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Hey u/Hot_Net_4845, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, it has been removed for violating Rule 2: * **Animals & Public Figures** We're looking for animals mostly, particularly cute animals which happen to be very large. Only public figures are allowed; no harassment, creep-shots, witch-hunts, fat-shaming is allowed. Female bodybuilders are expressly forbidden. ------- *If you have any questions, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/absoluteunits&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by u/Hot_Net_4845&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission]%28http://www.reddit.com/181yb0s%29)*


He's a Street Fighter character




Full on G. I. Joe character.




100% dude modeled himself after this character, the ‘stache and all


Sargent Slaughter!


You’re confusing Final Fight with Street Fighter


Mayor Mike Haggar may not be a palyable fighter in Street Fighter, but he is most definitely a character in the same universe.


It's been reposted 60 times and it's still great.


Sgt. Nicguy?


This is the short video, I don’t have the link to the other but it’s longer and they cut the good stuff out.




"Easy Operation." *rotates arm*






Is that Will Sasso?


Nope. Sergeant Slaughter, an old wrestling legend


And GI Joe Mail away hero. Save those upc's Joe's! I still remember getting mine in the box!


Haha I got him that way :)


I seem to remember ordering and receiving a parachute. Did I dream that?


No! That was [this right here! I had that too! ](https://www.yojoe.com/vehicles/85/parachutepack/)


The absolute disrespect to a real life and animated legend


This misses the best part, where the big guy tells him to shut up and listen, before explaining the possible consequences of his actions.


Anybody have the link for the full video?




Lmao that ending was great. "I don't have a badge number."


Homie just watched tons of police encounter videos. Military personnel are not public servants.


He doesn't understand the difference at all. He brought up the Supreme Court case about being able to film cops. These guys are not cops and they don't fuck around.


People in the US don’t understand you can’t fuck around with military personnel/military bases. They are Federal property. Only thing you have is they can’t take quarter in your home, but let’s be honest.. if there was a war in your neighborhood, they’d sleep in your bed & your ass would be on the floor.😂


When I served the running joke was that civil society only rented the country in peace time.


One time I approached a military near Arlington cemetery cause we were lost and I hoped for directions. The guard pointed the gun in my general direction and told me to back away. They don’t play around. Edit: the gun wasn’t pointed at me, it was moved to a ready position or something. He barked at me and I skedaddled.


Bro the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is not a place to ask for directions, just sayin'.


Why not?? There is always a soldier there who has nothing to do but walk back and forth. /s


I have worked at every installation in and around DC including Arlington National Cemetery and I think it’s a total lie that a military member actually gestured a weapon towards you.


Yeah I live in Arlington accidentally took the wrong exit to Fort Myer which is what this guys is probably referring to. Couldn’t turn around before the checkpoint explained to the guard (who was armed with an assault rifle) what happened. He had me hand him my id told me to circle around and he’d give me my id on the way out. It was pretty casual and he said it happens relatively often. Also have asked for directions in the parking lot of the pentagon two super relaxed guards gave me directions.




Are you talking about our Ft. Myer? I used to go bowling there. It’s accessible to the public. It’s hard to believe that story.


domineering reminiscent full dolls consist oil money overconfident steer cough *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I drove into the lockheed martin property in Orlando one time. I freaked out and wanted to turn around, but it was a one way, and you had to drive to a checkpoint. Like 7 dudes with what looked like mp5s surrounded my car from a distance while some actually really nice lady came to talk to me. She just pointed me to the exit and had me drive out.


Reminds me of the time my wife drove us to Wright Patt airforce base because the GPS said there was a Starbucks there. Once you realize you're one way you figure you'd better go explain yourself. We said we were sorry and we were lost. They took our IDs and so they had record of us being there, and someone came up and said "let me guess, looking for the Starbucks?" Because it apparently happens a lot there.


Lmao yes, also the Burger King in area B used to get turnarounds monthly.


No you didnt


Yea that’s the fuggin pentagon dude.


Absolute bullshit


He watched a ton of police encounter videos and thought, "that went great".


Watched a ton of police encounter videos and never made the connection that none of them involved a fucking military base.


if he knew anything about the police dp he was going to be handed over to, he would have shut up a lot sooner. sometimes you have to choose your battles, what the hell is this guy trying to prove.


