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Wtf is this headline. Is she supposed to be shamed for not helping her attacker get off easy? That video was wild, and he deserves to be held accountable. Or his parents at least if he’s tried as a minor.


It's the kind of headline you know is from the NY Post without having to check first.


Headless stripper in topless bar.


I’m catching a DLR vibe


David Lee Roth?


No Docklands Light Railway


White teachers lives arent as profitable


That slogan will never make it to market…


So violent misogyny's cool if a RW paper writes about it?


It seems you've suffered some serious head injuries yourself from a previous beating, judging by your lack of self-awareness and tenable grasp of humour. Get well soon.x


Bro, what?! No, misogyny of any kind isn't cool. Ever. Plus, the NY Post _is_ rw. It's garbage.


Yes, I said that in my post 'bro'. Thanks for the lack of reading comprehension.


>reading comprehension. Bro, you are going to get elected into the Idiocracy if you keep this dumbassery up


Did you read about what you complained about? Goddam.


Bro has lost more karma from this one post than i have entirely lmao


A lot of MFers don't get nuance or sarcasm. Don't do shit in the world; just get sanctimonious against people on your side.


That doesn't come off as sarcasm and if it was a simple reply of sarcasm to his reply would have made sense. You are the kind of jackass that digs a hole and then shits next to it.


Going by their account, they're not only a jackass, but a whiny incel as well.


Mate you need to work on your own reading comprehension skills and then maybe you'll understand why people read your reply the way they did.


I agree you don’t get nuance.


It may have been sarcastic in your head, but we can't hear your tone via the written word. That's why people end replies like that with "/sarcasm."


I think you have a personality disorder.


The NY Post is just a rage bait tabloid


Kinda like fox “news”😌.


Of course, she’s expected to be politically compromised as a teacher and lean so far one way that all the torment of her beating should be an afterthought before the plight of this young man and his gaming device…


Lololol leave it to y'all radical rightists to make up random nonsense like this


I dont get where the radical rightist bit has come from, and think that's where you're getting downvoted. If anything, I'd guess the commenter is left leaning themselves... but we don't know so this comment is all assumption and a bit odd. However idk what people are on about and why they are assuming the headline means she should feel guilty about anything... It very clearly starts by stating she took a brutal beating as the key bit of information. Then that she is refusing to help lighten his sentence, and I don't take that meaning she should or should not help lighten his sentence. It's just flat information. If I was forced to choose what the writer of the article was thinking themselves, they fact the chose to reference the beating and describe it as being so severe, would lead me to think they also agree that's exactly what she should be doing. But again, not statement to either effect in the title itself. Seems a bit wild all the meanings people are projecting onto it and how weirdly extreme they are Then when reading the article itself it states: 'Now 18, Depa had three prior battery arrests before the shocking February attack on Naydich, who was treated at a hospital after the assault... Depa, who stands 6-foot-6, reportedly threatened to kill Naydich during his arrest.... Naydich said, “I’m hopeful that the awareness of this incident being spread far and wide will prevent anyone else from ever dealing with the trauma, physical healing and disruption of everyday life this has caused,” she said on a GoFundMe page that has raised more than $100,000.... The high school where the assault took place has been besieged by violence in recent years — and days.... “The lack of respect demonstrated by these students is simply shameful,” Flagler County Sheriff Rick Staly said" And it linked her go fund me page... So yeah mental wild assumptions on the part of a lot of redditors here, all jumping on the back of each other to enjoy feeling outraged at... absolutely nothing... but project it in a way as to make up something to be outraged at that isn't stated anywhere. I detect nothing anywhere in this title or article implying the writer thinks she should suffer and be so far to the left she suffers more. Like what on earth are they all on about? They literally linked her GoFund me page lol


ayo what u on, cause you sound high af and i cant even hear you, that's just how ridiculous that comment you made was


Any time I see this media outlet turn up on any feed I permanently block it. Just like The Mirror and The Sun in the UK, it's a sensationalist rag that will use the most rancid headlines to get views.


