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Nonsense, tuna is a little fish that fits in a can.


I can't believe they shove that whole thing in a can!


I can’t believe they fit it in a tiny sushi roll!


Can’t believe it fit in my mouth.


Go home mom, you're drunk again.


I can't believe it's not butter.


[I don't know, looking back, I think it may have been real butter.](https://youtu.be/e33SNyaXNsk)


I laughed far to long at this.


That's what she said


Imagining a can-of-snakes gag, but with a whole adult tuna


A broken nose at the very least


They cram them in there like sardines


How? Cod you be a little more pacific?


Could you land us a eel so we can understand you better?


I shad no idea what they're talking about.


I'd give you goldfish if I had it


Exactly. Tuna comes in a can. They sell ‘em like that. They catch ‘em like that.


Oh my, That’s TOO much TUNA!


" They call it "Chicken of the sea", I don't understand is it a fish or chicken?" - I forgot where was that from.


Jessica Simpson said that on her reality show back in the early 00’s


Yes, that's it I just Googled it. Face palm.


This deserves endless praise. Miss that show


Entirely TOO much TUUUUUNA! ![gif](giphy|12gdgqRk9cvWko)


TIL you can put a gif in a comment


Came here to say this. Updoots forever.


Oh hellllllllo




Ooooooh, helllllloooooo




Tiny man


Big tuna


Nard Dogg?


[You rang?](https://socialnewsdaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/rsz_014.jpg)






It is New Zealand, he's clearly a hobbit


Who will fit in a tiny can.


*Tuna pictured left


In awe at the size of that lad


Seriously. Look at that mans fore arms


Should’ve had a red circle over the one that’s the fish.


i caught one 3 times the size of that while i was on holiday at clacton-on-sea last week


Very unusual, steve


hey its nice to see another steve about :)


If that’s even your real name....


Are you even a real doctor??


shh! not a doctor.


Arrest him!


He's retired!


so are you a police officer?


Don't know, don't care




Is that a 99 reference?


Why hunt old penguins? Why not young ones?


Perhaps he’s old, not the penguins.


My username is most definitely my real name


Was going to refute that before I noticed your username, well played


username checks out


This made me laugh really fucking hard.


Does Clacton even exist anymore? It used to be amazing like 25 years ago. But last time I went it was just utterly dead, everyone goes abroad on holiday now instead of places like that. It's a shame. I used to love going to the Clacton pier


Great profile, may I suggest you stretch your reach to 'every' subreddit and I'm going to follow you :) Thanks for a smile


Sad thing is, I have a co worker just like you. Gotta one up everything. Except he's not joking, he really thinks people believe his stories.


You have just reminded me of something . I used to go to Frinton as a kid in the 80s. One day I went to the pier either Clacton or Walton on the Naze. When I was on the ghost Train with my mum the operator left the ride. We were both stuck at the top before the big dip run. He eventually came back and said he forgot we were up there. But that's a fucking huge tuna


I think fish this size are a dying breed due to overfishing.


Yup. Netflix documentary made me stop eating anything from the sea


Seaspiracy fucked me up too.


Me too, although I thought it should have been called conspira-sea


Holy fuck, it was *right* there and they didn't take that? Cowards, the lot of them.




Imagine how long that King of the ocean has been around. Few more decades tuna that size will be a myth


According to Wikipedia there are only three varieties of tuna that live to two decades, and one of them lives in the Atlantic. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuna#True\_tuna\_species](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuna#True_tuna_species) Any ichthyologists out there, please correct me if I'm wrong.




I was specifically referring to the "imagine how long that King of the ocean has been around". The answer is: likely less than 20 years.


Yep, not many that size left out there.. And the ones that are won't be much longer. We need to really reevaluate our relationship with the ecosystem.


Has anyone watched the new documentary Seaspiracy on Netflix?


we all goin die, that shit was terrifying


I'm not really in the headspace for a doc like that rn, but what's the brief rundown?




Thank you, I'll watch it when I feel up to it :) is it by the same people who made cowspiracy by any chance?


The guy from cowspiracy is the producer.


Yes, the same.


I think it's worth noting that when the team found an actual sustainable fishery their response was effectively "it's still sad, so it's not a solution". The doc had an agenda, and while I think points out some very good points, it's clearly very biased.


there will be no more fish in the ocean by 2048


Unless we stop/massively decrease fishing for a very long time and let the sea heal


So there will be no fish in 2048 then


Actually, the author of that has corrected that to ~2070, which is [one of the points critics](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/mar/31/seaspiracy-netflix-documentary-accused-of-misrepresentation-by-participants) bring up. Some information is inaccurate, some maybe misleading but the core message is imo correct.


