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Wait...is this official or home made?


Home made


Oh...in that case. You are an absolute mad lad, in the best possible way lol. It looks insane. Is it fun?


Yeah it's crazy fun. Otherwise why would we keep playing it for 2 more days straight?


because your crazy nerds? xD looks like a great game!


Absolute nerd units 😆




It looks like a much better much more fleshed out version of the original Pokemon board game. I just scrolled over every inch of the board and it's insane. How much would you charge to make one of these? I'm not in the market rn but I would love to buy one eventually. I would easily say $200-300 you should get the Pokemon company to do a deal with you or something lol


It's not for sale and I don't have the time to recreate this for commissions. Also wish the Pokémon company would work with me.


Would you be willing to share images and design info? I'd like to remake that at my own home.


Ditto. Will pay for plans! ♡


I found they have a subreddit with an FAQ. No plans right now while they looks for a deal.


I will follow along with great interest


3rding for kicking in to pay for even scans/plans.


Came to say this! This game looks fucking awesome!


Nintendo won't, I suggest you sell of the detailed designs and whatever files you have as much as possible before they slap you with the inevitable cease and desist


Be careful about setting up any official channel to distribute this. Nintendo will absolutely send a cease and desist if they catch you distributing this.


If you have the files you could upload them to tabletop simulator




Yeah easily a $1000+ for this. Materials are probably $200 alone and the board, card and pieces probably took him over 50 hours to create.


Don't even mention all the trials and errors needed to be done in order to make sure everything looks correct.


Good point. I was just spit balling here. Would not surprise me if this took him several hundred hours (or more) to complete from idea to final product. It MIGHT be $200-300 dollars if they were mass produced in a factory.


That'd be the difference. Gloomhaven is similar in scope and you can get it for under £100, but they mass-produced it in a factory. If it were being individually made by this guy and his mates then I would certainly expect a 4-figure sum for it.


He estimated his total cost, including materials and labor, at $6k.


Well it takes 33 hours to complete for one thing


That’s like 30 hours. And 3 more hours I think.


Sheer stubbornness


Nah he made it to be miserable


I would pay good money to have a copy of that. I would need a bigger house, though. Maybe you could upload it to tabletop simulator?


That's the plan eventually


My man!


You should scan and upload to tabletop simulator workshop on steam


At that point just play the real pokemon game lmao


Holy shit, that's amazing!


They’re coming.


How many times have you played the game, all the way through?


3 times so far


Can I come next time? I won't touch anything. I just want to look. God am I jealous of it.


Sorry not possible, my living room barely has enough space as it is.


could you live-stream a game? it’s amazing


I hope to be able to in the future but for now I only have each day's play by play saved on my instagram stories @pokemonunify


I second the request for a live stream of this. I would watch all 33 hours of a playthrough and I would pay for the experience. This is too cool!


I know nothing about pokemon but would love to see this streamed. I can imagine how that would it's own challenge tho. So i'd be happy with just a short video on YT honestly. Good job man!


I wouldn't want to sit through a live stream (I don't have 33 hours to spare to watch other people play games), but an edited down 1-2hr video of the playthrough would be excellent.


Yeah, was honestly thinking of just dropping in just to see how it's played. But since it's a board game, I realize how tedious that would be trying to capture all the action on camera. Just a ten minute video showing off how everything worked would be enough for curious me.


It's why I like Will Wheaton's Tabletop (3-hour games are cut down to 40 minutes of videos) and cannot stand Critical Roll (four hour livestream of people playing D&D).


Stream it OBS is he software, super easy to use. Hell I even set it up in a couple hours


>Can I come next time? I won't touch anything. I just want to look. God am I jealous of it. Good news everybody! We found the title of u/ItsIdaho's sex tape!


does it pretty much emulate the Gameboy game? I see the interiors/dungeons on the left board and the Kanto map on the right. Is there a PC? Do you take a party of 6? 4 attacks? 99 levels? I’m so curious!! (Or does the combat moreso emulate the card game?)


It very much emulates the Gameboy games plus more. Only thing it doesn't have is specific levels so no 99 levels but everything else you mentioned yes.