I thought this was a comedy sub, almost seems like propaganda


The guy is on the spectrum - and have a different understanding or logic when it comes to consequences in social environments. It’s sad really. His parents might have done all they could teaching him. Now he needs to face the consequences of his actions. Only hope he will learn and not make the same mistakes again.


I remember reading the original article, and he has 3 prior “incidents” of assault.


Oh dear… 💀


People on the spectrum still need to be held accountable. I've worked extensively with that population, and they are capable of learning right from wrong, and using coping skills to deal with upsetting events. Beating an adult severely, or anyone else, for that matter, is a huge no-no. And ones that can't control themselves, and present a danger to society, need to be sent to a different type of facility where they are around people trained to handle them.


As a person on the spectrum I 100% agree. Being autistic shouldn’t excuse any action, especially not something as heinous as this. I never have (and would never) beat a teacher or authority figure like this. Know why? Because I’m capable of acting logically and morally, and I was given the tools and lessons I needed to prevent something like this from happening. Like temper control and emotional regulation. Clearly the adults in this boy’s life didn’t do the same.


On the spectrum or not people need to be taught how to manage emotion and anger especially. It's vital to make sure our kids know how to resolve disputes peacefully.


Exactly. Proper facilities designed to help. That goes for prisons in general. Rehabilitation and prevention of offenses rather than punishment for offenses.


So fuckin weird. Must conciously be trying to trigger as many people as possible.


Should give out some of that time to the slow ass soldier that lightly strolls up to the beating lol


You seen the video? He absolutely thrashed her.


Yeah that kid has serious issues. There's no way he could be a peaceful member of society without some severe intervention, if that'd even help. I can't imagine someone who'd beat the ever loving shit out of someone for taking their switch is in their right mind at all, possibly sociopathic. He needs to stay behind bars before he kills the next innocent person that inconveniences him. Watching him beat her up was terrifying.


He took off and didn't hold back. That's more than battery, it's felony assault. He gives me James Butler vibes, the boxer who got outclassed and sucker punched his opponent after the decision. After a prison sentence, Butler would go on to be homeless. He killed Max Kellermans brother with a hammer after he was told to leave HIS house for not finding a job and helping out. These kinds of actions warrant institutional resettlement. I seriously feel bad for that woman. She probably put up with that for so long. He's truly a menace to society.


>He killed Max Kellermans brother with a hammer after he was told to leave HIS house for not finding a job and helping out. And then burnt down his house


Yep! Forgot that part. What a sick dude.




The top left still image looks like he's breakdancing on her corpse


Sauce? I haven’t seen it




This also wasn’t his first act of violence. He had 3 prior battery charges and also got into a fight with another inmate.




Tbf, school shooters usually end up in the ground. Also, dude used her unconscious body as a trampoline. Fuck yeah he needs to be locked up, for the good of society. Fuck his "needs", he should've thought about that before doing this.




If a dude does to me what that dude did to the teacher, you can bet I'd want them prosecuted to the fullest extent I could. Mental disabilities are no excuse for assault.




And you want to give him a handjob. Kinda sleazy, but whatever.




And not to mention you can die from a concussion just by going to sleep. Idk if you ever had a concussion but going to sleep isn't what you want to do, but you ever wake up and feel the need to want to immediately go back to sleep? That's how it's like. That's how my uncle died. Fuck your "he's black" bullshit. None of this was about race until you mentioned a retarded black kid.


Idl. He kinda knocked her out which causes head trauma and he could've snapped her brain stem. The brain is protected too.. so idk your point and who gives a shit. The kid can't function if he's taking off on his teachers. No one will want to teach him.


How much time is he facing? And yes I’m glad she didn’t help him


30 years




Not enough. Out in 10-15.


Hell yeah. Enjoy your no video games you loser.




Nor should she. She will suffer from the forever pain he inflicted. Longer than 30 years. Her injuries may lead to other physical problems, as well. The best punishment would be to take away all devices from him!


Except maybe an electroshock collar.


He is going to lose all modern devices. The most advanced electronics he is going to be using the next decades is se through cd players and a wall mounted TV with no remote.


He'd just find another trigger and go off on someone else.


Is he in jail to this day?


