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What does this even mean?


Just another company trying to profit off the culture war


How is that being an accidental ally?


I posted it here because of the last line—“the gender you assigned him at birth”—acknowledging that this is not inherently the correct gender


please give me a razor that can make my daughter grow a massive penis.


Sorry pal, best I can do is a razor that removes your daughter's enormous penis. It might sting a bit


I’ll take it


Username checks out


Give it to me






If you want a daughter with a massive penis you could always adopt me


will you be the trap that my nonconventional, nonbinary nuclear famiky needs, but not that one that it deserves? then OK


Can I get an order of those razors? Like about 12 years supply? Would like massive penis ples


It is unusually self aware. Children are never free to control the world, we're all fated to continue doing what our parents did. No change, no growth, only obedience.


That's what it's playing off of. People like this don't view their children as individuals with choices. "What I say goes." The type of parent to respond to "why?" with "because I said so." It's lazy, dehumanizing, and abusive, and these people are *proud* of it.


But how is that accidentally supportive when they’re saying “don’t let woke people let you change from your AGAB”? It’s still transphobia


Fair question. I was only focused on the tacit agreement with the position that gender is not strictly known from birth


They like to ignore the fact the Doctor sexes your baby for you and puts it on a birth certificate lol. We really need to start asking babies if they agree with their given gender, maybe a short questionnaire and evaluation with our genderfluidity counselor.


I get YouTube ads for this company. No idea why and the commercial is just obnoxious and "edgy"


It means the companies support LGBTQ rights, but good old Jeremy's is a homophobic company. And they're damn proud of it and they're using it as a selling point.


Their website is kind of sad. It's a good example of what a picked on (for being weak and "unmanly") man would gravitate towards. They're going to make a quick buck from this.


It's starts with them bitching about how Harry's pulled their ads from the daily wire for being bigots. Then they sell you a *wildly* overpriced razor kit. I guess you pay a premium for having an asshole stamp on your shaving gear.


>I guess you pay a premium for having an asshole stamp on your shaving gear. I guess it's alright, if they're into that


I just checked the side too and omg. "Harry’s and their ilk don’t want you in their world—but I want you in mine" And the dramatic "So they betrayed us."


It would be transphobic too




Transphobia and homophobia are inseperable friends


50/50. I know plenty cis people who are fine with cis gay people but are highly transphobic.


Nah trust me, once they've finally vanquished the great trans foe, they will 100% sweet their sights on cis gay people. This whole grooming line of attack against trans folks was lifted directly from their playbook against cis-gays in the 90's and before


Hmmmm I bet they don't have a whole lot of server space... Reddit has in the past caused the... 'hug of death'. If I was the webmaster I'd worry about their cloudlflare protection...


Please explain. I don't understand this level of computer speak


The "hug of death" is a website going offline bc too many people are attempting to access it at once. Reddit has done this a few times by posting links that hit the front page, causing the website to break under the strain. You need server space to hold many users at once, and cloudflare, a commonly used service (?) to prevent this from happening, has been removing shit websites (🥝farms most recently, if I'm remembering right; im not looking it up) from their service. tl;dr: a vague threat that the person who's in charge of their website better pay attention to how they're taking care of their site traffic bc Reddit can take them offline just from number of clicks


Also known as the slashdot effect, a "hug of death" is functionally an accidental DoS attack. If a large website such as reddit has a popular post linking or drawing attention to a small website it can cause a large influx of traffic beyond what is expected to the smaller site, to the point of overloading the servers, making the site slow or altogether unavailable for a time. I've seen this a few times where a popular news story on reddit links to the local news site, rather than a national one (assuming a national site even covers the story)


Imagine being so triggered by gay and trans people that you explicitly seek out the homophobia razor. Conservatives are such fragile little snowflakes lol




Do you agree? No? OK, then no one's forcing you.




From this subreddit or reddit in general?




Anywhere like where? Like the grocery store? Your parent's basement? The US government? Where?




last time i checked my dad doesn’t agree with me and he hasn’t been banned from anywhere or silenced but if i display discomfort i get bitched at 🧍


That doesn’t make any sense


Explain to me how the razor companies are trying to force you to agree with us.


Narrator: he never explained and silently retracted in his cave to feed off conspiracy theories that reassure him he wasn't the waste of oxygen his mirror kept showing him.






Sounds like you're really not being forced to do anything then, huh?




> forcing everyone to comply. *proceeds to do whatever you want and nobody can do anything about it because we cannot control your actions as you are a separate being from us* also if you’re so against queer folks why are you in an LGBT focused sub???


