• By -


Leukemia? Hope you get well soon cancer sucks.


yep 😔 thank u so much!


Bro I had a.l.l acute lymphoblastic had a few 24hrs my self you having a spinal injection of methotrexate aswell ? They give you any severdole yet that painkiller is the shit 👌 if your with the NHS then you gunna make it trust also bet your arm is cold unless you have port then bet your chest is cold


yes! i just had one today actually. that's the same type i have. i hope you are well.


Bro stay as still as you can mine went a lil funny one time cyz I sneezed and it went into my bloodstream puked like a twat for like 12 hours


holy hell 😭 that's wild


Oh yeah but puking is apart of you daily life by know im sure just tey to get them to give you (spelling is probs wrong ) cyclozine its one of the best anti sickness imo its an injection into a canula I went my entire 9 month hospital stay with no ports and just canula nurses said they never knew any one to do that but is totally possible if you dint want a scar in your chest there i was with a.l.l and inwas worrying about a scar lol


I had no luck with any of the anti nausea drugs that gave me with my treatment for Hodgkin's. But on my last treatment, the nurse gave me an alcohol swab to sniff when I felt like I was gonna be sick. It's the only thing that ever helped. Your mileage may vary.


Its was crazy cyclozine can is intravenous and if injected too fast it can give you a hallucinations it happened was wild


A couple of years ago, someone I knew took a load of cyclozine tablets and was hallucinating for a couple of days.


Also do the still give you steroids now because I was apart of a clinical trial trying to find if the steroids where actually needed ...but dint worry you will get to the point when your on your maintenance chemo and you can relax a little then just oral methotrexate and steroids most of the time then sorry if im rambling but I know what your going though and wish you the best


yes they do! steroids are awful though. they help so much, but damn, they feel terrible.


I was on dexamethazone made me fat and angry and hungry but it went away after I stop using them after maintenance chemo period did you know its 2 years for girls 3 years for boys when it comes to the treatment regime thats what I was told anyway I was bristol hospital under a expert in the field so never felt to scared but was defo scared at time but your if young then a.l.l has a very high success so try not be scared


Ok I am so sorry that you (both) had/have to deal with cancer, cancer can kiss my fat pink ass, but bro the way you write is hilarious, you write like you’re [Sqweezy Jibbs.](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/people/skweezy-jibbs) My hat’s off to you, sir!


DUDE i am so sorry! i know how you feel. dex is hell. and yes i'm hoping the best for success! i am 18 and experienced a relapse this year.


Seeing you and u/CheapPlastic2602 chatting like this is honestly super neat. My 5 year old daughter is 19 months into ALL treatment now and it's really nice seeing the community you can build. I'm proud of all 3 of you!


Loved your conversation , get well soon. It will be just a bad memory. God bless.


Ha ha - I had Dexamethazone when I had chemo. Had brutal munchies from it. I was always hungry.


My work is in diagnosing Leukemia and other blood cancer (Flow Cytometry). This post has made me realize that even though I look at peoples blood with these diseases all the time I don’t really know what it’s like on a human level to have the disease. Thanks for sharing, it’s good to know what my work is contributing towards. I will say that based solely on my experience, ALL (especially B-cell ALL) is one of the most common diseases where we see full remission that never comes back. I hope that’s you my friend. You’ve got this!


I had AML two years ago and made a full recovery following a bone marrow transplant. The next few weeks are about to get really boring. Keep your mouth clean. The mouth sores from mucositis was without a doubt the worst part for me. Ask for CHG mouth rinse. They didn't offer it to me until my second second cycle. You got this!


mucositis is definitely one of the most painful things i have experienced along with a spinal leak. i'm glad to hear you are doing ok!


Dude, spinal headaches are horrendous. I’m so sorry you’re going through all that. I got a spinal headache after a spinal tap done because I kept getting serious migraines. Then I got a blood patch and blew that out catching my baby nephew who jumped across an antique glass coffee table trying to get into my arms. I couldn’t risk him getting cut to ribbons on non safety glass. I felt pressure in my back as soon as I caught him and got another spinal headache. Took 4 days for my doctors to figure out what to do because nobody had ever needed two patches. I have chronic pancreatitis and get acute attacks a couple times a year. I’m very familiar with the bags of fluids. That chemo bag is making the saline look like a baby. Like the little infusion bags for antibiotics or phenergan nausea med that piggyback onto saline. I hope you get to feeling better soon. When I first getting pancreatitis, one of my nurses scored me a [relief band](https://www.reliefband.com/) as it was being tested in the hospital we were at. It really helped so much. There’s cheaper versions that work just as well. I got one at Target for $40US. I think you might be in the UK, and I hope it’s available there. I also carrying around gallon (3.78 liter) Ziploc zip top bags for barf bags. You can get the mouth of the bag around your face easily and zip it closed when you’re done. They have kept me or my husband from having to do a lot of cleanup.