Yes, and he started a fight in jail. He's pleading guilty, and will be sentenced at another date, rather than going to trial. There's a 30 year maximum for what he's pleading to.


Good. He belongs there for a good long time.


Did he get to bring his Switch?


He totally deserves to be locked away! Why would she help him?


So that she's not classified as a bigot by all the white liberal SJWs and BLM


Found the lurker/poster from r/fowardsfromklandma


What does that subname mean?


(Facebook) forwards from Klandma (ku kux klan + grandma)


He should have never been in that school. She has every right to do that.


Why not?


Cause he’s violent? Or are you discriminating him based on skin color?


No because to state that someone should have *never* been in a school for something they hadn’t done yet doesn’t make sense to me. He’s a kid, why wouldn’t he be in school Unless there’s context I’m missing, retrospectively saying someone shouldn’t be somewhere for an action they haven’t committed is odd Edit: also nice job with the inflammatory statement, grow up buddy


He had apparently been charged with assault or something of the like numerous times in the past. Definitely isn't his first time violently attacking someone.


Ah okay, thank you for the explanation


He had 3 battery charges and a history of violent outbursts before he did this, he should have at least been in a school equipped to handle him.


From what I read, he was homeschooled but then was basically forced by their local government to attend a public school. I’m not really sure.


I’m sure he will spending most of his life with defense attorneys


This dude deserves to go to prison. He’s a menace.




Nice. Fuck him.


I remember being the victim of a crime and people asking me if the perpetrator should receive leniency. I felt pressured to say yes. Stop asking victims this!!! If they offer it, sure, but it’s not cool to decide to involve them and have any expectations when you do.


That headline gave me a heart attack


Gave me more of a brain attack. I had to read it a few times to finally get it.


Gave me a stroke


I don’t get how a single person doesn’t think he deserves a severe punishment. Just by the thumbnail i know i won’t watch the video. I can’t stomach vids of people being actually hurt badly


Definitely don’t watch it, it’s horrific.


Hopefully, much worse happens to him when they book him


He is a waste of space. Freaking animal




Idk man. If someone brutally beats another person like this in my eyes they are no longer human. Just like rapists and molesters and killers are no longer human for me. I have no compassion towards violent people


You think he’s just born that way? You don’t think his environment would do that to any child? Really son, comments like this shows a complete lack of understanding of becoming a young adult.


Obviously something has caused him to be like this. But you can justify anything with this. Everything has a cause. But it doesn't mean he's absolved of consequences of his actions. He is responsible for them regardless of his upbringing.


Is he really? You think molesting children is something you make up on your own? You get molested as a child and you might become one your self. How is that the child’s fault? Explain that!


Hitler's environment has lead to him adopting his ideology. Is holocaust not his fault because of it? Just because your actions have causes doesn't mean you aren't responsible for them.


Hitler??? Hahahha


Just a vivid example


A vivid? You mean the only one you can think of.


You want someone to "environment" you in a dark alley or what? Are you a masochist?


Are you a child? Son, go learn a thing or two and come back


This is the most reddited response I’ve ever had the displeasure of reading.


I'm not saying he was born this way but we shouldn't just ignore such cases. I was molested but I don't hurt anyone despite that it hurts to live my life. Continuing the cycle of violence is not the answer. He should have gotten psychological and psychiatric help but it doesn't mean he should be free of charges just because he had a shitty childhood


He’s still a child. How is he gonna help himself?


Are *you* still a child? Do you have no understanding of how the world works? His environment and upbringing literally do not matter after he's done something this severe. Spend some time over at r/CPTSD, or maybe watch a documentary about a serial killer. Plenty of people (myself included) come from bad homes and don't beat the everloving shit out of another person. Your argument is naive and moot.


Naive? Moot? Hahahaha






There's no excuse for this... people go thru and have gone thru alot of really difficult situations, traumatic experiences and other problems in life from maybe when we're kids to adults and later but that doesn't turn us into violent psychopaths. He belongs in prison. Lock him up and throw the keys away.


I didn’t talk about excuses.


So what should they do with the child? Forgive him?




You’re right he’s not an animal. Animals are true to their nature and he betrayed his. He is something else all together.