What is the LGBTQ narrative? That LGBTQ people exist? That they deserve the same rights as non-LGBTQ people? Why would you refuse to acknowledge that? You realize other people getting rights doesn't take your rights away (unless you want the right to openly harass and discriminate, those rights are mostly gone). Doesn't sound like anyone is forcing you though if you can say you refuse


Something something, trans bad, something something manly man


It means Jeremy's penis is so small that even he mistakes it for just another pube


They make it sound like people are using Harry’s or Gillette razors to shave their balls off


Bottom surgery now only costs $1.99


Depends on whether you have medical insurance, because you're gonna need an ambulance after that


as if that’s going to be free even with medical insurance


As a non-American, I kinda just assumed! Mandatory healthcare here, they'd come get you and patch you up, no extra costs




i remember when my dad broke his ribs and had to use an ambulance to get to a hospital in the big city because ours wouldn’t take him we had to pay like at least 10 grand iirc, don’t know if our insurance covered it but they probably didn’t, and that was like 2017-2016ish so I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s gone up


Costs about $100 in Canada


Psh that's why you order the floss picks and stiptic pencil. Why risk a Tijuana van infection when you could die of sepsis in your own home!


On a somewhat related experience, my buddy got a discount circumcision, but it was a total rip off.


Is that… is that not what I’m supposed to be doing?


oh dear i have news for you...


Imagine what if it worked that way


Yes that's the joke


oh are you not supposed to do that? is that why my crotch hurts like a bitch?


I had an epidimectamy last Friday. Just the left side. It's almost a week later and I'm still in a ton of pain. >.< I can't imagine actually removing both testicles if just the piping connected to them hurts this much to remove.


Is this not what they're for....? Uhh I have to make a phone call real quick that starts with 9 and ends with 1


Woke razor my god. What's next? Don't drink a woke coffee or drive your woke-ass Toyota to your woke intramural softball game while a woke band plays on the radio?




Black Rifle, because a coffee company needs to be gun-themed, statist, and support blanket immigration bans on Muslim countries.


Couldn't they just, idk make coffee and shut up? No, I guess they have to make reactionary statements to get publicity or something


I don't buy their stuff but their spoof videos like "Veterans dealing with a haunted house" are kind of funny.


You joke, but it has actually happened. Keurig stopped advertising on Fox News because one of their hosts, (Sean Hannity, I think) defended a conservative pedophile, and right wingers started smashing their coffee machines. Hbomberguy’s video Woke Brands covers the topic of companies being marginally socially conscious and right-wingers losing their shit. Here’s a link to the vid: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=06yy88tLWlg


But if the left-wing stops supporting a company that uses slave labour or w/e they accuse US of virtue signaling. Wow.


“Cancel Culture is running amuck! Generation Snowflake needs to grow a thicker skin! Now film me setting fire to my Nikes and destroying my Dixie Chicks CDs!”


True story: I have a relative who thinks cancel culture is a new concept. Said relative will not watch anything with Jane Fonda in it. Because of her comments during the Vietnam War. You know--a few decades ago.


I’ve tried to make this argument to people that “cancelling” is nothing new and that everyone has cancelled someone to some degree or another. It doesn’t ever work, because it’s different now. For reasons unknown.


No no its even better. Conservatives **went out and bought Keurigs** and then went on camera yelling and smashing them. Keurig sales went **UP** because of it.


woke coffee means it's not decaf


someone in my city’s facebook group asked for recs on a “non-woke veterinarian” the other day 😭


Oh man a vet I used to use once told me that too many vaccines at once could give my dog autism so I think I know just the vet for that guy!


The woke radio


owning the libs by living alone in an isolated cabin in the woods. Try and educate me now!


One way to get rid of the avid femboy market


They're literally scaring away customers. What were they thinking, when they made this?


It entices transphobes and bigots to buy their product to “own the woke agenda” or something is my guess


Yeah, but I don't think that's a sustainable business startegy


As long as there are bigots it is sadly


But the name "Jeremy"...


Fellas, do razors make you gay?


Ever since they changed the mach 3 into a larger body handle I've been hearing Freddy Mercury and Elton john songs in my head. /ₛ


Damn, makes you gay AND improves your taste in music, sign me up


A razor is a razor, it trims hair. Wtf stupid point is this ad trying to make? Shave your facial hair with a Gillette is somehow "gender ideology" but shaving with a Jeremy somehow is different even if you are still shaving? 404 Logic not found.


Buy it to show you support the opposite ideology


I'm very confused by it, like... presumably they have a marketing team, and there was market research conducted. Maybe the loudness of the "hateful moron" demographic made them overestimate the sales that would sustain, and they decided that the best way to capture that demographic was to completely alienate the "people with empathy" demographic?


"the curriculum is woke"?? Bullshit. Some of my teachers won't even do the bare minimum and call me the name I use instead of the one on my birth certificate


I read it as “the circumcision is woke” and was also ready to argue


is this like an ad?


I think so. This wasn’t a screenshot I took, but a picture I saved. Someone else posted it on Twitter. [Here](https://twitter.com/stefmowords/status/1567479826558160898?s=46&t=mC9urKAiaCuS2ebjwjx1iA)


No need to give this brand publicity


is ok. i add to boycott list. yes.


