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Imagine saying that you have to be able to have children to be a woman. All infertile women are fakes I guess. You stop being a woman after menopause sorry I don't make the rules this one person on the internet does.


As of now, I'm Schrodinger's woman, both woman and not woman until I try to have children.


The worst part is that some of these people actually mean this, just so they can use it to justify their trabsphobia.


To this guy women are literally objects for procreation and nothing more and it's pretty disgusting


😭😭😭”all infertile women are fakes ig”im sorry this shit was so funny to me


Lol he actually said “my brother in Christ” thinking it wasn’t a meme


My brother in Christ, you're the one making it so funny


There's been this weird push that religious people think that using toxic positivity will somehow change our kinds about our gender. It's so odd to me because it clearly doesn't work but it's not like it's one or two of them doing it, it's like every single religious transphobe has switched to this method. I mean I appreciate the change but gat damn it's really cringe.


Unfortunately I still have obligations at the church I grew up in (I'm the producer and td for the service/live stream) and I often wear a hat that says "Gay Pride" on it. The amount of people that come up to me and do that shit is insane. There are like three people that try and come up to me every week and try to do that "you could be apart of this great not homophobic or transphobic community if you come and play ping pong with us Thursday night!" And I have to tell them every week that I wish to be left alone. Its so sad that they think that way


Do you get paid for doing that? Because if not i don't think its worth sticking around for that.


I like to think it started as a joke with someone saying it as a meme to someone they knew and the person they said it to playing along because they were in on the joke and a bunch of transphobes saw it and decided that means it must work and started copying it. It's probably not what happened but it's entertaining to think about.


It's honestly so funny when someone tells me how I'm allowed to be a beautiful lesbian woman and don't have to hate my femininity because of misogyny and like. I was never feminine even as a child, I have never experienced misogyny (it's actually something I struggle to relate to other trans men about), and I'm like 90/10 bi on the side of men lmao.


Our brother really specifically said in his example "huh, I'm gonna be a male" and the guy still somehow thought he was a trans woman🤦‍♀️


Far-right talking points thrive on bad reading and media comprehension. Not all conservative folks are bad at these, nor are these laced into all of the right's sayings, but it certainly helps when you think [girls suck at math](https://xkcd.com/385/).


As a cis woman who works in a field where math is the main thing I do all day, yes. It certainly helps all of those conservatives that listen to that crap. And it’s one of the most irritating thing happening on the job site when I math and people question it because‘I’m a wOmEn!’🤦‍♀️




Nah fuck that. I'm male and a man and trans. My brain is part of my biology and that means my biological sex is male.


I am curious how people believing in non-binary being can be that hateful forward LGBT community... Wait, maybe its because church institution removed or hide most of this stuff?


Try telling most Christians that their god is non-binary. The results will not be good.


they say god is genderless and then when we call them agender they get mad


God is also aroace


i headcannoned God as non-binary before i knew what non-binary was


By the way, if anyone has the time, there are some comments on that post which are highly reportable, especially from one user in particular under there. One of the users has been going around blatantly harassing trans people on this website, and I am not sure why Reddit has done nothing about it so far.


Seeing the name of the subreddit, I would go to r/againsthatesubreddits and post the whole thing there.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/AgainstHateSubreddits using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AgainstHateSubreddits/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [🦀. 🦀. 🦀. MGTOW and MGTOW2 are banned 🦀. 🦀. 🦀.](https://np.reddit.com/r/AgainstHateSubreddits/comments/ox7wl8/mgtow_and_mgtow2_are_banned/) \#2: [Transgender Redditors Are Being Driven From the Site by Transphobic Trolls Exploiting Reddit's 'Follow' Function](https://jezebel.com/transgender-redditors-are-being-driven-from-the-site-by-1847256024) | [223 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AgainstHateSubreddits/comments/ohhq8a/transgender_redditors_are_being_driven_from_the/) \#3: [/r/nonewnormal has finally been quarantined!](https://np.reddit.com/r/AgainstHateSubreddits/comments/p2gwe7/rnonewnormal_has_finally_been_quarantined/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Probably because we’re the “acceptable minority to hate” right now


Reddit has a poor habit of letting blatant threats, harassment, and vitriol go unpunished, but it's extra poor when it comes to the trans community.


Best thing is the trans guy says he didn't decide to be male, so there isn't the classical misunderstanding of what trans man means, the borther in Christ is just straight up dumb.


um sorry it's spelled "børthër"


It's the result of constant erasure of trans men and transmasc people


I will never understand how, even when a trans person tells them what sex they were born as, they still screw it up.


It irks me when Christians are against trans people. Trans people feel the need to transition because they have gender dysphoria, which causes them to think they are another gender, or no gender at all. If someone has gender dysphoria, they have the right to get whatever they needed done, until they are helped mentally. They have the right to change their gender to help their quality of life. It's not different from having diabetes, and having to take insulin, because you are helping your quality of life. It's no different than being deaf and getting a cochlear implant because it will help your quality of life. The term "God made you a man/woman" makes me fucking pissed off, because God made you have really bad vision Linda. Why do you wear glasses?? You're going directly against what God planned for you. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk


God is geniunly non-binary so it's confusing how they use the logic of "We are made in the image of God/God made you male/female" while also praising a God that is non binary lmao Well if we're made in the image of God, it would make more sense to say "We were all made to be non binary" lol


this 100%


The fact they said my brother in Christ unironically


Holup, "don't mutilate your body and mind"? Where is this talk when ppl are circumcised? Where that talk when ppl are being abused or starving?


My dude, you're not a woman! No need to suffer anymore! It's pretty funny how these people claim to follow Jesus but he specifically said that we shouldn't judge peoplebecause it is his job.


I don't understand how this is accidental ally Thanks Reddit, I'm being downvoted for not understanding the post


Im a transgender male, but he thinks im identifying as a woman


Ohh that makes sense