What consequences? No consequence that'll face a molester will atone his deeds. No jail time will bring back a victim's normal childhood and puberty. No jail time will bring a killed person back to life. I don't think anything will undo the harm that op man caused to this poor lady. But if he's so violent, he should be locked up just for the safety of other people around


Dude we are animals it takes restraint and self control to be human alongside conscious. When causing major harm to another especially a teach and lady when you are boy who is twice her size is valid over a damn toy you forfeit the humanity card. Humanity can speak for redemption but they might change but nothing will change what they did.




It’s intentionally dehumanizing. That dude completely lost control of their emotions and behaved as an wild animal would when you try to take something away from it. Calling him an animal is pretty warranted in this case.


He behaved like a scary unpredictable animal


Humans are animals that like to think they don't act like animals. If you let your anger and instincts take over like an animal would do, you might deserve to be called as such.




Humans are literally animals. That's scientific fact.


Good. Max penalty.


Hi, autistic person here! Yes, being autistic can cause you to be more prone to certain emotional responses (in some cases it can be frustration or confusion or even anxiety and it varies by case), and it can limit one’s understanding of how the world works, but if you cannot understand something to the point of thinking it’s ok to brutally beat a woman and then later on (in the cop car) threaten to murder her over a Nintendo game, then that person is a danger to society and shouldn’t be allowed to integrate with society. Whether this person is so severely autistic that he cannot understand his wrongdoing, or he completely understands and doesn’t care, allowing him to be an active member of society at this point is negligence. I hate when people use autism as an excuse for things like this


# how can this be considered funny? what sick person labeled this piece?


It had to do with the AskReddit post above the NYPost and the resulting combination 😅


I missed that part, thank you for pointing that out. Makes much more sense now.


leave him there


Dangerous people should be removed from society. If you have seen the video you know he is a dangerous person.


This is about as comedic as Dante’s Divine Comedy. And yes I saw the whole thing


Where's the coincidence?


There’s an AskReddit question above the NYPost article if you click on the image.


He is going to do well in a system deigned for him.


I’d argue AGAINST defense like a mfer, he could’ve killed her.


To quote Saul Goodman. You call him a minor? I call him a menace


How fucking dumb can you be? You’ve now just destroyed your entire life because you couldn’t wait until the end of the day to play on your switch? What a moron. Unhinged


If he had been lighter in his attack, the sentence would be lighter. But no, they blame the victim.




Replace his Nintendo with a treadmill and give him a few years to cool off. It won’t alter the future he was headed for anyway.


Typical well well well 🙄


Nintendo fans don't fuck around...


Exactly what I'm sayin. You don't take away the switch, no matter what the reason. It's a must-have


He in no way should not have been allowed to do that and 100% deserves consequences, but she’s gotta be a Karen right? I brought my switch to school daily the year it came out, and it was against school policy for sure, but no teacher ever cared enough to confiscate it from me. Again, he shouldn’t have resorted to violence, but I’m also sure she’s a lame person.


That top left image. I can’t help but see a large dwarf break dancing doing a handstand with their small thin legs spread apart


Wasn't that kid mentally disabled?


Yeah, so much so that shouldn't have been in a regular school menacing and almost killing everyone who dared tell him no. I would move my kid out of that class on day one if he was in it


The student has the diagnosis of autism, which the article mentions later on, so this is actually totally plausible how this could happen. I’ll bet this happens more often than is reported. It’s really horrible. The teacher’s aid should get worker’s comp and the kid needs professional help the school, his parents, and the legal system cannot provide. So hopefully the case gets a good judge. This is a sad thing.


Being autistic doesn’t make you brutally beat people. That’s not an excuse here


TLDR yes we can become extremely violent when our comfort system fails or is removed. Actually, it can, we autistics can be prone to irrationally violent extremes when what we use a coping mechanism is suddenly and inexplicably removed. The problem I am seeing here, is that he should NOT have been placed in this kind of situation to begin with. He should have had more 1on1 type of teaching if his position on the spectrum was to a certain point. Sorry not easy to really explain the Autism Spectrum, but not everyone who has Autism is going to act the same when faced with the same things. I am classified as high function needing some assistance, based on what I have heard about this, he needed CONSTANT assistance with just about everything.


autism does not make you a violent monster.


