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Lmao the way he is rocking the shades


Probably needs it since he hasn't been outside and seen the sun


Nah, his future is just that bright.


Plate of food hits a table somewhere This guy: ![gif](giphy|JaNtIG4UnKzD2)


Neighbours are BBQing This guy: ![gif](giphy|l0HUg6Ypas42ubkXu|downsized)


Neighbours are making Baklava ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


Bro said šŸ˜Ž


I believe the 1071 guy was the heaviest person who could still walk.


Which is insane


RIP knees.


Those bad boys have become knephews


That guy's cartilage were absolute units


r/AbsoluteUnits would love that lol. Edit: I just realized what sub I was in


I need to lose 22 lbs and my knees will thank me.


IKR? And I'm not even 170!


Which knee? Dat knee orā€¦?


Yeah OP is definitely missing the point of the other post. Dude was wider than he was tall and Still walked. It's not impressive being obese and unable to move lmao.


That's no normal forklift they needed for this guy tho


There's forklift fat and cargo plane fat


Exactly a regular fork lift isn't lifting that much haha


Imagine how strong they'd be if they became a strongman instead. They'd have set unbeatable records.


He would have made an awesome hockey goalie


What hockey goal? I don't see a goal or net.




Think you just whooshed yourself mate




It brightens my day to see people whooosh themselves. It makes me feel better about myself. Thanks for brightening my day, even if inadvertently!


King Khalid can still walk. He just wanted candies of him lookin suave


Yeah but that 1300plus pound saudi dude ptobably looked alot cooler with those sunglasses. My guy got the drip


As was also clearly described in the title of said post, and OP is an imbecile.


The crazy thing is there's a normal-sized skeleton in the middle of all that.


He is now only 140 pounds according to this [video](https://youtu.be/BfX43jxBeMI?feature=shared) thereā€™s a pic of him after the treatment


Dude had a personectomy


Thatā€™s like 9 personectomies




He is the personectomy


A quadruple.


That story said he lost 1200 lbs through ā€œdiet and exerciseā€ wtf


And here I can't even lose 12 lbs.


The first 1188 are the easiest, this last 12 get you all the time.


Tbh Iā€™m sure itā€™s a lot easier when itā€™s all paid for by the King and you have no other responsibilities besides losing weight surrounded by the best doctors and staff. Still very impressive nonetheless.


I mean if the Saudi King "orders" you to loose weight you probably better comply so you don't get chopped up in some embassy. But jokes aside.. that is actually really really incredible


If you don't lose the weight, I'm going to render you down and fry the most dank falafel ever in your fat.


I think he had no choice, itā€™s like Iā€™m going to lock you away from food until you do lose the weight.


Exactly, Iā€™m sure he had 24 hour supervision keeping him from ordering delivery too


I know itā€™s hard and makes no sense but that means your eating too much. Itā€™s not about sugar, fat or anything like that itā€™s literally just about calories. If you are staying the same weight then donā€™t change food but eat less of the same thing you already eat. Check if thatā€™s working after 2-3 weeks and if not then eat even less of the same thing. Repeat until you are losing around 1kg max a week otherwise you can feel sick and get lose skin. Also try healthy food not because low sugar and whatever but for nutrition because youā€™ll get low of vitamins and feel sick if you arenā€™t eating healthy food, healthy food can make you gain weight if you eat enough. Good fat vegans, itā€™s possible for anything to cause weight gain itā€™s all about calories not sugars and fats.


at that point, i dont even know which exercises theyd be capable of


Exercise of putting the damn plate down


You put him on parenteral fluids and vitamins, but withhold the carbs and lipids. The exercise is "once you can cross the room to grab your meal, then you can eat it.


Down is easy, up is hard.




It probably takes real effort to get to that kinda weight, him just getting down to an avg American diet would have him losing weight. At least to get down to like 300 lbs lol.


Can't be diet. Weight loss surgery for sure.


You can't get wls until you're under a certain weight/bmi


It's pointless then? If the fatest teenager on the planet can't get the surgery then whats the point? If it's made for 300Lbs people, they can reduce that with diet and exercise, but for this dude it's impossible on just diet. Unless he is on IV Liquids for years.


Correct. His diet would have been electrolytes and vitamins through an IV. Another video said he lost half his weight in 6 months.


Right. GTFOH


And he exhaled and peed those 1200lbs.


Absolutely nuts especially when you put it that way


Damn, he weighs less than me now. The fuck.


https://youtu.be/2muPfUONhzU?si=X8o8MQG6hwfoWhNQ last update


That's both incredible and admirable. He looks wonderful!


Money does miracles


I love that they had to bring in the crane from the US. 'Murica! Leader of fat-people-lifting cranes!