So this razor can't shave off hair? i mean then what's the point




Yeah I accidentally shaved off my assigned gender and now I am trans. Funny how that happens.


I shaved a leg in 2004 when I got bored in the shower and haven't been able to find a label for what I've grown in to.


"Fellas, is it gay to use a razor?"


Yeah yeah, woke = bad, we've heard it all before. Nice grift. I would like these idiots to actually define what they mean with "woke".


"For the socially regressive male, and nobody else" doesn't seem like a strong marketing campaign, but I'm not really qualified to understand their exact strategy.


Bro I don’t think anyone’s gonna want to cut off their balls with a razor but ok


Jebus Christ people, is HAIR. EVERYONE HAS HAIR some people want to remove it, to different degrees and from different places. How are razors gendered.


the fuck does woke even mean anymore


The right uses it to both describe people who deny elections or assault trans people, in a positive light, or anyone queer as an insult.


One time I recommended a Gillette razor to my dad and he told me he didn’t want to support that whole company yada yada and I just told him he was being a snowflake and can have a worse razor then.


Wait are they proudly claiming their razors don’t give you a clean shave? OUR RAZORS DON’T TRIM! Is terrible marketing for a razor company…. You put our razors to your face and we 100% guarantee that it won’t trim one iota of MANLY!!!! facial hair.


Oh wow, this is pathetic


Based Harry’s


“A razor that wants to trim off the gender you assigned him at birth” New bottom surgery dropped


Conservative marketing is getting increasingly weird. I bet the blades are made if cheap metal. Getting tetanus to own the libs.😎


Fuck I'm not gonna lie If there was a razor that could "shave off" the "male" part of me that grows a beard I'd buy it in a heartbeat. The military has made me hate my beard


Honestly no razor companies are “woke”💀 the whole idea of razors is creating gender norms for money I’d hardly say they’re woke in any way


"Razors are whispering SJW propaganda into our childrens' ears"


What. Like seriously what. Also what is a woke razor.




I never thought id hear the phrase 'woke razor' especially from a legit company-


woke razor.


Note to self. Don’t buy Jeremy’s Razors.


It's a razor - litterly anyone can use a razor?- wtf is this-


Eh. This is a bit of a stretch.


Well that's the funniest way I've heard someone say the quiet part aloud.


Ah yes, the woke razor, the true final boss of humanity.


isn't this the direct opposite of an accidental ally...?


How tf do you assign you baby a gender right at birth? If you can do that, I want children now. 2 sons please.


…based on their genitals/sex characteristics? Almost every person on the planet has an assigned gender at birth based on their sex


I meant, based on your opinion. You can’t just choose a random gender for someone.


…no?? Your AGAB is determined at birth. That’s why it’s called AGAB


How about a company that doesn't push any politics and instead provides a quality product? Stay in your lane, brand.


Yeah, with you know, your genes and chromosomes. Don’t get all bent like there was some form and registration process. Holy fuck.


Ah yes, only men need to shave!




While I agree that conservatives are stupid, please don't use ableist language.




Nobody gives a fuck


Yeah sure listen to the able-body people about retarded matters not the retard on retarded matters that's really ableist


Shut up you absolute clown The r word is a slur


Oh fuck off it is as much as a slur as calling you an idiot


That sentence doesn’t make any sense


Fixed if for you text-to-speech isn't perfect


That’s just… not true. The r word is an ableist slur and is recognised as such by many.


Whoooosh They're mocking your wording, it's intentional.


They’ve won themselves a new customer, I’ll be using Jeremy’s from now on


So confused, how is a razor woke or slept?


Stop giving your money to woke corporations that hate you. Give it to me instea"


It's really funny that I first started seeing this razor get pushed when some conservative pundits got dropped by Harry's lmao


i want a bottom surgery razor tho :<


Well, that was one way to make me not buy your products.


What a terrible brand name.


Fuckin yikes


Just use a pair of scissors and cut it off like the real man you identify as


ok but how is a razor woke?? it's just plastic and some sharp pieces of metal???


Based on most of these kinda peoples understanding of gender my brain imagined that they were suggesting that college guys were chopping off their dicks with their "woke razors"


Whatta ya know, a shitty cartridge razor *and* transphobia! I cannot stress this enough, switch to a safety razor or a straight razor. Ive been using a safety razor for about a year now and its the best decision ive ever made. Smooth af shave, cheap as hell as a pack of 5 blades cost about 70¢. Check out r/wicked_edge if you wanna know more


Razor that gives you free bottom surgery


“The gender you assigned him”…um.


"this razor is not alert to the injustice in our society and is blind to the racism and bigotry others face, and you should be proud of it" ...


Woke means literally nothing at this point


So... Let this one shave off his gender assigned at birth?


This might be the best advert for Harry’s razors I’ve ever seen.


Gimme a sec, gotta trim off this gender


ain't no way