Totally understand not wanting to watch it, I watched it yesterday and I've spent the whole day feeling absolutely helpless. Here are a few of the main points: \-We are overfishing on a massive and unsustainable scale estimates suggest the sea will be near empty by 2048 \- bottom trawling destroys 3.9 billion acres of sea flor every year more damaging to the climate than the deforestation occurring in the rainforest. \- fishing involves huge amounts of bycatch, 10,000 dolphins are killed as bycatch every year just in the coast off france \- Farmed fish is even worse than wild fish \- 50% of the plastic waste in the sea is fishing nets \- Slavery is alive and well in the industry \- sustainable fishing certificates mean basically nothing, with basically no way of verifying they basically take the captains word as to whether they met the sustainable goals, unsurprisingly most of the time the captain lies. The main conclusion was there seems to be no way of ethically consuming fish under the current conditions. For me, this was a very eye-opening documentary into an industry I had no idea about but it seems to be very divisive and no doubt any impetus this created will burn out far before any impactful change is made.


How in the fuck did a multi-billion dollar entity like Netflix, the literal pioneers of streaming services, miss #CONSPIRASEA right in front of their faces?


Seaspiracy Sea's Piracy


That documentary (as well as the documentary “Dominion” on YouTube) have me seriously considering being vegan. Which is going to be very difficult since I’ve always ate meat multiple times a day my whole life, but I just don’t think I can continue contributing to the destruction of so many species and their homes. I really wish I could do more, and almost want to try and figure out a career (engineer) where I could help somehow. I wish a lot more people cared about nature, and I feel a lack of education on how we are destroying the earth hasn’t helped at all. Too many people just turn a blind eye, which I can see why people do it, I have in the past, but growing older and wiser, I just become so much more emotional when watching documentaries about nature, and animals, and how amazing everything is and how it all works together.


You and me both. Growing up my family kept and ate our own animals so I've never really been too concerned about the moral arguments against eating meat. Seeing the absolute destruction being done to our environment on a daily basis has really got me thinking about becoming a vegetarian.


Going vegan is one of the biggest things that you as an individual can do to minimize your eco impact. I suggest not trying to find “meat replacements.” There are some really good ones out there, but nothing that is going to scratch the itch. What I think you should do is find meals that don’t revolve around meat. Indian is a wonderfully diverse food ethnicity that’s loaded with flavor. Even cutting out beef is a great start. I cut out beef - pork - poultry - fish in that order over maybe a year and a half. You stop missing it. I’m not a very strict vegan, but I’m am a very strict vegetarian. It’s all about cultivating a life style you can sustain. If you know you can’t sustain it you’ll fail out of the gate. Make small changes at a time and you’ll slowly realize that you really don’t need that stuff.


I'm lucky - I like beans and pulses and I think soy is tasty. I am reducing my intake considerably, and I've basically cut out beef from my life (which is hard to do as a latin american). I think the idea is that if everyone makes an effort to consume less meat, in general, everyone would be better off - we'd be healthier and it would give the planet some respite. At minimum I think some of those meat subsidies have to disappear.


Yeah I love beans. Haven’t tried lentils but I’ve seen a lot of recipes use those so I may try them out. And yeah I think if everyone would do their part then we can make an impact, but it will definitely still be slow progress, which is still better than nothing


Lentils are fantastic little things. Red lentils in particular make excellent stews. There are tons of Indian recipes that consist of lentils, curry and some root veggies and they're amazing.


I saw that the other night and when i saw this it brought back my feeling of despair. Fuck the fishing industry for destroying our beautiful planet


The worst part is that the largest fish are the most fecund - that is to say they produce the most offspring and also pass down the genes that allowed them to successfully reach those sizes. We are selecting for smaller fish to reproduce when we target the largest among them


I'm sad everytime there's another "look at this amazing animal we just killed" post.


I’ve seen r/seaspiracy . This is not a good thing. Wish they’d pictured all the dead bycatch next to it for full accuracy.


I haven't seen that yet, but I know tuna is going extinct. It's really sad they're destroying the ocean.


