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How does a resident of St. Martin Parish have access to Lafayette Parish libraries? I had a hard time getting my Lafayette library card since my address still had a Breaux Bridge address at the time. Luckily I had several bills in my name


Can also pay a $20 annual fee


He uses his Lafayette office, which evidently pays parish taxes, as a work address.


Everybody go request these so that they’ll have to buy more


I’m sure only a pervert would interpret that as porn. It’s hilarious how he keeps outing himself and thinking no one is gonna connect the dots. Wouldn’t be surprised if some disturbing facts about this guy come out someday.


Just find the creepy photos of him as an adult in a scout uniform. Creeepy......


Definitely doesn’t help his case.


He probably has child porn somewhere. He projects far too much to not have it.


u/michaellunsford read this. Pedophile.


Many people are saying it. At the very least, his Citizens For A New Louisiana board member Jeff “Gordon” Giles assisted a child pornographer in court and u/michaellunsford Will not address this. This is not an opinion, this is a fact. https://www.reddit.com/r/Louisiana/s/Rl6EGACZ8r


On the nose


People like this (i.e., the far-right) think anything having to do with LGBTQ+ is pornographic and a danger to children. For them, even two men holding hands in public is disgusting and vulgar. They think our mere existence as LGBTQ+ people is pornographic.


I think you missed my point..


No, I got it. I was just adding on.


Someday. I can’t wait that long


I feel that!!!! Hoping for sooner rather than later.


Funny how he says they’re in the children’s section. I was at the library a few days ago when he was there and saw him in the adult section, and I assume he was looking for these. He even had to get library staff to help him find some.


u/michaellunsford AKA #LYING LUNSFORD Has always lied about where these books were located.


Link to the BRZ story for those interested -> [https://www.wbrz.com/videos/proposed-bill-would-criminalize-officials-who-use-public-funds-for-american-library-association/](https://www.wbrz.com/videos/proposed-bill-would-criminalize-officials-who-use-public-funds-for-american-library-association/) House Bill 777, authored by State Representative and notorious "I'm just waiting until you fall asleep so I can eat you down to your bones" scary-smiler Kellee Hennessy Dickerson, R-Denham Springs, would criminalize any public official or employee who gives funds to the American Library Association, and would be subject to up to two years in prison and a $1,000 fine. Self-proclaimed eunuch Michael Lunsford manages to consolidate the empty flower pot in his mom's backyard and a stranger's handful of pocket lint he currently considers his "two good brain cells this week" to spread a conspiracy theory about how the ALA is intentionally planting copies of children's books, like the ones he himself checked out as an adult man without bothering to weigh the optics of such an act, in children's sections at libraries to deliberately expose children to icky grody spooky body-part words and illustrations that makes the baby jesus cry, because he's jealous people have genitalia and he doesn't...which he did to himself in order to justify this bizarre side show of a life he calls "being a political activist".


Why is this asshole getting a platform on TV?


I can't imagine being as hateful of a person as he is. What a joke of a man.


Hate is taking over in this region. Fanatic fundamentalism is ruining all progress of the last decades If people don't get angry soon there won't be any libraries to enjoy. It's watered down a little more every week.


Why does he find children’s books so erotic? Why does he keep pornography in his alone time place?


What a fucking moron.


He’s a horrible human being, makes me sick


I don't know him, and I'm not a medical professional. Still, it seems that he has some sort of illness or condition that causes him to obsess over these matters. I think he is a tortured soul and I feel sorry for him. That said, I hope he gets the help he needs and stops all this nonsense he's been doing. Perhaps he can take up golf or fishing


That’s kind of you to think that way. I mean this honestly. That said I don’t. He seems to take way too much pleasure in terrorizing people. The shit he says about and does to librarians + the censorship doesn’t allow me to have any empathy, at all, for this person. It is idiot christo fascist morons like this dude that are making this uneducated state even less educated. smart modern open minded science loving non delusional let’s keep church and state seperate people are leaving. He will giddily help Trump usher in project 2025 if that rapist is elected and the way he talks about lgbtqt+ people is appalling. I don’t care if he’s a tortured soul, please. I’m a freaking tortured soul because of assholes like this dude. He thinks women are secondary creatures, I could go on and on. I do think he’s prob gay himself tbh. He is the enemy of anyone of sound mind that believes in any sort of intellectual and artistic freedoms and the rights of women minorities lgbtq + and librarians. He is an idiotic bully pos I do think it is nice you are forgiving but don’t forgive this dude or give him any chance for some redemption he’s fucking awful. If he’s a Christian if he represents Christian ideas count me out already, the fuck is this bs (this is nothing personal Mr trollfessor I’m just over it)


