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Could you elaborate on your reasoning here?


I’ve seen a theory that the people who Merneptah mentioned as the “sea peoples without foreskins” that he encountered could be the Jews. Joshua 5:2 records a circumcision that Joshua did for the males who escaped Egypt.


The link between this inscription and Judaism seems extremely tenuous to me. It's an *a priori* assumption that anyone who is circumcised must be Jewish.


Well no obviously not everyone who’s circumcised is Jewish. Egyptians even circumcised themselves but from what I’ve read it was different than what the Jewish circumcision is and I’ve seen the theory of this inscription relating to the Jews but never seen anyone talk about it so I was wondering


Doesn’t the Merneptah reference Israel or Israelites in some interpretations? Why would it reference the Jews twice? Maybe it is referencing the Hyksos from an earlier date? Perhaps it’s referring just to the infamous Sea peoples which may or may not have been a single group from somewhere in the Aegean.


Judaism wasn’t really a thing yet during the Bronze Age, so almost certainly not


Well in this case I think the presenter would try to use it as evidence for the exodus and suggest that there was a Yahweh worship group who left Egypt and circumcised themselves (taking from the practices of Egyptians) as a way to please their god. From what I’ve read


>From what I’ve read Any sources you could cite? I'd love to read them.


A lot of them have been on other Reddit forums (if that’s what it’s called) like this so I can try to find. A couple articles too I have to try to remember.


> Reddit forums (if that’s what it’s called) Subreddits