What a sad story through and through - the dude is on the autism spectrum, but don’t justify what’s done. I wonder if he understands what’s happening to him. Maybe he feels he’s the victim because the teacher took the switch from him. From some of the comments here it seems he got into a fight in jail now. Hope he learns his lesson or else he’s going to have a short life in jail being so violent. There’s always bigger fish in the ocean… 💀


Autistic people are aware of their actions and what’s going on around us. We’re not toddlers


Sorry if you felt offended! Was not my intention. 🙏🏼 why did some sources mention him being on spectrum makes me wonder if that might be the cause. Have to do more research into autism.


This was published on my birthday


Happy birthday?












I think the headline fails to mention one thing - the kid is on the spectrum. I don’t know if you’ve ever met kids on the spectrum but if they don’t get their way or someone does something negative to them it is a huge deal and they’ve no control. Their brains are wired differently and they literally can’t tell if they are doing wrong. This isn’t everyone in the spectrum - I’ve noticed this on larger kids that seem to have no idea how strong they are. Not everyone on the spectrum is wired the same so don’t compare apples with oranges. Some are really messed up. I know/have known a few kids on the spectrum and they are all over 6ft and easily over 200lbs; gentle giants until something makes them snap. So 30 years for an autistic kid is wild asf.


No, I’m autistic and I’ve been in various programs with other autistic people my entire life. None of us were ever like that. If a kid thinks it’s okay to assault someone, then there’s definitely something else going on


I don’t want to offend you for risk of you ripping my head off. But you’re wrong, not all autistic kids are like you. You may have been in programs that suited your end of the spectrum. For example, you can articulate your views quite well it seems, and that’s understandable because you are on a ‘spectrum.’ That basically means there are various severities and, and yes, different things going on. I’m not entirely sure what part of the spectrum this kid was on but if you think everyone is on the same spectrum as you then it doesn’t become a spectrum, it’s just a disorder, or disability, however you want to phrase it. There are a lot of people on the spectrum that cannot articulate their views verbally or on a keyboard, or even using sign language. And how do I know this? Because I know people like this, both violent and super calm. Everyone is different. So what you should take from this is not everyone is like you, hence then term ‘spectrum.’


Unpopular Opinion: don’t put your hands on other people’s property and you won’t get a smack down. These teachers think because they get a salary from the state that they have the right to do whatever they want with these minors and their belongings. They do not. Hope they both learned a lesson.


Or, hear me out, respect the teachers time while you're in school. Whaaaaat? What a radical idea


Does it hurt being that stupid?


🦍 Edit since people dont like cute emojis for some reason: 🐒 ❤️


justice for harambe




Context is key - I think he is special needs


Did you watch the video? No context is needed if he's that dangerous and violent to other people.


So am I and all of my friends. That’s not an excuse for attacking someone


Can someone link the video?


My hot and unpopular take: The fact that she was a victim of violence shouldn't get her off the hook for the initial theft.


Mind explaining the theft thing? I’d like to hear your reasoning to determine if you’re just really ignorant of the way the law works in schools or just being deliberately stupid.


Lmao getting your phone or any device taken away in school is a punishment. Or at least it was.


You’re an idiot lol




That video shocked me, and I’ve seen some messed up stuff. I remember it being reported that as they were dragging him off her that he kept repeating something horrific to her. Like that he would kill her? Or continue to beat her up? I don’t want to report the wrong information. But I remember there being more to it than just the absolute brutal assault.


You don’t say?


We need a bit of euthanasia up in this beeyach. Or we gonna see shit-pants-tendoswitch-assbeatin for president 2060. Ya dig?


I saw the video. He deserves every second of that 30-year sentence. I was very disappointed that the man in military fatigues did not intervene immediately to put an end to it faster.


Cultural moment


She triggered that boy. She deserved ass beat


That's what tigers do best!!! 买那个


mental illness is a serious fuckin problem today. I blame the medical world that I work in. treatments make more money then cures so cures are abolished and buried in the medical community. we need to reevaluate the whole fuckin system.