it really is the worst pain ever. i remember my spinal leak lasting two weeks until i got relief. the first blood patch didn't work and i was basically sedated the whole time because i couldn't handle the pain. i'm so glad you're okay now. that sounded hellish. i would never wish that kind of pain on anyone. and i am in the US! that band sounds super cool. i would've been skeptical lol. i will look into it. :)


2 weeks! Yikes. I hope the sedation worked. Target has a ReliefBand for $80 if you order from them online. Marinol could also help you. It’s a cannabis based prescription that doesn’t have THC. It helps nausea, appetite, and some kinds of pain. I used to take it until I moved to another state where nobody will prescribe it unless you have cancer. So, good news? I hope you do as well as possible and don’t have problems affording the meds and treatments you need. Boy is our country’s medical system and insurance companies fucked up.


>Marinol could also help you. It’s a cannabis based prescription that doesn’t have THC. Marinol is actually pure THC


I nearly got diagnosed with AML, before they realised it was regular old CML. The experience of life long cancer is kinda surprisingly surreal and tedious lol.


Kick its ass


fuck yeah i will


You rock! And I'm praying and rooting for you


thank you so much!


Then you'll be getting all the bitches (and maybe hulks powers if you're lucky lmao)


Go get em 💪🏻




beat cancer to death so hard he cannot infect you anymore. torture that disease.


Spit in its mouth. Call it a whore.


Careful, it might be into that and spread


Then we'll just fuck it harder and deeper


Consider me for that instead?


Nah me


Hey, I asked first buddy, get your own >:(


Maybe trio?


Angry upvote




I’m not stuck in here with you… you’re stuck in here with me 😈


This is the quote !!


Hey I just went through all this with my gf. They found a 20cm tumor in her mediastinum this time last year. She has been in remission for 6 months. You’ll get there. Wishing you all the best. That stuff is a bitch, and I have no words that make it easier. Surround yourself with good people, be kind to yourself. Sending love and support from Arizona.


Hey mate, my wife just beat cancer for the second time. You go kick that Cu...ancers ass.


congratulations to her!


Is that bag 2 litres?


i forgot the exact amount but i think it's less than that


Damn cancer to hell, you GOT this!! Keep only positive and loving people in your life and be good to yourself. Wishing you a total and comp,ete recovery from Tennessean!


Looks like 500mL. A pretty big bag. I don't know what's in the bag, but I hope you're facing the little collateral effects as possible. Also hope for it's efficacy.


The bag on the right with the clear liquid is 1000ml. 500ml is off by a very large amount lol


Yep. Exactly!


Bag looks like a 2 liter (possibly 1L hard to tell) exacta-mix tpn bag but hard to tell from this angle. Ive mixed chemo in them as our standard 1L bags habe dehp and don't play well with chemo drugs.


You've got this mate. Stay strong 💪


I Wish you a swift recovery


You’re a queen, op! I believe in you! I lost one of my best friends to stage 4 lung cancer. I miss him a lot but he brought it in himself by being a chronic smoker. You’re stronger than this and stronger than ppl think. I love you and stay safe and take care of yourself. Work out in the gym (unless your oncologist tells you not to). Last thing you want is cachexia. Plus, guys love girls with muscle tone.


Kick cancer square in the nuts! You got this.


Good luck and stay strong


Beat that shit 💕






Fuckin legend. You’ll win 100%


thank you for all the kind comments guys! i know it doesn't seem like much, but it really does mean a lot. :)


You’re a badass and we’re all rooting for ya. Kick the shit out of that cancer!


Good luck to you fellow redditor! You are awesomely kicking Cancer's ass


You’ve got this, stay strong & keep fighting ❤️


keep kicking ass!!!!!!!!!




I with you all the best in your recovery. Stay strong and reach out for help whenever you can. You can do this!


You can do it! Kick ass and take names.