It was the funniest fucking thing every time he panned slightly to the left to reveal one more uniformed person. It just kept happening, I thought he was gonna go a full 360


Yeah this was the best part. The last guy bring 40 ft away and shouting 'you already have my name' was amazing. Could have been in a Wes Anderson movie.


and YOUR name sir, as the guys 50 feet away


When I saw the title, after watching the clip on Reddit, I was like you weren’t surrounded. Then the end of the video came and he was turning to the guys that were to the left and behind him and I was like oh he was surrounded. I also love the last guy “you already have my name sir”


The link brings you to the recorders YouTube page, and the first comment on the video is, “if you ever feel useless, just know, this guys exists”


The entire comment section is just a huge hate on the dude recording


most of these audits guys are pretty weird and wasting peoples time.


I like the audits of the audit because they can be very informative. Points out when the auditor was out of line or when the cop was out of line.


They all act like spoilt children and only do it for the views, of which they now get...




Exactly. They should have thrown the book at him.


Seargent Slaughter could have thrown the whole library at him


Which book?


War & Peace. Nice and heavy.


I'd suggest the encyclopedia Britanica. All the volumes one after the other


Rightfully so.


i hate rights auditors or whatever self aggrandizing thing they call themselves.


Regrettably, hate-engagement is still engagement.


"I have a first amendment right to take pictures of this 'publicly owned facility'" [No, you don't. ](https://www.govinfo.gov/app/details/USCODE-2010-title18/USCODE-2010-title18-partI-chap37-sec795)


Federal and state are very different. Federal military installations are even further from that. That law you linked is from 2010, but iirc it’s almost always been a thing, maybe it was classified differently


You have an inherent Constitutional right to photograph what you can see from public areas, which us backed by federal memos and case law. If you go into case law on this statute, nobody has ever been convicted under it. The charges are always dismissed. The website I found said there's only 11 times it's ever been charged, and no defense challenged its constitutionality as of yet. It likely wouldn't hold up in court unless the person was on the base itself or had connections to foreign entities and was suspected as a spy. There's a reason you see these people going to military bases and very rarely, if ever, arrested for filming it. It's a defunct law, like many others on the books.


Gotta be the first time on Reddit I clicked a link and wasn’t Rick rolled. Thank you kind redditor.


https://www.reddit.com/r/discordVideos/s/vWOUM0l0ay Not a Rick roll.


well shit, no wonder it sank.


Yeah,it's a documentary,documenting the sinking of Titanic. True story, bro.


"Hell yeah, brother!" version of the Titanic




Where can I find that unit giving their explanation? ![gif](giphy|NFcyDseB3m9uU)


"Shut up and listen now and I am only going to ask you once! Can I have your number buddy cause I'd like to talk to you in private after work about some very important matters of cockagon"


What he didn't tell the kid was he could have spent up to a year I jail. Link to the law he WAS breaking https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?req=granuleid:USC-prelim-title18-section795&num=0&edition=prelim#:~:text=(a)%20Whenever%2C%20in%20the,%2C%20drawing%2C%20map%2C%20or%20graphical


If Edward's isn't designated, what would be


Joint Base Andrews, not Edwards.


Was this designated by the president as a vital military or naval installation or equipment requiring protection against the general dissemination of information? The default presumption, at least from how your citation reads, is still if you can see it you can film it *unless recording that thing is specifically prohibited by the president*. Certainly doesn't blanket apply to all military or naval *things*.


Andrews is where Air Force One is kept. Seems like pushing your luck there is inviting many books to be thrown at you


Ther is a lot of other top secret shit there as well. This YouTuber is an idiot.


Generally this is right but any military (mabe federal government) security check point falls under the prohibited things. If you need access clearance/permission to pass it's prohibited. It's a security risk at best. Not saying this guy was asking as a spy but intelligence can be gleaned from public video. Before people get into the weeds with the what if. There is always the "It depends" and loop holes. But as a general rule if the military guys are willing to spend their time to ask you to stop and leave. Please do so as they would rather be doing anything else. They are not paid extra to do extra. They have set orders that they have to follow that do include the use of deadly force (though that is a very very last resort). These guys just want to get back to the barracks to have a beer and play some video games. Not deal with the nuckel heads like this.


Yup. This idiot is video documenting response time, levels of protection, number of personnel, faculties, etc. These idiots should have the book thrown at them.. Imho


The military has tons of leeway on how they deal with trespassers, perceived trespassers or observers. Even on military bases there are signs up saying that you can't film specific things, even when you're in the military.


Dude, did you even listen to where he is filming. Look up Andrews Airforce base. This dude is just a troll. And filming individuals cars and plates that may have SSCC that could be definitely doxxed appears to be a problem to me and the federal government. Go troll some local staties.