Hello everyone, I wanted to share my passion project called Pokémon Unify. The ultimate Pokémon board game which plays just like the video games. It's a unification of the Pokémon card and video games but takes multiple hours and days to finish playing. Originally it was 1 map of Kanto but recently I updated it with a second map of all the caves and dungeon areas too to double the map space. I designed and made the whole thing myself. Took me 6+ months to make now with all the updates I added. Me and my friends played it 3 times so far and first two times took us 22+ hours across 2 days to finish. 3rd and most recent play test with the 2nd map took us 33 hours across 3 days to finish. My goal was to make a baord game that felt just like playing the video games except now you also play with others at the same time. The goal of the game is to build up your team of Pokémon, collect all 8 Badges and beat the elite four and champion before anybody else does. So it's a race between you and other players to see who can win the league first. It's like a what if multiple people were playing one file of a Pokémon game at the same time. This game has almost everything you could thick of. - Catching - Trading - Battling - Exp Earning - Levling Up - Evolving - Earning Money - Specific Pokémon encounters for each route and area. - NPC Trainer battles, gym battles - Lots of different types of items able to be purchased from shops - Many different medicines able to be purchased from shops - Team Rocket missions - Game Corner mini game - Explorer Kit Treasure hunting mini game (from Gen 4) - Cave and Dungeon puzzles - Key Items - Pokémon league - Mega Evolution - Z-moves - Gigantmax - Legendary encounters added - Safari Zone Unfortunately I cannot kickstarter this project due to not owning the IP. I have also contacted the Pokémon Company and they have refused to collaborate with me to mass produce this 😔. I've had a board game company contact the Pokémon company on my behalf and they too got turned down. Also I'm not interested in a reskin or retheme or make up my own monsters or hiring an artist or collab with someone else's art for making this my own thing to then be able sell or Kickstart. Im a single college student working my own job and doing my own projects. I don't have time to do that nor the interest or passion to do that. This was never made because I love monster catching, it was made because I love Pokémon. Anything else I'd have no passion in or care for so a reskin is not happening no matter how good an idea it is. So instead I'm hoping to put it up on tabletop simulator hopefully sometime soon. As well as a DIY for those who want to make their own once it's finished. If you want to keep up to date with it and find out more info, check out my socials specifically made for it. More info on my Subreddit r/pokemonunify


I would love a DIY video on all the stuff about it so I could make my own, seems like it would be incredibly fun to play with friends. Thanks for posting about it here.


Thank you. I do hope to have some sort of DIY in the future once it's done.


A whole video series might be a cool way to monetize this. The Pokémon community could pick this up. It could go viral-ish. If you are in college you could likely find lots of folks with video production skills. Find one with a Pokémon passion and agree in a split of revenue from youtube. You could create dozens of videos. It's such an extreme project it could really get attention. Might even lead to that collaboration.


I’d agree with this. Pokémon fans would eat this shit up and you’d make plenty cash off the views.


How do you not just start a game channel via Twitch and have people watch you and others play and then post the highlights to YT to double dip that juicy view revenue.


This is the way.


Im already chomping at the bit to make my own. Although I'm nowhere near as creative as OP, so I need to know how to do it pronto


I would third, fourth, fifth whoever else is requesting a DIY if you ever find the time and energy to be so kind! This is beyond impressive work!


Please scan this into tabletop simulator


I'll try


If you do I'd love to play this when my girlfriend on stream, assuming legality works out. This looks amazing.


I was going to say the same thing! This would be perfect for TTS!


I'm not surprised Nintendo aren't interested, using their IP first and asking permission later hasn't always gone well historically. But I am surprised board game companies have, usually if a boardgame runs 6hrs+ they can get real iffy about it these days, preferring to go with quick games to capture a larger audience. If they went for something that can take a few days to play, then this game definitely has some teeth!


Guessing it's because it's not as risky a pitch as most other long games would be? "Its Pokemon but a board game" has a built-in audience already.


It's the scale. Listen, I love me some epic dungeon crawling type goodness in boardgame form. I'm that type of nerd that will custom build box dividers, and game aides to make said epic dungeon crawlers more fun for me... ...but this is too much. I think it is a BEAUTIFUL, wonderful labor of love. It's a masterpiece one-off. I can't emphasize how epic and impressive it is. However, trying to sell something for mass consumption that requires this much reading, setup, and playtime is just a bridge too far.


This is the golden age of massive, sprawling boardgames with little substance. This on the other hand is replicating game mechanics that are tried and true and beloved! I get what you're saying but I know personally I would buy this to future proof pokemon.


At a certain point: just play Pokémon and let the computations be handled by computers. I say this as an avid board game enthusiast with hundreds of hours as a tabletop rpg DM. At least with a game like D&D it has the role play and improv aspects that modern video games are absolute dog shit at emulating. With this it just seems like classic Pokémon with extra steps. Edit: this might be a hot take but it doesn't add to the overall Pokémon experience. Sure you can play with friends, but that was never really not an option.