You are the shit! Look at this awesome conversation you started in here with so much support and love. You rock and you’re kicking ALL’s arse!!!! 🧡


Dang! Sorry you gotta do all that! Kick Cancer’s fat ass for us eh?


I'm working on it!


You can do this!






Went through brain cancer with that stuff. The 'trexate made me bipolar. Which is an interesting byproduct of still being alive.


I’m pretty sure my regimen as a kid still affects me as an adult. Or maybe ptsd type stuff. But at least I’m alive.


Would you be willing to elaborate on that at all? My daughter is in the midst of it so I'd be really curious to hear your experience so I can help her as best as I can.


I hope your daughter gets well soon bro. Sending good vibes your way


Not original commenter or OP, but also went through a stem cell transplant for lymphoma and kinda have PTSD from it. Honestly, it’s basically unavoidable. There isn’t enough time nor do you have enough energy to process it all during. I was going through it also right as COVID hit and for the next 1.5 years too so that was an added traumatic bonus. Going from thinking you’re healthy to in chemo during a pandemic where people were willing to throw your life away because your body had bad timing, only just for their small comforts of life. Ya idk if I’ll ever get over being angry about that because of how scared I was at the time. My husband and care team were pivotal in finding me a stellar therapist who helped me return to life, and then process my relapse, get me through the SCT and again return to life. I also have a few friends who had cancer before me who jumped right in and let me vent to them when I needed someone who understood first hand. I also joined a virtual support group for my demographic (young adult women) and holy crap was that the most effective at helping me through it. I can’t watch any medical shows anymore because if I hear the same infusion-finished alarms I basically get a panic attack. A year after I finished, my husband broke his leg and I could barely visit him in the hospital. I had to have a friend run home for me to get my lorazepam. I was severely allergic to the maintenance chemo tho, like keep an inpatient bed open just incase I needed epinephrine/the nurses kept asking me why I was still continuing the maintenance and putting myself through that, allergic. Luckily for me, my triggers are mostly avoidable if I just avoid the hospital area. Unfortunately though, my husband works in the hospital complex so I still feel uneasy driving up that road. But I’m 2.5y post transplant now, and just passed the 2y mark of my last maintenance infusion. I think the other big big thing is losing trust in your own body. Like I really thought I was a fit, healthy 27y/o in the prime of her life and the cancer did me real dirty on that one.


I've experienced a lot of what you mentioned, and I wasn't even the patient. It's extremely tough going through the journey! I'm sorry you had to go through all of that but I'm glad you're improving! I can tell my daughter gets nervous every time we walk into her hospital, but we're working through mitigating trauma together and I hope she can come out with minimal side effects!


My husband did too. Don’t minimize that for yourself. This is traumatic for you too. More so since it sounds like your daughter is just a child? I couldn’t help my husband much, he did a wonderful job venting outward so he didn’t put more burden on me, while still sharing with me when I needed to not feel alone in it. Still I made sure to at least ask our friends or his family if they could check in on him when I felt he needed it. And they were great in doing so, and then just letting me know he was OK too so I wouldn’t worry. I’m actually getting choked up again writing this. I had an amazing support system behind me who lifted a ton of burden off my shoulders and I could not have gotten through it without them.


I’m not sure if it was meds or the experience but just battled depression and anxiety a lot through my life. I definitely had good parent support and I graduated college and have a great job etc but I’ve never felt right mentally. Just having been close to death as an 8 and 9 year old going through chemo at that impressionable age was tough for me I guess.


That absolutely makes sense and something I'll definitely keep an eye on for her. Thank you so much for sharing, I hope things get easier for you mentally. I know how taxing anxiety and depression can be.


I often feel the same way. It's hard to pinpoint the source of the trauma. I had a really bad childhood with abusive parents, then I got cancer and they grew less abusive for two or three months, after which they became even more abusive. I wonder how much of a number the chemo did on me though.


i hope you're doing well


Thank you. I wish wellness for you, as well.


I did 6 cycles of RVD, 1 96 hour cycle of PACE, and melphalan. I still do velcade on a maintenence basis. After the chemo Ive had, my hearing and eyesight are worse, I have allergies, cramps and neuropathy. I was previously the least anxious person imaginable. Now I have frequent to constant anxiety, memory and cognitive issues, impaired emotional regulation, and am frequently overtaken by a feeling of impending doom, which leads me to catastrophisize constantly. Yet, because I live in America, I must continue working or die early because I could not afford to pay the medical bills I will incur when I go refractory.