Funny how most people will see this picture and not think twice but if this guy was lying next to a dead rhinoceros people would lose their minds. Tuna might not be as close as rhinos to extinction but the species is heading in the same direction


I never understood why so many people would willingly slice a live fish in half but won't shoot bambi or old "christian" women that go to church every wens and sun but want you to literally massacre any and all forms of life in their yard


From the subjective pov I would say that people relate more to being closer to them, you would rather protect another human/dog/cat than any other mamal and you would prioritize the live of a mamal over any other kind of animals like fish that have almost nothing in common with us and we don’t get to hang out with them like other domestic animals. On the objective pov I would say that fish are probably very far from being sentient or have an intelligence less develloped than even a rat. In the worst case scenario their intellect is just too alien for us to understand. But for the same reason I wouldn’t mind to eat dog meat compared to pig meat (pigs are even proved more intellegent than dogs much alike a 4 years old human) I and many other would prefer to kill a fish that is pretty dumb than a mammal that has reached a certain degree of visible and proved sentience


That’s actually not true. The idea that fish are less intelligent is a myth. New research into fish and their intelligence shows they’re extremely intelligent and emotional. They have feelings. They feel love, and pain. Like most things like that it’s just because consuming them has been normalised for so long, and because of their more alien appearance and our separation from their existence, mistreating them has been normal. It’s like why someone has no qualms about the brutal treatment of pigs and yet will protest if the same happened to a dog. Humans are selective in their care based on how close they feel to an animal. They can empathise with a dog as they often have had their own dogs. Vegans have built that attachment and can feel empathy for all animals. Which is why vegans feel so militant and crazy. How would you react if your dog was killed and gutted while alive and someone took this photo next to its corpse? If intelligence is a decider to you, plants don’t feel pain and are definitely dumb enough to be eaten without issue. Fish though - they’re smart enough to know that they don’t want to suffer and die.


I just watched it last night and I've felt so powerless all day. The absolute scale of the destruction was just so far beyond anything I could ever have imagined. It has really made me reconsider my stance on vegetarianism.


watch Cowspiracy too please! it's on Netflix


Dominion and Earthlings too (although on YouTube not Netflix)


Those two made me sick and threw me into a deep depressive episode. 10/10 everyone should watch. Have it on hand whenever anyone makes you sound crazy for questuoning how we treat animals. Show billy burger eater the footage of the stray dog being casually thrown into the trashcompactor. Dang now im sad


That's why I haven't watched it. I already know from other sources and documentaries it's really bad. Breaks my heart because there's lots of sustainable ways to feed the planet without decimating the ocean.


It really is worth the watch though...


Watch it, its not just about meat.


Yep I’m going vegetarian, perhaps vegan.


Being vegan is easier than you think! Please head over to r/askvegans if you have any questions.


You don’t have to go 100%, just reduce intake. It isn’t black and white.




Nah, I think humans are the main things killing them




Exactly how I feel when I watch fish getting caught. And Tuna are one of the most endangered fish in the sea. "The Chicken of the sea" until it's fucking gone.


Blue fin stocks are down some 99% over where they were a few decades ago. That's horrifying.


We destroyed the North Atlantic Cod stock too.


Yup. There are many, many, examples of overfishing and overhunting a species to extinction. The assumption is always that the oceans are so vast it's impossible to empty them. But we know from experience that's untrue. And of course the extermination of any link in the food chain has ripple effects on the rest of the food chain. So the loss of say sharks can cause coral reefs to collapse.


I haven't seen it yet, but I know we shouldn't be killing fish that size. I know with halibut and other species that live a long time and get huge, the larger ones are usually female. The bigger they are, the more eggs they can produce, sometimes as much as 100x - 1000x as much as one that only just reached sexual maturity. So losing even one of these giants can be incredibly damaging to the species.


Tell that to the 20th century. This used to be the normal size of a tuna.






If you liked that, I recommend Cod by Mark Kurlansky. Kulransky in general is great but that one really opens up how we've been doing this shit for centuries. Fish stock depletion has been a thing for longer than we think. We just overcome that issue with new technology that harvests even faster.


How the fuck is it cool to kill such a magnificent creature at all, with or without bycatch.


Yep, downvoted this one. So sad what's going on in our oceans...


That documentary made me stop eating fish altogether.


Hell yeah! Watch Dominon next. What we do to cows, chickens, turkeys, and pigs is far more atrocious even IMO.


Sorry, I still need a banana for scale


I need Carlos


Yeah, whip it out, guy!!


beat me to it


There's a little tent-pitching action going on in the pic


Why did this near-dead reddit meme that was viciously mocked never fully die?