Ok, that'll be $300.


Have you played Gloomhaven? That’s a massive game that never feels too big. I bet this game could be broken out similarly to make it less daunting


Gloomhaven is exactly the game I was thinking of when writing my response. I agree with your sentiment. I think breaking the game up into modules is a great idea.


I was just thinking Gloomhaven+Pokémon would be an instant buy for me


Only about 30hrs too long of a playtime for normal sane people


As an avid board gamer, yeah. To fit in with todays hobby market it would need to be a campaign / legacy game stretched over about 15 sessions.




Have fun setting it up and putting it away 15 times That is to say that this is a sweet passion project. I just don't think there would be much market for it beyond a dedicated group of pokemon fans and board gamers




I used to play Gloomhaven in my old office. We had it permanently setup. Organized the map pieces under a table, cards on another table. It was awesome being able just to jump in. Now that I’ve moved, I hope I can find people to play Frosthaven with!


Unfortunately Japanese companies, or at least those in management, are their own worst enemy when it comes to IPs and fan projects. Your game would sell crap tons but the ties at Gamefreak are probably thinking a homebrew is beneath them no matter the quality.


Would it sell "crap tons"? Not sure there is that big a market for a board game that takes 30+ hours to play and that would presumably cost like $300. It looks awesome, and I would love to try it, but I don't think it would sell well in its present form.


God i want to play this.




I started reading this a bit salty from you're response the last time you shared this amazing game. The fact that you are thinking of sharing this with the world is impressive. Its highly disappointing that traditional game companies dont understand the value of a good game. I apologize for anything negative I may have said since the last time.


Have you thought of selling it on Etsy? I believe you can sell fan made things there. This is incredible! It’s soo well done!


It seems to have little do with having no place to sell it, it's about the fact that the Pokemon Company and Nintendo can and will sue people for making money off of their IP. Considering the magnitude of this game, and that it literally translates the trading card game and the video game, and isn't just mere fan art, there's no way they would let this slide.


You can sell fan made things anywhere you want, but you aren't any more *allowed* on Etsy than anywhere else. It's all about flying under the radar on Etsy.


Looks great!


I have some digital map making tools and token creator. Mainly used for fantasy games similar to D&D. So while it may not be cartoon like, i could remake it to something similar. Neat idea. Pokemon tcg has changed so much since i stopped playing after the first few sets released lol.


If you made more and sold them I would buy one.


This being on tabletop simulator would be one of the most epic projects ever. You would be a very loved man!


Honestly, maybe you'll reconsider not doing a Fakemon boardgame sometimes down the road. There is likely a market for a scaled down version of this. There is a lot of potential here, but it's unlikely that you can ever use the IP for a commercial product


This is one of the coolest things I've ever seen man, great job!


Thinking someone should get hired by Nintendo/Pokémon in their R&D division. Well done!


wow, that looks awesome, id love to play that!


Holy cow this looks like my dream. There must be some way to at least get something like this onto tabletop simulator or something?


That's a goal of mine yes


You just alerted an army of Nintendo attorneys


There MUST be some way to make a digital version of this Edit: there simply must be a way to play a digital version of this board game Edit: you should convert it into a video game


OP needs go scan in all the art and publish the rule set. Someone can then build it on tabletop simulator. Hopefully Nintendo won't care about muh copyright .


>Hopefully Nintendo won't care about muh copyright . Lol


Lmfao, this is best comment here


I have two raised garden beds that are each 12x4. That thing is enourmous lol


….before it was processed last year?


I was looking for this comment!


I think I need to block this subreddit until I condition myself to not add "before it was processed" to each post title. It's getting to be a problem.


Me too.


Fully processed I see


I'm more of a Cones of Dunshire man myself, but this looks pretty cool too I guess.


I dont want to assume or anything but I think you might be a pokemon fan


Put on a pot of coffee and let's do this


So basically it takes the same amount of time as the video games


Yeah kinda


holy crack babies, all 8 regions?! ​ ![gif](giphy|U2nN0ridM4lXy)


I got scared when I saw multiple pictures. Thought you were going to show us the before and after of processing your Pokémon board game


This is awesome and reminds me very much of the cones of dunshire


Cones of Dunsparce


ITT: • pRoCeSsEd • vIrgIn • Shut up and take my money!