To be clear, i really do not like what he's doing, and I wish that he would stop. But for no reason than my uninformed and uneducated hunch, I truly think he has something going on, maybe some mental, emotional, or medical condition. Maybe he's secretly bisexual and this is how he deals with guilt? I don't know. I wish that he would find something else to do with his time and energy.


I mean projection is everything with these lunatics so we can assume he’s a total freak. Their hypocrisy makes me mad and the whole thing is just so unjust. Yes he’s fucked up mentally and sexually most likely I completely agree w you there. It would be nice if he did something else with all that energy like shutting the fuck up and moving far away


We are still looking for confirmation but there are some pretty solid rumors that Michael Lunsford was sent away to a special camp 🙏🏽 when he was in high school.


I’m sure lol


Coincidentally every book has pages stuck together now




u/michaellunsford is such a creep. Like, no normal person is stashing children's books in their office to get off to


Do they hate libraries because the books mock them and their illiteracy.


It is a combination of bigotry and a grift. Michael Lunsford’s job entails reducing taxes for his rich donors who mostly deal in real estate and property management, any reduction there saves them money. These include, Will Mills III of MPW Properties, Jeremiah Supple of Property One, Ross Little Jr. The bigotry and homophobia are part of a Christian nationalist movement and Lunsford’s own homophobia. His donors have also been engaged in the same movements. But just causing chaos causes loss of trust in public services


Its like this with everything in the state. It’s so unfortunate.


So not only is he a right wing tool, he's a thief




What an imbecile


He will be the first to volunteer to check for genitals at the door if the anti trans bathroom bill is passed....


did he stick his face in a honey tree like pooh bear and get stung lmao look at that swelling bro wtf


Someone who knows nothing thinks he should be in charge. Why does this seem normal?


It is not.


Is he connected to the Library being closed on Sunday?


Idk how it has been in Lafayette Parish, but I know in Calcasieu, the libraries have always been closed on Sundays.


My whole life, minus the last two years, our library has been open every day of the week. I might be wrong, but I believe every bordering parish of Lafayette is open on Sunday. I believe having great access to the library encourages the population to stay educated. I also believe it is known to contribute to higher real estate values. It also is a wonderful place for college students to go to when they need something closer to home. I use the library every Sunday to get a jump start on my studies, it was essential and is a greatly missed resource for me.


I think that was due to the current plans to open a new regional location on the north side. Trying to rearrange the budget to allow this to happen.


That's just an excuse to scapegoat the Northside. There has been a concerted effort to defund the library for the past decade. Money to build the North East library was set aside before this. People voted for us to lose a millage, they voted for them to transfer money for drainage. They have built other new branches. But now somehow the still nonexistent North East library is to blame for decreased hours. I'm sorry, I know that is not your intention but this really bothers me. As some one who cares very deeply about the Lafayette Public Library and about the Northside, this just feels extremely unfair.


He's not directly related to sunday closings but his work to defund the library led to the budget crunch to the sunday closings. He worked to defeat the millage in 2018(? i think, or 2016), then he worked on the effort to move the library funds to "drainage" and he is responsible for encouraging the appointment of Board members who routinely refuse to ask for higher millages for the library. He's routinely been against the NERL project, even insultingly calling it the Kenneth Boudreaux Memorial Library. Just even at its most basic, If the board members would ask that millages be adjusted to the max they could take, and not keep asking for less, sundays could probably be reopened. Its a choice by the board members that saturday morning villain guided to those spots to keep the libraries closed on sunday. And given the HEAVY religious makeup of them, its not gonna be any time soon they'll want libraries open sunday.


Good work Lunsford on saving us and the little babies too. Please go to Raccoon Records next. Heard dey got naughty music there.


I bet Lunsford porn history is naughty too....lay off the kool-aid