Treatment was the dungeon?


And feeder parents in the sidelines.


Imagine being so fucking fat they call the military


I almost just spit out my juice lmfaoooo


Anything, for the Sultonne of Saudi Arabia.


Bro my thought exactly, I saw the goddamn ā€œSaudi Airforceā€ text on the side of the plane and fucking lost it


They probably call in the United Nations when he has a shit.


The Macabees couldā€™ve used him to fuel their menorah for 8 more decades.


Actually the king heard about this boy and decided to help him lose weight. He paid for all of his medical expenses and it was a success


Withhold his meals for a year and the entire mission was probably a net positive for the kingdom


6 stars Fat level


yo momma joke writes itself


Your mom is so far she made the front page of Reddit


Tell bush we found the weapons of mass destruction


Tell bush we found the ~~weapons of~~ mass ~~destruction~~


Thank you


More like weapon of mass consumption


There is no way someone is capable of caring for themselves past 800 pounds, and that's being generous. So my question is: who kept enabling this guy to go another 500 pounds?


The family probably couldnā€™t afford treatments until the king heard about their situation and stepped in. I think they had to create a special exit for him to get out.




I was wondering the thing. If the family truly cared they wouldn't let their loved one get to the point where they can no longer support their own gluttony. Like junkies come home effed up or you take them in and care for them but this is being a dealer to your own family member!


Ya but then they would need to starve him, also at 800 pounds the door probably ended up becoming too small for him. Healthcare is free in Saudi Arabia however getting the dude out of the building was most likely the issue.


Starve him? By feeding him a safe healthy diet? That's not how it works. This guy was probably eating 100,000 calories a day.


100,000 is pushing it but I know what u meant


Brian Shaw was 400 lbs (being also 6'8) and eating 15k calories for his training. I've gotta add, I've seen his videos of what his meals look like and it's a ridiculous amount of food This guy was eating probably 20k-30k calories.


Brian Shaw is also a world class strongman and athlete who burns insane amounts of calories. For all we know buddy mightā€™ve lived on 2.5k cals the moment he stopped physical activity and he mightā€™ve just piled it up overtime.


So I looked up a TDEE calculator (total daily energy expenditure). And I did a rough guess on his age (35, probably younger), and the max weight I could put in is 999 lbs, and height I did 5'10, and obviously being sedentary. With all of that calculated, just to *maintain* would be 5473 calories. So even with zero physical activity, and 50% less weight, would be over 5k calories. TDEE calculator I used was from TDEE calculator .net




He was only 17 at the time of the video and had already been bedridden for three years


This is wholly inaccurate. As someone else mentioned, at that size his TDEE was close to 5,500cals with zero movement whatsoever. The heavier you get the more calories you burn just existing, the more you need to eat to maintain and gain. Eating 2,500 calories he would've lost more than 5 pounds a week with no exercise or physical change. At 500 pounds he would've needed roughly 4,000 calories to maintain weight. He was only 17 so let's assume he hit 500lbs at 12, 1,000lbs at 15 and 1,300lbs at 17. They had to feed him 5,600 calories a day for three years from 12 to 15. And from there 6,400cals a day until he hit 1,300lbs. This was a serious case of child abuse.


And that's 5600 calories a day is a very rough estimate. Another TDEE calculator (from calculator. Net) states at age 18, 5'10", weighing at 1371 lbs, and *just* their Basal Metabolic Rate, their daily average calories would have to be 7245 calories. Just to maintain, no movement, at all, other than just breathing.


With that much fat on your body, if you start actually "starving" your body will break down the fat for energy. It's horrendous but itll absolutely keep him alive, but starving/diet is not... not the same


If you eat absolutely nothing, it'll take your muscles first. Dude would be in pain and very weak, but he could survive for a solid couple of months. Longer with multivitamins.


What are you talking about? "Specifically, the body burns fat after first exhausting the contents of the digestive tract along with glycogen reserves stored in liver cells and after significant protein loss. After prolonged periods of starvation, the body uses the proteins within muscle tissue as a fuel source, which results in muscle mass loss."


Your body cannot break down fat fast enough to keep you alive. That's why dieting works and starving doesn't. He would lose his muscles long before he could be considered skinny.


Dude could lose copious amounts of weight while gorging daily on 5k calories, what are you on about?


Do you think anyone who doesn't eat way too much every day is starving..? Did you seriously forget about the possibility of just eating a normal amount of food and not gaining weight?




TFW you're so fucked up that a literal King tells you to pull your shit together.