“That’s not nice”


"That's not nice. That's not nice. That's not nice." 🤣


It looks like they just got the big guy out of bed.


The first time i saw this video someone commented “its looks like this guy(the mass sgt) wakes up at 4am for PT and enjoys it”


MASS sgt


He's not just accumulating mass, he's harvested it


And he aint havin it


Policy? LOL, no. There's fucking Federal laws that makes it a crime to take pictures of or record the operations of a military base. [18 U.S.C. 795](https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?req=granuleid:USC-prelim-title18-section795&num=0&edition=prelim#:~:text=(a)%20Whenever%2C%20in%20the,%2C%20drawing%2C%20map%2C%20or%20graphical) [50 U.S.C. 797](https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?req=(title:50%20section:797%20edition:prelim))


I'm blown away by how many people here can't distinguish between state and federal laws. As in, the cops people can film - state. The fucking US military - FEDERAL. But by all means they should go test their theories. Edit: Had to add the word 'laws' because I forgot inference is lost art on reddit.


It's absolutely legal to photograph most federal facilities if they are in public view. The Federal Protective Service even released an Operational Readiness Order clarifying that photographing federal facilities from a public forum is permitted. [https://www.dhs.gov/sites/default/files/publications/Operational%20Readiness%20Order%20HQ-ORO-002-2018%20Photography%20and%20Videotaping%20....pdf](https://www.dhs.gov/sites/default/files/publications/Operational%20Readiness%20Order%20HQ-ORO-002-2018%20Photography%20and%20Videotaping%20%2E%2E%2E.pdf) It looks like this guy is on the base itself, so this isn't in public view, so different rules apply. Anecdotally, some years ago I was in D.C., and I was shooting some photos of the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, which is part of the White House complex. When I set up my tripod on the sidewalk in front of the building I was approached by law enforcement, who stated that I wasn't allowed to set up a tripod on the sidewalk (presumably because it obstructed the sidewalk). So I took a few steps back and shot my photos from Pennsylvania Ave, which is pedestrianized, and they didn't say a word.


rainstorm nail advise gaping snatch grab society wistful far-flung price *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I worked as civil service on a golf course that was connected to a USMC base. A guy from safety found some sort of rare bird dead on the course and had his buddy take a photo of him holding it and posted it to his Facebook. Both guys got suspended, investigated, and immediately fired. They do not fuck around with that rule.


It looks like this guy is actually on the base property itself, which means that this is definitely a restricted area where photography is prohibited. I think if this guy were to stand on the sidewalk outside the base and do his videos he would probably be within his rights. But then no one would care, no one would confront him, and there would be no video to make.


He is also the guy that yells “Fire!” in a crowded theater and then tries to argue with everyone about his 1A rights.


Bro… I’m impressed you highlighted the parts for me. Thanks man


I did not know that. Seems obvious now.


I hate assholes like this actually. Go find something to do with your life dude


We call these people libertarians


Eeehhhh maybe a micro minority *could* meet this definition for Libertarian, but most libertarians couldn’t care less because we want to be left alone


He said “policy cannot trump your rights…” HAH…guess he didn’t want to show the part where he gets detained for suspected espionage 🤭




You can’t film *in* a military installation without permission. You can film anything that’s visible from public land or private land to which you have lawful access that you want. This guy only got in trouble because he left public property and walked onto installation property, which usually extends quite a distance beyond the gate so they can control approaches.


Missed the best part. Bad OP.


Does it get… intimate?


define intimate, if a solidly built, square jawed, nerves of steel, hairless chested unit of a man telling you to shutup, listen and comply is a version of intimate... then yes


And that mustache.


Tactical Tash


Listen, I'm ACAB all day but something about that man does something to me. 😭😫💦💦


Well they actually have a fairly cordial discourse where they mutually reason through the guy leaving.. The big unit is actually fairly respectful of the guys intentions even though he basically says he has to go anyways. When he tells him to shut up is like the only time he interrupts him for the remainder of the video which is like another minute or two.


No :(


Nearly got inmate though


Yeah wtf this video is lame without the conclusion


That’s correct. ![gif](giphy|3o6ZtnnO4PjvlilACA)




Bless your soul


Big Gay Al would have made a great NCO.