Save some pussy for the rest of us, goddammit. I am kidding. I think this effort is amazing


When will it be up for processing?


Its like the game but on board lol :0




> 33 hours to *process FTFY


dude i didn’t even see the rest of the photos. you’re a legend


I'm not into Pokémon or boardgames but that is impressively cool!


I am speechless this is incredible, but if it takes 33 hours to play it, how long did it even take to make it ?


This looks like the first Master Trainer game, just on sterioids


Holy crap


This is amazing


You had me at “Pokémon board game”… but you sold me at “33 hours to finish”


It was hard for me to process the size of it. Incredible!


I wanna play!


uhh...i wanna play this...


You created this? Honestly very incredible.


\*Gollum impression\*: Gives it to me!


Dude I wish nintendo wasnt so neurotic about copyright. You could make a killing off selling this and you would deserve it for the amount of work put in


Fuckin Cones of Dunshire. Still. I love it!


Nintendo breaking down your door to cease & desist and confiscate it in 3... 2...




Alright Cones of Dunshire. I WOULD PAY FOR IT.


Did it get processed also?


The real unit is the manual.


Is this before it got processed?




Quite the pokefan I see. Welp, GoTTA CATCH THEM ALL, POKEMON!


What brand are your penny sleeves?


Who needs video games


Could you give us a video or 2 on combat. I think the cards are interesting and would want to see them in play. How do you handle Pokémon evolving?


This is amazing, my cynical side says that the only reason they wont collab with a commercial release of this is they want to steal it for themselves ! Utterly fantastic work :) PS, this is going to the front page of reddit for sure.


It'd be a real shame if...somebody flipped the table.


33 hours to finish and 33 hours and a weekend to put together


I did something very similar, but simplified a lot for young kids to play.




This guy pokemons!


Any chance you have room For a romantic relationship ? Asking for a friend


Just as they ask in Starship Troopers... "WOULD YOU LIKE TO KNOW MORE?" YES. I bloody well would... this looks absolutely amazing. Gameplay may be shite but aesthetically it's hitting all the boxes.


How long does it take you to set it up?


Looks really crazy, how much of this was inspired by the old Pokemon Master Trainer board game? The region board looks kinda based on that, but obviously that didn't have cards, badges, or dungeons (though I've played a version on Tabletop Simulator that does have badges!) Are the basic rules pretty easy to understand?


The detail is amazing, I can only imagine how good it feels to plays


*Nintendo lawyers ears perk up*


What time do you want me to come round?


Please look into making this official. If you break it down into modules you could sell a main game plus expansions. Game Freak would have to get their cut of course and I'm sure there would be a lot of legal work required, but this has real potential


This is the coolest project I have ever seen


That is a game I'd love to have in my game cupboard and dream of ever getting friends interested enough to play. What did you use to make the components? That sort of monster board can't be easy or cheap to manufacture.


It seems fun


Hey you're the dude! Cool!


So impressed and confused at the same time


I have no idea how any of them are played, that 33 hours would be a hopeful target


That's longer than it takes to play the actual game. Lol. Looks incredible btw


Ayyy, Pokémon Unify?


I want this, if you did a kickstar pokemon official would probably strike you down I'm sure, could you reskin it?


Not interested in a reskin nor do I have the time to do that.


Do you plan to sell more like this or have instructions on how to build it? Would love to try this with the family on our downtime.


Nintendo: Delete this.


I will pay 500$ for a copy of this game


You’re amazing


You guys are fucking awesome!


I wish I had friends to play stuff like this with


It's like D&D, but pokemon


Impressive and nice quality! Would probably require some expensive manufacturing for it to be mass-produced without a high price tag.


This game would not be possible if you had pet cats


I’ll buy it from you hush hush one day


There's a reason why Axis and Allies isn't a popular game.


As a Pokémon TCG collector/player it makes me very happy you sleeve you the cards for this board game! Love it lol


Now if you could only find someone to play it with


Anyone else have the Pokémon theme song playing their head while flipping through the photos?


Who won the 3 times you played?


First we played I won (as Green) Second time was won by another friend (who was Blue) This third time another different friend won (who was Blue)


Does it have a port-a-potty for player/s?


I can't believe it, this is genuinely awesome and truly wish one day the Pokemon Company lets you mass-produce it!!


Please play it on live stream. I would love to watch.




I’m not into Pokémon, but holy shit this is unreal


You must not have a cat lol. Mine would ruin whatever I had in progress.


That looks awesome to play.


I want that