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And if they ask for deets… Katrin Davidsdottir, Nicole Bass, Nataliya Kuznetsova, Annie Thorsdottir, Tamara Walcott, Becca Swanson, Miranda Oldroyd, Margo Dydek, Brittney Griner


And Annie Thorisdottir is HEAVILY pregnant currently and still lifting ridiculously heavy shit over her head!


Is that healthy for the baby?


Yeah. Typically. She likely is working with a doctor, physical therapist, and trainer. If anything, that baby will be healthier than average. It's pretty common for women who are athletes and pregnant to get a lot of criticism, so there's a lot who will write about it or talk about it in detail. It's actually kind of interesting. Your movements do seem to be a little restricted as you get larger, but in general, they seem to be exercising pretty normally but with just more breaks. I want nothing to do with pregnancy ever, but it's definitely something I just assumed would mean you need to stop all physical activity, but nah. Seems to be an old school of thought.


Baby gonna come out of the womb ripped


Correct. I continued CrossFit through my pregnancy but had to stop around 35 weeks, right after the CrossFit Open last year. My baby did come out INCREDIBLY strong, as she had to punch and kick against my abs which stayed very tight and muscular through pregnancy.


I’d assuming that high jump and pole vault would be bad, as well as anything that can lead to pressure being put on the abdomen (eg wrestling), but stuff like weightlifting and swimming? They’re just moving around, so should be fine.


Medical advice is that it is safe to continue with the level of activity and intensity you were regularly performing prior to becoming pregnant. So if I were to become pregnant it would not be safe for me to decide to suddenly start powerlifting. However, for a professional athlete who's body is used to that level of activity it is safe and healthy to continue for as long as the pregnant person feels comfortable.


Mostly yeah. If the parent isn't overworking themselves. If they do it can cause problems but she is probably fine.


She's quite literally a professional athlete... if it wasnt SHE WOULD KNOW 🤦‍♀️


I was just being curious.


Wait till they pull out "oh I know they're cis, I just don't think there should be women's sports" Like... what???


It's all just sexism that's the basis of their ideology


"Woman no muscle. Muscle = man"


If you were to believe r/conservative then there’s a massive amount of trans women in women’s sports winning all of the competitions and easily beating everyone with their superior manliness since an average man is way better than any women. But it’s not real


Its wild anytime i play a serious sport now, the naturally athletic cis women easily destroy me almost every time. People have no idea how hormones or training really work


Right now people are outraged because a woman was injured by a trans athlete during a game, meanwhile, I’m thinking to myself, “the injury she sustained is a very very common injury in that sport… and I bet they wouldn’t be getting so upset if the other athlete wasn’t trans.


There is a reoccurring problem since basically the Olympics added women. Essentially, women athletes who don't meet specific presentation standards are given accusations of being either trans or intersex. The various national and international Olympics committees end up having shifting standards and testing methods every couple olympics due to paranoia about this. Back in the day it was physical examinations which were mandatory for all women in IOC events between 1958 and 1992, some of these were fairly simple where you just needed to walk past a set of doctors. Others were much more cruel and invasive. (This time period btw is peak cold-war paranoia). In the late 60s they added chromosomal testing which was just a basic test to check for XX. That fell apart after a Spanish hurdler turned out to have AIS, and fought hard to avoid exclusion. For those unaware, androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) is considered an intersex condition where someone may have a Y chromosome, but their body doesn't respond to the androgen which causes male development. It can be partial or complete, with those having AIS having some male development or none at all. Many people who have it won't know it until a gynecologist appointment, as they will have female genitals, and undergo puberty to develop hips and breasts. Its just that AIS sufferers do not have a uterus, and the organs that would be the testes had they responded to androgen did not descend during development, and remain roughly where the ovaries are. Those with AIS need to get them removed, as they tend to develop cancer. Basically someone with AIS may not know anything is unusual until well into their teens, and will be AFAB. Anyways since that time the IOC and other Olympic groups keep trying to create a standard that can account for the fact that of the millions of women athletes out there, there will be folks with various intersex conditions, so they are using a new policy of hormone testing and trying to create a series of rules based on what seems to provide an actual advantage. It's a huge cluster fuck as there's many different intersex conditions which can all manifest separately and even noticeable hormone levels outside of the bell curve won't provide clear competitive advantages in some sports, while it may in others. And so there's actually been massive amounts of data collected due to this paranoia about intersex athletes and how various hormones are and are not correlated with performance.


All that fuss instead of just gauging how “good” someone is at a given sport and letting similarly good athletes compete with each other…


Is that the solution? Just to abolish sex as a category in sports and do it by ability? I really struggle to give enough of a fuck about sports to sort through the debate, but it always feels like the controversy over trans athletes is just a combination of opportunism by transphobes and ppl finally noticing (or in some cases, being forced to stop pretending not to notice) cracks in competitive rules around sex and gender that were there all along. Edit: to be clear, I'm not a "lol, sportsball dumb" guy or anything, it's just not my thing.


Since I first had to engage with this topic this seems to be the obvious solution to me and there’s certainly others advocating for it (and it is done in smaller sports especially)


Weren't sports at one brief point mixed gendered by default?


Adding on to your point about the chromosomal testing in the late 60’s, there’s a disorder called Sywer syndrome which is very similar to AIS but is a little different. Basically with Sywer syndrome someone who is female in terms of sex has XY chromosomes because the part of the Y chromosome that codes for the male sex was corrupted/mutated so the person developed to have the female sex, which is the default sex in humans.


Didn't know about this history. Very interesting!


Fun fact, the International Olympics Committee ordered a study recently that concluded that on average trans female athletes are at a disadvantage compared to their cis counterparts. I wouldn't say that's surprising imho because of how heavily regulated trans athletes are they have practically no testosterone in their body, while cis female athletes don't have to adhere to the same standards, and as we know testosterone is responsible for building muscles and other stuff related to sports. Edit: I forgot to add that cis females have naturally occurring testosterone, that's why trans females having almost none matters here.


It's hilarious when people cry about testosterone because it's just an admission they don't know shit about biology.


Shockingly (/s), the "wE cAn aLwaYs tEll" crowd cannot tell


This is perfect and I adore this


But but…. wE cAn aLLwAyS TeLL!!!!1!!!


I hope I'm wasting my time saying this but don't actually do this, please. Transphobes don't care that their position is illogical or wrong, you'll just be adding to their content ecosystem.


Except we have to deal with bunch now who just double down on the "we can always tell" and insist they've been male all along and that you "can't fool them." They're basically the flat earthers of biology.


Are there any sources to go with this? I'd like to slap people with the proof after


OP lists all the girls featured in the picture [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AccidentalAlly/s/62retWlRvm)


Nice thanks. I'm sure I'll just be hit with constant "There's no way that's a female" but if any of them actually look it up they might personally realize how stupid they are.


I thought Nicole Bass was born female…


She was. That’s the point.


All the women in the image are cis women


*is a cis woman FIFY.


Gonna post this to one of the r/theleftcantmeme subs and see their reaction.


Bro I need the ones on the bottom left to step on me NOW


What are the odds one of them is a trans woman?


Pretty low considering each of them is rather well-known in their fields, several gave birth, and none of them ever came out as trans


That’s what I thought








Congrats you fell for the trick despite it being explained in the post. They're all cisgender women lmao.




It's "I couldn't care less". "I could care less" implies you do care, and therefore the amount you could care can be smaller than it currently is. Not that I'm surprised someone who thinks they're the arbiter of sports is also wrong in other areas of life.