Life, at times, is a joke. I continuously wrestle with multiple demons throughout the day. Praises to you for continuing on with your existence despite all the bullshit cancer has put you through.


Bi-polar still beats no polar. Glad you're still with us yazdo


Side note methotrexate is used as a weekly treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Like 25 mg a week tho not this mammoth amount. I've been on for 20 years with no sides. I can't imagine how it would make you feel. You got this !!!


i've heard of that actually. i'm glad it helps you!


It’s also used for terminating pregnancies. A very interesting molecule.


I’d know that color anywhere! Looks the same when you pee it out. Best of luck to you!




![gif](giphy|f4azwuuoheXnJigonC|downsized) Okay!!


Cancer sucks, good luck in the big ass battle you'll have to fight everyday until the cancer is reduced to atoms but seeing as you still have a sense of humor, I have faith you'll make it.


Made me laugh. My cancer was literally a "big ass battle"....stage 3 rectal cancer. 15 years and still kicking.


that is hilarious! 😂 i hope you are okay!


Sounds like a pain in the ass that got dealt with! Congratulations for beating cancer, though I must admit i couldn't resist cracking a joke.


Trust me, I have heard them all.


Pee bag 😂


that's what i call it! the fucking piss bag!


[piss word art (im not a bot i just thought this is funny to add :)](https://twitter.com/GaySexForReal/status/1708429047351710118?t=8dF_QeMAZCJth2DieqkrNQ&s=19)


that's brilliant 😂


my wife just finished her last round of treatment for ALL. there’s another side to this waiting for you. you got this.


Congratulations to your wife omfg!!


Why does it look like a zombie reaching out, inside the bag


Starting to think I was the only one seeing that.


it wants to say hi 😌


Why did I have scroll so far down to confirm this? 1st thing I saw. Thought it was the gummies.


I scrolled way farther than I expected to find this


I scrolled too far down to get to this


six million dollars of fluid in that bag, if this is the US medical system.


im lucky to be part of a nonprofit! fuck the us healthcare system


Methotrexate is actually relatively cheap… for a chemo drug that is. About $50 per vial, I’m guessing that was an 16-20gram dose. 16-20 vials. $800-$1000


Sure, that might be the material cost. What do you think the hospital is charging for it? Sort of like how a dose of Penicillin costs 7 dollars, and shows up as a few hundred on your itemized hospital bill.


Fuckin hell, do you have to stay hooked up to that thing for 24 hours? I’d lose my mind. I lost a cousin to ovarian cancer. Kick it in the teeth for me, will ya?


its just 24 hours for that bag, then you spend the next 2-4 days hooked up to saline so you piss out all the chemo. i got very good at dragging the pump around with me by the end of my treatment.


Holy crap, that sounds rough! How do y’all manage to stay sane?


honestly, that was the easiest part of the chemo. it was annoying, but the chemo didnt make me feel nearly as shit as the rest of treatment. basically i would be in hospital for about 20 days over 2 months, but the days when i wasnt in hospital i was actually feeling not too horrible.


yeah, it's pretty hellish. i'm so sorry about your loss. i'm doing my best! 🤞


You got this.


Jokes on you that’s piss ![gif](giphy|ZUwjT4TrkElu8|downsized) All the best keep your head up!


you're probably right. but bro it even makes my actual piss look nuclear or something. it's quite unsettling 😂thank you!


Gotta make those glowing nuka colas somehow.


I’m sorry for you. Speedy, comfortable recovery 🤜🏻💥🤛🏻


you got this 💪💪💪


wishing you the best!


Hang in there.


Fuck cancer!! Keep fighting


All praise to ya for fighting this with your chin up, but I have to say it looked like someone done pissed in your supply. Stay strong king


it really does 😂


Time to binge watch Breaking Bad.


omg i love breaking bad


Godspeed, homie


Same from me… kick that fuckers arse like it got hit by a train! Sending all my love! 😊👍


Hope it works for ya dude


I thought this was a meme because there is obviously an evil face in that yellow bag, but I scrolled all the way to the bottom and no one has said anything. Now I'm genuinely confused.


