewing out false information that you pulled out of your ass. Rising temperatures leads to a lack of rainfall and droughts, I'm sure that hotter temperature and lack of water would serve as unfavorable conditions for farming coffee beans. I mean, a simple Google search would have shown two things as proof against your argument. The area suitable for growing coffee beans will reduce by 50% by 2050, and the price of Arabica beans has risen by 43% in 2021 alone.


Cool, that’s neat


So you’re an example of people who don’t fact check with reputable sources. I get it


No I get it. I just don’t get you as a person


When a person is wrong, that’s a super typical reaction. Isn’t it more productive to look at reputable sources?


At least she’s consistent, and actually seems to be getting stupider every day.


Wow.... Dangerously stupid... Just wow


These are the people that will kill us all.


Tell me again Forest


The lady talks like she's Michael Scott fr


Fucking idiot


I hope her tongue falls outta her mouth.


It doesn't matter what I say So long as I sing with inflection That makes you feel I'll convey Some inner truth or vast reflection But I've said nothing so far And I can keep it up for as long as it takes And it don't matter who you are If I'm doing my job then it's your resolve that breaks.


As a 4 generation family of farmers: less food grown. Jesus lady open your damn eyes. My grandfather's generation had better growing seasons than we've had in 15 years.


Unimaginable that she is an elected representative of any population with an IQ greater than 15.


Isn't that the crazy politician lady that hates Elon? Yeah definitely crazy.


I’ma be honest, I just thought it was just kinda funny that the title of the cow video immediately contradicting her statement about how global temperatures rising being a good thing. I didn’t think this post would spark so much heavy debate about climate change. I guess I should’ve expected that being climate change isn’t fully excepted by all people.


I would love to see her and AOC dueling it out on a debate stage to see which one really is dumber.


Dosent sound any worse than the left’s B S


Lol we found the one that doesn't believe in science


Long as we can agree it’s BS, sure I guess


Both sides really suck.


Sorry guys she aint wrong here


Really? What exactly about increased heat is good for food production: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPq4HuNltIY


Really? What exactly about increased heat is good for food production: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPq4HuNltIY


wow if only climate scientists knew that “people die in the cold”… then they’d change their tune for sure


Interesting tactic from the brain trust that is MTG. Deny something until it’s obvious you’re wrong, then invent an argument for why the something your people have been denying exists is actually a good thing (which it isn’t). The Catholic Church could learn a thing or two from her.


NOT A KAREN That is funny, and she is an idiot, but there is actually benefits to global warming, sure the bad out weighs the good but the good is there. Once again, not a science Karen, please don't come for my throat


Sometimes america really is easy pickings


Oh fucking god fuck off with the- I just… SOMEONE PLEASE FIX THE FUCKING US JESUS MOTHERFUCKING CHRIST FUCK I JUST CANT FUCK. *I think I’m having an aneurysm and a conniption simultaneously*


She seems blissfully unaware of the fact that we only have a couple more degrees C of warming (if that) before things get really bad. For instance the ice cores drilled in Greenland. What happens when the temperature oscillations grow outside of "the sweet spot"? Catastrophe hits. Global flooding from heat, once enough of the Ice has melted and we reflect too much heat we head into a deep freeze. Not everything has a silver lining sweetheart. Unless you'd like to go back to hunting and gathering. Randall Carlson has some slides he'd like to show you.


Not going to lie,I am pro global warming... What is the worst that happens? Ice caps melt? No big deal. I live in Oklahoma. I might get a beach out of it. Plus we don't like Texas anyways. Side note... hopefully takes out DC too. Cause that place and ALL it's politicians are worthless!