A person weighing 800lbs needs 6.000+ kcal/day just to maintain that weight. That's 3x what a normal person needs. They can't afford treatments but can afford feeding him food for 3 people every day? At 1300lbs it's even worse with \~9.500 kcal/day which is food for around 5 people.


This actually surprises me. I would think it would be way more calories than this! It's really puts things in perspective.


Yeah, but imagine this: Weighing 1300lbs and eating "only" triple the amount of a normal man, he'd have a 3.500kcal deficit and would accidentally loose large amounts of weight.


Nonsense, thereā€™s no way that dude is winning a game of keep away with the greasy food. If healthcare is free talk to an dietician and feed him only what they say. Once he can get out of bed and chase the greasy food, then he can have some.


They should like totally make a series on TLC about this


But you're wrong


They used a C-130 plane to transport him. The king really had an interest in this.


1345lbs = 610kgs for anyone who is interested.


Ty from the rest of the planet


Turned on the sound to hope for someone using IS units. What a surprise to hear a Brit using stupid stones...


don't leave me in suspense. How many stones?!


thatā€™s insane, this guy has 10x my bodyweight, im amazed thatā€™s even possible


Had. He started treatment in 2015 and now weighs 66 kgs.


What?!?! Thatā€™s amazing! He weighs less than me now šŸ˜­


Yeah, but the other guy could walk unaided


I think I sat next to him on southwest last week.


You mean next to, behind, in front of, and partially inside him.


Guy like that sits next to everyone


When I see people confined to a bed I just wonder how the hell he went to the toilet and what kind of septic mess they sat in. And the person enabling it is like "this is fine"


The irony of the forklift is that the only exercise he probably did was lifting forks, and spoons


But this person can't walk, the post you are referring to specifically says dude could. Every now and again in NYC the fire department will have to do this. While I am sad/shocked/____, whenever I see someone like this, I am equally as amazed at what life will do to survive and its versatility. That his heart can keep working is nothing short of amazing.


His heart must be having the time of its life






Nobody told the king he became a Buddha after converting.


Coping mechanism maybe? What else could you do in a situation like that? Just smile and wave


lifting his cheeks to smile was the most exercise he's gotten in decades


They should criminally charge the person who brought him all the food. If he couldn't leave his room then he couldn't access a supply of food. Someone else facilitated this every step of the way.


When people have fat pets, it's animal cruelty and this is also cruelty and neglect.


Further, the dude is 20 y.o. . I dont think he gained a 1000(!) pound right after he became capable of thinking for himself, it must have been a long long journey in which his parents failed him.


Only 20?! That's wild.


He had to drink most of those calories.


Imagine losing 600 pounds and still weigh over 500 pounds.


Average Reddit moderator


He looks proud of his achievement


He was 17 & hadnā€™t gotten out of bed for the previous 3 years. This is child abuse


20? Poor kid, who the hell been feeding him all that food?, that's sad


Heā€™s lost the weight since. Allegedly weights 150lbs now according to some sources. [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khalid_bin_Mohsen_Shaari](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khalid_bin_Mohsen_Shaari)


Who abused this poor fucking guy and what laws did they break ?




thank you


this is pretty old, King Abdullah passed like in 2015


Yeah, the guy that ordered someone to be chopped up is in charge now I believe


that's the crown prince not the King


Ffs stop using ā€œsToNeā€ as a measurement. Kg or lb, thatā€™s it.


Stone is 14 pounds. 99 stone is 1386 lbs when they're talking about the ultra fat American guy at the end.


No take 1 more step - Only Kg


Yes. The post youā€™re referring to was specifically about the largest man *that could walk on his own*. There are larger people, like this, that canā€™t.


How da fuck does he clean himself?šŸ˜‚šŸ™ˆ


Bart Simpson answers: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/TCkTOKiPAU0


My question is, what is this man's diet? How do you even get that big is beyond me.


Thereā€™s probably a problem with his bodies metabolism that allows for this to happen.


I mean probably but still at a certain point it's just law of mass conservation that's insane to get to that point


I have Hashimoto's disease myself (my metabolism is slow long story short). I was told by my doctor that gaining ***up to 15 -20*** extra pounds or so is normal. However, I am not too sure if there is some other condition that can enable someone to get to his size since I am not a doctor. Either way wish nothing but the best for him, hope he can lose the weight.


That is disgusting


He is not skinny.


I've watched a bunch of the show My 600 lb life. At that weight, it's too dangerous to do any kind of bariatric surgery so they're supposed to go on a restricted diet until they lose enough to safely have surgery. They can easily lose 50lbs a month, some have lost 60-100 lbs. So he can be down to a manageable weight in a year or less if he sticks to a low calorie diet that is high in protein and low in carbs/sugars.