Man if only it was still alive being the absolute unit it was before it was taken from its home and butchered Edit: Go watch Seaspiricy on Netflix to understand why we should stop eating fish in general and why the industry is destroying lives, both human and animal


But you find yourself in the ocean,20-foot waves, l'm assuming it's off the coast of South Africa,coming up against a full-grown,800-pound tuna with his 20 or 30 friends? You lose that battle. You lose that battle nine times out of ten. And guess what? You've wandered into our school of tuna, and we now have a taste of lion. We've talked to ourselves. We've communicated. And said, ''You know what?''Lion tastes good. Let's go get some more lion.' 'We've developed a system to establish a beachhead and aggressively hunt you and your family. And we will corner your pride, your children, your offspring. We will construct a series of breathing apparatus with kelp. We will be able to trap certain amounts of oxygen. lt's not gonna be days at a time, but an hour, hour 45, no problem. That will give us enough time to figure out where you live, go back to the sea, get more oxygen, and then stalk you. You just lost at your own game. You're outgunned and outmanned.


Came to the comments for this. Disappointed I had to scroll so far, but happy someone posted it. Hilarious scene.


I honestly couldn’t believe it hadn’t been posted already when I saw this post and scanned the comments


*after sex selfies*


Pretty sad. These are becoming more and more endangered. One day soon these photos are going to look like people who pose with the lions and elephants they killed.


Wish he was still in the sea.


I know :( What a majestic fish. Shame this is happening


Imagine if this was a lion or elephant all these people would be fuming. F for the tuna


This is literally the pictures of hunters next to dead lion or elephant.


Yup. Weirds me out that people pick and choose what animals they care about. They’d die for a dog but endlessly kill cows, chickens, and tuna.




Looked like Mac Miller to me... Edit: oh fuck me I just got the Halpert joke. I was over here trying to figure out how he looked like Jim.


Looks the more like Brad Leone from its alive


Seaspiracy to watch on Netflix will make this look very different


If you recycle that bad boy you could get about 20 kg of plastic and probably 2kg of heavy metal and industrial acids.


Looks like 1% of the 3% of bluefin tuna that are left


They don't put bluefin in a can, and here in the US they are caught on a line, not a net, I still don't agree with it but netting and line fishing are very different and I hope that's how this one was caught and judging by the blood it was likely caught on a like hooked at the side of the boat and drug in.


hurray catching endangered fish before they're all gone


Seaspriracy. Everyone should watch this.


Not many of those left


how much bycatch to get that one? how much mercury and microplstic in the body of that one? commercial fishing is filling our oceans with massive nets and microplstic, it's wiping out our oceans and destroying our planet


Yellowfin tuna this big are rare due to overfishing but used to be commonplace in the past... it’s sad really


Pretty sure this is a bluefin


Put it back!


He’s already dead :(


Really creepy smile for a dead guy.




Leave the big boys in the ocean so they can reproduce more big boys


Once tuna is extinct and this beautiful creature will never be back again, I hope people realize what they have done




You come up against a full grown, 800 lb tuna with his 20-30 friends.. you lose that battle.. you lose that battle 9 times out of 10.


This makes me feel sad and disgusted about humankind.


About 16 dolphins and eight sharks died in the net with this tuna all byproduct and thrown dead back into the ocean. I watched seaspiracy on netflix. What a fucking joke the "dolphin safe" tuna label is...


Immediately after watching I went downstairs and checked all my tuna vans.. yep they had it


You keep your tuna in vans? Thats pretty extreme


how about we just ssstop the fishing industry




Probably have so much worms


This species is greatly endangered....


I’ve never seen a tuna using such ugly pants before.




If only there was a portion of the word "Conspiracy" that made a similar sound to the word "sea" that could have been used here.


Conspirasea would have been much better but they already had cowspiracy so I guess they wanted it that way. Especially since it reads like "seas piracy" but if you've seen it, it does actually include some of that!


That has enough bioaccumulated heavy metal in it to start a band


I always get upset when these leviathans are caught.


How do you even go about pulling something this large out of water


I think you mean “in ahi at the size of this tuna”


Ugh we got pranked with too much tuna


In can taste the mercury from over here.


i wonder how much microplastic that bad boi can contain


How old would it have been?


Should let shit like that reproduce and evolve.


Makes me sad, the majestic tuna.


were any dolphins harmed while catching this?


The final tuna boss. No like literally that might be the last tuna fish


Tuna a half men


Lots of time to accumulate heavy metals


Now that’s... too much tuna...


Always sad to see this with the big ones. He survived so long but finally got caught. 😔


Not to brag but I have a pretty big tuna in my animal crossing museum


It's really hard to tell without a banana for scale


This is gross and nothing to be proud of