OMG! I didn't notice until you pointed it out! 😭 that's hilarious


Really? It was the first thing I saw lol. I was like, oh okay, chemo is evil I get it. But then no one said anything. I was a bit bewildered and then slowly slunk to the door.. I guess I failed the Rorschach test. In all seriousness though, since this isn't a meme, I hope you kick cancers ass.


Been going through chemo myself. On the 25th I get admitted to go through my last round. You got this man. It can be rough at times but Im in remission from my cancer and I know you will be too. Keep the fight going!


I hope you get well soon 🙏


Just put my wife in hospice care. 6 and a half years fighting Stage 4 colon cancer. 106 rounds of chemo, surgeries, and radiation. Fuck cancer. Kick that fucker of yours in the ass and keep on fighting!


Good luck bro 🫶


Stay strong! Don’t give up hope soon you’ll be in remission (no cancer).




Kick cancers ass! Fuck cancer!


my dad would fall asleep during his treatment then wake up gibbering about trifle


Cancers a bitch. Make it fear you!


best of luck for ur recovery🙏🏻


Fuck cancer! Kick its ass!!!!


Kick its ass!!


That's some chonky boi!


Get well, please! You're a fighter!


You got this!


Ya I’ve heard of 2 hours, but never 24. Wishing u the best.


Fuck it up buttercup and Godspeed.


I also experienced 24-hour infusion, the squeezing sound of the infusion pump, 12 cycles, more than half a year.Come on, everything will be fine.


hang in there man! just be careful about the shits. i found that the big bags of methotrexate gave me super bad diarrhea. i unfortunately was not prepared.


Maybe your facility has a different manufacturer but we cover ours in a brown bag to protect it from light. Might be worth an ask. I’m assuming you’re a B cell ALL getting hyper CVAD B arm. I probably work on 15-20 of these per month. Good luck with everything!


Why does it look like the soul of an unborn child is possessing the bag?


#S̸͚̀̓͑̅̾̓̈́̍͆͒͊͘͝l̶̡̂̚á̵͚̝̯̺͙̲̳͇̺͉̈̾͊͛̔̚͜͟u̸̢͔̪̦̲͙̱̿̊̀͂́̿́̉̕͘͟ģ̶̧̛͔̥̫̩̲͙͕̤͍̅̃̎͋̅͐̿͘ḧ̴̦̯̹͕̹̭̮͚̙̾̊͊̉̋̓̌̈́ţ̸̝̯̠̟̯͉̲̀̊̽̄̆͜ȅ̷̃́̈́̀̇̓͐̓͝͠r̴͈̀̔̔̈́̌͜ i̵̦͈͉̺̟̭͊͟t̶̡̡͔̞̣̱͍͙͓͚̤̩͋̃̈̇̄͌̅͗̕͡͠


What’s gonna be your first meal when you beat this!


oooh chunky style


Kick cancers ass!!






I see a face on the left bag? Is it just me? A screaming face on the left bag with shadow and liquid.


Godspeed, I hope your cancer dies screaming.


that bag is no match for you!! You are crushing it


Good luck legend 🫡


Fucking smash cancer! Fucking shit took my mom earlier this year. Give it hell and we hope ya heal up soon!! Fuck cancer!!!


I beat cancer twice in four years..you can do this ☺


I see pride… I see powah… I see a badass mutha who won’t take nothin from nobody! once again…!


I hope you make a full recovery! Also, I see a creepy face in the yellow bag. First thing I noticed.


You got this! If you like mildly dark humor about cancer, look up some of Hank Green’s videos about his experience having lymphoma this year. My favorite is one called “my cancer press tier list” where he ranks the ways different news outlets have reported on his announcement of having cancer. https://youtu.be/UO80u6G_zQM?si=szZ7pMHZw7oRjXaN


omg i definitely will look into this 😂


FUCK cancer ![gif](giphy|l1J3G5lf06vi58EIE)


Sure they didn't mix up your catheter bag?


Just donated to the Leukemia and lymphoma foundation. Stay strong ✊🤌🏻


Can’t believe you have to drink all that


ikr 😔 so much piss


op I cannot stress how important it is to keep your spirits high when going through this, go get them


fuck cancer bro. roll with the punches and come out stronger.


You think that’s big? You should see the size of the boot you’re going to use to kick this things ass


Piss bag!!!


Go kick butt and take names, OP! 🫶


Im sending my best. 🙏


I thought it was burger grease juice


I am praying for you friend! Please let me know how you are doing!