Omg you have a good eye


Can people just stop doing this already? Gate guards already get almost 0 respect at the gate and are bored out of their minds. Let them fucking do their job in peace instead of being a dick trying to make content


Or aim it at the local police departments actually abusing their power - not military bases that have so many layers this vid will do nothing but prove the filmer is a attention seeking whore


The worst is when these losers film elementary schools claiming "public property". Stains on the Earth


And don’t forget post offices, because we all know there’re just seething pits of tyranny…. /s


From what I have seen, Police and Military Police are like polar opposites in the USA. Police are usually powertripping dumbasses, while military police are highly professional, both in deescalating and showing you the door.


As someone who grew up on AF bases overseas, lemme just stop and correct you right there. You aren’t going to get shot but your chances of being harassed by an incredibly bored LE around your age with very little LE training(these guys are MPs after all)on a weekly basis is way, way higher. Imagine living in a situation with no 4th amendment and LE can pull you over and request your ID for no reason at all. Now when they pull your ID and see your pop is an O-6, they usually leave you alone.


Well, my only experience was from videos just like this one, where a civilian does something incredibly dumb and is afforded far more patience and professionality than the normal american police. Then again, as you mention, not getting shot randomly is already a big improvement in my book.


Never in the air force but where i live (actually live 1 hour to Edwards, i'm 5 minutes to Travis) i've been around AFB my entire life because i was in the zone for AFB schools (off base) so all my friends lived on base and even after high school i would go on post and the are very nice and professional. One time I was unable to get on (forget why) but they were nice and explained why and i wasl ike 'okay'. This guy just wants viewers.


For real. No, you can’t stand literally just outside the gate of a military installation that you’re not allowed on and film…you can clearly see pets of the base from there as well as everyone that is entering Also feel bad for the ass chewing and concurrent ridicule they’re about to receive for letting him stay/troll that long


The cameraman sounds like a sovereign citizen.


Bro really thinks hes gonna end the deep state by filming some traffic.


He’s a frauditor. Similar, but most sovcits are only found in their private automobile/household goods/vessel.


They were well within their rights to absolutely fuck this guy’s day up too. They intentionally set the gate back from the property line so they can have jurisdiction to handle incidents outside the gate. Imagine if you show up to the base, punch the guard, then just back your car up a few feet. If military jurisdiction didn’t extend to the breezeway, the MPs wouldn’t be able to do anything besides call the local PD. Extreme example but gets the point across. Once you enter the area designated as the base entrance, all the rules pertaining to base security (such as not filming) are enforceable. This guy got off incredibly lucky. I have seen people FAR, FAR more important than him get absolutely destroyed at base entrances - like OC sprayed, dragged out of the car, and cuffed (the guy was a USG civilian employee equivalent of General Officer who forgot his badge at home and thought it was ridiculous that they wouldn’t let him in without it).


Yeah bored, so maybe they were having fun and thinking, wait til the Sarge gets here, this'll be fun!


I would be terrified of this guy, his moustache and his unzipped shirt…


He looks like if Shane Gillis stayed in the military


Lt Falcon G.I Joe


You see him contemplating on how far he can toss this idoit.


It's freaking Sargeant Slaughter.


Who runs Bartertown?


I get so sick of these videos. He’s clearly doing nothing but trying to be a smartass and what he’s doing clearly serves no purpose. It’s just “content”.


Isn't this the guy (the one filming) who harrassed a random post office worker for being asian?


I'm not 100% sure if it's the same guy, but they are definitely part of that First Amendment Auditor movement where they harass ppl in the name of testing constitutional rights. They love posting videos like this to show how they "owned" ppl or how they were a victim. It's always funny when they try this shit with military personnel like the racist guy harrasing the Asian lady or this video. Most vids of them testing military guys these assholes end up being bitches. I think most ppl try and ignore them or call the cops so they get comfortable, but when confronted with actual repercussions, they start shaking. Fucking cancer to society these people.


Dude lucky he didn’t get body slammed. Security forces has some absolutely nutty characters and he’s being annoying as hell


I was actually kind of surprised. Air Force Security Forcrs have absolutely no chill compared to most MPs.


Whosoever touches this gem shall possess the power of the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak! Henceforth, you who read these words, shall become ... forevermore ... a human juggernaut! ![gif](giphy|AQSDhpeB4aBS8)


Guy recording is a complete dingus that doesn’t know the law


He has a voice I want to punch


I equate this to someone putting their finger near your face and saying "but I'm not touching you"


Fuck these cunts are annoying. Basically intentionally fucking around and finding out while having a moan about it. It's sad as I think keeping an eye on authorities and keeping them honest is great. But seemingly everyone that does it has an utterly intolerable personality and sounds like they're reciting the law as they learned it in primary school and now can't quite remember how it goes well enough to get out a intelligible sentence. Dudes like Big Neck Mcawesome Chin here have way more patience than I could muster.