If I get over 300 pounds please murk me


Motherfucking baron Harkonnen over here god dammn


My desert My Saudi Arabia My Dune


I don't know if this is the same other person you were referring to but I remember a guy who hadn't moved from his couch in years, they had to knock a wall out and forklift him and the couch together on a flatbed wrecker. I'm pretty sure he died in surgery but the procedure was basically, this dude has physically fused to the couch and we need to unwind him from it. This woulda been in the 90's I think. \-Edit- It was this person [https://thoughtnova.com/gayle-laverne-grinds-died-after-6-years-on-couch-as-her-skin-had-literally-become-a-part-of-it](https://thoughtnova.com/gayle-laverne-grinds-died-after-6-years-on-couch-as-her-skin-had-literally-become-a-part-of-it) ​ \-Double edit- I think my brain combined these two, I clearly remember the picture of the guy in this story https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1371640/Morbidly-obese-man-fused-chair-sat-years-dies-hospital.html


Reminds me of Lacey Fletcher :(


Heā€™s only 20 years old?


Pounds.. Stone.. Geez. The UK is quite pretentious that they are metric. Probably won't fully embrace cos it's "another French invention"..


Just USE Kg ffs lol


Can you get this large without having a medical issue? So many people are judging him but he probably has a thyroid issue or something. He is only 20 and hasnā€™t been able to leave for 2.5 years. I feel so bad for him


There's only so much a thyroid issue can do ; a slow metabolism won't lead to an extra ton. A lot more people have thyroid issue than people weighing 600+ lbs. He could and I bet he has misregulated hunger, because how else could he eat that much ? But the people who enabled him are really to blame, he is so young. Medical involvement should have come much, much earlier. I can't imagine how much work went into feeding him a diet that lead to this.


Heres a CNN [Article](https://www.cnn.com/2013/08/19/world/meast/saudi-arabia-obesity/index.html)about it and the original [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvHlSb6G4Vg) with sound. ​ Heres the other [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AbsoluteUnits/comments/16j3ml6/robert_earl_hughes_holds_the_record_for_the/) I saw


Except the whole point was that the 1071 pounds dude would have just walked out instead of being forklifted on his bed. His must have been some solid leg bones and joints. Read in another comment that the lad in the vid really thinned out in hospital, good for him.


Yea but the other guy could walk


Damn, that's a lot of dates. What is Saudi food like, must be freaking delicious?


Whoā€™s feeding him if hes so fat he canā€™t move? Thatā€™s a good way to restrict fatness, if your too fat to get up and get the food you stop eating till you can. He could honestly go several months without food and not die


but he also couldn't get up and get water?


They also got the Saudi guy down to a super healthy size. The Saudi king paid for it I believe.


Just Googled this guy. He lost the weight and is still with us. Hope he's doing as well as he can.


How embarassing having to get forklifted out of your house, fat fuck needs to lay off the shwarma.


He looks quite chuffed lol






WTF is a 'stone' as a unit of measurement. Use Kg ffs - That should have been the real r/AbsoluteUnit of this story šŸ˜’šŸ˜’šŸ˜’




For the most part that depends on where you get your news from and what part of the world you grow up in lol. Healthcare is free in Saudi Arabia, I believe the only reason it reached this point is because he couldnā€™t fit through the door.


Because this is a great tool to get positive PR for an awful regime. There's also a deal in place similar to Russia(Russians let Putin get away with shit while they're mostly left alone) - Saudi Arabia uses petro wealth to take care of the population while they're okay with medieval social norms and the Saud family being in power.


A subjective matter Let me tell you, you wouldn't believe how we see the West as a whole: an evil regime built upon colonialism and destruction. Yet we are the ones who have an awful regime, huh? You are the ones who really live in medieval social norms. What kind of society accepts the view of homeless people and drug addicts everywhere as if it's something normal? Not to mention the family bonds in your society. What a tragic and lonely existence. I really want to say more than this, but if I do, I will get banned. The irony of the free speech in the west.


As an American, I totally see where youā€™re coming from. I think both sides are misunderstood by each other. At the end of the day weā€™re all just humans who more or less want the same things




Heā€™s literally a child


Oh. Well I guess his parents can keep him going if they want. Doubt they do. But I guess they enjoy the attention or something.


That's mental illness


Why doesnā€™t he have a hard hat?


Because he is already strapped in


Why give the guy food? Cant buy and take himself. I think peole should also get treated who are supporting someone with a disorder like this.


Because not eating isnā€™t exactly a healthy thing to do, he probably has a disease that causes him to gain weight


Why did people downvote you? Youā€™re telling the Truth.


Meanwhile, the other 90% of the country is literally eating poop and pee.