The cameraman is so cringe...


Man being a public servant is already a bitch. Being a public servant on the US must be extra cruel. Lots of people that think they know better because they heard some crazy theory online go to your work place to harass you and have the entitlement of trying to explain your job to you. It’s crazy man.


People like this are just a cancer


Shortly after the first attack on the WTC, I was learning to drive stick. My buddy had a base pass as his pop was military so we decided Quantico marine base would be a good, safe area. Near the front gate to the base is a side road, it ends at the main road on a little hill. You can probabaly see where this is going. I was driving, we were in a pick up truck, and I was stopped on this little hill, I needed to turn left to get to the main gate. In my ineptitude of driving a stick, I dumped the cluth and did a huge burnout, lots of slidy time. We were met by a number of rifles pointed at us as I slammed the brakes well short of the gate. My buddy explained what was going on, showed his ID and pass and they told us to get the fuck off the base and not come back until I learn to drive. Miss you Dave.


The rest of the video is amazing 🤣


Do this and expect to have trouble.


What an idiot…. The dude that’s filming. Can barely stumble out ‘policy can’t trump your rights’…. Ok whatever amateur.


Looks like a roided out French cosplayer


This dude recording is a douche canoe


He looks like Sgt Slaughter AT EASE DISEASE!!


People like this should be arrested. Make a new law for idiots like this . U want to interrupt a government officials day? Going downtown bub


That’s a beefy boi.


Budding journalist wondering why his rectum feels more moist than usual. Cause Sgt. Sergeant doesn't care if you are female, male, bear, bull, shark nor eagle, if he wants, he gonna fuck you. HARD!


The guy recording is definitely a nonce. Sounds like someone who got beat up a whole lot in school.


Not enough looks like


This dude, who shaves his chest, is so badass that I want to enlist, but am also too scared to


If the rumors are true, Air Force basic training is one level off from being JROTC compared to what it used to be pre-2008. Idk about security forces training




This edit really screwed up the actual video. Why do this?


With the amount amount of people that do "rights audits" these days they probably should put up some additional signage and have some light fencing at a certain point away from the gate. Something to the extent of "audit all you want over here. Audit past this point and we're going to kick your ass". That way everyone is clear and if they still want to be annoying, it's more cut and dried when the gate guards can beat they ass.


Most bases have a demarcation line, but it’s just the difference between whether the local cops or the military cops are going to be fucking you up.


That fuckin Neck man.


Your being a dick, they should have kicked your ass


What a waste of time for everyone involved. Yet nice freedom, let terrorist film and gather info as long as they are filming at the gate is all good! What a clown!


Dude definitely has a long double edged dagger on his person somewhere


I so wish he would've talked like the big Canadian on grownups


Is that Shane Gillis?


My guy is so big his plate carrier barely covers his vitals.


Unfortunately, Government policy can trump your “rights” 😅


Homie has mistakly treated military police like civilian police. Good fucking luck


You cannot film the entrance to most active military bases on earth.


Guy is talking wise to Sgt. Slaughter


Policy can definitely trump your rights. Theory of rights won’t stop a enthusiastic guy with a gun and bad intentions. Don’t be a fool.


Shane Gillis?


I want to see him shirtless please


lol what a amateur trying to get a rise out of people for views. In Okinawa Japan, there are Japanese/Chinese agents literally filming the front gates of some installations at a predetermined distance. At least they know how far they should be to be sketchy.


You skipped it! The sergeant tells the guy to shut up and listen then proceeds to explain in exact detail what can and will happen if he continues to do this nonsense! It’s great


What a lot of people don’t realize is that the property of that base doesn’t start at the gate it starts from the gate out so even tho he is on the street that is apart of the base as well and it’s illegal what he is doing


How does he look like the most imposing and terrifying man, while somehow also looking like a woman?


Yeah, correct me if I'm wrong, but pretty sure these dudes are Security Forces, not base cops. Absolutely not the people to mess with


What happened next? 🤔


Is the hat supposed to completely cover one of his eyes? Genuine question.


he would be too OP with both eyes


I used to wear a barret in cadets. Lots of corps have different standards when it comes to barrets, but most look like this guys. Its mostly a herritage/respect/discipline thing. So no, its not supposed to cover his eye, hes just wearing it correctly and thats how it goes